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Maigo felt... cold and alone, lost in the empty void of his mind. He could see himself, standing in that dark abyss and wandering around, aimlessly and apathetically. The last thing he could remember... his consciousness, that is, was being torn to shreds by Sero in a foolish fight he should have never initiated. And Mishiki... she was gone too and that was his fault. Fading in and out briefly from time to time. He remembered Sero, leaving him at the scene, to die perhaps and be left as the sole arbitrator? Was that it for him then? Was this death? Just nothingness...

A small crack in his vision, a brief admittance of clarity as light burst through his eyelids briefly with scorching intensity. He heard a voice, someone leaning over him, Maigo groaned and tried to roll, he didn't know if his body responded or not, but he felt the persons hand on his shoulder, a voice ringing out, yelling as loud as he could, "Hey! He's still alive!"

Someone else was here? He thought to himself, it was a woman's voice that he heard, the hand pressed on him and calming words, "Stay with me kid, come on, stay with me..." the tone was hurried, rushed, and frantic as another body approached. Maigo's eyes started to fade away, back to darkness, he had no will to remain awake right now, he tried to cry out to the people there, all that would escape was a simple, "I..."

And that would be it, Maigo would be back under wherever he belonged and wherever his mind would drag him.

Maigo felt... cold and alone, lost in the empty void of his mind. He could see himself, standing in that dark abyss and wandering around, aimlessly and apathetically. The last thing he could remember... his consciousness, that is, were those two bodies and that woman's voice. What happened to him, he wondered? Did they kill him or did he slip away on his own. But this place, this empty world felt familiar, like he had been here before and was doing something.

What happened before then? Was his mind failing him? Why were his thoughts broken, or perhaps this was death. Lost to wander about in nothing with none of your thoughts or ideals, set to wander in hopeless recklessness for the world. Panic set in Maigo briefly as he felt the existential crisis set in, he couldn't remember who he was or anything except that voice, and now. He was lost in nothing with absolutely nothing to fall back on. If this wasn't truly death, he had at least most certainly found hell.

A small crack in his vision, a brief admittance of clarity as light burst through his eyelids briefly with scorching intensity. He heard a voice, someone leaning over him, several voices actually and different sounds all the same. What he could see, in his cracked and blurred vision was a man in a white lab coat walking along beside him, his voice was stern and hurried and yet calm and composed all at the same time. He could see white hair of what was left and a white beard, though every other detail faded into the background, "Mark, severe punctures in all 4 limbs, probably from a sword. Extreme chemical burns from... ropes or something of that? Running across the body. Fractured jaw, probably a severe concussion. Scarred and bruised quality: severe..." he continued on to mark every detail on some chart, Maigo sat quietly and listened as he tried to wake up a bit further.

His mind was racing, and then it struck him, all the pain he'd felt all at once across his entire body, instead of moaning he nearly screamed under the pressure and retracted his body. To the surprise of everyone he yelled and curled into a ball, almost to the fetal position, feeling the hot and charred skin pull and crack against itself. Even more pain, it was growing quickly, it was too much to handle, he wondered how he got by like this fighting Sero, it was extreme. He had no rage though, nothing to tether him to reality. Maigo felt hands grab hold of him and try to pull him down, doctors yelling something, something about "cc's" of something else. He felt the injection, it burned against the pain but was blocked out quickly. The next thing he knew, his pain began to subside, slowly, as he faded away back into that abyss again, he heard the man's voice ring out amidst the decline, "We've got to get him into surgery stat, page Yumi as well, we're gonna need another medic to move this along quick..." any more words faded out and fell on deaf ears for Maigo.

He was gone from reality again, his consciousness left to wander in the abyss that was his mind.

Maigo felt... cold and alone, lost in the empty void of his mind. He could see himself, standing in that dark abyss, aimless and apathetically. This time he remembered though, he could see the memory of the doctor and the voice before that, they rang out like bells. But he remembered with gusto, that pain that infatuated his mind, he could feel it still. His consciousness had curled up into a ball and suffered for every excruciating minute, the darkness attacked at it, burned him and scorned him. He remembered more, suffering in his unconscious state, small flashbacks that the darkness stabbed in his mind. Mishiki dying, bleeding out, Sero punching him into nothing, all of the events unfolded. His sharingan evolving burned in his mind as he saw it from the third person for a brief moment. That toxic energy that consumed him and buried his mind in that darkness.

He'd never remembered it before, it was like a monster lingering around inside him, cursing him with every moment. He was lost for those moments, fighting against it and writhing in pain in that darkness, waiting for something to come and rescue him from whatever he was lost in.

The light pierced in once again, scorching at his corneas as he faded back in, he could feel a plastic mask over his mouth and see a woman standing over him. Her voice rang out, "This black chakra isn't letting us operate... it keeps lashing out and nullifying my jutsu."

"I've got the same problem..."

"We're gonna have to call in someone else with more skill, I can't fix anything more than the basic injuries as it i--" her voice cut off, glancing at Maigo, noticing him start to turn his head. "He's waking up..."

"We've got to put him back under, prepare to put him in a temporary coma." the other voice said hurriedly, the others around them were frantically moving about and preparing, Maigo could hear short beeps and muttered voices, nothing distinct outside the two doctors inherently. Small movements, turns of his head, dazed as he was, became more apparent as he sloshed about in the bed. He didn't see much else, hearing only another voice as he began to fade away again, "Do we have anyone that can handle this? He's in pretty bad shape as it is, ignoring that toxic chakra lingering around him and..." the voice cut off as he fell back, limp and drifted off into sleep.

For now, all Maigo would hear was that darkness prodding at his mind, enveloping his conscious self and tormenting him in eternal sleep, until something would happen. His memories flaring up and his thoughts running rapid, it would be some time now, before he woke up again, thanks to their efforts of knocking him out. He did understand his condition was poor... even life threatening with all the blood loss, hopefully though, he'd make it through and not die meekly on the doctor's table.

[1337 words]

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