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26A  Hateful day (closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Thu Mar 15, 2012 1:48 am


Seme flips backwards dodging the kick, "Kid, what the hell?! Rambling on about storms and attacking me?!" Seme landed on his feet "I didn't do anything! You want a fight, you could've just asked!" Seme charged towards Kami, attempting a big punch to the face....

27A  Hateful day (closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Thu Mar 15, 2012 2:12 am

Ashikage Ai

Ashikage Ai

"That's just about enough from you two. " Ai had appeared behind Seme with her arms folded. She wore her ordinary outfit, a red skirt and a top made of bandages. "This is no way for two shinobi to act. What's this about?" She asked impatiently.

[also, don't forget the posting order. You skipped Naota.]

28A  Hateful day (closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Thu Mar 15, 2012 2:29 am



Kami looked at her. "Well that is quite rude to pop in out of nowhere in front of us." "But it is a perfect attack entrance so I will not mock you." "I am just testing his reflexes to see how useful or useless he could be as a team mate." "So far everything seems as I figured." "He is not that useless but yet needs to be faster." "I was trained to fight and kill." He ran his hands through his long black hair. "These scars I have under my shirt are symbol of my dedication and the training my father and mother gave me."

*i have no workin memory. Hell its rare that remember a user name even my pass. So i have to get out what i wanted before I forgot.

29A  Hateful day (closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Thu Mar 15, 2012 2:36 am


(Sorry :( got antsy lol after my post is Naota so well get back on track there.)

Seme was caught off guard by the sudden appearance of the women and barely stopped his punch and regained his balance "I'm sorry miss! He pushed my buttons and attacked me, I simply retaliated. I'm Seme Sarurobi." Seme bowed to the clearly higher rank and raise with a awkward smile on his face.

30A  Hateful day (closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Thu Mar 15, 2012 6:11 pm



*I was fine with them skipping me, so long as I wasnt attacked. It was late, and I went to bed ^^*

Naota remained where he was, cooling noting the arrival of the jounin, but silently freaking out that he didnt notice her untl she was there. Offering her a slight nod, he spoke up. "Kami, there are other ways to do that without being an outright dick to people. And for your rudeness, I'll let you slide on that for the moment; we're in the presence of a lady. But please know and remember that I will correct you next time."

31A  Hateful day (closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Thu Mar 15, 2012 6:20 pm



"My mother only instructed me violence against any gender." coldly looked at her. "It is rude to not speak your name upon stopping a fight." "That is fine with me that you did." "I am sure you are aware of my goals." "If not I will be the legend that all fears."

32A  Hateful day (closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Thu Mar 15, 2012 6:32 pm

Ashikage Ai

Ashikage Ai

[Kami, do try to follow the posting order. It's an important rule, and it should be followed.]

"Attacking someone is far more rude in my eyes, boy. Very well, I'm Ashikage Ai, Jounin. Well, I guess that means I'm your superior, and I don't like your tone." She said with a smile that hinted him to calm down.
Ai looked at the three boys. Two of them were Uchiha, she could swear on it. Not the hardest clan to identify. The third boy was more difficult, but he introduced himself, so that was hardly a problem. She looked to the Uchiha that had attacked the Sarutobi. Kami, huh? Seemed like his parents thought highly of him.
"Him being ready is not for you to determine, Kami was it? Ensuring that you are ready, that's my job." She wasn't certain she would be paired up with these boys, but she was usually paired up with troublemakers. She was good at dealing with them. "I would be careful if I were you. Randomly attacking your fellow shinobi is a crime, no matter the reason. I'm not going to tell you twice. Understood?" She then turned to the Sarutobi. "Next time, try running before you start retaliating. That way you won't get in any more trouble."

33A  Hateful day (closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Thu Mar 15, 2012 8:37 pm


{Posting order Kami, Me, Naota, Ashikage just to clarify.}

"Haha forgive him, he didn't mean anything by it. He pushed my buttons and pushed his back." Seme turned and looked at Kami, You're going to get yourself killed before you even become strong idiot. Seme didn't even know why he was trying to cover for the younger Uchiha. "And again sorry on that count, I was going to train so I was already revved up and this situation didn't help." Seme rubs the back of his head, he hates upsetting his elders as he respects them.

34A  Hateful day (closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Thu Mar 15, 2012 9:06 pm



Naota almost facepalmed. If this ninja doesn't shut the hell up... Naota turned to the Jounin, issuing her a small bow. "Please, forgive him. I'll take responsibility for his actions, ma'am. If he steps out of line again, he will be ...disciplined." At this point, Naota frowned. It seemed he forgot his own manners. "Uchiha Naota, Chuunin." He bowed again to Ai, before turning his eyes to Kami. "Behave, Uchiha Kami. Know your place in life before your elders, lest you are removed from it." Clearly a double meaning, but Naota doubted Kami would even pick up on it. Perhaps I'm wasting my breath?

35A  Hateful day (closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Fri Mar 16, 2012 2:02 am

Ashikage Ai

Ashikage Ai

Elder? Ai held back a grimace. Even if he had used the word properly, she had never liked it. She nodded at Naota. "Uchiha Naota? Ah, yes. You passed the chuunin exams not long ago, right. Yes, you should be able to teach him a few things about manners." She turned to Kami again, checking to see if he was calming down.

36A  Hateful day (closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Fri Mar 16, 2012 1:00 pm



This intense cold look showed up on his face. "I only want to learn the best taijustu from the past shinobi like Lee and Gai." "One I am interested in learning down the road is Primary Lotus and the other is Lions Barrage from the shinobi of the Past named Sasuke."

37A  Hateful day (closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Fri Mar 16, 2012 1:19 pm


"You know you're extremely short sighted right?" Seme made this remark aloud even though it was just supposed to be a thought. He realized his mistake and attempted covering it up "I mean, uhhhh.....damn." And he yet again failed and embarrassed himself. Seme sat down to continue listening to the Chuunin and Jounin lecture himself and Kami, mostly Kami, and planned to go train once they were finished.

38A  Hateful day (closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Fri Mar 16, 2012 7:04 pm



Naota raised an eyebrow, eyes passing between these two cildren, before dropping on Seme for a moment. Judging by the boy's actions, he deduced that the child felt as he himself were being scolded. Biting his lower lip, Naota spoke up. "Seme, stand. You're not in trouble of any kind. If anything..." Naota's eyes shifted to Kami, the dislike plain on his face. "Kami here is." His arms uncrossed, a hand moving through his own hair which was still smoking, oddly.

"As for you, Kami, the Primary Lotus is forbidden for a reason. You dont need to worry yourself with learning it, as there most likely isnt a person alive that knows it."

39A  Hateful day (closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Fri Mar 16, 2012 7:37 pm

Ashikage Ai

Ashikage Ai

Ai sighed, nodding to confirm Naotas statement. This boy however, he was stubborn. Refused to listen. She would have to try another path. "Why the ambition, Kami? Why are you so desperate to learn such dangerous techniques?" She asked him in a softer tone. Obsessions amoung the shinobi were more normal than one would think. The best would be to find and stop them from developing early.

40A  Hateful day (closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Fri Mar 16, 2012 8:40 pm



"The simple reason is that danger does not strike fear at all within me." "I have nearly died multiple times because of my parents vicious training." "I was taken on dangerous missions to learn to be more ruthless and watch the killing around me." His eyes being to change to look even darker emotionally. "I was instructed by them to kill them as their graduation gift to me." "That was taken away from me." "Besides I feel no pain with this body I have not since my last near death experience from my mothers brutal weapon dodging practice." His eyes begin to show such levels of hatred that had never felt before. "I have even injured myself just to see how numb I truly am." "I knew from that point I can not feel pain with this body." "It is my path in life chosen by my parents to become the demon of the leaf village." As he then moves his hair showing scars on his neck. "These nails were the same color as my father made his." "Once I turn Chunin I will turn my toe nails black too just like his were." "I only have my killing urges and my hatred left of me." "My ambition as you said truly is to rise in darkness higher then my family did." He grabs his own arm tightly. "I will not apologize for anything I say or do."

41A  Hateful day (closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Fri Mar 16, 2012 10:31 pm


"Alright Naota, well then I'll be heading off if I am done here." Seme jumped to his feet and waited for the response allowing him to head off from the two superiors.

42A  Hateful day (closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Sat Mar 17, 2012 1:58 am



Naota's expression absolutely priceless. The slow transformation from calmly annoyed to outright furious was a sight to behold. "Kami, that... is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard in my life." Naota lifted off the tree, taking a slow step towards the younger Uchiha. His fingers clenched, hard enough that his knuckles popped rather loudly. "If I punched you right now,-- " Naota stopped short, quieting down. His blood was singing to him, rather loudly. Yes, his clan was known for thier determination and such, but this... This was inexcusable. Words failed him now, only action would be sufficient enough.

Naota's entire moodset shifted. To Seme he spoke again, keeping his eyes on Kami. "Seme, so long as ifs fine with Ai, you're free to go." His teeth ground down, the corner of his lip lifting up in a silent snarl. "You will learn humility, Kami. Even if I have to beat it into you."

43A  Hateful day (closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Sat Mar 17, 2012 4:51 am

Ashikage Ai

Ashikage Ai

Ai put a hand on Seme's shoulder, gave him a smile. "Sure. Don't walk into more trouble." She then turned to Naota and Kami. It seemed like this boy was more broken than one would think, but he seemed to know it already. That was unusal. There would be hope for him, she was certain of that. "Uchiha Naota, I hope you're not serious. Resorting to violence seems to be the reason he acts this way to begin with. She turned her eyes to Kamis. It was a motherly gaze, warm and comforting. "Kami. There are other things in life than what your parents taught you. You need to find your own path, not walk the one they placed out before you. There's no logic to this demon talk, that's not what our village needs. We need stable men and women who'll protect those who cannot protect themselves." She was talking with a calm bit determined voice, never turning her eyes away from the boy.

44A  Hateful day (closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Sat Mar 17, 2012 11:20 am



"There is nothing out there." "I have tried other things and somehow others end up bloody around me." "Yet they still exist with life." "Having help is a weakness as such I have done things on my own from the start." "If I ever needed help they would step in by the sight of what they saw." "I was trained to fight until I was knocked unconscious." "So I am more determined then any other Uchiha known even in history." "Hell I tend to sleep in dangerous thunder and lightning more then indoors." "I have chosen my path after I graduated since I did not get to have my graduation present from my parents." "Once I reach chunin I will have acquired weapons and increase in speed." "By the time I am a jounin I will have mastered fighting with three swords at once." "Also when I am jounin I will have unmatchable speed and learn to make my clones explode." "My eyes will be powerful."

45A  Hateful day (closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Sat Mar 17, 2012 2:58 pm


"Alright, thank you Miss and Sir." Seme then takes off further into the woods. Thinking about the incident that just happened. He already knew Kami was a messed individual but it seems to go deeper than that. And Ai just showed up out of nowhere, he didn't even get a hint of her before she was right behind him.

46A  Hateful day (closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Sat Mar 17, 2012 7:02 pm



The male relaxed slightly, though obviously still furious. The disrespect from this child should have been classified as crimminal, but that was not for him to decide. For the moment, however, he took Ai's advice. "Heh... fine." He could see the truth in her words; violence would only reinforce the child's upbrining, but still. "If you wish, Ai, I'll leave this to you." He paused, before stepping away from them, moving to leave. "I have some issues to attend to, Ma'am. Forgive me."

47A  Hateful day (closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Sun Mar 18, 2012 3:38 pm

Ashikage Ai

Ashikage Ai

Ai looked towards the chuunin. Still a boy himself, but he had some manners. "Yes, ofcourse. I won't keep you." She turned back to Kami. "That's some very specific plans. Still, I understand -that- you want to become powerful, but I still don't understand why. Because your parents gave you a hard time?" She sighed. "Besides, the village has no need of a 'demon', we'd rather work on keeping the peace."

48A  Hateful day (closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Sun Mar 18, 2012 3:45 pm



"Peace means nothing to me." "Only power and unmatchable speed." "I will not stand the thought of a day when I do not kill." His eye began to twitch at the though of it. He then shook it off. "There will be a time that you will need a killer like me." "One that feels no pain only hatred."

49A  Hateful day (closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Sun Mar 18, 2012 3:58 pm

Ashikage Ai

Ashikage Ai

Ai almost lost her temper. She walked up to Kami and attempted to pull him by the ear. "Why are you so desperate to kill? To end another mans life? What if your life ended here and now, what would you feel about that?!"

50A  Hateful day (closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Sun Mar 18, 2012 4:07 pm



"I would not give a damn." "Death is all I know." "Peace is foreign and way to aggravating." "If you end it then You will be like me a killer." As he attempts to get her hand off of his ear.

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