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Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

A girl, hair white as snow and bound in a ponytail off to her right, stood with both feet planted above blades of grass, crunched underneath her pristine white boots, worn up to her mid-calves. Her hands were crossed as she inspected the fields. Training Ground 61 had been the designated area, but it was still far too early for her tutor for the session to arrive. She cradled the sleeves of her white jacket, worn snugly over her pale blue dress that matched her pale complexion, and blue eyes scanned the horizons for the sight of her tutor.

Albeit… perhaps it was a little too impatient of her. Schedule otherwise free, she’d opted for a quick and early lunch before plodding down to the training ground she’d just been informed of the night ago. Apparently, according to a ninja messenger who’d dropped by her apartment at a ghastly one in the morning, a fight had been arranged for her between a tutor and herself, a test designed to test the milestones she’d reached since arriving in Kirigakure not too long ago. She supposed it was fair her father would want to see what his investments into her would’ve produced, but she scoffed at the idea that she’d be up against someone so many ranks her superior.

How her father would’ve contacted her sensei for the day, she didn’t know, and didn’t particularly care about. How much he was paying her to fight her, she didn’t know and didn’t care about. What she was concerned of was how her performance would affect her stay in Kirigakure, and whether anything less than an excellent grade in her tutor’s report would lead to him withdrawing her from Kirigakure’s military, as it had been her choice to enroll and his blessing to indulge her decades-old fantasy. It wasn’t a game, no, but it was sure as all hell better than being stuck in a dingy, stuffy office looking through reports after reports. Definitely worse still knowing that her sister, just a few years her elder, was practising the same lifestyle.

Her meeting had been scheduled for one in the afternoon, and the sun was just barely overhead, with noon having not even arrived due to her impatience and likely oversight of the time in her haste. Nevertheless, she was here, she was waiting, and she would deliver. Lest she herself was delivered home.

416 words



Nozomi was somewhat overwhelmed with the recent events that surrounded her. She'd quite recently been promoted up to the level of Jounin, having showcased that her skills as a Kunoichi were one befitting of the title. That was all well and good, she'd been able to fight and take on Jounin level adversaries for a while now, and her tactical mindset wasn't all that bad, as long as she was in a combat scenario. What she hadn't expected though, was an offer to become a Captain of the Hunter-nin in Kirigakure. She knew she was good, and didn't want to brag about it, but when it came down to it, she hadn't expected the offer. So she and her former team mate Sero had both been given the same title around the same time. It was an honor, but the shock still left her reeling a bit.

Of course, that wasn't the only thing that had been unexpected recently. She'd received a message from a wealthy man, requesting that she personally tutor his daughter, and to report her evaluation of the skills and talents of one Weiss Schnee. Nozomi wasn't a stranger to being a tutor, but she was a stranger to being individually requested to do so. Perhaps it was her new status as a Jounin that had placed her in the spotlight as it were. Of course, Nozomi was always happy to accept offers such as that, she thoroughly enjoyed helping her comrades get better at fighting, and it was her way of contributing to the military forces of Kirigakure when she wasn't killing their enemies.

So of course, she'd happily accepted, and now found herself on her way to the training grounds, reviewing the small introductory file she'd received, detailing out some basic information on her student. Mumbling to herself, she reviewed slightly. "Weiss Schnee, fresh genin. Basic skills, Fuuinjutsu and Bukijutsu, emphasis on swordsmanship. Defining characteristics, Yuki clan ice wielder like the Lady Mizukage. Age, 18, so around my age. 5' 3", one inch taller than myself." she was still talking as she entered the grounds of Training Ground 61. "Note to self, incredibly cute." she muttered under her breath, upon seeing the girl already waiting for her. Looking up at the sun, to discern the time, Nozomi tilted her head. Was she late? Judging by the time, she was actually still a bit early. "Very punctional, doesn't like to be late?" she pondered, again mostly to herself.

Approaching the white haired girl, Nozomi adjusted her headband slightly, and bowed to the girl. "Weiss Schnee, my name is Nozomi Himitsu, and I shall have the honor of being your tutor for today!" she said, trying to sound cheerful and confident, but not succeeding very well. The young Jounin had a high level of social awkwardness, and wasn't very good at conversation with people she didn't know. Setting down her bag of weaponry, which included its usual variety of kunai, senbon, shuriken, and other items, it also had her tantos and Fuma shuriken in it, for once not having them strapped on to her uniform. Something else she'd brought, just in case, were some sparring sticks, fashioned into the crude likeness of different weapons. She wasn't sure if the girl had any of her own yet, and figured she might as well have the ability to choose something that comforted her style. "We've actually got some time left before it's officially time to train you, I had planned on getting here early so you didn't have to wait for me, but it seems like you got here even before I did. Would you like to get to know eachother first, or do you want to just jump right into things?"

Nozomi looked at the other girl quizzically, taking in her choice of clothing in a glance. It was really nice, especially for a spar, but she did suppose the girl was from a rich enough family. Her own clan wasn't one that really dealt with gifts and inheritances, but she knew others did. She herself wore the normal uniform of a Kirigakure shinobi, her flak jacket included. She had left her Hunter-nin gear at home, because she knew it was better to remain secretive about that sort of thing, and she wasn't on assignment at the moment.

WC: 725
TWC: 725

Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

Weiss quicker heard the crunching of grass in front of her, head bowed as it was, than she’d spotted sight of her tutor: a blonde roughly her height, dressed in the nearly pure black colours of Kirigakure’s official uniform. Her shirt seemed to be of the same material as her pants, protected by a greyish-black vest with two high collars, the entire accessory thick as body armor would be. All in all, complete with the bandages around her shin and the ankle-high sandals that left her toes exposed, she was the exemplar of how any Kirigakure shinobi looked like, and that failed to narrow down Weiss’ suspects as to the identity of her would-be tutor. Assuming, of course, she wasn’t a simple passer-by who’d be otherwise rudely kicked out.

Her hands still crossed, she watched as the woman approached her, stopping a respectable meter and a half from her location. Her arms remained crossed, and the hard look on her face – carved from practice rather than dissatisfaction – remained. She was the picture of an arrogant heiress who’d been handed everything she wanted, not that the fallacy of that particular stereotype fit her history as well as people assumed. She wondered what sort of instructor her father had hired, her questions as to her identity more or less answered on a general basis by her introductory speech and subsequent bow.

Weiss’ arms in response fell to her side, and her head dipped slightly in a show of respect, not to the extent of her tutor, but something drilled within her for years. Her silence continued as she saw her tutor, Nozomi Himitsu, set down a rather bulky bag of what appeared to be weapons, while holding onto a file in her other hand. Weiss regretted not bringing Myrtenaster, but shrugged off that thought immediately. She was Weiss Schnee; weapon or not she wouldn’t let it get to her.

“I’m Weiss. Weiss Schnee,” she introduced unnecessarily, almost sure her father wouldn’t have allowed anyone to step into the realm of tutoring her without at least knowing her name. What happened to her under their watch, though, was another story, and traumatic experience as it might be he could very well sanction it in hopes that it would scare Weiss away from the dangers of being a ninja. Not that she would allow miniscule factors like broken bones scare her from a profession she craved with her heart; she would not be another princess in the Daimyo’s court, and she would not be another nameless heiress.

To get to know each other, or not? Logically, to comply would be in her favour, since she would need to discover more about her tutor, how she teached, what she planned to teach, how harsh she was (though she was bordering on less so with what she’d recently seen), and frankly agreeing to what your tutor wanted tended to be what made them more pleased with your performance – a good first impression, so to speak. Then again, she was eager to test herself. All she’d had so far were other Genin whose lack of teamwork allowed her to take them on two-to-one whilst being supported by a third medic, before ultimately scaring them into submission; Nozomi didn’t seem to be a meager Genin, likely at least wielding the sentry of a Chuunin. Not to mention her father wouldn’t have anyone less than a Chuunin tutor her, lest he waste his preciously-earned wealth.

“We can rest easy before the lesson,” she said, feeling at ease with the situation of dictating her learning experience. “As you know, I’m Weiss. I arrived in Kirigakure a few weeks ago from the Land of Water’s capital, where I received my education. I’m not assigned to any one squad, nor do I feel the need to be. I take it my father hired you to evaluate my performance in Kirigakure so far?”

1089 words



The other girl was very cordial, likely having been taught by her father and handlers on how to be a proper lady. Nozomi herself had received such training at one point, having been an heiress of her own clan before her exile, but she had also been groomed for battle, so a lot of their etiquette had been on commanding a presence. It was because of this that Nozomi could see that Weiss was holding herself with somewhat an air of superiority, something she had honestly been expecting. Most noble or high born people tended to have that sort of air. It was something of the status their name brought on them. In a way, Nozomi was glad she wasn't involved in that sort of thing anymore, but soon, very soon, she'd be forcing herself back into that world, when she went to reclaim her clan from her father. There were stirrings about something big coming, but she hadn't been able to find out what it was, so her main hope was in solidifying her own roll as the clan leader, she could keep the peace.

The girl introduced herself as Weiss Schnee, something that wasn't necessary, but still ingrained in her mind to do, if she'd received the same sort of training Nozomi had. It was considered proper to give introductions in an environment in which you weren't in the company of immediate hostiles. Even though Nozomi was going to be drilling the girl, there was no malice involved in it, and that meant they weren't each other's enemy. She came from the capital of the Land of Water, having received her training from high end tutors there, Nozomi was sure. Most of this was in her files as it were, so she knew that much, but it was nice to have in person confirmation. She expressed that she was good enough that she didn't need a squad, nor was she in one, to which Nozomi just offered a smile. That much was still to be determined, at least by her, but she'd take her at her word for that. She'd been over what the files covered so far, and in theory, her training had covered quite a large amount. She arguably had more training available to her than did most Academy graduates.

"I mean, I'd assume so, since there's not much I can offer to teach you beyond just helping you get more experience in live combat. You've obviously had extensive training with some of the best theoretical tutors around. Your file contains many high end commendations for sure. But I mean, Kiri-nin are a cut above the average shinobi. Our military forces are usually superior in skill to those of equal ranks from other villages. I'm wondering how much your talent will match up to the training we're used to?" Nozomi pondered, not being rude, more asking for herself. It was a truth. There were plenty of extraordinary shinobi around, and because of that, early talent thrived. But there was a certain skill cap that people just worked their way to, without having any starting talent. Weiss had a leg up on most, but they were around the same age, and Nozomi was already a Jounin as it were. Perhaps if the girl had started her combat training really young, she'd have accelerated far past Nozomi, but she hadn't the opportunity. Nozomi's entire clan was combat oriented, so even as an heiress, she'd been trained young. Even sickly, she'd had to be better than others. That's why losing in the Chuunin Exams had shown that she hadn't been good enough. She wasn't Himitsu material. At least, not at the time.

"Perhaps some background knowledge on myself then, Miss Schnee. Your father chose me to evaluate you, because I hail from a clan of Taijutsu specialists. Our entire focus is on fighting. I myself broke free from the stereotype of pure Taijutsu, and learned the arts of Bukijutsu, and while I'm not the best, I have a mastery of it that allows me to wield weaponry rather naturally. Since my promotion to Chuunin, I've actually been a tutor for groups of Genin and Academy students, although it was usually in a class type environment. I occasionally personally fought and taught, but most of it was refresher course things, and I'd help them improve on what they already had, and remember what they'd forgotten from the Academy. I guess I made a reputation as a top quality tutor, because I received a missive asking me to personally tend to you, and so here I am. I was hoping that in our little encounter, you could just go all out on me, and show me what you're made of."

WC: 790
TWC: 1515

Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

Experience in live combat. Good, that was what she needed right now. Clearly this Nozomi Himitsu persona was aware of the vague circumstances surrounding her private education, and it was little stretch to boast that, yes, some of the most notable names in the fields of Bukijutsu and Fuuinjutsu had been her tutors, albeit only in the theoretical aspect of her studies. The practical aspect had always been severely frowned upon and hence pursued only in scarcity, leaving her lacking in the experience that rounded out an individual’s intelligence.

Unfortunately, Weiss couldn’t help but feel the sting at Nozomi’s comment. She was Weiss Schnee; how dare she belittle her skill? Experience or no experience, she refused to believe that she was a second-rate kunoichi compared to Kirigakure’s average joe. It was impossible for her to stomach that all the experience and investment that had so painstakingly gone into her development could easily be substituted by Kirigakure’s standard Academy training; that was a primary reason she hadn’t attended, among other chief concerns over her safety and her father’s persistent attempts at making her see reason as to the folly of her choice of careers. No, it was implausible.

However, that failed to explain Nozomi’s presence. Here was a girl, who by all looks of it seemed to be Weiss’ age, and she was at least a Chuunin, if not greater, for Weiss didn’t doubt for a second that her father would settle for any but the best tutors, as he had with her private education. This was little different from all those moments, with the only difference being a change in setting to her current workplace. Of course, enduring the harsh words, true or not, had Weiss almost gritting her teeth, but she soldiered on through with the small whisper in her head suggesting that working her nerves up was likely part of the test of her emotional quotient.

Throughout Nozomi’s introduction of her credits, which Weiss wouldn’t have questioned either way simply due to word of her father having contracted this woman to show her the ropes, Weiss would remain indifferent, not displaying curiosity to pry into her sensei-for-the-day’s background. Still, she gleaned critical information from this small exchange. As evidenced by the large sack of weapons Nozomi had dropped, reminding her of Myrtenaster calmly strapped to the side of her left waist, the woman was an expert in Bukijutsu. Weiss reminded herself to prepare for a heavy close combat assault should their session devolve into a spar, given her specialty with Taijutsu and Bukijutsu, although the latter allowed room for the rarer art of Kyujutsu that few ninja failed to properly flourish in – given the defiance she’d shown her family, in some ways maybe like the defiance Weiss showed her father, it was safe to assume that should she have dabbled in the arts of archery, her skills would be fearful.

While not having sought it, assurance that she’d taught others did embolden Weiss’ opinion of her credentials, and stroked the safeguard that she wouldn’t be far too injured following this session. Experience or not, trauma was not a good teacher, and hospital bedridden days would eat into time better spent perfecting her skills. She had also assured that she was at least Chunin, but she hoped that their spar would focus more on helping Weiss sharpen her motor skills rather than a basic rerun of what they learned at the Academy. She did not need a refresher on the courses she’d spent hours a day memorising word for word.

“Gladly,” Weiss answered at the end, leaving a small pause after Nozomi’s last statement to ensure that her peer had truly finished her monologue. “And what will be the rules of this encounter? How will we determine the winner?”

1740 words



Nozomi couldn't help but let out a small, light laugh. "Oh, that's funny! A winner? I mean, if you gain experience, and I do my job, then we're both winners, right?" she said, her laughter started to recede a little. "But I suppose you're right, we do need a goal. Hmmm... how about this? We fight until you either hit me, which means that you are a top quality fighter and there's nothing I can teach you, OR, until you can no longer keep up your pace, and can't attack anymore? On the one hand, hitting me would prove your skill, and on the other, your drive would be unquestionable, and your body will improve even further because of it. Either way, you'll get my own commendations, because I like to push my students to their limits." she said, smiling. She doubted that this girl would be able to actually hit her, she had fought against Maigo without a single one of his strikes landing on her, and that fight they'd both been utilizing jutsu rather freely. Against Suutei, she'd taken a couple of hits from him, but it was all things she'd allowed to happen, in order to get him into a position she could easily counter from, and even then, she knew how to move her body in order to absorb the most kinetic force from a strike.

She thought about her own training, when she was preparing for her Chuunin Exams. Her tutor had pushed her to the very edge of her stamina, to the point that she'd be left gasping for air by the end of their sessions. She'd also then gone and done her own light training during days when she was to take it easy, so she was always growing in ability and skill. She rarely had a full moment's rest, and because of that, she was able to do quite a lot, with very little. She'd only improved since then, and she was actually quite eager to help someone else do the same. Weiss had the theoretical applications, and because of that, she only really needed to get stronger, faster, and better. To commit her movements to muscle memory to improve her time and efficiency. Physical fighters like Bukijutsu users and Taijutsu users were better than average because they could train themselves to know exactly how to respond to certain situations. The problem with them though, was that if someone learned their style, it was hard to fight against your own learned muscle memory, so they could do improvization that would throw off the style.

WC: 434
TWC: 1949

Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

Somehow, Weiss couldn’t help but feel that Nozomi wasn’t taking her job entirely too seriously. Perhaps it was the laugh or maybe it was the lack of formality that surrounded their meeting, unlike the ones she was used to where her relationships with her tutors were strictly – strictly – professional. No laughter, no jokes, no languid exchanges with slouched postures before the education began. Hardly a similar experience with how Nozomi had chosen to approach her, and undisputedly far more lax than Weiss was used to. Or comfortable with.

So, the conditions surrounding their session would amount to what was essentially a glorified spar. Weiss and Nozomi would fight, and the circumstances revolving around it only affirmed Weiss’ guess of Nozomi’s skill and confidence, if it didn’t boil down to complacency in that regard. So, all she would have to do was hit Nozomi once to win, while her defeat would come when Nozomi had battered and bruised her body to the point where she would request for a respite. It seemed simple enough, not that Weiss would actually deign herself ready to call for a respite until she was satisfied with her performance, and given the conditions set for it, she wouldn’t be satisfied until she at least nicked Nozomi.

“Very well,” she agreed, before moving to position herself vaguely to the right of her previous position, never keeping her eyes off of Nozomi in case the details around the beginning of their spar had been withheld intentionally. She would move until she and Nozomi were standing ten meters apart, with soft grass, slightly damp from the moisure ever present in Kirigakure’s atmosphere, filling the gap. The clearing they were located within was easily a hundred meters in radius, fenced on Weiss’ right and with a river at least fifty meters wide on their left, beginning from the top of this rough circle and curving along its circumference before continuing a straight line down.

Her right hand would grip the hilt of her weapon on her left waist, retrieving it and placing it between herself and Nozomi, with her arm and the blade forming a rough ‘V’ shape as she stepped a foot forward with her right leg. While it would be much less effective against an accomplished fighter like her tutor, it would give her a semblance of protection should she strike from her right, while her left hand would prepare by sneaking into her grip, between her fingers, three senbon from within a small pouch conveniently located behind her hip, slightly to the left, keeping her hand there in the guise of a fencer’s traditional stance and keeping the senbon out of Nozomi's sight.

2194 words



The white haired girl was very agreeable to the terms of their spar, and Nozomi felt an odd sense of glee overwhelm her. Her plans for the fight as of now were to simply go on the defensive, and let Weiss go all out, but how she spent her fight would more than likely depend much on whether or not Weiss attacked her first. If they both were to stay defensive from the onset, then it would be impossible for the match to begin, so Nozomi made up her mind to attack her student should she not make the first move, toning back her speed and strength quite a bit, down to where a genin would be able to keep pace with her. After all, she didn't want to overwhelm and end the spar with a single move.

However, she did note that if Weiss was a bukijutsu user, she herself would need weaponry to defend herself. Of course, she could dodge attacks all day, but she liked the clash of weapon on weapon, the meeting of two forces colliding. And of course, if she was going to simply dodge, then Weiss would burn herself out too quickly, as it wouldn't be fun for her. At least, Nozomi assumed as much. If she was fighting someone, and couldn't even clash against their weapon, she'd get quickly frustrated and probably attack them with everything she had, burning herself out even quicker, while it amounted to nothing. In that regard, she would need to arm herself, probably with one of her lesser weapons so that she didn't accidently break through Weiss's own blade. It was a pretty thing, but Nozomi's own weapons were of higher craftmanship, having come from some of the finest black smiths around.

Walking over to her bag, Nozomi rooted around through it, imparting a little bit of chakra into her Windmill Shuriken as she did so, purely out of habit. It was a lesson that she would end up teaching the girl today, to always have a substitution prepared, because no matter how strong you were, there was always a use for the jutsu. If you got surprised by something, it could buy time, and time was precious in an actual fight. And for the most part, nobody could really tell what was and wasn't going to be used to substitute. Setting the Windmill Shuriken next to her bag of weapons, Nozomi continued digging around, looking for one of her twin Tanto's, as one should function properly enough for her to fight the girl. Ideally, she'd be using both of her weapons, but that would be overkill. She grabbed a handful of senbon, about 10 or so, and a single Kunai, putting the kunai in her left thigh holster, and the senbon into her right holster, opting to leave everything else in the bag, other than the Windmill shuriken.

"Feel free to use any and all weapons that I brought. You may need them. You're also permitted to utilize jutsu, because why wouldn't you be?" Nozomi said, a small smirk crossing over her face as she took up her own position. If Weiss deigned to pick up any of the weapons, that was her prerogative, and Nozomi would allow her to do so, and then the rest would have to be picked up during combat if they were wanted.

From there, the two of them assumed their battle positions, and Nozomi adopted a low guard stance, her legs not spread far apart, her body low to the ground, her knees bent and in a position to launch her in any direction should she need to. Her tanto was held directly in front of her, although she kept her arm close to her body. Using that form, she made herself a much smaller target, with the ability to quickly launch herself into any direction she needed to go, and she maximized her own defense, as it meant that she had a shorter travel time to block things, and her response time was quicker because of it. Quick side twitches was all she needed to protect her body and deflect an oncoming strike. She had a shorter range with her tanto, but if she deflected a strike, and moved in, she could use Weiss's weapon's longer reach against her student, her own weapon being able to maneuver with no issues in a close quarters situation. This was all just muscle memory for Nozomi though, nothing she really needed to think about. The bout hadn't even started yet. "Okay. 3. 2. 1. BEGIN!" Nozomi ordered, her body remaining rigid, waiting to anticipate Weiss's movements.

WC: 775
TWC: 2724

-5 Substitution Prep
235/240 Chakra

Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

“Very well,” Weiss had said. Nozomi had then taken short steps to the bag slightly beside her, before kneeling down and withdrawing a Windmill shuriken. Curiously, she didn’t keep it, instead placing it to the side and continuing to dig in her bag for what seemed like an eternity to the girl, whose adrenaline was already beginning to flow, before withdrawing a beautiful piece of handicraft, a tanto just shy of half Myrtenaster’s length, but no doubt forged with much better quality. Try as she might, the blacksmiths were wary of handing over high-grade material to a girl who’d yet to prove herself. She saw the girl grab senbon aplenty, ten to be precise, as well as a single kunai, pocketing them in her right and left thigh holsters, and then stepping back to her location a meter and a half from Weiss’ position, before offering the girl any choice of weapons in her item inventory.

While unorthodox, Weiss didn’t complain, walking to the bag and kneeling in front of it to shuffle through its contents, her eyes flickering to Nozomi’s form once or twice to ensure this wasn’t a ploy designed to test her gullibility. Her eyes then rested on a pair of katanas, sheathed, and a blade that bore resemblance to yet another tanto. So Nozomi was a blade user, meaning her skill with the tanto she’d picked was at least as good as Weiss’ with Myrtenaster, and highly likely much more so given she was the tutor of this scenario. She ran her hand along the edges of the sheathes, able to tell they were all of good quality, before exploring deeper into the bag. Absently, she noted that the bag itself was of a decent size, and as her hands dug around she poured a small amount of chakra into it, preparing it for a Substitution technique, as was drilled into her during her survival lessons to always have one prepared. As she did so, she saw a pair of… dolls (?) hanging at the side of the bag, clipped there as an aesthetic, probably, maybe even a personal attachment. One of them did look like Nozomi, while the other bore blue hair and was rather foreign to Weiss’ knowledge. Regardless, Weiss collected three metsubishi and a total of fourteen senbon, pocketing them in her ninja pouch hanging at her waist, tilted slightly to the left, before standing up and returning to her position a meter and a half away.

With this, she would then make her way her location ten meters away from Nozomi, making sure to keep an eye on her sensei, noting the lack of any formal announcement of the beginning of her spar, meaning it was either awaiting the two of them to get into their positions, or that it had already begun. Fortunately, it would seem it was the former, and Weiss saw a distance of ten meters between her and her sensei. Her sensei prepared as well, placing the tanto in front of her with her right arm while Weiss moved into her own stance, withdrawing Myrtenaster from its hindrances on her left waist and holding it out in front of her, arm and blade making a ‘V’ sign as she stepped forward with her right leg, causing her body to angle to the left somewhat. Her left hand would reach behind her to withdraw three senbon, and she would keep them there, with the smaller weapons in her left hand out of sight of Nozomi, in what was the typical stance of any fencer.

When her sensei would yell out for the pair to begin, Weiss would remain still, opting to instead study her sensei’s moves. There was little point in wasting her energy running forward to combat an opponent who already was her superior in most cases.

2841 words



Nozomi didn't actually pay any attention to the weapons that Weiss chose from her bag, choosing instead to let that remain a secret. After all, this girl was going to have to surprise her with her best, if she was going to actually get a strike off on her. Nozomi and the girl faced off against each other, about 10 meters distance between the two of them. She smiled, as that distance was negligible for her. Her form though, was perfect. The classic fencer stance, one that Nozomi had seen before. She herself had no openings that weren't provided by the stance, and there were no flaws in the stance on her part. Of course, no weapon style was without it's flaws, and a duelist just didn't maximize their power, instead choosing speed and precision strikes. That meant that their weapons were easily parried and knocked to the side, and a quick strike could be inserted into that brief opening. Of course, a quick duelist can move their weapon back into position for their own parry, and thus a battle of blades would ensue. It was an art that Nozomi loved, but it was not her style. Nozomi's use of Bukijutsu was to counter Bukijutsu so she could use her Taijutsu instead. Taijutsu was hard pressed against Bukijutsu, so a weapon could better block a weapon than a fist could.

Inching herself forward, Nozomi didn't move very fast at all, keeping her form almost exactly the same as she continually shifted her body closer to the other girl, until she'd moved about a meter in full forward. As if a coil on a spring, though, Nozomi's body jolted forward, nowhere near her full speed, but around enough to close the 9 meter gap in a second. This was the equivalent of reaching most top Genin's top speed in an instant, enough to perhaps catch the girl off guard. Her Tanto wasn't used to attack Weiss, but to knock her blade to Weiss' left, Nozomi's right, and allow her to launch her own left hand forward for an open palmed strike at Weiss' chest, toned down in strength to shove her back a couple of feet at most. It wasn't anything flashy, and very basic, but it was intended to quickly establish that Nozomi's offensive might be difficult to contend with. After all, nobody ever opened up with their full strength, right?

WC: 401
TWC: 3125

Chakra: 285/290 OOC: Thanks for pointing that out ^_^

Strength: D rank/A rank
Reaction Time: D-3/A-1
Speed: D-3/A-2
Endurance: A rank/A rank
Perception: A-1/A-1

Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

Weiss had to prepare herself. This was far from any simple Genin, and her rank being whatever it was would already eclipse her own in nearly all areas. Her stance remained rigid, but also fluid and ready to adapt as she’d been taught, as Nozomi took the first few inches towards her. After covering a tenth of the distance, she suddenly shot forward, not that Weiss hadn’t been expecting the maneuver, what with the buildup to it. Of course, how fast she shot forward had taken her by surprise, covering the entire length in just a second. She saw Nozomi, with her entire body bent forward, her right leg having stepped down into Weiss’ personal space while her left leg too found traction on the ground, just slightly in front of Weiss’ own right leg. Her tanto was arriving in a leftwards swipe, from Weiss’ perspective, definitely too quick for her to pull herself back and avoid having her weapon shot near useless out of her arms, and so instead of fleeing from the attack, she decided to lean into it.

As the tanto connected with the length of her rapier, she felt it beg to give way to the left, and while she could feel that the strength matched her own somewhat, she had already decided that Nozomi’s skills as a whole eclipsed her far too much for her to try and contend her in physical superiority; it just wasn’t going to turn out in her favour. So, instead, she let her index and middle finger fall loose, providing a pivoting point for her rapier at the end of its hilt in her grip, causing it to rotate in her hand rather than simply being knocked aside. As this happened, Weiss rotated her body more counter-clockwise, allowing her to face Nozomi with her right shoulder, with her left shoulder facing away, and the hand that gripped the senbon visible if Nozomi paid attention to the one point on her back.

As this happened and her rapier more-or-less fell out of her grip, balancing perpendicularly to her palm, now also no longer in contact with Nozomi’s tanto, Weiss’ hand shifted rapidly to hold the rapier in a reverse grip. The rapier itself would now be pointed away from Nozomi, while the hilt was facing her, extending roughly two centimetres from Weiss’ hand. The motion itself had also included pushing forward slightly with her right hand, so as to give the rapier sufficient moments to rotate to the point where the reverse grip was made easily possible, and it was at this point in time that Weiss would appear facing Nozomi with her right shoulder, right leg standing outwards and left leg standing back, with the rapier’s tip pointing in the same direction as her left shoulder – backwards. Using the slight momentum generated from the forward motion of her right arm, Weiss would flow with it, throwing her right hand forward into Nozomi’s incoming left palm strike, coating her weapon, including the hilt, in a frosty mist that would leave Nozomi with a nasty surprise, while the spot beneath Weiss' left foot would suddenly be decorated with a very curious snowflake of three meters in radius. 

While seemingly calculated, it happened instinctively for Weiss, whose mind had gone for the fight rather than flight response, moving into Nozomi rather than scampering away from her. With the momentum that Nozomi had from her sudden dash forward, it would be miraculous for her to suddenly zip to either direction to escape, and it would be curious how the girl could dash backwards, while pushing forward would likely be suicidal.

3477 words



Nozomi may have been slowing her body down, but it proved to be impossible to slow down her own senses, meaning she had ample time to process the counter attack that Weiss had provided. She was impressed to say the least, at the girl's use of Nozomi's attack to reposition the blade, and using a Bukijutsu technique to make up for the lack of power that a hilt and backwards gripped sword could allow for. She did indeed appear to have some skill and talent, and Nozomi couldn't fault the high commendations that the girl already had, but it just wouldn't work against her. If she was going at her full speed, this was easily dodgeable. Although, she wasn't going at her fully speed, and currently her momentum had her going forward, which left her in a bit of a predicament. The obvious answer to her was just to not be there when her strike hit, so that's exactly what happened.

If Weiss could sense chakra inside a person, or see a mass of chakra, she'd know that Nozomi had a mass surge of chakra move through her pores, but she probably didn't. The hilt moved towards Nozomi in what felt like slow motion, and it was about an inch away from Nozomi when the girl rocketed forward and to her own right, now on Weiss's left. It wasn't technically increasing her speed, she was keeping herself at the level of about Chuunin speed, but allowing her to instantly accelerate in any direction she chose to, at any speed she herself was capable. In a way, it felt like cheating, she was able to move faster than Weiss, but it was also that she herself was fully used to her own speed. Instantly accelerating to the speed she was currently going just didn't faze her like it used to, as it would if she instantly moved at her own top speed. Because of that, it allowed her to maneuver with little issues and position herself for another strike.

Where Nozomi once stood, there were only petals remaining, and Nozomi's left leg was brought up on a hopefully surprised Weiss's stomach, to knock her back with a quick knee. Nozomi grinned at the other girl, as she dropped back into a defensive stance rather than fully following through. If this was a real fight, she would have capitalized and ended it there, but it was a spar, and she'd let it go with just the one. "Sick move Weiss. Real nice."

WC: 420
TWC: 3545

-15 Petal Propulsion
270/290 Chakra:

Jutsu used:

Strength: D rank/A rank
Reaction Time: D-3/A-1
Speed: D-3/A-2
Endurance: A rank/A rank
Perception: A-1/A-1
OOC: Petal Propulsion at 9 m/s about  just to reposition to your left.

Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

Weiss remained confident despite Nozomi having disappeared out of her sight almost completely, leaving behind pink fluttering petals in what Weiss immediately assumed was the notorious Body Flicker technique. She did, however, see Nozomi’s leg – likely her left – already in motion to strike her in the stomach with a quick knee. She wouldn’t be able to move out of the way quick enough, but with the leg there, Weiss was fairly aware of Nozomi’s general location: within her seal.

At this point, Weiss’ face would have been facing her right, as that had been the direction Nozomi had attacked from. Her hand was almost stretched out in a piercing maneuver, only with the hilt of her rapier rather than the blade. Her left hand was still behind her, and hence unable to stop the incoming attack, and Weiss’ eyes flicked over to the left, catching sight of Nozomi from the corner of her eye, even as her head rotated slightly to better her view of her opponent. Her leg was incoming and there was no way to stop it, that was true, but Weiss wouldn’t allow Nozomi the satisfaction of hitting her without herself falling prey to one of Weiss’ tactics.

Her view of Nozomi informed her that the girl was balancing on her right leg, left leg raised to knee her in the stomach. Her right hand was still extended outwards as a result of her swing of her tanto, while her left hand remained pulled back in a palm strike. Palm and knee, then, Weiss assumed? There was no time to quickly formulate a plan, and so Weiss merely followed through with what she already had in mind. Nozomi’s location, roughly fifty centimeters from her to allow for her knee to strike Weiss’ stomach, was well within the range of her seal, which spread out three meters radius from its center underneath her left foot.

The seal already infused with her ice chakra upon its creation, Weiss allowed Nozomi’s knee to jab her in the stomach, feeling some pain from it but otherwise not too deterred. Her body crumpled forward slightly – just every so slightly, a few degrees. At the same time, ice would rapidly shoot up from the location Nozomi was standing on, entrapping her right leg before quickly crawling up at a rate of ten meters per second to entrap the rest of her body, up to her neck, wrists, and thigh of her other leg, with Nozomi likely unable to escape as quickly as she did from Weiss’ previous attack, due to likely having focused her eyes on her target rather than what was occurring beneath their feet. Said ice would form a layer of roughly two inches around Nozomi in roughly 0.15 seconds, making movement all but impossible unless she began going past the limits Weiss believed she’d set for their encounter.

Weiss would’ve taken a step back with her right leg now, balancing herself from Nozomi’s strike, and in the process, she’d flip her rapier back to an upright position in her hand, before resting the tip of the blade to the right of Nozomi’s throat, from Nozomi’s perspective, just slightly touching, with the tip of the blade also resting on the ice that formed over her collarbone.

At this point, Nozomi would be nearly completely frozen in ice, save for her neck, head, wrists, and her left knee onwards, and Weiss had positioned herself such that fully extending said knee wouldn’t be able to hit her, while still having her rapier to, from Nozomi’s perspective, the right of her neck, ready to deflect any half-hearted attempt to strike her with her tanto via a rotation of her wrist, while also claiming her victory, if Nozomi would have it. Weiss kept her left hand behind her back, as was in the traditional fencer’s stance. Should the girl fail to comply of her own accord near immediately, the frost from her weapon would begin to singe her neck uncomfortably, forming minor second degree frost burns and leaving a small icy mist on the affected area.

4175 words



Nozomi had known that Weiss had something up her sleeve of course. She herself knew that there had been a trap laid, but with the skills she already had, that was a given. At the level she was fighting at, and her knowledge of herself before, she'd have fallen for it hook line and sinker as well. She felt her knee connect with Weiss's stomach, and then an icy chill crept up her leg. The requirement had been met, and Weiss had proven herself a worthy combatant enough that Nozomi didn't mind reporting anything but her highest regards to Weiss's father on her skills. That being said, Nozomi wasn't about to let Weiss score another hit on her, or get her in a position that she'd have thought she'd beaten Nozomi. The girl still had plenty up her sleeve to offer, and even in a real fight against an opponent of her skill as she was portraying it, the match wouldn't have been close to over for her.

The ice had moved partially up her body before Nozomi's grin flashed again, and her body disappeared, a poof of smoke as she substituted with the Windmill shuriken she'd earlier placed. The girl hadn't ever lost sight of the object, as that was a key component of the jutsu itself. She could still feel the cold of the ice on her leg, but that was all that had actually managed to creep up. It hadn't actually gone too far up her leg, the substitution having done its job well enough that it had left an afterimage for the ice to creep up, but Nozomi had in fact got hit by the jutsu. "Well placed, you got me in that exchange, objective complete. It's up to you if you want to continue, I've still got a lot left in my tank." the Jounin said.

She waited for Weiss's response, sheathing her tanto. Even if Weiss were to continue the match, this time until either of them surrendered the fight, Nozomi wouldn't need the blade anymore. Her taijutsu skills were enough to get her through the fight, and she'd just push Weiss to her limits. She had to admit. The girl's form was flawless, her natural instinct and skill with the blade were near perfect. Everything else would come with training. Her reactions would improve, her speed would improve, her perception, and her ability to take hits and keep going. The more she trained, the more proficient she'd be. Eventually, this girl could probably surpass herself. Today, wouldn't be that day, but she had certainly made an impression on her. Nozomi wasn't one for letting herself get hit. There was something to be said about her choice to push an attack rather than to retreat, but Nozomi's methods were hyper aggressive. She tended to push without giving ground, to keep her opponent close and unable to respond. She wasn't trying to hurt Weiss, so she couldn't attack like she normally would, with her Nintaijutsu, but that didn't mean she needed to hold back as much as she was. Removing Weiss's weapon from her hand should suffice.

Should Weiss choose to accept the offer of continuance, Nozomi would nod, and place the sheathed Tanto back into her bag, closing it. Unclipping the Plushies from the bag, Nozomi slipped them into pockets in her flak jacket, and without any notice, hurled the bag at Weiss, not holding back any of her strength, and ran, following behind it, already forming petals around her hand, utilizing the weakest form of her Cascading Defense jutsu. In battle, a shinobi would take any sort of advantage they had, any tools at their disposal, and for Nozomi, those tools happened to be all of her tools. Her defense should be enough to nullify Weiss's iced weapon, and she could use it to deflect anything oncoming at her as well.

WC: 649
TWC: 4194

-5 Substitution
-10 Cascading Defense, Petal Deflection

255/290 Chakra


Strength: B-3/A rank [Not using my Himitsu Tai]
Reaction Time: D-3/A-1
Speed: D-3/A-2
Endurance: A rank/A rank
Perception: A-1/A-1

Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

Weiss had been hit by the knee, taking a step back to balance herself, while channeling her ice chakra through her seal, causing shards of ice to freeze upwards on the point where Nozomi was standing on with her right leg. As Weiss adjusted her rapier so she was once again holding it upright, she saw Nozomi’s entire lower body from her waist down, sans her left knee onwards, was frozen in a two-inch thick layer of ice. However, the figure of her sensei then exploded in a cloud of smoke that instantly cleared, leaving behind the half-finished coat of ice and a windmill shuriken balanced above it, ironically as if it had cut a whole ice sculpture of Nozomi Himitsu in half.

It was all too obvious what had happened. The Substitution Jutsu, which she herself had prepared, had allowed Nozomi to escape from her one technique that would’ve secured her flying colours in her ninja report card, so to speak. Weiss turned to look to her right, and saw that Nozomi was once more standing by the bag of weapons she’d carried with her, standing nonchalantly with the tanto no longer poised for a fight.

“Well placed, you got me in that exchange, objective complete. It’s up to you if you want to continue, I’ve still got a lot left in my tank.”

So that was it? That was the end of her test? An exchange that lasted no more than thirty seconds? Hardly something to be satisfied by in her books! Forget the accomplishments her father were expecting to see, she herself wouldn’t be able to look herself in the mirror if she backed down right now! While she wasn’t an overly prideful person, pride in the right amounts was what built character, and with this character Weiss turned to face Nozomi, face to face, dropping the three senbon back into her pouch before letting her left arm drop to her side, effectively acknowledging that their initial encounter was over.

This wasn’t to say that Weiss was ready for their exchange to end though. Seeing that Nozomi was clearly allowing her to decide whether or not to continue, she picked up the Windmill Shuriken with her left hand and opted to take a different stance. She would face Nozomi side-on, her stance almost reminiscent of the one she’d used at the start of their fight, but also somewhat different. The similarities really lay in the footwork, with her right and left leg standing at shoulder-width, facing a slight leftward angle, bent slightly so she’d suffer an inch or two in height. Her right hand now held her rapier in a familiar fashion, forming the fencer’s typical V, though her left hand no longer retreated behind her, instead holding the Windmill Shuriken parallel to the ground to allow herself flexibility, sacrificing the rigidity and structure most fencers adhered to.

She would nod her head, and Nozomi nodded in response as well, before curiously returning her tanto to her bag, unclipping the dolls from said bag and pocketing them, and then without any warning throwing the entire bag full of weapons at her. Weiss was aware of the rough figures of weapons within the bag, and knew that it would be detrimental should she get hit by any of them, all of which totalled up to over fifty projectiles. Throwing all that alone told Weiss that Nozomi had been holding back in their spar in more than just her speed (obviously), and the only blessing she accepted in this situation was that Nozomi had thrown her bag in such a way that the opening was soaring at her, meaning she could still stop the spillage of weapons upon her if she stopped it in midair.

Jumping back a meter, effectively leaving eleven meters between her and Nozomi’s presumed position (not that she would know the girl had already dashed), Weiss channeled more chakra into the half-finished ice sculpture beside her, causing the portion of Ice Nozomi’s right thigh to grow outwards, forming a small wall that met the bag head on, causing it to slide down harmlessly and spill two kunai, one senbon, and a metsubishi outwards. As this occurred, Weiss saw with surprise that Nozomi was already upon her, in front of the wall and directly behind the spilled projectile bag, with roughly a meter between the two of them.

There were two ways Nozomi could immediately reach her, assuming she chose to do so. The first would be to jump over the wall, while the second would be to run to the right, where Nozomi wouldn’t be hindered by the half-finished ice-sculpture, unless she was okay with doing punches above the literal waist of her ice sculpture. Weiss was at least sure that if anything, the woman’s brute strength alone would be insufficient to break the partial ice defense she’d bunkered down in. Surprised by her appearance, though, Weiss would have immediately jumped a further one meter back, in the process swinging her left hand to the right and, with a flick of her wrist, throw the Windmill Shuriken wide to the right, attaching puppet strings to the weapon and pulling it to travel in an arc to the left. This action of throwing the Windmill Shuriken would occur as Weiss jumped back, and she would land in a less than graceful position, her entire body facing Nozomi, right leg stepped in front and left leg stepped to the back to stop her skid. Her left hand would reach behind her, reaching for three senbon again, but puppet strings still attached and ready to manipulate the large shuriken with chakra control, though she held her rapier in the same manner.

5141 words



Nozomi took the fact that Weiss had now picked up her Windmill Shuriken as proper indication that she was ready for another bout right now. That was perfectly fine with the young Jounin, it meant that she could start to get more serious. She figured that if Weiss had the skill to lay traps and capture someone using the theoretical knowledge she had, she didn't need to learn much from Nozomi other than improving her own skills through training and experience. Which also meant she could bump up her own level of combat. Nothing improved someone else quicker than overwhelming them physically. Nozomi wasn't going to stop fighting until Weiss physically couldn't continue, or she gave up, and that could come at any point, so Nozomi's offense would be relentless.

Her defensive petals surrounded her left hand, held at standby for the moment, and Nozomi raised her right hand as she charged forward, the bag having been intercepted by the ever expanding ice block that Nozomi had previously been entrapped in. A wave of petal blades burst forward from her hand, slamming into the ice, slicing it to pieces, and it collapsed as Nozomi barreled through the now punctured Ice wall. She would have dodged to the right, left, or jumped over it, but she was sure that the girl had planned some sort of trap for those instances, and the likelihood of her charging straight through a defensive barrier wasn't all that high. The Windmill shuriken was launched, but Nozomi's defensive petals moved to intercept the blade, the multitude of the petals halting the momentum of the blade and dropping it to the ground. Her petals quickly moved back to her left hand, and her right hand started to glow with the activation of another technique, her clan's NinTaijutsu. It was probably unnecessary, as she wasn't trying to maim Weiss at all, but the jutsu itself was also a functional defensive one, which gave her a stronger close quarters defense, while her other jutsu gave her extended range to block things from afar. Besides, she could injure Weiss with little issues, as there were always medics on hand, so a few cuts and wounds wouldn't be too bad.

Her crashing through the ice sculpture had placed her in close proximity to Weiss's form, even despite her leap back, and Nozomi had no issue closing the distance in a single bound as she was still recovering from her skid backwards. She let her own momentum keep her travelling forward, bringing up  her left leg to launch a kick at Weiss's gut, the petals from her left hand moving around her left side to protect her body and leg from retaliation, almost forming a floating perpetually moving half layer of petal armor over her side. Her right hand was prepared to intercept a retaliatory movement from Weiss, but for now did no attacking, as she didn't feel like utilizing the damage potential from them just yet. The offensive capabilities of their Nintaijutsu were meant to slice muscles and make movement difficult if not impossible from either the sheer pain, loss of blood, or severance of the nerves and muscles that provided the movement.

WC: 532
TWC: 4726

-5 Cascading Defense: Petal Deflection maintenance
-20 Petal Storm of the Mist - B Rank
-15 Dance of the Misty Petals

Chakra: 215/290

Strength: C-2/A rank
Reaction Time: C Rank/A-1
Speed: C Rank/A-2
Endurance: A rank/A rank
Perception: A-1/A-1

Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

Weiss didn’t have to see that Nozomi had opted to crash straight through her ice defense to know it. When she’d felt something cut seamlessly into her ice, she’d already realised that Nozomi had decided to barrel straight through her defenses, running over but not stepping on the bag that held all her weapons. Having jumped back to introduce two meters between them, Weiss had thrown the Windmill Shuriken, only for it to be intercepted by flower petals that seemed telekinetically controlled by Nozomi. Said flower petals fluttered around the large shuriken, stripping it of its momentum and causing it to land a meter behind Nozomi, and three meters from Weiss’ position.

Nozomi then continued her attempt at assaulting Weiss, covering the distance between them in one leap, before using her built-up momentum to deliver a kick to Weiss’ right side that would no doubt hurt. As the leg approached her, flower petals flowing to encompass Nozomi’s left side, ice would rapidly climb up Nozomi’s right leg, as the woman had willingly stepped back into the realm of Weiss’ divination. The large ice sculpture of Ice Nozomi’s waist and right leg would be to Nozomi’s right, with the left leg having been smashed by the model herself, and a comical replay of what had happened would again ensue.

Meanwhile, Weiss, intending to avoid Nozomi’s kick as she didn’t want to risk Myrtenaster falling to a technique that had so easily sliced past her defenses, would attempt to escape rather than meet her head-on as she’d done previously. Seals appeared beneath Weiss’ feet, and she kicked off with her left leg, the one behind of the two, and she would travel backwards five meters at a speed of five meters per second, allowing her to avoid Nozomi’s leg and the petals that adjoined it. At the same time, her left hand subtly tugged on the chakra strings that had remained inconspicuous, disguised as a natural reflex of her having rushed backwards. The Windmill Shuriken would shoot towards the small of Nozomi’s back, aiming to pierce an inch into her waist to hinder her movements, with no telltale sign of it occurring or warning her tutor of it.

Not stopping there, Weiss would skate and circle around Nozomi’s right in a radius of five meters, travelling at ten meters a second, until she was behind Nozomi, reaching the area in one and a half seconds. Proud as she would be, though, Weiss knew she wouldn’t last long with her dwindling reserves. Nozomi kicking it up to the level she had would demand Weiss take extra precautions with her sensei, not knowing any more the exact boundaries that were drawn.

5604 words

Last edited by Weiss Schnee on Tue Jul 26, 2016 10:16 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Forgot to add Ice Skate)



Perhaps Nozomi was better suited with staying long range against Weiss, who seemed to have a good advantage in close combat scenarios, but Nozomi was infinitely suited towards fighting this girl in any capacity. She used her ice well, always fixing it, but that had to be incredibly draining, and the ice that reformed around her just wasn't as strong as when it had started. Weiss had already started to retreat, and avoided her kick once again, but Nozomi knew it wasn't as simple as that. Despite having toned down her physical abilities, there was one thing she couldn't tone down, and that was her perception. She heard the grating of the Windmill Shuriken as it lifted off the ground, and there wasn't much she could do about having heard it. And since she was partially encased in ice, there was little she could do about dodging it either, with just pure ability.

The thing was though, that Nozomi's specialty was in blitzing people, moving quickly, and generally combo'ing and chaining attacks. While Weiss was good at laying the traps down, she was in a direct confrontation with a girl who had vastly higher stamina, chakra reserves, and escape potential. The ice wouldn't hold her, nor was what Nozomi planned as a follow up going to be the slightest bit pleasant for Weiss. Ignoring everything else and releasing the remainder of her jutsu, Nozomi twirled her chakra inside of her and shot forward like a bolt of lightning, her body spiraling, ice shattering and breaking free. Her Spiral Lotus Dash released such an immense amount of chakra from her body that the ice couldn't hope to hold her, and she was durable enough to not snap her leg from freeing it so violently.

Consequently, she'd managed to avoid the Windmill shuriken, which had almost reached her, out speeding the thing, as she had launched herself toward Weiss at a speed of 30 meters per second towards Weiss, and didn't actually stop her own forward momentum, intent on smashing herself into the girl at that same level of speed. Even if Weiss was able to dodge, it wouldn't matter too much to Nozomi, as she would activate it again, following up with the dash and once again bursting into the girl. Her combinations and traps were fantastic, but Weiss didn't have the finishing potential, or hadn't showcased it yet, that she needed to keep an opponent down, whereas Nozomi's attacks were designed specifically to drop people as quickly as possible. While this attack wasn't blatantly an offensive one, she used it to great efficiency against Suutei and Maigo both, and they were both Special Jounin. She wondered how Weiss would fair against it.

WC: 452
TWC: 5178

-20 Spiral Lotus Dash (1/4)
-5 Spiral Lotus Dash (2/4)

Chakra: 190/290

Jutsu used:

Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

Nozomi rocketed off towards Weiss at a speed that was near untraceable, with Weiss only having enough warning once again due to her jutsu. As Nozomi somehow surged out of the grip of her ice, shattering the icy construct that had attempted to root her in place, she had shot off towards Weiss, with the girl quickly kicking off to her left with her right leg, travelling at a greater speed of ten meters per second but unfortunately unable to escape the pursuit of Nozomi, who simply rocketed back in her direction.

Weiss couldn’t have travelled more than a meter from her position, and she could feel Nozomi charging straight for her. Her adrenaline pumped, and she knew there was absolutely no way for her to quickly change her direction, not that she doubted Nozomi wouldn’t be able to quickly reach her again with that technique of hers… assuming it was even a technique and not simply the brute strength that her sensei had been hiding this entire time.

There was, however, one final trick that Weiss could depend on. Her left hand flicking slightly to change the Windmill Shuriken’s direction, its travel through the air now changed in trajectory such that it was heading towards Nozomi once more, before Weiss cut the Puppet Technique, which was clearly doing her no good as Nozomi could simply outspeed any projectile she could throw. Even so, the Windmill Shuriken would be aimed for Nozomi’s lower back again, at the small point behind her waist, while Weiss looked alarmedly at Nozomi’s bag of fallen weapons for help.

And just like that, just as Nozomi was about to charge into her, with less than even ten centimeters between them, Weiss’ figure was replaced by the sight of the open side of Nozomi’s backpack, with at least ten shuriken and six kunai at the opening, having been displaced by the sudden pull of Weiss’ Substitution Technique, though only four of the kunai would be facing directly towards Nozomi. Given her current momentum, it was unlikely that she would be able to change her direction… or at least Weiss hoped so, from her position within her seal, multiple of her jutsu having been cancelled simply due to the waning chakra reserves on her part, and the knowledge that she had yet to even scratch her sensei.

While she had been slightly dazed by the technique, as most ninja caught in combat using it normally were, Weiss still managed to turn forty-five degrees to her right to view Nozomi. Ice Nozomi’s clear substance allowed Weiss a near un-refracted view of her tutor, though the shards of ice surrounding her position were well reminders that Nozomi could easily clear the path between them with little effort. Weiss stood up quickly, poising her rapier in front of her once more, and placing her left hand behind her, reaching into the ninja pouch. Their match would soon draw to a close, but would she manage to at least glance a hit on her tutor?

6117 words



OOC: Sorry for the delay, going to do a bit of a skip towards how the fight goes, so that you can determine how it ends, and then end the thread. I want you to have your WC to use ^_^

Nozomi had to admit, the girl's reactions were certainly impressive. She'd expected her to be able to react to her while she was moving purely due to her holding back, but to have the ability to react to her dash? It certainly wasn't expected at all. Let alone her ability to dodge the second dash, even with it being a pure substitution that she'd ended up connecting with. The girl must have been purely relying on instincts at that point, but that didn't change anything. She'd managed to escape, and that was enough for Nozomi. There wasn't really much that she could teach this girl, who really only needed to train her physical prowess. Twisting in the air as her dash ended, Nozomi struck out her hand, no longer holding her speed back, and grabbed the handle of the still spinning Windmill Shuriken, plucking it from the air. She twirled the windmill in her hands as she smiled, and began to address Weiss.

"Absolutely fantastic. Well done, I'm impressed. I suppose it's only fair to tell you, I can still use that technique another two times with no issues, and I'm sure you're aware that I've been holding back a fair deal this match. That doesn't change the fact that as a genin, you've been able to deal with a technique that has given Special Jounin issues. My dash is a thing that I developed to help me keep up with people much faster than myself, back when I was a Special Jounin myself. Thing is, even if I use it the next two times, it won't really matter. I've surpassed that technique in pure speed not long ago. I don't need chakra to move that fast anymore. That's what you're going to need to work on. My advice for you is to continue improving your physical ability to the point that your chakra is a supplement to it, because once that happens, you'll be able to last much longer in a fight. Not only because you'll be able to sustain yourself easier, but because you won't blast through chakra as much."

Nozomi tilted her head, pondering her next move, and decided that she would give this girl a taste of what she meant. She wouldn't hold back, for this one attack, but then the match would be over, and they'd split their ways. Planting the Windmill Shuriken into the ground, Nozomi rolled up her sleeves, revealing weights that had been strapped onto them, and undid their clasps, letting them drop to the ground with a resounding thud. She did the same with the ankle weights she'd had on, and smiled, the weightlessness she felt a relief. She wasn't still comfortable with her full speed, but that was because she didn't train with it very often. Still, she could do it against a genin with little issues, because their reaction just wasn't on par with that sort of sustained movement. Letting the chakra in her body fade away, Nozomi ended all of her jutsu other than her dashes, to let her build up the momentum for a full speed charge without running, Nozomi dropped into a runners stance, and her body rocketed to the left, using up the third of her dashes, to get an unimpeded angle on Weiss, and then the fourth dash sent her forward enough to negate the momentum she'd had leftward.

Now unaided by chakra, Nozomi rushed towards Weiss at a full sprint of 31 meters per second, and hopefully bullrushed into her, launching a series of equally swift open handed palms. Her physical strength was probably only on par with the stronger Special Jounin, but that would be plenty to take down the girl. Her first few strikes were aimed at Weiss's arm joints to force her to drop her weapon, and then after that her attention was directed towards her torso, to rain down blows on her chest. Hopefully the fury of her attacks were enough that Weiss wouldn't be able to even react enough to activate another jutsu. She certainly wanted to at least land an attack, mainly because she knew that the recovery process would serve to strengthen Weiss even further. It's how she had gotten trained, by getting the snot knocked out of her.


After their exchange, Nozomi collected her things, and bowed to the girl, who had already gotten medical attention requested if needed. "You have an insane amount of potential Weiss. Like I said, I'm impressed with you, and you're going to be getting a high commendation. I don't think I have really anything to teach you, but if you'd ever like to physically train, I'm always up for it. I may be a Jounin, but I have plenty of free time to train. It's kinda my thing." she said, and awaited the response. Upon hearing it, Nozomi would smile and leave the area, to go recoup. Going at that speed always drained her, and she was a physically ill girl as it was, despite her above average abilities.

WC: 884
TWC: 6062

-5 Spiral Lotus Dash #3
-5 Spiral Lotus Dash #4
Chakra: 180/290

+4 Tiers of Speed and Reaction Time for Weight Removal

Strength: B-3/A rank
Reaction Time: S-1/A-1
Speed: S-2 Burst of Speed/A-2
Endurance: A rank/A rank
Perception: A-1/A-1


Finishing Training on Dance of the Fallen Petals currently [2523/3000]
Putting 1k into it to be able to do my thread splitting training [3523/3000]

Remaining WC: 5062

Bukijutsu: B->A [5000/5000]

Reamining WC: 62

Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

So it appeared that her sensei for the day was unharmed after all. Despite her efforts and expending over two thirds of her limited chakra pool, Weiss had been unable to do much more than give her tutor a warm up, if the lack of heavy breathing was any indication in her stance, having avoided the bag of weapons and refrained herself from chasing Weiss back into the zone of her seal just yet. While slightly annoyed that her efforts within the past few minutes were all in vain, a small part of her was proud that she had been able to hold off against her tutor as well, sustaining little more than a knee to the gut – mentally, though, she reminded herself that any injury at all was one too many, as any injury could turn fatal in the uncertainty that was a battle. She would need to mend that situation in the future.

“Absolutely fantastic,” Nozomi congratulated, much to Weiss’ pride, though her stance didn’t drop. “Well done, I’m impressed. I suppose it’s only fair to tell you, I can still use that technique another two times with no issues, and I’m sure you’re aware that I’ve been holding back a fair deal as much.”

State the obvious or no, the respect that Nozomi had all but beaten into her – if you could call Nozomi chasing Weiss around ‘beating’, though she certainly did have Weiss outmatched in every area that came to mind – won out against the sarcasm that caught itself in her throat.

“That doesn’t change the fact that as a genin, you’ve been able to deal with a technique that has given Special Jonin issues. My dash is a technique that I developed to help me keep up with people much faster than myself, back when I was a Special Jonin myself. Thing is, even if I use it the next two times, it won’t really matter. I’ve surpassed that technique in pure speed not long ago. I don’t need chakra to move that fast anymore.”

That was almost a given. If Weiss’ pride had been any less, she surely would’ve been inflated by now, to have been commended in such a way comparable to others at least two ranks her senior. Of course, she didn’t miss the notion that it was particularly that technique in kind rather than Nozomi herself, and to think such would be narcissistic beyond reprimand. Taking note, though, that Nozomi was of a rank greater than that of a Special Jonin, Weiss could only silently congratulate her father for having chosen such a talented woman – three ranks her senior but roughly her age – to tutor his daughter. Or, perhaps it was simply a reality check that there were people much more skilled in the area, and that she should just give up early on.

“That's what you're going to need to work on. My advice for you is to continue improving your physical ability to the point that your chakra is a supplement to it, because once that happens, you'll be able to last much longer in a fight. Not only because you'll be able to sustain yourself easier, but because you won't blast through chakra as much."

Weiss nodded, keeping it mind, replying, “Thank you,” as a response to the advice that she would’ve come to conclusions with as well, after she’d reflected on how poorly she’d matched up against the other woman during their brief spar.

When Nozomi tilted her head, though, Weiss knew something was up. Head tilts, often uncalled for, were near almost always signs that one was plotting weighing a decision. Nozomi then planted the windmill shuriken in her hand into the ground, before rolling up her sleeves, revealing a pair of weights that had been until then restricting her movements even more than Weiss had initially suspected. No time to ponder or think, only to react, Weiss fueled chakra into her seal below, ducking as she did so to gain the cover of the conical shards of ice that closed around her, not even a meter tall but enough for her small frame, as Nozomi came careening towards her at speeds that she couldn’t even track.

The two parted ways, with Weiss keeping in mind the advice that Nozomi had for her, agreeing to meet up for a future session at an unstipulated time, silently hoping that when such a time came to pass, she would be better prepared to deal with the Jonin in front of her. However, she had learned from this encounter that her rapier, as it was, would be insufficient, and with that in mind, in the following weeks, the girl would relinquish it in favour of a better one, sending it to the man known as Sero Osada on the suggestions of some of her acquaintances. Never would she know why, but never would she need to.

6956 words


Speed: E-0 to D-3, 1925 words
Perception: E-0 to D-3, 1925 words
Reaction Time: E-3 to D-3, 1475 words
Endurance: E-0 to E-3, 450 words
Strength: E-0 to E-1, 75 words
C-rank Jutsu: 1000 words

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