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51A  Hateful day (closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Sun Mar 18, 2012 4:15 pm



Naota paused, looking back over his shoulder. "You are most mistaken, Kami. This village does not need a mindless killer. A mindless killer is nothing but a pawn, to be used by the highest bidder." Turning around, his eyes were narrowed, the anger rolling off his body in almost palpable waves. "For you to say that peace means nothing to you is the same as saying that you do not care for the principals that this village stands for! And if that is the truth... then you are nothing but a traitor... a traitor to your village and your clan." As he spoke, each word was accompanied by small puffs of smoke and flame, his anger causing him to loosen the fragile grip on his chakra. "So Uchiha Kami.. do you wish to continue down this path? The rest of the clan will look down aupon this rather harshly, given how long it took them to reestablish thier numbers, as well as repair thier ties with the other villages after what your idol, Uchiha Sasuke, did in the past.

Swallowing rather hard, Naota attempted once more to calm himself before begining again. "I advise you to think very carefully about the path you want to take in life. If you decide to continue down this path, then be fully warned, I will come for you. I will not stand for one of my own kin to attempt to disrupt the peace this village has worked so hard to maintain, nor will I allow the ties my kin have made to be broken by the ignorance of one stupid child!"

52A  Hateful day (closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Sun Mar 18, 2012 4:52 pm

Ashikage Ai

Ashikage Ai

[ Sorry about the post order break, I'm too tired to think straight, thought you had left the topic already. >.<]

Ai looked at Naota, then back at Kami. She couldn't have said it better herself. If this didn't make him at least think things over, he was probably a lost cause. She didn't want to have to deal with that. Sighing she let go of his ear and looked down at him. "Well, Kami. What do you say?"

53A  Hateful day (closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Sun Mar 18, 2012 5:19 pm



"I think that asshole forgot about this village did to Itachi and made him do." He then looked frustrated. "I was told stories all the time about the village and the past of the Uchiha." His eyes were so furious. "I also think I am mad that he called me an idiot." His eyes became more calm. "I think my path is my business." He looks at her with such focus. "Yet grabbed my ear and that one over made violent threats to me."

54A  Hateful day (closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Sun Mar 18, 2012 6:16 pm



*Dont worry about the post break ^^. I didnt specify that I was going to stay in the topic.*

"Mind your fucking tongue, Kami." The smoke that accompanied his words were now gone; red, yellow and red flames accompanied each word. "If you had paid attention in history class, you would know that what Itachi did was for the good of Konoha! Itachi himself was a pacifist, but put the greater good in higher ranking over pride!" Anger flared within him, his pulse rising as his blood began to sing to him, a bittersweet melody to entice him down the well-worn path of the clan's violent history. Shaking this off with a mental shrug.

"What Itachi did was up to him. He chose his path, he played his part, he made his bed, and he laid in it. He could have easily turned traitor, and sided with the clan. But he valued peace over war, you ignorant fool. The same peace you just admitted to not giving two fucks about; the same peace you want to disrupt, given your words. Your path in life may be your business, but if that path causes you to bring harm to this village, then it becomes MY business. So, Uchiha Kami, I want you hear me, and hear me well; If you fucking dare disrupt this peace, then I will kill you myself. This is a promise." Naota shook his head, snorting a plume of fire. "Children need to learn from the past, not doom themselves to repeat it."

55A  Hateful day (closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Sun Mar 18, 2012 8:01 pm



{Really, really sorry about breaking the post order but I g2g soon and wanted to get involved. This is Seme's second btw.}

Maito had heard about the argument and heard it getting heated by people passing by and he also knew that Seme was no longer there as he just almost ran into him but luckily avoided him. Maito came into view of the collected people just in time to hear the older Uchiha threaten the young kid, normally this would piss Maito off but he sensed something was off about the child. Maito flickered behind Ai and Naota "Now what seems to be the problem here? Must be handled since Ai is here but just seeing if I could be of assistance."

56A  Hateful day (closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Tue Mar 20, 2012 10:46 pm



{sorry for breaking post order tryin to keep things goin}
Kami looked uninterested in the stranger. He looked up at the sky for a few seconds. As he then looked back at her. "Either way their shall be blood everywhere." "No path has peace." He kicked a rock slightly off away from him. "You have to spill blood either away in order to achieve your goals." "If there is nothing but peace this world would be sloppy and out of shape." As he picked up another rock beside him and looked at it. He then threw it at a tree next to without looking. He looked around at all the rocks around him. He then picked two up and looked at two different trees. As he put two rocks in two different hands he threw them at the trees. "I did not even need to look." "Those rocks are like peace." "So easily manipulated and so helpless against anyone."

57A  Hateful day (closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Wed Mar 21, 2012 12:49 pm

Ashikage Ai

Ashikage Ai

Ai barely cared about the kids attitude anymore. She wouldn't bother with him unless he became her pupil. Barely keeping her anger under control, she turned to the newcomer. "Ah, good. Another Uchiha. I'd recommend teaching this kid a thing or two about the world we're living in, he seems to be caught in his own." She walked past the two higher ranked Uchiha, bowing her head politely. "I have other things that need my attention. Excuse me."


58A  Hateful day (closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Sun Mar 25, 2012 6:20 pm



Kami clenched his fist tightly as he did not show anger but on the inside he was very furious. "Manners how dare she I was not raised by parents experimenting on me for nothing." "My own brother sacrificed himself using medical jutsu on me." "If it wasn't for him I would still be dead." He looked at the stranger with such hate and such hidden fury. "Damn her to hell." "She does not know what I went through during my academy days." As Kami runs out of the forest in rage.


Last edited by Kami on Sun Mar 25, 2012 8:31 pm; edited 1 time in total

59A  Hateful day (closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: A Hateful day (closed) Sun Mar 25, 2012 6:56 pm


*Just close it, its a dead topic

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