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1The Cats out of the bad D Rank Suna Empty The Cats out of the bad D Rank Suna Wed Jul 25, 2012 5:42 pm

Inuzuka Yui

Inuzuka Yui

Mission name: The Cat’s Out Of The Box
Mission rank: D
Objective: Get the cat safely on the ground. One Genin is needed at least, up to two teams is capable of taking this mission.
Location: Sunagakure
Reward: 50
Mission description: A wealthy buisnessman's daughter was walking her cat when it suddenly got out of its leash. She chased it and chased it, and somehow it ended up climbing all the way up to the top of the Kazekages tower.
Mission details: Minimum 600 Words describing how you get the cat.

2The Cats out of the bad D Rank Suna Empty Re: The Cats out of the bad D Rank Suna Wed Jul 25, 2012 6:48 pm

Kaze Chikamatsu

Kaze Chikamatsu

Apply. We both know the answer. ^-^

3The Cats out of the bad D Rank Suna Empty Re: The Cats out of the bad D Rank Suna Mon Jul 30, 2012 1:15 pm

Kaze Chikamatsu

Kaze Chikamatsu

Someone please approve...after the, so ready to kill something with my bare hands...

4The Cats out of the bad D Rank Suna Empty Re: The Cats out of the bad D Rank Suna Mon Jul 30, 2012 1:31 pm



Uh, this is the Mission Section. Missions here are up for approval, and are not available to be taken yet. Secondly, when you do do a mission, you're supposed to post saying you finished the mission and leave a link to it. You're also not supposed to bump the actual RP does nothing to help.

5The Cats out of the bad D Rank Suna Empty Re: The Cats out of the bad D Rank Suna Mon Jul 30, 2012 1:48 pm

Kaze Chikamatsu

Kaze Chikamatsu

Very sorry airshow yesterday has pissed me off beyond belief Midnight, I am not patriotic in the least. And that's all it was...patriotism...not me at all...

6The Cats out of the bad D Rank Suna Empty Re: The Cats out of the bad D Rank Suna Mon Jul 30, 2012 2:01 pm



It's alright, I've moved the entirety of the missions to the mission board, so you can post saying you finished that particular mission there.

7The Cats out of the bad D Rank Suna Empty Re: The Cats out of the bad D Rank Suna Mon Jul 30, 2012 2:20 pm

Kaze Chikamatsu

Kaze Chikamatsu

I thank you midnight just uh, lot of hate, rage and anger dwells in my heart from my past history, again I am sorry for any trouble problems or anything else of that kind I may have caused to you or others here.

I need a therapist of some kind to help with this anger problem.

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