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1A  Hateful day (closed) Empty A Hateful day (closed) Wed Mar 14, 2012 12:40 pm



Kami came running in not knowing where exactly he is going. He comes across a forest that may help him in making him more agile. He finally stopped running. "I Think today I will work upon my speed." "He spun around in a circle looking around him. "So far nothing around me that I should attack." "It is way too quiet for my liking." He then stopped spinning feeling dizzy. "Stop spinning forest." "Wait never mind I am just dizzy." He finally stopped feeling dizzy and looked at tree. As he ran over to it he began to punch it in hate. "Stupid tree." He walked quickly away as he began to grow bored of punching the tree. "There has got to be something for me to fight or kill at my level." He looked down at the hand he was using and saw the damage. "This doesn't even hurt me one bit."

Last edited by Kami on Sun Mar 25, 2012 8:31 pm; edited 1 time in total

2A  Hateful day (closed) Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Wed Mar 14, 2012 3:02 pm


Seme was sprinting to where he usually trains his jutsu, an area marked by mus and singed trees and targets, he was heading there that was until he heard someone talking to themselves and then a loud thud. This drew Seme's attention and he headed in that direction. As he got closer he could make out what was the image of Kami. The kid he met at the hot spring earlier on. Not this guy....ugh...

3A  Hateful day (closed) Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Wed Mar 14, 2012 3:14 pm



Kami turned around. "Oh look its the Sarutobi." As he runs up to him. "Well now I see you must be trying to reach your goals."

4A  Hateful day (closed) Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Wed Mar 14, 2012 3:24 pm


"Well I was actually heading to practice my ninjutsu. What are you doing out here?" Seme said wanting to end the conversation; he didn't hate Kami at all just did not like how he presented himself.

5A  Hateful day (closed) Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Wed Mar 14, 2012 3:34 pm



"I am trying to be faster and make my punches harder." "Along with trying to get faster kicks and punches." He looked at him. "Such a tough way to be the best with weapons and the best with taijutsu."

6A  Hateful day (closed) Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Wed Mar 14, 2012 3:39 pm


"Well that's good, you're training. You'll need to, to keep up with me!" Seme shoots a smile towards Kami.

7A  Hateful day (closed) Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Wed Mar 14, 2012 3:48 pm



"So you think that just because long ago a member of your clan was Hokage. Means that your better then me." "Well think again." "You still see the light in people while I know the truth." As he crossed his arms in anger. "Everyone has blood on their hands at some point in their life." "Even innocent little sparring matches may cause someone to drip blood from their body." "This world is a cold and dark place." "Everyone is trying to kill another the minute they find their target has let their guard down or even blinked."

8A  Hateful day (closed) Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Wed Mar 14, 2012 3:55 pm


"I never said nor implied I'm better than you based on my lineage, I'm better than you because of my hard work. And don't mistake my kindness for weakness or don't think my guard is ever down. I'm as good a ninja as I am a person." Seme stares right at Kami as he says this.

9A  Hateful day (closed) Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Wed Mar 14, 2012 4:47 pm



Several yards away, a figure sat quietly, eyes closed. His legs were folded beneath him, indian-style. His posture was perfect, back straight, chest rising and faling with his breathing. Not a muscule moved, save for the ones tasked with keeping his body alive. Uchiha Naota was lost within his own mind, taking the time to organize his own chakra. Around him, the grass bent away from his body, batted at by the gentle fluxes of chakra that emanated from him. The aura was hazy, with no definate shape to its form. It swelled and flared, reaching out for several feet before being sucked back into his body, only to repeat the process. Within his mind, Naota was busy grasping the threads of his chakra network.

It was a trick he'd learned from his father; picturing one's internal chakra as a ball of yarn. At times, the 'yarn' could become tangled, leading to various problems. However, with contant meditating to 'unravel' and sort the threads, one could keep thier body in better performance. At the moment, the male was grasping the threads of his wind nature, tugging them free of the tangles. With each knot being undone, the wind around his body would grow stronger, the aura of chakra taking on a more definatre shape. For the moment, Naota was blissfully unaware of the presense of the other two ninja. However, this was not to say he was without his own defenses.

10A  Hateful day (closed) Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Wed Mar 14, 2012 7:13 pm



Kami glared at the Sarutobi. "So you think I have not worked hard." "I have nearly died every time during ordered training from my mother and father." He could feel the animosity being to burn inside of him. "I did want to kill my parents but lucky for the S rank criminal he died along with them." As unfolds his arms and does not even take his eyes off of him. "Hell if I wanted to I could go for the Rank of Hokage." "But I do not want that filthy rank." "You see I have no training in holding back in combat." "Kages are usually have the light inside of them." "I was never born with that light." "I guess I could be easily used a a weapon later on down the road." "Yet my will is undying to be controlled like that."

11A  Hateful day (closed) Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Wed Mar 14, 2012 7:18 pm


"Again I never implied that you didn't work hard, I just don't plan on losing out to anyone, including you. You can use hate as your fuel for success and I'll use hope as mine." Seme notices the Chuunin from the hot springs as well from the corner of his eye but keeps his gaze focused on Kami.

12A  Hateful day (closed) Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:19 pm



He stops glaring. "I see I struck a nerve there." "You are Damn straight my hatred fuels me." His look of coldness came back to his face. "It appears we are destined rivals." "That suites me just fine."

13A  Hateful day (closed) Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Wed Mar 14, 2012 9:08 pm


"Well if we are rivals that's gonna be unfortunate for you. Cause I'm not going to let you or anyone get the edge."

14A  Hateful day (closed) Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Wed Mar 14, 2012 9:24 pm



Kami makes his hand into a tight fist. "Time will tell if you will lose in a bloody way." "Or if somehow I get beaten in a bloody way." "Either way their will be blood." As he then makes a fake out punch at him. "Lucky got you I left my senbon at home."

15A  Hateful day (closed) Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Wed Mar 14, 2012 9:36 pm


"You'd need more than senbon to take me on."

16A  Hateful day (closed) Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Wed Mar 14, 2012 9:44 pm



Within his own mind, Naota stroked and pulled at the wind chakra threads, tightening the bonds that held them to his spirit. As he did so, the aura that surrounded his body took on a definate shape; a faint version of himself. The winds that was exerted by this aura would be increased drasticly, resulting in a loud boming sound to echo through the area.

Within himself, Naota smiled. He was satisfied with the way his wind chakra felt, and moved on to his fire chakra. As he mentally grasped the strings, the air around himself would appear hazy once more, despite the aura already there, and begin to heat up. The more Naota tugged and pulled his chakra the hotter it became around him, to the point that the grass immediately around him began to turn brown and smoke.

17A  Hateful day (closed) Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Wed Mar 14, 2012 10:04 pm



Kami feels almost tempted to look over. "Your level confidence is interesting." "I believe I just heard a loud boom." He then unclenched his fist and went back to his cold possible murderous look on his face. "Do you know the vital spots of the body." "Guess which ones my father and mother received when they died during the mission."

18A  Hateful day (closed) Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Wed Mar 14, 2012 10:45 pm


"Well if you didn't hear a loud boom you would be deaf, it was the Chuunin from the hot springs! Surprised you haven't noticed him yet. Stay on point and don't get distracted."

19A  Hateful day (closed) Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Wed Mar 14, 2012 10:59 pm



Naota remained where he was, eyes still closed in his meditation. Around him, the aura would flare out, and remain on his skin, moving as if it were fire. Within his inner sanctuary, he was almost giddy. The rush he got when he did this was wonderful. He pulled and stroked the katon within himself, and braided the Futon around it. This would cause the two sync and harmonize, filling him with a sensation that borderlined orgasim. On the surface, however, the aura would flare out once more, dacing several inches off his skin. The grass around his body was literally set on fire from the emerging Katon, and fed to burn hotter and brighter buy the already present Futon element. For about five feet around the male, the earth was scorched from the chakra radiating from him.

Deciding that he was satisfied with his progress, Naota slowly began to bring himself out of the trance. The aura would die down, and be drawn back into his body. Naota's upper body was bare for this bit of training, having learned long ago that his Katon nature had a habit of burning off his shirt. Slowly, the male's mind re-orientated it self with the outside world, his senses flooding back and bringing him up to speed with the rest of the world...

20A  Hateful day (closed) Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Wed Mar 14, 2012 11:19 pm



"Who the hell said I was distracted." "I never looked." "My sense of sound picked it up not my sense of sight." Kami raised the bruised hand up and made a fist. " His animosity felt like it was burning his very core of his body. He then touched the bruised hand with the other hand. His fury and animosity began to die down a bit. He then put his hands down. "This hatred burns for those who think they are better then me."

21A  Hateful day (closed) Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Wed Mar 14, 2012 11:24 pm


"Apparently you hearing isn't very good because I never said I thought was better than you, I am better than you." Seme stares at him without blinking and serious intent.

22A  Hateful day (closed) Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Wed Mar 14, 2012 11:36 pm



Naota's senses reeled in, just in time for him to catch the sound Uchiha Kami's voice. Oh, for fucks sake, you can't be serious! He stood up slowly, a bit stiff due to reduced circulation in his legs. Black eyes looked up, catching sight of the two males from the hot spring. Oh, so it seems the Sarutobi is here as well. He moved, limpin slightly out of the charred remains of his meditative circle. It would be a minute before he could feel anything in his leg, but he was still able to walk, albiet slower.

As a cool breeze kicked up, Naota realized he was freezing. His upper body was covered in sweat, and that strange scent he produced was wafting in the air around him. Moving closer to the duo, he leaned on a tree, offering them a small nod. While it didnt bother him that they were here, he felt a bit uneasy around Kami. The male seemed like another mindless drone, bent on following the clan's old history of bloodshed. Seme, he could have cared less. The kid was alright, bit a of a dreamer, from the way he talked. Least the kid didnt try me for my eyes..

23A  Hateful day (closed) Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Thu Mar 15, 2012 12:30 am



"My hearing is perfect." As he kneed him in the stomach. "I hope your threshold for pain isn't too strong." As he then shot a look of anger at him. "Now is not the time." "I did that to well test your reaction to pain." As he then punches himself hard in the arm. He showed to emotion. "I guess you can say I could be the perfect weapon for the shinobi."

24A  Hateful day (closed) Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Thu Mar 15, 2012 12:42 am


Seme caught the knee with his palm. "You'll need to do better than that if you want to test my pain thresh hold. I'm not some animal that you can beat on at your own will. I'm a shinobi, I am Seme Sarutobi." Seme pushed Kami's knee away from him and jumped back a few feet. "You really shouldn't do that to people trying to have a conversation with you!"

*Be careful how you word stuff, you can't control another person's character. So instead of you kneed me and continued as if you did you should've stated you through a knee at me, and let me react to it, I would've most likely let you hit it. :) Just a heads up!

25A  Hateful day (closed) Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Thu Mar 15, 2012 1:05 am



*aiiight cool fella

"I intended on you catching it." "Your reaction time is fine,well fine enough to back me up during a mission." "But then again I do exist to lay my body on the line." "That is my purpose to fight and kill." "I could have swept your leg instead just to make you look pathetic." He then ran at him attempting to kick him in the chest. "I am only doing what I was trained to do." "I wish it would storm damn it." "I hate this weather,you I think I was born during a storm."

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