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He was here, perhaps the one place in the world that could give him the footing he needed, the base of knowledge he required, to move forward and figure out the mystery behind the attack that took place so many years ago. For the only piece of information about their whereabouts was placed upon a single sheet of paper with dozens of other names on a list, including Kuroshiki’s own father. He knew, in this world, especially with the means he had taken to gain this parchment, that he needed to improve upon his skills to be able to at least fend for himself as he solved the mystery that laid on an object that could easily be blown away with the win. The names on the list were of currently no use to him, for none of them were familiar to his eye. None of this currently made sense to the Nozaki, with the exception that they were all related in whatever abstract idea that tied them all together, his father included.

He passed by dozens of people, none of whom caught Kuroshiki’s eye, for he walked past them, his glasses resting upon the bridge of his nose. His hair, once again its usual mess, covered the majority of his forehead, his vision slightly obstructed by the hair he didn’t feel like moving out of the way at the moment. Kuroshiki’s dress was very casual, for he hadn’t had a pack of clothes with too much diversity, for he didn’t know how long he would be staying in Iwagakure no Sato. His dark boots lightly padded upon the tiled floor he now just stepped upon, now entering the realm of the interior of the infamous university of Tsuchi no Kuni. The rest of his dress was fairly simple, dark with a bit of brightness procured from Kuroshiki’s high-collared white shirt. However, the shirt was only minimally visible, for it was covered by his black blazer that was slightly buttoned up, the same shade as the pants he wore.

He knew all the answers he truly needed wouldn’t be found easily, much less found here in the Diamond Heights University library, but it would certainly provide the boy with a base of knowledge to begin working with. He knew for certain his own abilities as a shinobi weren’t up to par for the time being, something he’d need to explore yet it proved far too difficult for the katon chakra he was able to procure. As of yet, Kuroshiki had yet to find a teacher whom could teach him how to mold the flames perfectly, such that they wouldn’t thrash out against Kuroshiki himself. Moreso, just being able to control his chakra proved a bit tedious at times, for the past five years he only had himself to be his own teacher and thus far they proved to be less that effective.

Kuroshiki was able to easily make his way through the university to find the library, yet once he was inside, he knew the problems that could be posed upon him. For one, just the vast amount of information floating about would surely take more time than he had to spare to absorb. Secondly, just being able to find the information he needed wouldn’t be directly found here, thus he’d have to find some material that could help him along on his journey. Perhaps something relating to being able to better control his chakra. Yet, that journey would begin soon enough, for Kuroshiki’s eyes found the layers of bookshelves neatly organized around inside the building, the noise kept minimal, yet the faint sounds of chatter clearly reaching his ears, but never registering a single word from these conversation that did not matter to him at all. Instead, his eyes simple wandered around, looking for the place he would need to start his current academic adventure.

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Diamond Heights University was probably the most popular academic institution in the five great nations, or at least the only one that Issei had heard of before. To be fair, he'd lived in Iwa and been surrounded by people who had attended the university, including his good friend Masa, so perhaps he was biased and there was a better university in one of the other villages. It just seemed unlikely, considering he had traveled so much and been to every village...other higher learning establishments paled in comparison to Diamond Heights. Issei and Masa had spent the previous night together, reminiscing on their younger days when they were both 23 and trying to find their paths in life. The only difference was that Masa had actually found his; he graduated from the University the previous year, just before Issei moved back to Kirigakure, and he was now an aspiring architect and civil engineer for Iwagakure no Sato. Issei was as lost as he had ever been, only having become a shinobi to support himself financially and allow him to improve his combat capabilities so he could protect himself. In the back of his mind, he always remembered his greatest fear; he wondered if the surgeon was still alive somewhere, just waiting for the right moment to return and try to kill Issei for good. Was the life of a shinobi what he really wanted? Would he be able to bear through it just to get what he wanted out of it? Or would he quit, and resign to the life of a struggling writer with no real purpose, no real motivation...

Masa had gotten up and gone to work, and Issei slept in for a while, enjoying the comfort of Masa's couch. When he did manage to wake up, he dressed in a red shirt with a gray cardigan over it, along with navy blue jeans and dark sneakers. He left Masa's house and stopped at a small tea house to get coffee. Strangely enough, he never liked his coffee sweet; he always took it black, no sugar or cream, just pure, caffeinated, bitter bliss, a warm sensation moving down his throat and pulsing in his veins with every sip. He purchased the biggest cup they had and starting drinking away, deciding his next destination for the day to be Diamond Heights. He'd been to the library there numerous times before to read and get some peace. It was rare for people to try to socialize with one other in a library, of course, so why would anyone bother talking to him there if they didn't know him? In his mind, it was the perfect getaway, a welcome reprieve from all the busy chatter that was a perpetual discomfort to him everywhere else. Arriving at the library's entrance and opening the doors, he walked in and headed straight for the nonfiction section.

Issei's eyes scanned the bookshelf for something of interest to him. The author's names were facing out...Edamura, Inoue, Kagami...he found a small book entitled "体術の現代学問分野", meaning "Modern Disciplines of Taijutsu", and picked it off of the shelf. He continued searching, and found "最初の土影" and "土の国における禁術発信の百科事典" ("The First Tsuchikage" and "An Encyclopedia of Forbidden Jutsu Originating in Tsuchi no Kuni", respectively), taking them both before turning to the central area of the library to find a seat. He placed all three books next to each other on the table and took a seat, scooting in so that his posture was perfect and his elbows could rest comfortably on the surface in front of him. He opened up "The First Tsuchikage" and started reading with an unintentional smile on his face, tenderly turning the pages as he progressed.




Upon first inspection, Kuroshiki noticed that the library was slightly populated, not barren like the much smaller libraries he had found in other small, civilian villages. Diamond Heights University certainly was at the top of the list in all aspects from Kuroshiki’s first glance, for everything seemed far neater. Hanging high above each row of shelves, between the shelving on either side, Kuroshiki’s dark eyes noticed the dark red hanging banner, which indicated the names of the author’s last name that could be found on either side of the library. The main aspect that stood out for each banner, however, was a single word description of the section for what genre of literature one could find in each row. Kuroshiki’s eyes noticed the headings of languages; which he would eventually, one day, explore, art and photography; something that didn’t interest him too much when it came to books, music, films, and literature; these where aspects he wished to ignore entirely, for they wouldn’t hold what he needed. The science and technology section of the library seemed to intrigue him, yet he chose not to venture forth through the mountains of books, for it held no direct value for Kuroshiki’s current chosen path.

His eyes finally found the one section he wished to explore, labelled as Chakra. That section would likely be holding some form of literature that Kuroshiki required for himself, personally. His feet carried him to the indicated section, easily letting himself be absorbed by the packed shelves, though every now and then there seemed to be a missing book, letting him know that a book seemed to be in use currently by someone else. Kuroshiki’s eyes rapidly moved through each section, pausing every now and then when a title caught his eye, yet he merely glanced at such titles for a moment before deciding he had no use of them for the time being. With only the author’s name and the title of the book to decide his process of elimination, for it was the fastest method for Kuroshiki to start with, he only had founded a select few books that could potentially help him. If he had wanted to, Kuroshiki could easily take his time filtering through each book, yet he chose not to, for he could easily spend hours here in the library doing such a thing.

After ten minutes of quickly scanning through titles and a brief deliberation on his part, Kuroshiki had decided delving in to two books, for now, would be adequate. Surely he could go through more, yet the time he would spend upon each one would certainly be lengthy, thus there was no need for him to bring about more books than the two he had chosen. In his hands were two books, both of a moderately-thick width, indicating the vast amount of pages each contained, along with the weight of each. The first book was titled ‘Perfecting Chakra Control’ and the second was a bit lengthier ‘A Conceptual Guide to the Formation and Control of Chakra: Katon Edition.’ As he was leaving the section, Kuroshiki’s eyes, however, glanced through the books one more time, wanting to pick one or two more up, but his mind had decided that these two would meet his needs for at least an hour or so.

Leaving the aisle of books, Kuroshiki headed towards the tables his eyes found earlier, though there seemed to be a few different faces now occupying the area in addition to the old ones that had been present before. Heading towards a table that was fairly empty, for it was only occupied by a male with fairly lengthy white hair, Kuroshiki’s eyes glanced upon the titles of books each and every person had upon their table, taking in the information he could gather about the person based solely upon the material they were reading upon. As he made his way to the table, Kuroshiki would smile lightly and give a nod to the individual that would be seated across from him, if he should look up from his book regarding the First Tsuchikage. Placing his books lightly upon the table, Kuroshiki slowly took his seat, reaching for the book with the far lengthier title.

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Reading away at the pages of The First Tsuchikage was an informative endeavor, and the man known by the name of Ishikawa had been a wise and skilled founder and leader to Iwagakure no Sato. He was theorized to have been a member of the Kamizuru Clan, a clan of shinobi that tamed and weaponized bees that fed off of chakra during battle. He'd heard of a similar clan, the Aburame that used kikaichū, but never of that specific bee clan. Furthermore, Ishikawa was a master of earth release and he had pioneered many of the jutsu that future generations of his family would learn. The position of Tsuchikage remained in his family for a number of years, with his grandson becoming the Third Tsuchikage and his great-great granddaughter becoming the Fourth Tsuchikage.

Centuries later, Issei knew that the current Tsuchikage was named Akira, but nothing aside from that. He'd heard stories and rumors about Akira, but never anything worth remembering, and he'd never met Akira so he didn't know how plausible the rumors were anyhow. Nonetheless, the pure strength that a Kage-level ninja was capable of absolutely confounded and intrigued Issei; there was a reason that they presided over their respective villages, and a large part of that was because they had proven themselves to be (likely the only ones) worthy enough to protect and serve a village like that. So, to put things simply, Issei had nothing but respect for the five Kage. When he next took his eyes away from the text below, he noticed that someone had taken another seat at the table, directly across from him. Young, but not exactly child-like in his appearance; messy black hair, generally small features aside from his eyes, and a pair of glasses. He nodded to Issei and gave a soft smile, which Issei returned in order to be polite.

Dozens of pages into reading about the Tsuchikage, Issei's attention span and interest level started to dwindle and he accepted that as a reason to close the book and move on to another one, for now. He went to pick up his next book, the one about forbidden techniques. As he turned to grab the title, he noticed that the person sitting across from him was reading some kind of book about fire release, which piqued his curiosity. Having had an innate affinity toward the element alongside the water release he inherited from his mother, Issei wanted to read that book next. He had always been better with suiton anyhow, so reading up on katon might've been a good way to help him improve in his use of it. He fought through his generally reclusive temperament to ask the man reading that book, in a whispered and rough voice: "Excuse me, would it be alright if I read that after you?" he left it at that request, opting not to say anything more, and rather await a response. His elbows had moved off of the table and found a place at his sides, with his hands in his lap, and he tried his best to seem polite and warm (something that he wasn't exactly used to).




Each page had quite a bit of information included on it, for Kuroshiki took his time going through each topic before he knew he absorbed the information as well as he could, and then moved on to the next section of the book. Most of the information included was theoretical, for that was the basis of the book, with inclusions of examples from individuals who were practitioners of katon chakra. While all the information included was far more informational than anything Kuroshiki had floating within his mind, none of it would be directly translatable to his actual techniques, not without having to actually utilize them in some practical form. As much as he would read about it, gaining the concepts behind the art, it certainly wasn’t the same as actually performing the techniques themselves. Thus far, Kuroshiki had failed to an extent in being able to mold his chakra without it biting him back, without it burning him as well. However, Kuroshiki knew that he had to expand his base of knowledge for him to be better able to utilize his chakra in a physical manifestation. It wouldn’t do for him to utilize far too much chakra that he’d make matters worse for himself, but luckily, thus far, there were no visible burn marks apparent on his hand, for the minor ones thus far had faded away with time.

The quiet of the library allowed the native of the Land of Tea to be fully absorbed in the literature in front of him, for that was where attention was directed as no outside obstructions were able to bring him out of his thoughts. Kuroshiki was intrigued by the material, eager to take it all in and one day be able to utilize it in its perfect form. His ears picked up the slightest of movements around him, from the other patrons shuffling about, students writing notes furiously, and the man sitting opposite of him casually flipping through the pages of his book. Then, as if something extra-terrestrial had invaded upon the realm that Kuroshiki was occupying. It didn’t take much for the dark-haired teenage to find the source of the sound, for it was fairly close and Kuroshiki knew it was coming directly across from him. His eyes remained on the book as the words infiltrated his ears, no longer were the printed words wandering around in his mind, for they had been replaced by the simple question posed to Kuroshiki.

“Of course.” Was Kuroshiki’s easy response, his eyes having left the page a moment before the words left him to meet the stranger’s eyes. Promptly after answering the question posed to him, Kuroshiki scanned the other books the man had brought with him aside from the one he was reading about the First Tsuchikage. He noted the book of ‘Modern Disciplines of Taijutsu’ as of more value to himself compared to the current book the man held, but the remaining books title remained hidden. He, himself, was fairly decent at taijutsu, nothing spectacular, but that had to do with the fact he hadn’t sought out actual training for the past couple of years, due to a multitude of reasons. Perhaps it would be beneficial for him to seek out that book whenever it became available, but that certainly wasn’t his current prioritization, for it wasn’t taijutsu that hurt him more than Katon chakra. Enhancing his strikes, his body, was fairly, but the addition of the fiery element certainly posed more problems than anything for Kuroshiki.

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The boy took a short pause before he answered Issei's question with a polite, "Of course", clearly having been caught up in his reading. Issei smiled unintentionally before looking back down to the book just in front of him. This encyclopedia of forbidden techniques was filled with hundreds over jutsu that had been banned throughout the years, going into detail to describe each jutsu as well as when and why it was (and may have still been) banned. Since this specific edition was native to the jutsu created and/or banned specifically in Tsuchi no Kuni, most of the jutsu listed were earth release techniques. Now, there was a reason that this particular encyclopedia had caught Issei's attention; more recently in his training and overall, he'd grown fond of studying earth release and its many users. He'd known it to be a powerful element that was incorporated in many advanced releases, especially in those native to Iwagakure no Sato (lava release and explosion release). He found himself wanting to learn how to use it, which was no easy task for a shinobi; typically, people were born with either one or two nature affinities that gave them a talent for a nature transformation when molding their chakra. There were some that had three, through inheritance of an advanced element kekkei genkai (entailing the ability to use two basic elements, and an element that combines the two and creates a new one). Affinities could be found using methods like chakra paper, which react to the holder's chakra differently based on their natural element(s). Issei was lucky enough to have been born with his aforementioned two, Suiton and Katon, and he never had much trouble using jutsu from either element aside from the basics, like learning hand seals, proper chakra flow, and shape transformation.

Acquiring an element that a shinobi wasn't born with was another deal entirely; it often required a great deal of training, taking years of practice or some kind of alternative method (such as ninja that had tried to steal other nature transformations by taking chakra from their victims). Despite that, it wasn't enough to deter Issei from wanting to master Doton. He read through the forbidden jutsu more for pleasure than any practical application to learning Doton, though. There was one technique that interested him, known as the Forbidden Mud Golem Jutsu. It was similar to a cloning technique that worked against opponents by duplicating them using earth release, and it was apparently quite effective. Another was an unnamed kinjutsu that a man named Deidara had stolen from the village centuries back, a jutsu that allowed the user to knead chakra into materials by creating strange mouths on their body. The thought both intrigued and horrified Issei, as he recalled previous readings about Deidara as a user of explosion release and being a powerful missing-ninja, long ago.

There was one more jutsu that Issei paid extra attention to, some sort of method to turn people into stone (or the user) into stone. The encyclopedia was very vague concerning it because there wasn't much information on it, apparently, aside form the fact that it had been seen used by an Iwagakure shinobi and subsequently banned for how dangerous it was. He wondered if he could do something like that with his kekkei genkai; he doubted he would be able to turn people into bone because he only had control of his own osteoblasts, osteoclasts, and calcium levels, but he could probably turn himself into pure, chakra-enhanced bone for extra defense during battle. An exoskeleton armor. The idea just seemed to click in his head and from there on he got a few more ideas on how to develop his Shikotsumyaku, so he took out a pen and a notecard from his backpocket and scribbled down his ideas, ready to see how much he could manage next time he trained. Once the notes were taken, he returned the card and the pen to his pocket and closed the book of forbidden jutsu, with no more use or interest in reading further.

And Issei's second-to-last read was upon him, Modern Disciplines of Taijutsu. He ran a hand over the cover, feeling its worn, leathery surface and peeling it open gingerly.




A beat had passed after his own answer before a sign of the opposing male responding to Kuroshiki’s two-worded statement. He wondered if the man would say anything else, but the sole smile that he was given before the older individual turned back to his own book was the last bit of interaction between himself and the man. He wondered, for a moment, if he’d be able to take in the most of his book in the time he would spend here today, or if he would need to make multiple trips, for just a single day truly wouldn’t be enough for Kuroshiki to truly know all there was to know in this particular library. No matter how much he could take in just from this sitting alone, Kuroshiki knew that to actually get a better mental understanding of the material, he’d need to take his time with the material over the course of a few days, yet he had already stated he’d give up the lengthy book to the other male once he was done with it. So, instead he was limited to today’s reading, trying out the material in a practical sense, and then finally going back to revise it once more through another read of the book.

As the other party had delved back in to a book, this time going to seek out the content within a book dedicated to being an encyclopaedia of forbidden jutsus, Kuroshiki’s attention slowly shifted back to his own book, hoping to get as much out of it before he would be parting ways with the book. All the words made sense to Kuroshiki, in his head, yet the use of them would be far more difficult than the simple reading he had done thus far. He couldn’t simply test his chakra here, for the simple purpose of keeping peace and quiet in the library. Also, if by pure accident, he used much more chakra that was actually required of him, Kuroshiki could just as easily put the pages to the book aflame and that would just be far worse than disrupting the natural environment founded in a library. An inaudible sigh escape Kuroshiki as he continued going through each page, letting the silence once again overtake him and allowing his mind to be completely absorbed by the pages in front of him.

Several more minutes passed, Kuroshiki finally getting through the chapters within the book that he truly needed to, slowly eased the book down on the table, closing it carefully so that none of the pages would take any unnecessary damage from the simple action. A moment passed by, Kuroshiki glancing around the library once more to take in the vastness of the place before nudging the book slightly forward, his quiet words slowly following after, “It’s all yours.” His voice was loud enough to be heard by the stranger, yet quiet enough that no one else in the library would be bothered by the obtrusive noise he had just let out. Afterwards, Kuroshiki glanced towards his sole remaining book that he’d likely spend less than an hour with, before figuring out how to utilize the material he learnt in a more practical sense. After that, his day still remained entirely in question.

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Issei's eyes looked over each line from left to right before bouncing back and starting over for the next as he absorbed the text. The first chapter focused on the differences between popular fighting styles and the various pros and cons of each. His personal fighting style was akin to that of a foreign style called Capoiera, a traditional discipline of movement originating among slaves that was both a martial art and a dance form. The book claimed that Capoiera fighters focused entirely on speed and maneuverability, which was where Issei's style took a separate path; although he did have excellent maneuverability and easy control of a fight using jumps, flips, and somersaults, his speed was hardly comparable to his physical strength. He often stayed in close range, able to dodge attacks from time to time but more usually blocking them with his hands and using the opponent's weight against them. He caught them off guard by consistently shifting positions around them, to adapt to their movements, much like a dance. He read further into the art of Capoiera nonetheless, intrigued by the parallels that he shared with it. There were a few moves that he was foreign to, such as the "Au" movements, which were a number of variations on a regular "cartwheel". Taking mental note of this section, he moved on to the next chapter.

There was a segment on chakra in relation to taijutsu and how proper chakra flow could augment its effectiveness. Nature transformations, increases in physical strength, and even advanced applications of medical ninjutsu to make taijutsu extremely lethal. Issei remembered that Isamu was a medical ninja, but he wasn't sure if he knew taijutsu. Nonetheless, the next thought that came to mind was the chakra scalpel, a jutsu that the Surgeon had used on him during his captivity. The thought sent a shudder down his spine. The next few chapters focused entirely on proper taijutsu use, striking and grappling, and defensive styles. Issei figured he could go into better depth on his own, later on. A quick look at his watch indicated that he'd already been at the library for nearly two hours, which was longer than he had originally intended to stay but it wasn't as if he had anywhere important to be anyhow. He scooped all of his books together and put them into a stack, just as the boy across from him pushed a book forward. It was the book on Katon chakra that Issei had asked for earlier. Issei smiled and decided to extend his stay just a bit longer in order to get a little bit of extra information.

The book was divided by different types of Katon chakra, its uses in advanced nature transformations such as lava release and boil release, and various jutsu that used Katon and how to properly wield them. Of the jutsu listed, a majority were ninjutsu, which was something that Issei was trying to get a better mastery of in general. He already knew the Great Fireball jutsu, which was a very basic and yet powerful addition to any decent fire user's arsenal. The key to using Katon properly was to maintain just enough control of the flames to prevent any damage to the user while still using its volatile chakra and high temperatures to burn opponents. Now, this wasn't always the case, as some uses of Katon were centered around use of gasoline, oil, and smoke, which was more similar to using Suiton and Fuuton than typical fire jutsu. He thought of these more complex applications of Katon as unique to advanced users of the nature transformation, as all he could do was muster up a few flames and maybe some flammable gas, from what he remembered learning. In battle, it was obvious that he was far more skilled using Suiton, however, since that was what he had inherited from his mother and he had also learned a few basic jutsu using that element from her. He committed some of the key points in the book to memory in order to practice different mediums of Katon later on, but once Issei had skimmed through a few sections, he had gotten the information he needed out of the book and was ready to check out the remaining books he was holding.

He slipped the book back to the black-haired boy and closed it. "Thank you for letting me read that, I just wanted to give it a quick look. I'm going to go check out these three books and then head out, though. I'm Issei. It was nice meeting you." and with that, he headed to the front desk of the library and set the stack of books in front of the librarian. There was a lengthy process of getting a new library card (which he thought he would've circumvented since he had received a card last time he was in Iwa), and he had to pay a sum of ryo since he wasn't an enrolled university student at Diamond Heights, but he finally checked out the three books. He had to return them within three weeks, but he knew that he'd be finished with all three before his trip was over and he'd bring them back within a couple of days. He left the library and walked off onto campus, taking in the gentle sunlight.

[ Exit Thread ]





- Exit Thread -
2532 Words Total

Strength E -> E-3: 450/450 Words
Speed E -> E-3: 450/450 Words
Endurance E -> E-3: 450/450 Words
Perception E -> E-3: 450/450 Words
Reaction Time E -> E-3: 450/450 Words
Remaining Words: 282

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