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Bleary lights hung from the cavern ceiling illuminated the grainy, rocky terrain beneath, a large underground grotto enough to double as a small village’s market district, only instead of the milling vendors and bargaining customers, the drowning noises were sounds of cheers and bets ringing off the cavern walls. Instead of small stands individually set up, the main attraction was the fifty by thirty meter rectangular platform, painted white and lined with sloppy red paint, smeared with grease and dirt from all the less than legal fights happening within the ring itself.

Two contestants were hard at it, the sounds of their strikes resonating off the other’s body near inaudible due to the intense noise from the captivated crowd, a mix of faceless and honorless, dressed from rags to riches. Colorful-haired gangsters milled about in one corner, paying no attention to the main attractions and instead bellowing at their own jokes; robed figures who wanted to remain anonymous even in this underground where few took importance of identity waved ryo bills in the air, yelling out bets for who they expected to win, if they weren’t spending them on the few stalls that were open to this small community.

At the far back, a figure stood by a drink stall, back against the wall and a hood over her head obscuring the upper portion of her face. Her glossed lips were all one would see if they looked in her direction, easily mistaken for a prostitute who was taking a break from her head hunting for a sugar daddy. No one paid her attention, and her black robe – hiding her normal, casual, all-purpose red minidress and high heels – blended in well with the crowds of others, barely illuminated by the ceiling lights as she occasionally sipped on a beverage.

No one paid Cinderella any mind.

It was a welcome change for sure, but she tapped her nails impatiently against the outer surface of the cup. Amber eyes slowly glided from one end of the room to the other, giving more focus to the fight at the center and the skill in each participant’s movements. It was always beneficial to visit this establishment, legal by all means save for everyone who frequented it, if the Tsuchikage’s presence by word of mouth was a sign. It was a good way to gauge who was who, and who was who, and who was who Cinder wanted.




How the fuck did he end up here? This was no place for a king of anything, save for a king of the beggars. But, then again, he craved knowledge of all kinds, no matter the source it came from. So, when rumors reached his ears of a certain clan not being too happy with the state of affairs in Iwa, the young king decided to personally investigate into this. Afterall, if such a clan was truely as upset as the rumors led to believe, then it could possibly be a good thing for Konoha; the promise of a fresh start could possibly cause a change of the banner they fought under from Iwagakure no Sato to Konohagakure no Sato.

But, what the male currently lacked was details and crucial information as to if these rumors were true, and such, why he was currently in this place, moving though the crowd towards the bartop. Given his state of dress, the male seemed to stick out like a sore thumb; he was wearing something different than his typical 'all back and skull' outfit. Today, he was clothed in a long-sleeved black trench coat with slit sleeves and red designs and a white symbol on the left side. His trench coat was red on the inside with red flame-like accents at the bottom and a large emblem on the back, with a white tulip design covered by a red rose design. His lower body was clothed in long black pants and black shoes that are red on the bottom, and black gloves with red emblems on their fore hand, appearing to be a variant of the Greek letter Ω (Omega), the last letter in the Greek alphabet. Here amongst the riff raff of another a village, an odd sight. A man in a suit.

But, Tre did not mind. He was looking for something, anything that could help him in his search for answers. After all, if one wanted to get to know the city and its ... finer workings, all they had to go do was ask the rats.

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The oddball moving at a snail's pace to the bar stuck out like a sore thumb. The long cloak draped over his figure was fiery as it was black, and the red that painted it a firework of art, reeking of a danger he would merrily exhibit if the fuse was set. His mismatched eyes of striking sapphire and ruby struck the image of a stalking beast calmly pacing in search of its prey, but what, Cinderella was curious to.

The hooded woman was just one in many who watched the newest addition to their little makeshift stadium. Dozens of eyes, whites among the pitch black of the more insidious crevices, landed upon the strange man, who walked callously past throngs of faces that belonged either behind bars or underground. The gait in his walk taunted any who looked, an obvious welcome sign to put a kunai through his skull. Men's pride was always such a lovely thing to play with on a string, but the best theatrics always happened when someone else did the marionetting for Cinderella.

The woman kept to herself. Her drink would be an ambrosiac accompaniment to the theatre she'd unexpectedly signed up for. She could feel the tension, the leash on these men about to break, the deliciousness that was their vexation bubbling to a peak. As one of thousands who patrolled Iwagakure's streets, she was expected to defuse such situations – but her one visible golden eye shone only with excitement in this place where the laws of the land above didn't apply.

Especially when the first brute ran at him with a chain in hand.




Tensions were high for some reason, and eyes were on him as he moved through the underground. It was a strange thing, being the center of attention like this, but the young male did not mind. He was confident in his abilities as a shinobi, and even without his sword, he was sure he would be able to effectively defend himself. If someone wanted to test him, so be it.

Mercy was for those who kept thier distance.

None would be shown to the thug who ultimately decided to administer the first test, rapidly approaching Tre from his front with a dirty chain clinking and glinting in the dim light if the din. There was even a hook on the end of the chain, stained with a rustic color that could only be dried blood. While the young male could only imagine how many people had met thier end on the tip of such a ghastly and cruel weapon, he gave it no thought. Instead, his body reacted on pure instinct; as the chain was swung through the air, the young male stepped  backwards, allowing the weapon to said harmlessly past him. An annoyed scowl crossed his face; why was this man attacking him? Was he so unhappy with the way his father sexually assaulted him as a child? Did he not receive enough hugs from mommy? Tre did not know, nor did he care.

He only cared that this man stop attacking him.

"Stop it."

Those two words, quiet as they were, held a very obvious threat. Tre's right hand balled into a fist and  a crackle of raiton crawled across his frame. There was no response, save for a speel of laughter and the the swinging of the hooked chain once more in a helm splitter maneuver. Tre once more stepped to the side, but when the hook embedded itself into the floor, the young male wasted no time in stepping on the weapon. As the thug wielding the hooked chain attempted to pull it free, Tre said nothing; instead, the young male opted to let his actions speak for him. Without a word, another surged of ration was released from his body, flowing across his skin in a nearly impenetrable defense. But, because Tre's body was in contact with the metal chain, the raiton flowed through it as well, giving the thug who held onto it a cruel surprise.

Everywhere where the metal met flesh on the thug was burned; just for this moment, Tre had even turned up the power of the ability, guaranteeing that this man was suffering from second and third degree burns. As the surges of electricity passed from his body to that of the other male, those calm eyes would continue to look about, waiting to see if anyone else would like like to administer the second part of this examination.

Tre was a straight A student while he attended the ninja academy. Why would things be any different now?

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The dim light dancing along the rustic weapon as it wildly thrashed at the commands of its owner hosted the gala of onlookers whose curious eyes followed the white trail outlining the chain as it whipped through the air. A single audible step followed by the rush of air as the snaking weapon lost its mark drew snickers of anticipation from the crowd, clearly pleased. Back against the bartop, Cinderella could almost see the wicked gleam in the man's eye as his craze was unleashed into his surroundings through his untamed whip of scorched and aged steel.

"Stop it."

Words as loud as thunder amidst the quiet anticipatory prowls of his spectators, Cinderella caught the very hint of danger leaking from his tone. It spoke of experience and was absent in fear. Whoever this individual, dressed in riches in a subterranean world of lawless poverty, he stepped into this foreign land knowing he could repel any single hooligan unhinged enough to make a move. To them, it was a terrifyingly mistaken joke, made by a jester to an audience whose sense of humour could not be stroked.

To Cinderella, it was hilarity basking in the glory of irony.

Lightning pulsed, racing from his balled right hand. To the untrained eye, it was an optical illusion, a magic trick to scare you into submission. To a ninja, it was the first inkling of a man dabbling in chakra, a warning against another suicidal move. It was ignored, as Cinderella suspected was typical. The chain flew for its mark, missing once more before the wealthy pinned it under his boot.

And what followed was beautiful.

Lightning raced down the chain, drawing gasps from the crowd and a shriek of agony as it drove itself through skin. Men turned away, tail between their legs as they tried to shuffle further from the duo in the middle, one standing over his victim, choking on his own tears. Cinderella's nose caught the brief waft of smoke, and her ears basked in the cries that lit up the night, though her eyes were trained on the man now of interest to her. Lightning chakra hugged his skin, the bright yellow illuminating one mystery around his skill and warding away those who knew they couldn't stand up.

Cinderella though, was different. She wouldn't stand up to him in a straight up fight. That much was clear as day. While her lava could consume lightning, his display was shockingly different from any Cinderella dared take on. And so, she played to her strengths, a mistress who weaved circles around others in hopeful blinding ignorance.

They were separated by earth of twenty meters wide. It was the perfect range for her to play, and in the darkness illuminated only by his lightning it would be difficult to spot the one hooded androgynous figure leaning against the bartop but tense enough to move, with patrons resuming their activities in a desperate ploy to avoid the man's gaze. It would be interesting to watch if he could deduce the one out of hundreds who were pulling the strings, especially when the area around the man, Tre, though she would not know his name, spontaneously melted into lava, leaving him standing on a plateau of 0.5 m radius, amidst a circular moat 3.5 m wide.

Her smile would be hidden within the shadow of her cowl, betraying her eagerness to test his capabilities beyond flashy tricks.





As the floor around him began to melt away and leave him with a small area of space, he could see that he had a second person testing him -- but whom was it, exactly? In the this dim environment, where there riff raff of Iwakagure no sato seemed to congregate, it would seem that a person in possession the legendary advanced element of Yoton, or Lava Release, was amongst the people watching, if the sight of the brightly glowing and melting floor was anything to go by. Even as the floor melted, people were scrambling and running, attempting to stay clear of the sudden change in terrain; more than a few people fell victim to the change, thier screaming chorus a regret as the sticky, burning mass claimed thier lives.

Judging by the expanse of floor left to him, this person was either attempting to capture him alive, or test his abilities. While the former was unacceptable, given his status as a member of the Hokage's personal escort, the latter was unavoidable at this point; he had used ninjutsu, and had given himself away as a shinobi. While his use of Raiton: Kai was not enough to pin down his exact identity, nor his status as a personal escort for the Hokage, it was unique enough to be identified if used again. With the current situation taking the turn as it was and heading into a new direction, conservation of chakra began  to become a reality -- almost immediately, Raiton Kai was cancelled out, and the male's mind was set into motion. All he knew of the situation was that this person was capable of Yoton -- a trick that probably should have been saved as a trump card -- nor if they were alone. But, he would save the questions for after this issue was dealt with.

For the moment, he would move, opting to taking the offered path of using the now screaming and melting thug's body, as well as several others as a series of spring pads to leap his way across the veritable moat of lava to make it to safety. Even before the male moved, a plan was formulated and executed to perfection; when his knees bent to spring, a fine mist was exhaled from his betwixt his lips, swirling about his form and clinging in the air despite the heat of the moat. This mist would billow and curl in the air, obscuring vision in the area from all.

Making his way across the moat would not be hard, but once he was on the other side, he would not remain on the floor; no, that was asking for more problems with movement. No, he would hit the wall, and move straight up it until he reached the ceiling. Once perched upon this vantage point, it would be easier for him; the mist was thick, perfect for hanging around at floor level. For those down in the mist, seeing anything beyond it would be almost impossible. But for Tre, at his new vantage point, he could see with better clarity. Those eyes looked out about the area, attempting to catch sight of someone, something, anything out of the ordinary for the situation.

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The screams of men played in Cinderella's ears like the rushed pluckings of the rich guzheng. The area still housed unobservant customers who'd been ensnared by the terraforming and seized by the superficial boiling lava. Their skins would corrode but Cinderella was sure they would cling to their lives and most of their anatomy; her jutsu hadn't been laced with that much fatality.


Her intuition cheered silently at the man's calm reciprocal of her attack. A mist, thick and snaky, slithered out from between his lips, slowly filling the air with an impenetrable veil of condensed vapour. Clearly opting for stealth to buy time to fix his hand, it was brilliant as it was mad, hiding himself by blinding himself. Even as she drew up her own plans, Cinderella pieced together her own conclusions to his many facets.

He had been ruthless when provoked, like a wild animal chained and gnashing its teeth at the nearest territorial intruder. Yet his motions were fluid and practiced, guided by instinct but not unnecessarily... His display of lightning pinned him as a chakra practitioner, and his following jutsu spoke of some control over water. A small idea of the elusive Boil Style pirouetted in her head, until Cinderella's reason sniped it down – no Osada could use lightning, overwhelmed as they were juggling their three natural elements. That painted him as a ninja, though from where?

The likelihood of Iwagakure housing this man was tempting for the strength he beheld, but also unlikely. No polished ninja would stride into the underground stadium dressed in riches expecting respect. Albeit the stereotype that rewinded in Cinderella's head pictured an awfully caricatural representation of Karumo Sekuro... Of the other four villages, there was little about his demeanor to give himself away, while Cinderella kept open the chance he was unaffiliated at all.

Regardless, Cinderella had seen the way he moved. He was clearly beyond what she could perform as she currently was, but also a farcry from the devastatingly humiliating performance she'd witnessed at the hands of her sensei. Estimations abound, he was likely a Chunin or a Special Jonin. With the small bend in his knee as he'd begun exhaling the cloudy vapour, it was a sign he'd make a jump. Given his supposed experience, he'd look for small springs out of the encampment she'd placed him in – the three people who'd been caught in Cinderella's lava.

Of the three, they were nicely arranged that he'd be able to use all three to leap out of her attack. It was a slipup on her end, but one she'd remedy. Where they seemed to be the only hole in her game, they were lined up perfectly that his potential leaps would bring him directly to her, with each body a meter apart; of course by now his form would be completely wrapped by his own mist. He wouldn't be able to see anything, while she'd still have a fleeting chance of making her last minute plans.

There were only two things he'd do: one, run towards her via the spring pads the burning bodies formed and continue towards her, or two, run towards her via the spring pads the burning bodies formed and speed to his right, where the wall was an obvious bridge to the ceiling, unrestricted by the mist yet due to its 20 m height. Either way, he'd run for her first, and she would move with the idea in mind.

It didn't matter that the mist was expanding outward; twenty shards formed around her person, all invisible under the darkness of the cave. The illumination by her lava simply didn't reach her end, nor would it once it was blanketed by the mist. Her obsidian was undetectable as far as she was concerned, with no sight or sound to be made, hovering around her within the radii of five meters.

As the mist expanded slightly, covering the man in full and expanded about a meter from his position, she fired three of them, one aimed for his head, one for his right shoulder, and another for his left leg. The first two would likely still hit if he jumped from human to human, but she doubted he'd make a move until the mist was created fully. Meanwhile, the lake of lava expanded soundlessly, forming a square of sides seven meters, centered around the last human launchpad. He wouldn't be able to tell, with the mist obscuring his vision and quickly expanding, but if he leapt towards her or to the wall, he'd first have to step foot firsti nto her element, and then the games would begin.



To be fair I wanted to post three days earlier but I drank too much all those nights. \o/

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