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1Stories [Mission/Private] Empty Stories [Mission/Private] Sun Jan 03, 2016 6:49 pm




We're back and better than ever! Jet grinned happily as her footsteps bounced without a pit or patter along the wall of the Bastion Adamatine. Seems that she was put back on wall duty again not that she minded at all. In fact she loved it. She had so much fun yesterday that she couldn't wait to return! Sadly she has heard its been quite for the past few days so it was a bit iffy whether or not something interesting would happened. "Ne kira, do something funny" The nekomata looked at Jet strangely until she saw the girl's eyes were a particular shade of green. She groaned in annoyance at this revelation for now being on babysitting duty. "Jet we are guarding the wall for intruders. This is no place to play" Yet Jet wouldn't have it "But we are bored. There is nothing to do" Honestly the things she does for this girl. Kira face pawed herself and dragged it down her snout "Look kit why don't you scout the area for something, anything, that can preoccupy you" Her eyes gleamed and she bounced on the heels of her boots "Really we can? Won't mister get upset if we do?" Jet really really wanted to go out and play but the workers were keeping a close eye on her, whether by fear or under orders mattered little to her so this opportunity was one she couldn't pass up. "Thank you Kira-chan. We'll be going now!" Hopping down the mountainous wall was easy and she barely over heard Kira telling her not to go to far since they were in a middle of a snowstorm, but Jet was too engrossed in her little book to give a care.

Once a upon a time, in a land of lush fields and air tingling of tea leaves there lived a beautiful woman. She was a rare and precious jewel to be had. Her skin was flawless her lips were supple her cheeks were rosy her hair was silky her voice was soothing her touch was warming. Her beauty was that of another world. Hailed a godness she was treated like royalty among the small villagers. All but a few. You see like for how bright the light, the longer of a shadow were cast. This woman, although highly admired and sought after, took no one's hand in marriage when she came of age. Suitors from all over the world asked for her hand in marriage but she turned them all away with a smile saying she could not. But why they would ask. Why would she not accept. I will give you all the rarest jewels to be found. I will give you the most fashionable robes to be crafted. Land is not an object when I inherit the kingdom. Life cannot be rough for I will only bear the sweetest and fruits so that your soft hands may never know the burden of hard labor. These promises, these gifts, were all what any woman could ask for. But this one, this woman was not so easily swayed. No she could not. Why would she. Her heart already belonged to another. Her heart years for him and only him

Jet took this as a que to take a pause from her story and closed up her imaginary book. Her eyes were mostly red but you could still see the flecks of green in them. "Have any of you been in love before?" She paused and looked at all five of them in the eye. Oh who were these five young lads you may ask. Well honestly it's a pretty interesting story. So not long after Jet had departed from Kira, she went in search of anything that could amuse her. Thankfully she didn't have to wait long for she heard the crunch of snow under of feet, feet that shouldn't be here. All iwa-nin you had to report to the front gates and be checked in otherwise you would be mistaken for a rogue or intruder then all bets were off and your head was going to be on chopping block. And unfortunately for this group they were definitely not lost. Far from it actually. You see they knew exactly where they were headed. All of them were maneuvering through the snowy mountainous region without an issue, knowing their way too well but still made a few mistakes to hint they were not natives. Must have been an inside job. Anyway they were arguing how to continue their mission and something about leadership. Horrible teamwork must we say. But it provided a golden opportunity. All she had to do was create a few fire clones, seek up behind them and WHAM they were out like a light. Which brings us to now, all of them shivering, quivering, and scared out of their wits.

Jet received no answer so she figured she would have to explain "Since none of you are going to answer, guess we will have to take it from here" Oh no her eyes were orange now. Bless their souls and this now viewers you may want to prepare for because its not going to be pretty. Jet didn't even care that the five of them were gagged and bound, she didn't receive an answer so she was going to punish them. Violently. She ungagged and dragged one of them, whom she is going to call Inari for reasons, to a tree and retied him to him. Course after he was momentary free he had tried to get away and free himself and his friend but that ambition was snuffed out when she punched his leg fracturing it then broke it because she decided he was a bad boy and needed to understand what he did was wrong. After he was fairly secured Jet turned back to the group. Once more it was two girls and three guys, Inari being the third and of course the females were crying, one boy was frozen in fear and another was spewing profanities at her. No that she gave a f*ck. Really she didn't. Just because she threw a kunai into the foul mouthed brat, whom will now be called Mizuki, eye meant nothing. Really she felt no satisfaction watching him scream and struggle in pain. Ok maybe a little but that wasn't the point here! Back to the lesson!

"You see children, love is the strongest poison in the world. Sometimes it sudden when you fall for it" She took out a kunai and stabbed Inari in the chest to demonstrate "Other times it is slow, gradually building. You may know consciously know it's happening but you do know. You would be stupid not to" Jet held onto the kunai and slowly dragged in it down to Inari's belly button then back up quickly then slowly up and down till a jagged line was carved into his chest, spewing blood, quite a bit that her arm was now covered in it. "It can feel great for sure. Especially down here" As she was speaking she cut open Inari's pant exposing his nether region to the elements. The kid's were going to close their eyes but Jet warned them if they did, they were going to join him too. "People tend to think with this when thinking of love. Try not to. Those who do are the first to get killed. Because this" She paused as she took another kunai and stabbed between his  jewels, cutting deeply then then pulling it off, making it bleed and the skin stretched, tug, tear, then snap off. "Doesn't have a brain. Sure hormones can go on the rage but they should not dictate your actions. Because this" Stab "Can" Stab "Into" Stab "Some" Stab "Shit" Stab. For viewers out there were will not move our attention to Kira the nekomata who now appeared with a look of disgust so you may not witness the severe mutilation of poor poor Inari.

"Young lady what in the world are you doing" Oh god was that kid's, oh my, no, it's. God Kira felt she was going to be sick. Seems like one of the girls already is, having thrown up on herself and her teammate. "Who are these people? What are you doing to them! You are on guard duty, guard duty. You are supposed to protecting people not kidnapping and torturing them!" Uggh why did Kira have to be so annoying. Jet dragged her bloodied hand down her face in aggravation "Kira...these are not Iwa citizens. Look at their clothes and tell me they are" Kira looked at her warily, not believing Jet in the slightest but with good reason of course since she has done something similar before, many many times. "Look they have explosive tags, a mission scroll and map. They are terrorist Kira we are only doing our job" Apprently with all the evidence present to her there was nothing she could do or say. With the nekomata stunned into silence Jet decided fun time was over so she created 6 fire clones and with them they all launced a great fireball at them, setting them ablaze.

1526~ Mission complete

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