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1Lonely [private/nk/Li Yonokaze] Empty Lonely [private/nk/Li Yonokaze] Thu Jul 07, 2016 10:12 pm




Kaiya sighed and walked around the bazaar. There wasn’t much to do, and she wasn’t particular feeling well, despite just having become an official shinobi. A genin. Despite this being an achievement in and of itself, she felt down. It was barely a step in the right direction. One step in a thousand she must take. And the academy graduation hadn’t exactly gone well. Neither of her parents had shown up. She knew why, but still. They hadn’t been there. And that hurt. She really had no family in terms of how a family should be. Her mother was a drug addicts her father gambled most of the money away. Kaiya was the responsible one. She was the one who did what had to be done to make ends meet. When there was no money for food, Kaiya had done all she could so they didn’t starve. It was those drugs that were why her parents hadn’t shown up. Her mother high, had caused quite a disturbance coming to get Kaiya after the academy was out. Kaiya's parents hadn’t even known she was attending at first. They were that gone. The weight of all this was weighing down on her heart.

Kaiya shook her head in an attempt to clear it. The light of the evening sun hung in the sky, threatening to set in a couple hours. The heat of the day had begun to break. Shadows covered much of the grand bazaar, each stall and each shop building throwing a long shadow, so that the bazaar looked more mysterious than normal, if only because the shadows hid some things from view. It was because the head of the day had broke that Kaiya was Not taking as many precautions as normal. She wore a skirt that came down to her knees, perhaps a little more. It was a sandy white color, trimmed in blue that matched her eyes. Her blouse was the blue color entirely. Her shoes a mix of both. It was one of her favorite color combinations. Her hair,in a high ponytail so it brushed her shoulders fluttered in a momentary breeze.

Dear Loren she needed something to do. Something, anything. She didn’t want to be herself right now. She didn’t want to be stuck thinking these thoughts. It hurt and was pointless… but… They wouldn’t go. And that was a major problem, because Kaiya was Not too far from a breakdown of nothing happened. Kaiya shook her head again and ambled to what looked like a mix of cafe and diner. It wasn’t bad looking either, it had a fairly cozy air. Maybe food or drink would provide a distraction. A small bell tolled the entrance of what the employee's hopes was another customer. Maybe this was a mistake. Perhaps she should just go home and go to bed. But the idea of being alone in her new apartment made her flinch. Indeed, she did give the slightest flinch as the should about it. It wasn’t that she hated it. She loves the apartment, despite it's smallness. It was strictly 1 bed one back, with a mix of living room and kitchenette. It was cozy and nice. But being alone was a prospect she couldn’t bear fat the moment. Even if the people around her didn’t acknowledge or speak to her.

Word Count: 557

2Lonely [private/nk/Li Yonokaze] Empty Re: Lonely [private/nk/Li Yonokaze] Fri Jul 08, 2016 3:41 pm

Yonokaze Li

Yonokaze Li

li sat at the far table of a cafe-diner drinking a medium tea trying to relax from a day of doing nothing which is takes a lot of energy cause of having to look for something to do. As he sat there remembering his past and thinking how much his grandparents hate him for the life he chose or how lonley his life is. Sure Li lives with his uncle but he is always on missions so Li never really sees him, same goes with his parents. He sat there leaning back in his chair and takes a sip from his cup still thinking. "Maybe I should do a mission tomorrow or even find someone to spar and practice with who knows, so I don't have to be doing nothing all day like today" He thought to him self as he took another sip before leaning forward and leaning his head on his hand and tapping the table. "Maybe I should just pay for my drink and head home. Who knows my uncle might be home." He thought to himself as he sat up and looked around out of boredom.

Just as he was about to leave he heard the bell of the door ring as someone walked in. What he saw caugh t his eyes. It was a beautiful girl that had some cool looking eyes and lips that seemed to match her hair. Its the first time he has seen her around before. He looked around to see that she was alone and barely even noticed that there were very few people here. He thought for a second about what he should do before getting an idea. He got up and walked to the cashier who asked if he was already paying. He said no and told her that what ever she buys to put it on his bill as he pointed to the lady who just entered the cafe. The cashier smiled and said she would before going back to her work. Li went back to his table and sat down taking another sip of his tea before seeing what the girl was going to do. He was hoping that him paying for her meal might help convince her to join him so he doesn't have to be alone and bored.

As he waited he went back to thinking of what to do next and whether or not he was being a fool and making a mistake. He shook his head to get rid of all doubts before taking another sip of his drink, finishing it off. "Now I wait like an idiot." He said with a chuckling at himself before rolling his eyes. This is the first time he tryed to hit on a girl this way. "Hopefully she doesn't make a ridiculous order." He thought to himself remembering how poor he is when it comes to ryo. It doesn't help that he hasn't done any missions in long while, but that's his stupid and lazy fault." I have to do a mission sometime this week. I need the rewards." He thought to himself as he got up to get a refill.


3Lonely [private/nk/Li Yonokaze] Empty Re: Lonely [private/nk/Li Yonokaze] Fri Jul 08, 2016 6:27 pm



Kaiya looked around. There definitely were not many People. But it was at least somewhat cozy. It was definitely better than being alone at the apartment. Kaiya has barely entered when someone else went to the counter and talked to the person there. Unfortunately Kaiya hadn’t heard him due to being rather preoccupied. Kaiya approached the counter slowly, eyeing someone who had looked at her. It had been the same man who she presumed had went to order another drink or some such. But she looked away, and checked a menu above the counter. After hesitating, she pulled out her purse and gave a tentative look inside. There wasn’t much. She was just a genin. Food, the apartment, and food for her parents who might forget to feed themselves properly left he with fairly tight budget. She wasn’t likely to get any food. She could cook. But… A drink would go down well. Something hot to help burn away the lump slowly building in her throat.

As Kaiya was checking the state of her piece, less a big fancy purse many women carried and more akin to a semi feminine wallet than anything, the lady at the counter bent towards her slight, smoky slyly. “You needn’t bother. It’s been taken care of.” Kaiya looked up at her confusedly. “That young man from earlier has paid your bill” The lady was quiet when she spoken in order to not draw over much attention. Kaiya went beet red and considered protesting, but wondered if it would do any good. And it might be offensive. Kaiya shook her head, clearly somewhat abashed. After taking a moment, she ordered a chai latte and decided the least she could do was go with with the guy who had bought her drink.

Kaiya walked over and sat down, still blushing and half hiding her face. You seen due to her upbringing she was more shrewd and less naive than many her age. But she hadn’t really been flirted with much before. Let alone this way. And her face showed this rather clearly. ”Umm… th… Thank you. Err… My name's Kaiya.” rarely as she spoke she would look towards his eyes then dart her own away from his. Well… she had wanted to be distracted… It would be wrong to say he wasn't good looking. His black shirt with dragons looked nice, and went well with the desert camp pants. His long black hair was not a particular letdown either. All together he looked rather had some, though Kaiya was trying not to think those exact things. The lady arrived not long after with a cup of steaming chai latte. It was a drink Kaiya was rather fond of, and was a sort of latte made with chai tea. Kaiya took the drink in her hands, glad for something to do with them at last. Kaiya shook her head momentarily to clear it and looked at the guy properly for the first time. She owes him that much, though that wasn’t exactly why. Kaiya disliked being so wrong-footed visibly.

Word Count: 515
Total Word Count: 557+515=1,072

4Lonely [private/nk/Li Yonokaze] Empty Re: Lonely [private/nk/Li Yonokaze] Fri Jul 08, 2016 7:50 pm

Yonokaze Li

Yonokaze Li

Li looked up in a way that wont be noticed to see that the cashier was telling the girl something and pointed at him. He held back a smile of hope as the girl walked towards his table and sat down. He heard her shyly say thanks as he took a sip from his drink. "heh no problem at all I just thought it would be a fun way to get your attention and hopefully have you join me. Its boring just hanging out by yourself, wouldn't you agree?" He asked barely even turning red while trying to keep his cool. "also my name is Li Yonakaze. Nice to meet you kaiya. He asked politely before taking another sip. His emotions inside were in a stir, one part of him is saying that he should be careful cause he doesn't even know her while the other is saying to try and at least be friends if not more. He just didn't know what to do. "Well I got her over here and introduced my self so I may as well keep going" he thought to himself as he looked out the window at the sunset admiring the view. He always loves sunset and sunrise to him its one of the most beautiful things.

He then looked back at her and saw almost the same thing in her. Almost like she is hiding something beautiful inside behind her own physical beauty. He made up his mind and has now made his own mission. The mission to get to know kaiya from past to present. Then maybe he just might of found someone worth keeping in his life, and if not then at least he tried and actually did something then sit and be lazy and bored. He quickly looked down at his cup to keep from being caught staring at her. It wasn't till a second later when he looked back and saw that she had head band around her neck. "hey so you are a ninja as well? Cause I am. But I'm only Benin for now but I'll get to the top ranks no problem." He said to add some enthusiasm to the Conversation as he also showed her his headband around his arm.

Him finding something in common reduced his nervousness by a whole lot since she came to his table. Now he waits and hopes she will keep the conversation going so it doesn't end up being a giant train wreck and embarrassing him. Granted no ones there to notice the embarrassment but he would still remember it and it will always haunt him till death. Not realizing while he was thinking he was still staring at her and as he snapped back to reality he lost his cool for a second with a small blush. He looked down and took a deep breath regaining his coolness before looking back outside the window as the sun was partly gone over the he looked out he about how The day may be ending but from the looks of things his day may only just be starting and hoped that when his day does end it will be on a good note and possibly end with her being there.

Total WC 558+533=1091

5Lonely [private/nk/Li Yonokaze] Empty Re: Lonely [private/nk/Li Yonokaze] Sat Jul 09, 2016 1:12 am



Kaiya smiled softly as he replied. Li, it was a good name. It was a unique name. Kaiya liked it. Li took a drink and looked out at the sun that was starting set. It was indeed beautiful. ”There are few things as beautiful as the setting and rising sun huh? I’m not sure anything can hope to rival it. Kaiya could appreciate wanting to watch it. And it was partly To clear her throat again and she took a drink of her latte. Only to find it still too hot for her and she gagged slightly before blushing again and setting it down. Kaiya looked out the window again to cover herself. But he was looking back at her, with something in his eyes, she wasn’t quite sure. He did have good eyes not like hers,his were normal, but handsome. The eyes are the Windows to the soul they say. And if so, Kaiya liked what she saw in his soul. She smiled and blushed again and turned away practically at the same time he did. Dear Loren what was with her tonight. But…

”Oh, yeah. I haven’t been for too long, I was delayed from entering the academy in till I was somewhat older than many. I had more practical things I had to deal with.” Kaiya reached up and touched the headband around her neck softly, for no real reason truth be told. Kaiya imagined she sounded a bit ridiculous. What kids (for many enter as kids really) had practical issues preventing them? ”I was… are… Always the practical one. My parents… my parents do….other things…. I guess. So I sorta did what I had to do make ends meet.” Kaiya wasn’t stumbling a bit over her words due to being embarrassed anymore. It was concern and suppressing thoughts. The last think she felt like doing was scaring such an interesting guy away by talking about her parents. Let alone someone who didn’t seem perturbed by her… Abnormalities.

”So… I’m fairly fresh as genin go i suppose. No real missions under my belt yet.” she was hoping to change that shortly. No one could call finding pets and other grunt work real missions. Kaiya smiled and then threw her mind back to before he had asked. He had looked away… Was he a bit shy or unsure as well? If so the familiar subject seemed to bolster his confidence a bit as he spoke of raising through the ranks quickly. ”I guess I’ll have to try to keep up.” Kaiya smiled genuinely, slightly confident herself.

There was something there. In the air. A sort of feeling she couldn’t begin to explain. As if something almost palpable was in the air between them. A sort of tentative bond. She could feel it. Not quite what you’d call love at first sight. But something more realistic. Something that, if nurtured, would grow into love. A seed was planted between them. But what to say? To try to speak of it seemed foolish. Such a delegate seed she didn’t want to stuff out by being too forward rapid. But she felt this flickering chemistry. She didn’t know what it truly meant, but she knew she didn’t want to scare it away. So then… how best to proceed? Best to talk gently of small things then, without being too direct. ”… What do you want to do when you get stronger? Be in the anbu? A typical jounin? Lead a squad?” Kaiya knew without knowing that the chest way to nurture this tentative bond was to learn more about him, with slow caution. ”I uh… don’t really have any plans myself… I have thought of joining the anbu. But… anbu take on second identities cut off their family and everyone else who isn’t one too out of their lives to serve the village first. Not forever…. I mean… but… I am not sure if I’d be able to do that.” Carefull, don’t imply she’d cut him out.

Word Count: 690
Total Word Count: 1,072+690=1,762

6Lonely [private/nk/Li Yonokaze] Empty Re: Lonely [private/nk/Li Yonokaze] Sat Jul 09, 2016 9:57 pm

Yonokaze Li

Yonokaze Li

Li kept looking out the window enjoying the view of the suns last moments before night takes over as the lights in the building and on the streets turn on. The beauty about sunsets and rises is that its the time where two opposites, Dark and Light, come together but instead of it being a clash it turns out to be this beautiful that is probably why it has no rival...well maybe not." He said with a sly smile hoping she gets the compliment but trying to be subtle about it so he doesn't come off as a flirt or worse. First impressions are very important especially to him so mistakes are something he really wants to avoid. At this point he knows now that he can take things slow but to not jump up. Besides its not like he has anything to do for the night. He can stay to hang out and talk with her till sun rises if he had to. It would mean just having to buy a coffee to stay up but yeah he would.

He turns to face her now since they have an actual conversation going and doesn't like to be rude and has always believed that when talking to someone you look at them. "I joined late as well. parts of my family hates anything to do with ninjas and the parts that do support me are never around anyways. So really there's not much of a difference. He said while rubbing the back of his neck where the scar is as memories started coming back to him. "My grandparents wont talk to me its so bad. as kids my parents would always be fighting with them and i didn't know why till i chose to become a ninja. The fights were about me and what my future should be. My grandparents wanted me to stay in there group while my parents wanted me to make my own choice." He said looking down to not show any weakness at all to not make things worse.

"As for mission i'm in the same boat as you so it shouldn't be hard to keep up. I really do need to do some though to earn some money. Its bad enough i have to live with my uncle granted he is never around." He said with a smile to cheer himself up and keep things on a good note. He thought for a few thinking of what to do next to hopefully not mess up. He is hoping his story of his past did not bring things down to far. His best bet now is to just keep going and hope for the best and maybe things will get better rather then worse. He sat there listening to her loving the way her voice sounded. it was not to high pitched nor was it deep or raspy. it was more smooth and easy on the ears even when she skips over her words.

"As for my future i plan on becoming either a squad leader or mentor of some kind. I believe that team work is best and if there's anything i can help with is teaching those everything i know and may learn between now and then and it means that i can stay close to friends and family as well. He responded with a smile now looking back up to her. "As for the anbu thing if you do not feel comfortable with it then maybe its not something you should do. there are plenty of things you can do. maybe even join me." He said now with a sly smile. "What kind of fighting style do you have? I use a katana and my element is Raiton and no its not erratic i can naturally control it and even change its colors unlike most people." He said with a slight smile hoping to impress her in some way.


7Lonely [private/nk/Li Yonokaze] Empty Re: Lonely [private/nk/Li Yonokaze] Sun Jul 10, 2016 12:12 am



Kaiya watched the sunset as well, the time ticking by as the sun lowered, painting the sky. Red, orange, even purple as the sun set, so the last rays of it’s light touched the buildings and the sky. At last, as the purple too ebbed, night had fallen and lights came on. The desert could be a beautiful I place. Sure the lack of plant life usually detracted from it, but there was always beauty of you looked. Sometimes the harshness could itself be beautiful. Swing life thrive where one would think it wasn’t possible for example. Foxes, lizards, birds, rabbits. The desert might be hazardous but no one who knew it well could claim it was not full of life. Kaiya shook her head slightly as Li began to speak, and listened. He had a point. In a way, it was much like what she was thinking herself. Opposites could come together and be amazing. Day and night, barren but full of life. Kaiya blushed as he stopped speaking, before she even knew why. Li had a sly smile on his face, and it was charming. Even though she didn’t quite buy what he'd said. But she was flattered and wooed anyway. As for why she didn’t quite buy it, She wasn’t like many girls. Herintersexed condition meant she was fairly androgynous. This suited her fairly well many times. But it could be annoying. Sure she had breasts, but not so big that they were always clear, and the lack of curvy body meant she could probably throw people for a loop when it came to gender if she tried. She had been gendered both male and female by people. She didn’t really confirm to the standard image of what made a girl beautiful.

Kaiya took another sip, this time didn’t make a mess of herself. Kaiya was somewhat happy that he either didn't see or hear her slip up, or simply didn’t care about it at all. He spoke of his family. Kaiya wondered what kind of family was like that? It wasn’t that she couldn’t understand family issues… But in her mind family shouldn’t abandon each other. Sure being a ninja meant they… he would have to walk a dark path at times. But… ninja also protected the village and brought money to the village though doing missions. The idea that one would hate them enough to disown a family member who became one. Seemed terribly wrong to her. Unacceptable and cruel. It sounded like he really had no ground under him to stand on. Like nothing was there to hold him up. Kaiya knew that feeling.

Kaiya nodded along as he spoke about missions. At least he had a place to say. Kaiya had been debating giving him room in her small apartment, despite barely knowing him. Mind you not sleeping in her bed with her… Strictly couch… But even that was somewhat ridiculous, to think of taking someone in who you barely know. Regardless… she had been considering it if he had been homeless. Strictly because ninja shouldn't go homeless… yes… not at all was she considering it because she liked him and didn’t want to be alone…. That would be…umm… unprofessional. Yeah, that. But the issue didn’t need brought up, he had a bed somehow. Given the bit about his grandparents she had been worrying. And yet… she was slightly, ever so slightly disappointed. Not that he had a place to go. She was glad of that. The vague and slight disappointment was harder to define and pinpoint.

”y...Yeah. That's a good idea. I guess the reason I’d been considering anbu is because… Well… if you don’t know now you’ll figure it out eventually… my dad's a chuunin… And… umm… well… a I was born with a twin brother… he died when I was 4. My family just collapsed really… mom got into drugs and dad started gambling… Mom’s addicted to Locus…” Kaiya wouldn’t be too surprised if he didn’t know what that was. It was one of the lesser known drugs. It came from a cactus. The juices in the cactus were concentrated them turned into a powder. This powder caused euphoria and hallucinations, and was incredibly addictive… Partly because it was a euphoric, even without chemical stuff. ”So I guess I’d always just figured I’d do all I could to stamp out drugs… I guess I planned to join the ANBU to further that… but… I could work on that anyway no matter what… my family's got a bit of a reputation…

Kaiya sighed and shook her head. Best be upfront about it. She liked Li… and was scared of him finding out and confronting her later… But then Li changed the subject, switching to fighting styles and abilities. Kaiya would jump on this opportunity to get her mind back off her family. ”Why would I think your ration was erratic? I mean… it’s no more dangerous than any other element really. No one who has ever seen a desert thunderstorm, the waters rushing through, major flooding, etc. Could claim suit on isn’t dangerous. Which… errr… coincidentally is my element. Well… I can also use raiton. Though probably no where near as good as you... “ Kaiya took another drink and smiled. So far he seemed to easily make her smile. ”I’m no great shakes at weapons… I can use tonfa and other basics well enough like anyone else. Practically anyone can use things like a tanto… but… I’d probably just hurt myself with a katana. I use taijutsu mostly. I practice Muay Boran. It’s… Well… what Muay Thai comes from I suppose. Except while Muay Thai’s made for professional fighting and has rules… Muay Boran is… well… No rules I guess. If Thai is the art of 8 limbs… Boran is the art of nine… Headbuts are used as well.. And I augment that with genjutsu… so I guess my style is Gen-Tai-Jutsu? If that isn’t a thing… I guess it is now?” Kaiya shrugged and blushed a bit. ”I’m impressed…. I’d just cut my foot off using a sword like that..”

Word Count: 1,036
Total Word Count: 1,762+1,036=2,798

8Lonely [private/nk/Li Yonokaze] Empty Re: Lonely [private/nk/Li Yonokaze] Tue Aug 02, 2016 12:30 am

Yonokaze Li

Yonokaze Li

Li sits there listening to her and now looking at her now that the sun has already gone and all that remains is the stars and the darkness around. besides the last thing beautiful around was the girl sitting in front of him. he stared while listening to her speak of her family and their issues and thought of how much alike them two are in that part besides the brother Li was an only child. He decided to show her what his family has done to him but decided to wait till she was done talking and see about going somewhere less public or at least somewhere no one goes to. as for the Locus he knew that it was a drug but did not know what it does or what its even used for or where it even came from. She had a drugged out gambling family while he had a strict and Biased against ninjas while the others were always away. as for her plans of stopping drugs he would also wait to talk to her about cause you do not just need to be anbu to do it. As for family reputation he also knows how that is being that his grandparents were in a clan that forbid the ninja way and would turn their backs on those who choose to be ninjas. Not only that they would banish them and mark them so that they could never come back. Family's would even disown their own children cause of it. He still has the scar to remind him every day about it.

Li smiled hearing her talk about her skills and how she seems to put her self down. He Listened to her as he sat there thinking about how much skill she could actually have. "You know what my uncles out of town and i have my place to my self you want to come over...i'd like to show you something and maybe i could teach you how to use a blade?" He asked nervously hoping he is not being weird and sound like he is just looking for a good time. "You do not have to if you do not want to i just would rather be somewhere more private to talk. cause some people do not like some of the things i wish to show you." He said to help clarify his intent. Not like she is not worth a good time in fact she most likely is but that is not his intent and would rather wait till they at least start dating if anything. Just thinking about the word dating made him blush a bit. He would love to date her but it would be best to get to know her more even if she has started to talk about more personal stuff. He shook his head a bit and sighed while he became cool again to try and impress her before standing up and holding out his hand to her to help her up as he waited for an answer.


9Lonely [private/nk/Li Yonokaze] Empty Re: Lonely [private/nk/Li Yonokaze] Thu Aug 04, 2016 6:49 pm



Kayla sighed softly, as if she was trying to see how quietly she could spit, and shook her head to clear it, sending her hair waving around her a bit. The sunset was ending, the sun itself retreated. Kayla wondered idly what else the night had in store for her. Perhaps there was something pleasant at the end. She wouldn't normally think about that, but being where she was, she was feeling hopeful. Perhaps this would be a good night. Perhaps she wouldn’t need to head back home soon. And that was a pleasant thought. She was already feeling more hopeful. Tonight was shaping into a good night. The loneliness seemed to wash backwards as if the tide was going out. Leaving her feel I steadily warmer and happier. As if a tiny sun was warming her up on the inside as the tide retreated. How long it would stay back, Kaiya didn’t know. But… as long as the tiny sun was there… perhaps I wouldn’t come crashing back so strongly when it did. And that was a pleasing thought. One she was ready to embrace. But… there was more to tell him… there was more to be upfront about… Not now perhaps but soon. Before she got more attached definitely. Besides… if they did and up…. Dating… Well…. He's figure it out… or she might have to show him herself eventually… best he be prepared for that shock.

But he had starting to speak. Kaiya looked upwards and into his eyes for several seconds, before looking slightly down, towards his neck and shoulders. Not facing him quite eye to eye. He wanted to take her to his home? Kaiya felt both awkward and someone Nice at those words. But… for what? Kaiya wanted to ask… But could sense that here wasn’t the place. She'd have to take him up on the offer. Well ”Ummm.. Sure… I’ll come with you. I guess I'd understand… There are things I’ll eventually need to tell you too I suppose. And if that comes up tonight…. Kaiya blushed at that, but gave a slightly frightened look all the same, betraying the anxiety the topic brought up in her. ”Well, if it comes up, some places more private would probably be better… I suppose.

Kaiya didn’t quite raise her eyes to meet his as she said this. She could see them, siren but avoided meeting them directly, gaze to gaze. As for why, that wasn’t something easily explained. He's figure it out though if it came up. That was certainly true. Kaiya took the hand he offered and stood. Kayla smiled slightly as She did so, and came alert to her own body at his touch, feeling the warmth of his skin on hers there. It was a pleasant sensation,more so that normal, though She couldn’t quite explain how his touch differed from anyone else's. She fidgeted momentarily before remember her drink had been paid for. With that her blush re emerged briefly. Kaiya smiled and would follow him, paying strict attention to his hand, trying not to remove it, or keep it where it was… either one could be wrongly construed… she wanted to come across as willing perhaps but not pushy… and not as if she was avoiding his touch. How does one send signals that were neither off outing without appearing flirty? Kaiya wasn't quite sure. She wasn’t really experienced with this stuff. She wasn’t completely new to it, but… rarely did this kinda thing go far. Most people… Didn't take something well. She confused them too much among other things.

Word Count: 606
Total Word Count: 2,798+606=3,404

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