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Mission File – Plugging the Leak:

Three days and they would pose as an even bigger nuisance than they already were. Word had reached the administration office that the gang located out in the Endless Dunes had more copies of the documents than they initially assumed. Seiryū while knowing his previous mission; the one where he assassinated five individuals in the Mystical Glass Museum, still contributed to Sunagakure no Sato’s welfare, the notion that they possessed even more documents only made that mission not as important as it once was. Now, instead of having to worry about five documents to be released to the worlds criminally inclined, Suna had to worry about more copies of the documents that could get in to the hands of other individuals. For this sole purpose alone, Seiryū had received his third mission regarding the same organization within the span of a week. He didn’t mind heading out on missions, it was more so the annoyance that this group had evolved to become that bothered Seiryū more than anything else.

Being told he was required to go in solo, all the while having to destroy everything in sight wasn’t something that added up mathematically – it was easier to destroy with more people launching a barrage – but he wasn’t going to argue over the mission parameters. There also happened to be a meeting taking place, one which Seiryū was required to interject before it even began to take place. The time frame he was given composed roughly of an hour, that was the amount of time Seiryū had to destroy everything in sight; the documents, mercenaries, unrelated scraps of paper. You name it, Seiryū had to destroy it. This mission sounded like the perfect opportunity for an arsonist, a pyromaniac; neither category containing Seiryū himself. He could light the camp ablaze, but he wouldn’t enjoy it to the degree that others would take when it came to destroying the camp at hand. With the location of the site being in the Endless Dunes, one didn’t need to worry about collateral damage. All one would need to worry about disturbing was the flow of wind, the billions of grains of sand, and the meeting that would be taking place. These meetings were of particular interest, for they had brought in shady characters from other major villages; some of which were home to shinobi, others to mercenaries. If these documents happened to get in to the hands of another major shinobi village, well, there was a significant chance that Suna’s foreign emissaries would be compromised and probably dead.

Seiryū recalled that he disposed of some guards when he had previously infiltrated their camp within the dunes, though he figured they would have called for reinforcements and bolstered their defenses once they found the disposed bodies in beds. This time about Seiryū had a mental map of the compound lain out, knowing exactly which building he would need to enter to find the documents. There would be less overall detours, but it was more likely that he would venture through more of the base than he had done previously. Every inch of the compound was asked to be destroy, burnt to a crisp, and Seiryū was just one of many shinobi that were loyal enough to their village to comply with the mission parameters without second questioning them. Lives – likely under one-hundred – would be lost to the mission, but it honestly was their fault for attempting to sell vital information on one of the major shinobi villages in the known world.

Having just a few arrows, Seiryū knew he’d have to make each shot count and it was unlikely that he’d be able to retrieve some in the process to refresh his supply – unless he was able to loot a dead body while remaining on the move. He would need to save at least one, solely for the purpose of burning down the village. A fire could easily catch and Seiryū could only assume he’d run in to oil drums or some other flammable chemicals to make this process infinitely easier. If not, well, it would take a bit more – a lot more – work to bring the place down. Regardless of the avaible resources that Seiryū would find, it would fall one way or another.

On the bright-side, should he run in to a situation that called for close-range combat, his access to his newest weapon, Crota, the Hungering Blades, would be a good place to test them out. It would be Seiryū’s first time actually having the opportunity to use them in full-on combat and he was eager to test them out. The time between requesting the blades being built and there delivery had been far too long, longer than Seiryū had anticipated, making him want to test out the blades fully. Crota served the purpose of avoiding ninjutsu techniques, letting the blades feed off their chakra, yet he highly doubted the goons of this particular compound would be utilizing chakra in the form of ninjutsu. Seiryū would have to settle for testing out the weapon’s cutting power, its ability could be tested later.

Climbing up the hillside of the sand crater once more, like he had earlier in the week, Seiryū’s expression was relatively neutral with a hint of a smirk on his face. While not a fan of needless killing, it was for his village’s safety and protection, and for that he found enjoyment in the task. At the apex of the crater, Seiryū took note of the camp, a vast contrast to the last time Seiryū had lain eyes on it – in the dead of night. His eyes quickly scanned over the observable, taking in note of how many people were wandering, if there was anything he could light ablaze. Both questions were quickly answered. There were at least thirty people roaming about, likely more inside the camp and main building. As for flammables, well there was an oil tank behind the main building, along with numerous barrels scattered throughout the camp. Taking note of a few of their locations, Seiryū knew he just needed to let each one leak out, with a few connecting trails whenever there were gaps in flammable areas. It was slightly amusing how one flaming arrow would take the camp out when the time came.

1067|1067 Total
Words Required for Mission:



Finding himself slowly making his way down the crater and towards the campsite of his targets, Seiryū did nothing to hide his presence or even deal with the matter in a stealth oriented manner. Even if he had bothered with it, the result would be the same; chaos followed by silence. There was no use in him wasting precious time by attending to the destruction of their camp in a quiet manner. As far as Seiryū was concerned, having them raise their alarm would provide him with the opportunity to create even more havoc. Their desire to eliminate Seiryū would likely make them a tad bit more careless about their tactics, a strategy that clearly worked in favour of Seiryū’s objective. The watchtowers remained empty this time about, likely due to the spotlights not being needed during daylight hours. Without anyone watching from the watchtowers, Seiryū’s entry went completely unhindered with his pace never speeding up nor slowing down. Then again, given how easy it was to enter during the night, Seiryū honestly thought it would be more difficult to get in. He had, after all, killed some of their soldiers under their noses. Ultimately, Seiryū didn't care, for it made his mission much easier. Better to attack from within rather than crashing through the front gates.

Six senbon, one kunai, and ten arrows – nine if he accounted for the one he required to light the camp ablaze – were all that he had on him to create havoc. His projectiles would serve the as the mediators for Seiryū’s need to allow the oil to leak out the camp. Thus in total he could utilize sixteen projectiles for that purpose alone. Seeing as how he was vastly outnumbered – likely not out-skilled – Seiryū knew he’d need to utilize some of his projectiles to incapacitate his enemies to dwindle their numbers down. Then again, the oil drums could simply be uncapped and knocked over, fulfilling the same need that Seiryū required, albeit in a different manner. It would be a tad bit slower using the latter technique, but it’d provide Seiryū with more leeway for his assault on the base.

Fishing out two senbon from his pocket, Seiryū quickly tossed them in the direction of two different oil drums. His fine-tuned metal needles easily pierced through the dark-green painted metal drums; the viscous liquid inside beginning to ease out both drums. Not stopping on his way, Seiryū knocked over each individual drum and kicked them down the path straight ahead to create the much needed trail for when this base went up in flames. This time around he wanted to be spotted, rather than remaining in the shadows as he continued making his way forward. Reaching behind him with his right hand going for his bow and his left reaching for an arrow, Seiryū quickly nocked the arrow back and aimed it at the neck of one of the guards who was a distance away – not having noticed Seiryū’s disruption so far. In a split second, an arrow was sticking out from the side of his neck, his companion displaying a look of shock. As Seiryū’s target fell over, the second individual turned his attention toward Seiryū. Letting out a scream and charging, Seiryū quickly reseathed his bow and mechanically drew out the twin blades of Crota. Three swift strikes; one to the man’s right, then left, and then diagonally from the upper right to lower left, Seiryū watched the man crumble, his oppositions blade not even standing a chance to parry the strikes entirely. While his initial two strikes were redirected slightly, Seiryū could easily tell the carnage that could be caused by the dual blades he held in his hands.

Shouts could be heard in the distance, a likely result of the man who carelessly charged towards Seiryū just a few seconds ago. Now with the base on alert, Seiryū had to be a bit more careful in regards to not getting out numbered, but he could be reckless with his overall methods. Knowing how unorganized this gang had been just a few days ago, the shinobi of Sunagakure no Sato could assume they would be even less organized when it came to engaging in combat, especially if his second target’s method happened to be a running theme.

Continuing on his way to the main building, Seiryū had tossed two more senbon in the direction for a couple more barrels that were carelessly placed around the base. Two senbon, one kunai, and nine arrows – eight of which were disposable – were what Seiryū had on his person at this moment. The two senbon he had remaining could continue the job of letting the barrels leaks, the kunai could be useful for a close-quarters situation, though he figured with Crota, the kunai wasn’t as important either. Thus, he sent the kunai flying at a guard that happened to be around the corner that Seiryū needed to take. A kunai to the eye, the man grovelled in pain for his life to be spared. All the white-haired shinobi did in response was to pull out the kunai from his eye and stab him in the gut with it before pulling it out. With his freehand, Seiryū tossed the man to the side and persisted on his path to the main office. Three down, however many left to go.

910|1977 Total
Words Required for Mission:



Seiryū was adamant in getting to the main office building – tent, really – of this base, that he hadn’t deviated once from his path to confront his attackers. Instead, he opted for letting them rush towards him, so that he could deal with them with Crota. Using weapons designed for close-range combat felt far different than primarily utilizing a bow and arrow, but it allowed for him to be more blatant in his assault. Crota’s acquisition gave Seiryū the chance to not have to pick and choose his shots; the one limitation he currently found with utilizing a bow and arrow. Having a limited quantity of arrows made it so that Seiryū usually had to be careful in his method of approach when dealing with combat; especially so when it came in the form of dozens of enemies. That problem had been remedied by attaining the dual blades, which were useful but still untested – even with the blood of four more enemies on it. The four additional enemies made the direct kill count go up to seven, yet he was unsure of how many were in the base currently. He’d only been inside for a few minutes – seven? – and had a total allotted time of an hour to burn down the place. It would likely be done in twenty to thirty minutes total.

Rounding another corner, Seiryū found himself behind the main building of the camp; landmarked by oil tank that would help Seiryū blow this place apart. He wasn’t going to let the fireworks start now; rather he came here to get inside the building without the use of the front door. Hopping on top of the oil tank and then scaling up the wall, Seiryū crashed inside the building through the window. It didn’t matter where he started; he just needed to find the multiple filing cabinets that would be located inside the building. Burning down those would be followed by burning down the remainder of this organizations campsite.

This building wasn’t a rather large one; it was smaller in size compared to the vast amount of tents that served as barracks for the organization. It was two stories high, thus finding the filing cabinets wouldn’t take longer than a couple of minutes. It didn’t matter what was lit ablaze, so long as there would be no remaining documents once the flames had settled. Peeking his head around the corner, Seiryū noted that the floor was clear from enemies, but he could hear footsteps rushing downstairs. If he learned anything, he knew he had just under a minute before he would be confronted by multiple enemies. Choosing to head in the opposite direction of the stairs, Seiryū kicked the wooden door straight ahead open, instantly finding the place he needed to be. It was empty.

Two filing cabinets stood side by side, with the only other items in the room happening to be a desk littered with papers and a single swivelling chair. He needed something flammable… to guarantee that this particular objective of his mission would be completed. There seemed to be nothing inside the building that would be of use, with the exception of the papers themselves, as they would burn easily. With that in mind, Seiryū only saw one solution, though it would take about a minute to prepare. Stepping up to the cabinets, Seiryū drew them open, taking out the various folders inside and dumping them on the already cluttered desk. Doing so for each drawer, Seiryū was finally prepared and could hear people rushing up the stairs. He’d have to make sure they wouldn’t interfere. Drawing out his bow and an arrow once more, Seiryū channelled chakra in to his bow that would light his arrow ablaze once it met a surface. Letting the arrow light one sheet of paper ablaze, the rest would follow in a slow, gradual process, so long as it wasn’t stopped by outside interference.

His eyes shot to the stairs, noting to people rushing from the stairs and directly towards Seiryū himself. Depositing his bow back and replacing it with Crota, Seiryū was more than willing to meet there challenge. The tight corridor would work in his favour. Ducking below the katana swung for his head, Seiryū thrust the right blade of Crota forward, piercing through the man’s abdomen. With no hesitance, Seiryū drew weapon out of the man, before spinning around once to slice through his middle with the same blade. A second later, Seiryū deflected his other opponents strike with the left blade of Crota. Two blades occupied, Seiryū used the third blade – the other half of Crota – to slice through the man’s sword arm. Pain etched on his features, a terrified scream leaving his throat, only to be silenced as Seiryū delivered the final blow with Crota.

He had to exits, though he had already decided on which of the two he would be taking. The window he came in through was the only viable method of leaving, seeing as how it would let him directly blow up the oil tank that was poorly situated behind the building. Rushed steps and five seconds later, Seiryū found himself at his desired exit. Choosing to land on the hardened ground infront of the tanker, Seiryū quickly began rushing straight ahead, knowing he wouldn’t want to be near the tanker once his arrow would hit it. Standing twenty-five meters away from it, Seiryū finally came to a short halt, utilizing another arrow like he had done so inside the building. He couldn’t be bothered to stay around to watch the camp light itself ablaze; he needed to get out of here as soon as possible. He didn’t need to kill the remaining members; the oil that leaked around the campsite was enough to set the whole thing on fire. Their death would be met by fire; not by Seiryū’s own hands. It wasn’t ideal, but it was better than him running around and trying to kill dozens upon dozens of enemies. Being outnumbered as he was, there was no point in taking that risk when the fire could simply do it for him.

- Exit Thread -

1044|3021 Total
Words Required for Mission:

Mission Complete

Chakra: 310/320:

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