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1Pool (D/closed) Empty Pool (D/closed) Thu Mar 20, 2014 4:30 am



The Mission:

Babysitting, what a task to be left with. Sitting down on a long bench, Ciera found herself staring at the many kids that had turned this pool into a playground for the day. Normally, she would be out training, but she needed the extra Ryo despite her clans wealth it wasn't so bad to have some side money for herself that she earned through her own means. So this is why today she was babysitting the class of kids that had been brought here for a field trip. Watching as the children played around, she found herself quite bored, so much so that she started clicking her shark like teeth together just to entertain herself while imagining some thoughts that were better left unsaid, like scaring the children maybe by creating some sharks under the water. The girl smiled, keeping the little thought to herself when—out of nowhere—three kids ran past her right in front of her. Her eyes followed them as they rushed on by, seemingly excited over something.

She assumed it was because of the pool, but something told her otherwise. Standing from her seat, she walked over, following the direction in which the boys had ran in while wondering what they were up to. That’s when it happened, right for her face. The shark girl instinctively moved out of the way, barely avoiding whatever it was.

"What the?" was all she said to herself as she turned over her shoulder to look over at whatever had been thrown at her, when her eyes rested upon the object she found herself staring at what looked like mud. With a raise of the brow, she turned her attention back to the boys who had tried to hit her with it Just what the hell was that about? The girl would huff as she walked over towards the boys who had taken notice of the woman that was chasing walking towards them. Smiling while taunting her, they all ran over to the other side of the pool. Ciera smiled. Did they honestly believe they could so easily evade her? Watching as the boys got into position to surely fling more of those mud filled chunks all over she was quick to react, jumping off the edge towards the pull she would start running not on the water, but using the heads of the children floating above the water as stepping stones.

Moving as fast as she possibly could, she lightly tapped the kids on the top of their heads. She charged forward until she made it to the other side of the pool. Landing with soft knees, she eyed the three kids who stood frozen, ready to flee when suddenly a swift pair of hands grabbed hold of two of them. The third fled as fast as he could, holding the tow in place she glared at each of them her eyes giving off an intensely hostile vibe.

"Unless you want to end up as shark snacks, I suggest you drop the mud packs, and SIT DOWN" her voice boomed into their ears causing the boys to visibly shiver, nodding they were quick to respond

"Yes ma'am!" releasing them she watched as the boys tossed their prank tools into the trash, and quietly sat on one of the benches. With that there was only one left, Ciera turned to see the boy he was already preparing to unleash his mayhem on the unsuspecting children jumping into the pool once more she would she once again found herself using the children as stepping stones, some managed to move but that made no difference for the swift moving shark girl as she hopped form child to child. Just as a muddy chunk was aiming for one of the kids she slipped in catching it with her hand, and returning it right back at the boy hitting him smack in the face with it, landing next to him she would kneel down next to him watching as the boy wiped the mud from his eyes. Grabbing his shoulder firmly as she sat up she managed to get his attention,

"The mastermind I presume?" she asked the boy stared at her, a smirk on his face.

"The one an only Ko--" but before he could finish Ciera cut him off

"Shut up!" she snapped, causing the boy to stare at her with a few blinks of confusion. "You like attention? You like to feel like you're in charge? Well that's not how it works here, this pool is my responsibility, if you so much as hint at causing any more mischief. I will make sure you fall into that pool...and you don't come back out" she said with a toothy grin purposely showing the boy his sharpened teeth. "Then the only attention you'll get is from people mourning at your funeral, got it?" Her words stung with a harsh tone, but her point got across nodding quietly the fear filled boy rising up to his feet.

"Now go clean up!" she said walking off the child would run off to wash his face off, with one final "Hmph!" Ciera walked back to the bench where she originally sat allowing her firm rear to rest on the solid bench continuing to watch over the kids for the remainder of the time with no more issues.


WC: 919/600

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