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Mitsuo wandered the town, his Konohagakure no Kato forehead protector wrapped around his neck and marking him out as a foreigner. He had decided that wearing his newly obtained Iwagakure no Sato one would not help his case when he ran into the man he was going to meet, who would probably be able to recognise him. He was wearing his outfit as he normally did, his ANBU armour underneath his trench coat and mesh shirt, the strap pants partially hidden beneath his leather boots. His hair would have been spiked up were it not for the rain, but he had given up on keeping it like that for a while now. He shook his head as he approached an older woman who was walking across the street from him. He wasn’t entirely sure where to search and had asked a few people what he was looking for but so far to no avail. He approached with a smile bowed respectfully before she bowed back and spoke in her weathered voice.

“Hello dear, you look lost. Can I help you find something?”
Mitsuo smiled and held his hands to his sides shrugging.

“I’m sorry Obā-san, I’m looking for someone and I was hoping you could help me find him.” His voice was soft and warm as he spoke. “I am searching for a man named Strafe; he is around my age if I had to guess, has blue hair and is very handsome.” He blushed slightly at these words, not quite knowing why before he chuckled softly and shook his head. “I have been searching for him for a while. I wanted to thank the man who saved my life.” The old woman had a smile on her face as she gently rested her hands on his forearm. She looked into his eyes, her old eyes twinkling.

“I can see it in your eyes, how lovely it is to be young. Strafe is likely at the Hospital dear; it is down the street a ways, the clean looking building with the serpent and rod. You will find your Strafe there.” She smiled once again and patted his arm before letting him go, muttering something that he couldn’t quite hear. He just shook his head wondering what she meant and made his way down the street towards the hospital.

As he entered the large building he felt a tad bit of discomfort, having developed somewhat of an aversion to hospitals after his initial eye transplant. His body stayed calm though as he approached the young woman at the front desk and smiled to her. “Hello, I’m looking for Strafe Aisu. Could you let him know that Sasori Chita is here to see him please?” She looked up from her paperwork and glanced at him, looking Mitsuo up and down before pointing to one of the chairs and shaking her head. Mitsuo took his seat and noticed that there was nobody else here, which was a good thing as he didn’t want to have to wait longer than he had to. He could hear the page for Dr. Strafe to come to the front and he looked towards the doors that lead deeper into the hospital, his hands clasped together as he waited eagerly.

Strafe Aisu

Strafe Aisu

Dual colored eyes seemed relieved as a young ninja exited the threshold of one of the many operation rooms in the hospital. Another Success, and he was proud of that. He stretched his arms above his head, trying to release the built up tension in his body. Surgery was something that required intense focus, but tension also comes with such a tedious task. The blue haired Aisu man removed his coat slowly and laid it on a table as he started to walk down the hall. His mind was starting to get out of the calculating state that it entered when he did medical procedures. His right eyebrow raised slightly as he listened to the sound of the intercom activate. Usually, he was paged for various purposes via the speakers placed around the hospital. As a soft voice filled the halls around him, he heard something surprising. "Dr. Strafe, there is someone in the lobby for you." The lobby? This was a first for him, as no one came to visit him here. He was too busy.

He adjusted his white shirt with blue accents as he started to walk down the monotonous white halls of the hospital. They were boring, but they also brought a wave of comfort to the ninja . He knew that he could be used here and save lives. Nothing made him happier. He moved swiftly as he gave a nod to one of the female nurses behind the counter. He continue to turn corners and head toward the lobby. Who would come? His mom didn't like hospitals and Solstice was too busy. He honestly had no idea. He rounded one last turn as he walked down the last corridor. He sighed slightly as he noticed the drastic change in appearance that came with entering the lobby. It was made to sooth and be aesthetically pleasing to the desperate patients that often filled the place. Luckily, the day had been rather slow and he didn't have anything planned for the rest of it. As he walked into the lobby and looked around, his eyes darted to somone that he thought he would never see again. Sasori.

The man sat there with a handsome face and dark hair that was styled uniquely. Last time they had met, Strafe hadn't noticed his incredible looks, as he was worried about his life. Strafe focused on his eyes, seeing the same pale green eye that dawned Strafe's left socket. Overcome with a new appreciation for the man he remembered so well, he took a deep breathe before walking over in his direction. His heart raced unusually as he approached, which sent him into a whirlwind of thoughts. Why was he here? Did he do something wrong ? He was his hands sweaty and he couldn't think straight? The questions would be answered shortly as Strafe stood only a few feet from him. "Sasori. It's great to see you again. How is your eye?" He asked in a friendly tone. He was obviously attracted. To the Konoha ninja, but there was something more...



Mitsuo watched the blue haired doctor approach him and he couldn’t help but smile. Recently he hadn’t found much to smile about, but coming to visit the man who had saved his life really was something that he had been looking forward to. He had never had the chance to properly thank Strafe and he had been hoping he would get a chance to meet up with him in Kirigakure so that he could do so in person. He stood from his chair as the handsome young ninja approach him and he bowed slightly, clutching his still tender ribs but not wanting the gesture to go unnoticed before he walked right up to the man who saved his life and wrapped his arms around him, embracing Strafe close to him and feeling his warmth. He had wanted to do this back then, but he was in no state to do anything. As he held Strafe he closed his eyes and smiled.

“You’re my angel, you know that Strafe?” Mitsuo whispered into his ear before realizing what he was doing. He let go of the young doctor, blushing deep crimson before taking a step back. “Oh, I’m sorry, I kind of lost myself there…I’ve waited so long to come and see you, and I didn’t think that would be how I would react…” He looked the handsome man up and down, quickly noticing that one of his blue eyes was no longer blue, and that instead he had a pale green orb to match Mitsuo’s. He wondered if something had happened to Strafe that had caused him to need the transplant, or if he had done so willingly. Either way he was happy to see that he was wearing the eye that Mitsuo had given him in exchange for saving his life. Though the payment was good, he had always felt that he wanted to give Strafe more. He shifted nervously a bit and looked around, still not being entirely comfortable in hospitals.

“I don’t suppose you have a break coming up or something like that, do you? I’m not going to lie, hospitals make me extremely uncomfortable… And I’d really like to be able to talk to you a bit, I travelled a long way to find you.” He smiled once more and put his hands behind his back, swaying slightly and looking up at Strafe. Mitsuo was a little nervous and it was true that he didn’t like hospitals, but for some reason, being with Strafe was comforting him. His guardian angel.

Strafe Aisu

Strafe Aisu

His dual colored eyes widened as Strafe felt the warm embrace of the extremely attractive ninja. His breathe left him as Sasori whispered a sweet sentence into his ear. The Sannin's body tingled with shock as he returned the embrace unintentionally. Not only did heaved subconsciously, the hug felt natural as he enjoyed the bolt of electric feelings run through his body. Obviously shy about his actions, the Dark haired beauty pulled back and started to apologize for what he had just done. Blushing a bit, Strafe managed to chuckle at his mannerisms. What was he supposed to say? "Thanks...It's okay. I don't mind.." He managed to speak, but didn't really know what to say. He was lost in the moment and in the lovely features of the man. He tried to take deep breathes to stay calm and collected, but even doing that seemed like a difficult task. He couldn't clear his head. His hands started to sweat. What in the world was going on?

He could only stand there and listen to the man speak. His soft baritone was vulnerable, but also charming beyond belief. As Strafe focused on Sasori's words, he smiled at first. He was one of the leaders of the hospital and could take a break when he felt like it. That was one of the perks of being a Sannin. Then his smile started to drift into a from as he heard that Sasori was uncomfortable in hospitals. That was probably his fault, considering the crude way in which the ninja's transplant was done. He thought for a second on what to say . He just hoped it came out correctly. "I'm free. You want to grab some food?" He said trying to avoid the conversation about the origin of his discomfort. He turned to a nearby receptionist and smiled with a nod as she returned the gesture. "If you don't want to go eat we could just find somewhere to talk..." The words spilled out of his mouth. He didn't want to push any decisions on the man.

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