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1The Cat's Out of the Box [D-rank] Empty The Cat's Out of the Box [D-rank] Mon Apr 18, 2016 1:36 am

Lyralei Wind

Lyralei Wind

Mission name: The Cat’s Out Of The Box
Mission rank: D
Objective: Get the cat safely on the ground. One Genin is needed at least, up to two teams is capable of taking this mission.
Location: Sunagakure
Reward: 50
Mission description: A wealthy buisnessman's daughter was walking her cat when it suddenly got out of its leash. She chased it and chased it, and somehow it ended up climbing all the way up to the top of the Kazekages tower.
Mission details: Minimum 600 Words describing how you get the cat.

“Come here little kitty,” Lyralei called out from the base of the Kazekage tower.

The cat ignored her, looking out from the top of the Kazekage tower, eyes slowly moving from left to right as if it owned the village. To an extent, the cat did own the village. Ignoring the fact that the cat was located at the top of the Kazekage tower, which in itself signified that it was even above the Kazekage (as a joke of course, though anyone would be hard-pressed to argue it from a humorous perspective, considering the cat was also located above the symbol of Suna itself) the cat had also managed to make getting it down a Genin mission, which nor all animals could attest to. Granted, most animals didn’t feel like making headaches a usual thing for their owners or the people who were supposed to fetch them, but Lyralei could tell this was a special kind of cat, that only equated to her female counterpart, a bitch. After all, there hadn’t been a single mew coming from the cat to even acknowledge Lyralei’s presence, even if she had already been calling out to the cat for several minutes.

‘I guess we’re doing this the hard way,’ Lyralei thought.

She really didn’t want to do it the hard way. The hard way, to any situation, normally included effort, and whenever she exerted effort, she was prone to sweating, and such a condition was only magnified by the intense heat present in the Land of Wind’s deserts. She had to take care that she didn’t get too hot, already taking to not wearing her hood everywhere she went, exposing her face to anyone who even looked her way. She wasn’t took comfortable doing that, no. Lyralei preferred to keep her face hidden, so that she could tell when exactly someone was trying to catch a glimpse of her. She had no clue when this trait had started, but after wearing a hood and traversing the forests in the Land of Tea, the Land of Noodles, and the Land of Fire, she must’ve already gotten used to it. The fact that her green hood helped cover her orange hair in the forests, helping her keep safe from wild animals who either hunted her for lunch, or wild animals that she instead hunted for lunch.

Lyralei backed up a bit, ignoring the small crowd of no more than ten people who had gathered at the side of the Kazekage tower, where she was standing and had been calling out to the cat for several minutes. She also ignored the small bead of sweat that trickled down her forehead, wiping it off with one finger before flicking it off onto the hot sand underneath. Taking another step back, she dashed forward, leaping up at the last second. Her momentum carried her up the Kazekage tower halfway, before she completed the rest of the journey with the Supernatural Walking Practice.

As she approached, however, the cat shot her a look, and panic came upon its face. Well, she hoped its expression resembled panic. She didn’t really understand feline expressions, and for all she knew the car’s scrunched up face was its sign of being amused that she was forced to try as hard as she was, and smug that it had managed to make yet another person exert more effort than necessary into getting it down. One thought made Lyralei grin in satisfaction, while the other made her grin tighten firmly as she dreamed of torturing the cat and getting some sort of negative reaction out of it.

At the last second, however, the cat jumped off the other side, and Lyralei had to put on a large burst of speed, arriving at the top before using the Supernatural Walking Practice to stick to the roof, ignoring the momentum that tried to continue carrying her up and instead focusing on sprinting ahead, past the curve that made the Kazekage’s roof and down the other side. The cat was already bounding down the few ledges that it could find, intent on reaching the ground before her, and at the last second, Lyralei kicked off with her feet, zipping down onto the ground. The cat shot her one more look and - there! There was the look of surprise she was looking for.

She grabbed it by the scruff of its collar, hoping it caused it some pain, but confident that it didn’t, before cradling it in her arms and landing on both her feet. She held it up under its arms with both her hands and looked at it, annoyed.

“You are more trouble than you’re worth,” she said, and she got a meow in response.

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