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A bright and sunny day, the massive orb of flame and light hung high in the sky, giving off waves of heat to the desert village. There was a good breeze through town, stirring through the middle of the marketplace and shifting the sand about lazily. A few tumble weeds rolled down the streets here and there.  All in all, the village hidden in the sand was calm and quiet. Or so it would seem until one moved into the large area just south of a few store fronts. The Grand Bazaar. Where merchants from near and far came to hawk their possessions and wares which were rare and common alike.  There were many different items ranging from weaponry and armor to household items like couches and for some reason: large basins for waters to be used as swimming pools. They had everything and a kitchen sink. Literally. There was one merchant selling a kitchen sink among his wares. Yes, the Grand Bazaar was somewhat like a giant flea market or swap meet but it was the pride and joy of the village's economic stature to be sure. It was here that many people from around the village and outside of the village would gather to meet up with others and peruse the wares for their next needed item or simply to window shop.

There was one man leaning against the wall of a cafe, dressed in a white T-Shirt with a large black dog printed on the front of it, a pair of orange shorts that stop just above his knees and a nice pair of brown moccasins upon his feet. He wore raven colored shoulder length hair loosely today, instead of in the normal pony tail he was accustomed to. He had some hair falling in his face and he'd have to move it with his hand every now and then but his fair skin would thank him for the slight amount of shade. His gold flecked green hues shown behind his bangs, surveying the grand bazaar a bit, looking among the shops and stalls, and many other things such as the merchants sitting on quilts. He seemed to be looking for something but what exactly, maybe he didn't truly know. He seemed to be content with just looking around at first before he got up to look around a bit more enthusiastically. Sasijimi started to hum a bit to himself as he looked from one stall to another, and stopped at one with a large quantity of weapons.

He rubbed his chin in thought. He just couldn't decide exactly what he wanted at the moment. As a genin he lacked the necessary training to wield some of the stronger weapons that were available, but he still wanted them quite badly. Not to mention his lack of funds. He had a good amount of ryo from doing missions and saving up but the weapons he liked, in particular the sharp shiny ones, cost anywhere from ten thousand to thirty thousand ryo. Training weapons were well within his price range but he didn't need weapons to train with he needed something much stronger. He was just very unsure of what he was going to do in terms of finding a better or even just new weapon to add to his arsenal. The armor he was looking at seemed to be nice quality and would probably work for him well, he just wasn't sure if he wanted to buy some armor and offset his whole armorless ninja look. Though practicality should outweigh style, right?

This was kinda hard.

WC: 605



The special jounin walked down the streets of the grand bazaar with a relaxed expression. His jade eyes and hair that matched seemed fresh and well groomed. For once, he actually had purpose and it was actually kind of nice. It gave him the much needed motivation to actually train and become stronger. He had thought about it for a day or two and he had decided that learning a weapon for close quarters combat would be helpful. He couldn't always rely on his bow, after all some people weren't effected by arrows. He could remember looking through the styles for something that looked fun, and then he saw a whip sword. He didn't have the training for it, but as soon as he bought one, he would.

As he approached one of the weapon stands, he noticed there was nothing like what he wanted there. With a sight, he would turn and head to another four lots down. This one had several whip swords and chain whips. Just the place he was looking for. As he browsed, he notice a green whip sword that was basically screaming at him to be bought. It was perfect, and he looked the price. It was reasonable and he had it on him. He would get the attention of the shop owner before giving him the ryo and taking his prize. A sheath came with it, and so the sword was slid in and put away at his hip. He glanced over to see a man standing there rubbing his chin and he decided on a new weapon to get. Kenshin got how the choice could be hard, but he wasn't a social butterfly by any means. He would debate it for a few more minutes before walking up. "Need some help deciding? You look stuck on the amount of choices." He would say with a look around the shop. Hopefully, he wouldn't look at Kenshin weird or yell. He was actually trying to make friends, for once at least.

Word Count: 342



Sasijimi heard a voice and turned. The male had asked if he needed help deciding and for a second, the ninja seemed a threat. But Sasijimi quickly dismissed this. For one, if he were a threat, he'd have attacked instead of spoken. Secondly, Sasijimi didn't have his weapons so there wasn't much of a point to being on edge, in case he was wrong. With a smile, he turned from the many different items on display to speak to the other shinobi. "Well, I'm not trying to buy another weapon right now, I have two that will be enough for now, at least until I have the training for stronger ones. I was considering buying some armor though. I missed the chuunin exams and so I have to rank up normally now, and I figured taking on more dangerous missions I would need armor to protect my delicates. So to speak. I'm just really unsure on the cost and how much I can get with the very little training I have. It's just hard."

Sasijimi sighed and rubbed his temples, turning his attention back to the armor on the stall, and hanging on the walls, as well as sitting on blankets. There was so much and so many choices. He was never a very indecisive person but he had to get something he could really put his trust in to protect his life.

WC: 239+605 = 844

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