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1Family Jewels [Mission/P] Empty Family Jewels [Mission/P] Sun Aug 21, 2016 3:41 pm




Another long night left them exhausted.

Yasuo yawned like a small bear and cracked the bones in their body with a satisfying pop.Looking around, the hype had died down as the morning rolled in. Drunkards were pulled off tables and kicked out. The dancers went to the backroom, picking up stray ryo, and smoked, counting their earning. Security was changing as the shifts did and the place was getting empty as it was closing for now. One them said goodbye to Yasuo to which they smiled and waved away before returning to cleaning. Since they initially came to this club, Yasuo had returned several times as they felt more at home at seedy establishments like this. It even reminded them of their younger years, a past they didn’t quite enjoy to remember but the thought of the brothel and the alluring red light was welcoming, reminding them of friends no longer amongst the living and others who shunned them after the incident. Some of the woman here, reminded of the fallen. Establishments like these were plentiful especially in large villages but few made them feel nostalgia. A feeling that was both endearing and heartbreaking. Perhaps that was why, outside of the manor and work, they often frequented the establishment.

It was only after a month has passed that one of the girls invited Yasuo to talk. It was almost like an interrogation to which irked Yasuo but they were used to such however when they paused and burst into laughter did they feel at ease. They initially thought Yasuo to be a creep because of their aura but they acted cordially enough and with an explanation from the kurohebi, had no poor intentions. They even offered to let them hang out in the back and with a bit of alcohol and some fun decisions, Yasuo secured a part time job. Initially as only a stripper, then security, and currently bar tending. The twins of course were not a big fan of when they heard of it but since they were often out of the country doing various missions as mercenaries, they complied seeing as the workers meant no harm and meant well even if a couple of them had eyes on Yasuo, making Hikari more murderous at times. Yasuo chuckled at the memory before putting the last of the glasses in a rack to dry.

As they were done cleaning up and got their pay for the night, one of the security guards stopped them from leaving. It was one of the genin corps who was helping out. A nice fellow but got a bit overwhelmed with this type of crowd. They didn’t talk much, mostly because of Yasuo’s eyes and ghastly death aura, but when they did, it was polite enough. The lad however hardly if ever, initiated contact so when they did, Yasuo paid attention. The lad was nervous and gulped before steeling themselves and asked Yasuo if they would like to accompany them to the administrative building. Yasuo wondered why but out of the corner of their eye they saw one of the girls mouthing at them to just go so Yasuo smiled and nodded.

The walk was a bit awkward and silent for a few minutes before the lad broke it. They rambled a bit before Yasuo patted them on the head and explained their intentions. They saw how Yasuo acted around everyone and although several bad rumors floated about Yasuo, time spent with the kurohebi opened their mind and they wanted to apologize for their behavior. Yasuo chuckled, forgiving the lad and ruffled his hair. Doing so finally broke the ice and let them start over. By the time they reached the building they were having a good conversation and enjoyed each others company, much to everyone's confusion. The lad however had to hand in his mission report and parted ways with them, promising to hang out some time to which they agreed.

As soon as they were about to leave they figured since while they were here, and were a bit tired, they might as well pick up a mission. The only 'missions' they had were repairing the manor and they didn't visit the admin building often so they figured today was the day to break the cycle. Walking up a front desk that was empty, Yasuo smiled, and requested a mission. Many were watching, whispering and feeling tense. Thankfully the attendant was used to Sero's days here and wasn't too perturbed. They handed them a scroll to which Yasuo thanked for and went on their way.

Once outside, Yasuo opened the scroll and read the description. Late last night a burglar stole a emerald jewel necklace and some other items from one of the wealthy families of the village, recover the stolen property and bring the culprit to justice. A picture was attached of the stolen jewelry to which they inspected and figured it would catch a decent price at a pawn shop, so they began walked towards the ones they knew off whilst reading the rest. The was a robbery at the homes of one of the wealthiest families in the village, the trail is cold and it will be hard to find the thief, given only the picture of the stolen necklace you must find the it and the other stolen objects before the thief is able to pawn them to a fence.

Just they finished reading the details of their task, they heard some folk arguing. Curious, they hid behind a trash bin and felt he recognized the men. Or at least one of them. Looking back at the picture they were provided, they realized who it was. Feeling this was wonderful luck, they got up. Doing so interrupted the meeting, and the suspect almost dropped the necklace. Grinning, Yasuo gathered chakra in their throat and howled. The attack hit the man dead on as he was going to hop a fence and he crashed in a wall that was conveniently close and groaned. Yasuo sprinted close and loomed over, the man now receiving the full feel of their death aura and pissed himself, begging for mercy. They were tempted to kill him but remember they couldn't so they sighed internally and arrested him.

1053/1000 Mission Complete

Jutsu: Fujin's Will: Howl


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