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Ao Yakushi

Ao Yakushi

Yes, a park. It was definitely not the kind of place where you would see a shinobi training as it was after all quite dangerous knowing that kids were usually the ones to show up with their parents in large green areas such as parks. That was exactly why even if he was a shinobi, Ryu was not there for training, just for resting. He did deserve it after all, balance was key to success in the shinobi world (after determination and many other obvious factors of course; which meant it wasn't the key to success). Nevertheless, he still chose to go there just for the sake of resting and breathing some fresh air in this weather that was unusually cold for a day of mid-April, even for a village like Kirigakure no Sato. But the cold was nothing really dangerous for him, he did carry the Aisu bloodline through his genes and was extremely comfortable in cold environments like the one he was located in today. In fact, one could even say that he was "in his element"; literally.

But resting in a park, even if it was refreshing and relaxing, was quite boring too, and there was no point in doing something just for the sake of it. Obviously, he couldn't train as it was against the rules of relaxation but he could still do something useful, like talking to someone for example. He was not too shy about being the first one engaging in a conversation, but obviously it was always awkward to start conversing with a complete stranger. He wasn't completely used to social life as of yet even though he was a remarkably sociable individual, so he decided to just stay here, hoping things would get a little more spicy and that someone would eventually take the open spot on the bench beside him, or ask him what was the time, or something edgy and sketchy like that. And voilà, he thought to himself. No one came in the large window of thirty minutes or so, even though a ton of people younger, older, shorter, taller than him were already having fun talking and gossiping about their friend's new girlfriend, or about the growing tensions between neighboring villages or even with the Land of Water's daimyo. Pff, it was nothing to be worried about, someone would come rescue him from his boredom and loneliness, he was sure of it.

WC: 404

Strafe Aisu

Strafe Aisu

Strafe walked through the park with both of his staffs on his back. His blue hair danced as he wove through the various groups of people walking and standing on the path. The air was chilly to most, but he found it soothing. How could he be cramped in an office when it was this nice out? He walked by a group of kids playing ninja, chuckling as he watched them pretend to use legendary jutsu. He kept going until he saw a young man sitting on the park bench alone. He seemed to be enjoying himself, despite the cold temperatures around him. Was he an Aisu? Stafe thought it over, and it was making sense to him. Well, if the person was, he should introduce himself. He walked over to the bench, approaching at a casual pace. He blue eyes bounced around, looking at all the park had to offer. He focus then fixed on the man.

"Sorry to bother you, but seem to enjoy how cold it is. This might seem rude, but are you an Aisu?" He asked with a genuine voice. "My name is Strafe Aisu, and I might end up being a distant cousin if I'm right." He spoke with a friendly voice as he explained his sudden question. He didn't want to bombard the man with too much, so he decided to wait on his answer before he would speak much. "May I?" He asked, gesturing to the empty seat with his hands. It would be nice to sit down and have a one on one conversation with someone. He was happy to occupy this guy's time if he was bored, as Strafe was avoiding doing anything till later in the day.

Word Count: 291

Ao Yakushi

Ao Yakushi

Boredom, in its finest, purest form, here it was. He hated being all alone, he was already isolated from the rest of the world for what had been like three years, now that he was there he could finally enjoy the company of others and he hated the fact that no one would really initiate conversation with him. He was pretty bad at initiating conversation himself, so he had to be in the situation in which if no one started to talk to him, he'd be staying here, sitting all by himself for the rest of the evening (since really, he had no energy to go do some training, and no motivation too). But yet, there he was, waiting for someone to come talk to him. And luckily for the poor Hatake, someone finally made a move. 

He turned his head in surprise to look at the person who had been looking at him and what a surprise it was to realize that there was another Aisu nearby, and a social one too. Ryu was social, he liked getting social, just was a bit shy as for first moves. The Aisu, who identified himself as Strafe, requested to take the seat, even though he just popped out of nowhere. "Yes, I am indeed an Aisu, clever of you I'll admit it. Ryu Hatake, pleasure to meet you Strafe." He used his hands and arms to clear the snow away from the bench and smiled briefly. "For sure, definitely, I don't really understand why you are asking me, this is a public place."  He smiled again, chuckling slightly (an amused, friendly chuckle, not an arrogant one), and looked back at Strafe, trying to detail all the features of his body, of his face. He seemed to carry some blades around too, another bukijutsu master, or so it seemed. Things really could get interesting; now, that was only if they ended up having a good conversation and that this Strafe and Ryu ended up having a good connection.


Strafe Aisu

Strafe Aisu

The guy's name was Ryu Hatake and he was indeed one of his clansmen. Good, the more of them that were shinobi, the better! He brushed off Strafe's spot before he sat down, chuckling at Strafe's polite nature. He couldn't help it, it came with the medical ninja care lessons. "So, what rank are you? What kind of jutsu do you use? You'll find that the Aisu become stronger in numbers. It's why Yuudai, Lady Solstice, and I knew each others fighting styles and trained together." He spoke the truth, as he could remember training with the current Mizukage for a long time. She was certainly the more powerful shinobi, and Yuudai was no slouch himself. Strafe was strong in his own right, but in different areas. He would examine the boy's expression without being obvious. Most ninja from his village had one thousand questions and requests for the Sannin and Seven Swordsman. This man, however, did not seem to be bothered by his status, which was refreshing.

He would adjust his two bojutsu weapons, making sure they were comfortable against his back. He took a deep breathe, feeling the icey air burst into his lungs. He loved it, and he could easily make it colder. However, he had to be considerate of others. "I use Ninjutsu, Medical Ninjutsu, and Bukijutsu via a bo-staff. You already know what elements I like." He said as a joke, chuckling a bit himself. It was always good to meet the newer generation of shinobi, it made sure they were all connected. Who knows, he might even decide to take a pupil soon. It would certainly make sense. He would simply wait for Ryu's response while he looked at the scenery around him. Despite the mist, the village was beautiful.

Word Count: 596

Strafe Aisu

Strafe Aisu

As Strafe was waiting, a medical ninja from the hosiptal ran up to him frantically speaking. "Lord Strafe, several injuries have been brought into the hospital. Two of them will need your assistance, as they require your level of medical ninjutsu." The man was a bit winded from the run, but he managed to get it out. Strafe would look at his face and then turn back to Ryu with a smile. "I'm sorry, but it seems I am needed. I will take a rain check and we can continue this conversation later." He said with a friendly nod. He would get up and wave at Ryu before taking off in the direction of the hospital. The man was left in this dust, but he knew the way to the hospital. Strafe just wanted to be sure to get there with enough time left. He jumped up to the roof tops to increase speed. He bounced from house to house with a familiar brisk pace. It seemed like he never just walked anymore, he was always running.

It didn't take him long, as the hospital quickly came into view. He could see the scurrying medical ninja rushing around for supplies and the like. Strafe had always managed to thrive in the chaos of a hospital setting. Must have been his shinobi training. He hit the ground and continued forward, quickly approaching the entrance. "Hurry Lord Strafe!" One of the kunoichi said before Strafe nodded and entered. He moved behind the counter and looked at the medical charts of both of his future patients. "Broken spine? Severed Legs? What happened to these poor guys." He would mutter to himself before setting the charts down. It was time to do what he did best, healing the sick. He took off like a bolt of lighting, heading in the direction of their rooms. He had no idea what he was about to discover.

[Exit Thread]

Word Count: 322 + 596 = 918
Speed B-1 -> B-2 = 800/800
Remaining Word Count: 118

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