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Aenon and Kanon were effectively a small squad of their own, and so were usually assigned their missions together. Most of the higher ups knew better than to try and separate the twins into their own missions. Because of their relative inexperience as kunoichi, and their assigned rank as genin, as well as lack of a proper sensei at the moment, the two twins were assigned rather small tasks and missions; namely, the D ranked ones. Aenon didn't really mind though, as it allowed her to spend time gathering experience alone with her sister. At the moment, they were both heading towards Waterfall Point, where a bunch of stray dogs had gathered to quench their thirst. The young Sabaku took pity on the animals and was more than willing to help them get to the pound because she knew that they'd be well cared for, much more so than being on their own. Of course, with only the two of them here, and a whole pack of dogs to round up, it would be impossible for them to bring them all in on this one trip, but hopefully between the two of them, they could nab at least one of them.

WC: 203
Mission: [203/600]



Kanon looked around as the girl's walked down the path towards Waterfall point. She couldn't help but be in awe at the scenery around her. It was breath-taking. From the tall pine and oak trees, to the grass that lined the stone path. To the occasional animal that they would see roaming the forest. It was all so pretty, and it  made Kanon very happy. She had her sister's hand intertwined with her's as they slowly strolled down the path towards waterfall point. They weren't in any rush to get the mission down as it was still early in the morning. To the point where the sun was just barely peaking up over the horizon. That being said, Kanon didn't want to be chasing dogs all day long. She would prefer to have this over before lunch, so that way they could get lunch in the village, and have a quick break, before Kanon dragged Aenon to a the training grounds before they trained for the rest of the day. Kanon was well aware that the two were rusty, and at this point probably not much stronger than an academy student and so they could use all of the training that they could get.

Just then, she heard the sound in the distance. The waterfall. Kanon only had to slow her pace for her sister to pick up on what she was doing. They needed to get as close to the waterfall as possible without scaring the dogs, and then devise a plan. As Kanon would slow her pace, she would turn into the nearby forest, ad slowly and as quickly as possible, lead her sister to the sound. when they reached the edge of a clearing of the waterfall and subsequent pool underneath it, Kanon stopped and crouched down. She then counted the dog, and then start against a tree to discuss a strategy. "So it seems that there are 7 dogs in total. our mission statement says we only need one. Chances are that the dogs will scatter in all directions once they detect our presence. So, sis, what do we do. Are we just taking one, or are we going to capture as many as possible, and if so we need a strategy." Kanon said, towards her sister. She would then simply sit there and look at her sister  awaiting an answer.

WC: 402
Total WC: 402



Both of the twins were perfectly in sync, having known each other all their lives. The second that Kanon started to slow down, Aenon reduced her rate of speed as well. They'd both heard the roaring of the waterfalls, and that meant that they'd be close. And obviously, the closer they were to the waterfall and consequently the dogs, the more likely they would be to startle them.

Aenon stood there, thinking for a little while, as her sister talked. "So it seems that there are 7 dogs in total. our mission statement says we only need one. Chances are that the dogs will scatter in all directions once they detect our presence. So, sis, what do we do. Are we just taking one, or are we going to capture as many as possible, and if so we need a strategy." Aenon nodded as she had just been thinking the same line of questioning. "Well, ideally, the more the better. But these dogs will all come back for more water soon. So right now, one, maybe two if we can?" she replied questioningly. It didn't matter though, she knew Kanon would agree with her. Minimalism on these were better, because it gave a greater likelihood of success, and they could always come back a later time to get the rest. It seemed there were always strays out waiting to be caught.

Narrowing her eyes, she thought out their strategy. "So I was thinking we get as close as possible sneaking, using the sounds of the waterfall to our advantage. We'll want the dogs further in the back, as opposed to the ones closer to us, as when they notice us and run, they'll scatter, and the cluster and confusion might trip them up. Then we just catch one. That's the best I can think of, but I'm not all that good at planning these things out."

WC: 332
Mission: 535/600



Aenon nodded in response to what kanon was saying. Then she spoke her response"Well, ideally, the more the better. But these dogs will all come back for more water soon. So right now, one, maybe two if we can?" Kanon also nodded during what her sister was saying. Because she agreed, they should go all the dogs at some point, but it might be difficult to do them all at one point in time, so they should really just focus on one, with the plan in mind to come back later for the other dogs. "Yeah. We can turn the other ones in later, but it'll be in our best interest to only focus on one or two for the moment."

She then saw her sister being to think on the strategy. "So I was thinking we get as close as possible sneaking, using the sounds of the waterfall to our advantage. We'll want the dogs further in the back, as opposed to the ones closer to us, as when they notice us and run, they'll scatter, and the cluster and confusion might trip them up. Then we just catch one. That's the best I can think of, but I'm not all that good at planning these things out." Kanon nodded once more in agreement with her sister. while Kanon was mostly the fighter, she was nowhere as good of a strategist as her sister, and so she would almost always ask her sister for strategies. It was a part of why their teamwork was so scary, because with Kanon being a great fighter, and her sister being a great strategist, with aenon being a mediocre fighter, and Kanon being a mediocre strategist, they just worked.

So with that all said and done. Kanon stood up, not too quickly as to alert the hounds, and stuck her hand out to pull her sister. "Sounds like a plan sis... let get it done." She said as she gave her sister an eye smile, and pulled her up. Then she would begin moving slowly towards the dogs remaining low to the ground, using the waterfall to cover their sound. However, just as they were about half way one of the dogs sniffed the air and howled. The words came out of Kanon's mouth quickly and loudly, enough to alert any of the dogs that hadn't been alerted by the howl "Shit! Move!" Kanon said as she started sprinting towards the dogs. The dogs began to scatter, but as her sister suggested, the one's nearest the water got caught up in the crowd. Kanon managed to swoop in and scoop up under her arms. She then scanned the area for her sister. Finding she had caught one as well. "Yay! We did it!" she would say as she five hived her sister, and then grabbed her hand and held it, as they walked back to the pound.

Once they got into Iwagakure they reached the pound in no time, turned in the two dogs, and received their ryo reward. Then the girls headed home. Kanon had honestly had a great time today, and she was sure her sister would try to convince that they should go back tomorrow and gather more dogs. And, honestly. Kanon wouldn't mind all that much. She didn't mind doing anything. Not as long as it was with her sister.

Once they got home, Kanon would start on dinner, as Aenon showered, and then the two girls would sit down, eat dinner, and then Kanon would take a shower and get ready for bed as Aenon did the dishes. Then the two girls would snuggle up into bed together as they always did. Most likely with Kanon's hair still wet. And, then the girls would fall into a peaceful slumber, and Kanon wouldn't have it any other way.

WC: 652
Total WC: 1054
Mission Complete! 600/600 words
Words for use: 454



Aenon let Kanon pull her up into a full on standing position, not surprised in the least that Kanon had listened to her plan. Aenon may not think that she was very good at planning things out, but she was fairly decent at it in retrospect, at least more so than Kanon was. After all, Kanon cooked for Aenon because Aenon wasn't a good cook. The same reason that Kanon did that was the same reason that Aenon did this. They knew each other's strengths and weaknesses to a t.

They began their sneaking up on the dogs rather well. In fact, it took the hounds a long time to figure out that anyone was onto them. Although inevitably they did. One of them sniffed the air, catching the twin's scent and howled. Quit a few of them lifted their heads and turned to face the twin's, startled by the presence of two humans. "Shit! Move!" she heard her twin say, and then as if on cue, the dogs started to bolt. Luckily, Aenon had been correct in her assumption that the animals would get in each other's way.

Trying to take advantage of the confusion, Aenon rushed in, lunging at one of the dogs to try and grab him. Almost as if expecting her to do that however, the dog did something peculiar. Leaping up, she watched him soar over her head, felt paws on her back, and smacked into the ground as the dog used her like a springboard! Caught off guard and winded, Aenon hadn't even realized that she'd managed to slide directly up to a dog who seemed to be recovering from the confusion until the both had recovered. Eye'ing each other for a moment, Aenon proved to be faster, clamping her arms around the poor little dog.

Standing up, Aenon glared at the dogs that were running away, swearing vengeance on the one who had knocked her to the ground. Looking over at her sister, it appeared she hadn't noticed that display, so she put on a smile and giggled. They'd both done it! Now all that was left to do was to take the dogs to the pound, where they'd be well taken care of and adopted off to a loving family.

After turning in the dogs, Aenon quickly suggested that they'd go back in the next couple days, to get the rest of them, athough she had her own motives; catching that one pesky little dog that used her as a springboard. She'd get her vengeance by placing him in the nicest home available! That'd teach him to be a stray. Once they got home, Aenon showered, getting some of the dirt off of her and cleaning up as best as she could, glad that Kanon hadn't seemed to notice something for once. She certainly wasn't going to bring it up. After they ate, Kanon took a shower, and then the two headed off for some well deserved rest. Kanon more than likely fell asleep quickly, but Aenon's mind was otherwise preoccupied, and she lay awake for several hours before finally drifting off.

WC: 540
Mission:1075/600 MISSION COMPLETE!
Remaining: 475

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