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1Deliver food.[Private, Mission, No Kill] Empty Deliver food.[Private, Mission, No Kill] Sun Jan 03, 2016 8:26 am



It didn't take long until after the girls reported into active duty for missions to start coming their way, and this honestly made Kanon feel a whole lot better. The death of their mom still hung in the air, and the girls needed something to take their minds off of what had happened. So having to go out and do missions was a great thing for their mental health. Plus it did iwagakure no sato good, and it filled their bank with ryo. It was a win, win, win. 

The girls had been up early this morning, as there were expecting a mission today and wanted to know what it was going to be. Kanon was currently still eating the breakfast she had made for her and Aenon. Eggs, with a side of sausage. Kanon knew that she wasn't the best cook. But still she had faith in her abilities and knew she wasn't bad. This is why she most often ended up cooking for the two. Although Aenon typically finished before her, as Kanon would get her plate ready before even starting on her own dish. It's not that she minded though. She liked to take time and enjoy the meals that she made. As she finished her plate, the letter containing the details for their mission slipped under the door. kanon quickly jumped out of her seat and snatched it before her sister could get to it. then she went back to the table and delicately opened the letter. She then read the contents out loud to her, which basically stated they were to go to a farm, pick up two care packages of food, and deliver each of them to a family staying in the hospital who had been unable to continue paying for both food and the treatment. Kanon thought it was nice that the village of iwa cared so much about their citizens that they would do this for them. After reading the letter, Kanon would throw the letter down on the table, pick up her dish and put it in the sink. Then she would go back into the living, grba her sister's hand and eye smile at her "Ready to go?"

WC: 373
Total WC: 373



Aenon was thrilled beyond belief! Lately, she'd seen Kanon in a much better mood than she had been since their mother had died. This was probably due to the missions they'd been undertaking, helping people out, and pulling both of their attention away from the solitude and loneliness they both felt with her loss. The money was good, the experience was good, and their reputation within Iwagakure would be increasing as well. It felt good to be doing some good, and being useful.

Having gotten up early today, Aenon was in a good mood, and wasn't her usual groggy self. She was used to just having got up around this time, or even still being asleep for another hour or so, but now she was having breakfast, and had already completed her morning ritual of grogginess removal. Fully dressed, and in her shinobi attire, headband included, Aenon quickly wolfed down her breakfast. Kanon, as usual, had cooked it, making eggs and sausage, which was a standard breakfast for the two. Neither of them were chefs of any kind, and it certainly wasn't 5 Star dining, but Aenon loved it anyways.

Finishing her plate, Aenon sat and waited for Kanon to finish her own breakfast, taking her sweet time as usual. Her back being to the door, she couldn't see that the mission letter had slid under the door until it was too late, and Kanon was already halfway to picking it up before Aenon had gotten out of her seat. They were a little competitive at times, and Aenon usually lost. Letting out a small "Harrumph", Aenon picked up her plate and took it to the sink, listening as she had the mission read out to her. Walking back into the living room, the two sisters passed each other as Kanon went to do the same thing, before coming back and asking if she was ready to go.

"Yeah, I'm ready." she said in response, holding her twin's hand as they walked out the door. The travel was a little bit long, but she never minded. Not only was it for a good cause, but it was something she got to do with her twin, and that was always a good thing. It wasn't long before they arrived at their destination, and Aenon would let Kanon do her talking and stuff, merely being along for the pick up. She wasn't very keen on talking in front of people she didn't know, or not at least without Kanon speaking before hand.

WC: 436
Mission : 436/600



"Yeah, I'm ready." Her sister said as she grabbed Kanon's hand. "Awesome! let's go then!" Kanon said as a smile quickly spread her face without her even realize it. Her sister was her source of happiness. Honestly, it didn't matter what they were doing. They could be doing anything as long as her sister was there by her side. It made everything worth it. So Kanon gleefully lead her sister out of the front door, out of the small sabaku compound, and do the path, to the small farm on the outskirts of the village. She figured it would take them a few hours to get there from their house, but they had time, and so she wouldn't mind walking. Plus, with how early they left it they would easily make it before mid-day. In which case, they would probably be having a late lunch right after their mission, but that didn't bug Kanon too much.

Kanon was right. They reached the farm much before the sun was halfway in the sky, or the day struck 12:00p.m. As they reached the gate to the farm, Kanon got a sense of just how big the farm was. It was in a massive clearing surrounded by plateau's on all sides sort of like a natural wall. In fact, the more Kanon looked at it, the more it looked unnatural. And, then Kanon remembered doton. And how someone could easily use that as a semi natural looking wall for their farm, to keep predators and things out of their farm. So Kanon and Aenon then entered through the gates into the farm, and down a one-lane road to the farm house, which sat in the very middle of the large circular clearing. the girls walks a ways until they reached the house, in which Aenon stood back, and Kanon walked up to the door. Kanon then knocked on the door, and quickly a older lady rushed to the door. "Hi! Kanon said almost a little too loudly. "We are here for the food for the Iwagakure hospital?" The lady looked both girls up and down for a second in silence. She then sat there for a moment and said, "Hmm, you guys look like the real deal. But.. what's the password?" Password?!? a look of panic, feel over Kanon's face as her face turned white. Password? what password?  She wasn't informed of any password! She began to panic. But, then the older lady began to laugh hysterically. "Ah ha ha. I got you girls good. I'll be right with the boxes dearies." And with that she closed the door and went into the house. Kanon face turned bright red with anger, as her malice leaked into the air. The door opened again and Kanon's eye's narrowed. the lady smiled and said "Here you go dearie" Kanon grabbed the boxes wrapped in clothe with anger before turning and storming off of the deck without looking back. the lady giggled and said "Has a nice trip dearies!" However, kanon was not amused. Although this still didn't stop her from holding her sister's hand after she handed her the box, and as she walked away.

WC: 548
Mission : 921



Aenon could have fainted right there if she wouldn't have been embarassed about fainting in front of this random stranger. A PASSWORD?! How could they have forgotten! Now they were going to fail this mission, and be kicked out because of how useless they were, and then they'd never be true kunoichi, and they were going to bring dishonor on the name of their mother, for raising such fools and - "Oh." she said, her voice cracking a little bit, as she'd been holding back a squeal of shame.

She flushed with embarrassment as the old lady revealed that it had all been an elaborate hoax, and that the two twins had fallen for it. They were both rather new at this whole mission thing, so it wasn't too unbelievable that they'd both fallen for it, but that didn't make it any easier for her to admit that she had been had. She could almost feel the anger seeping from Kanon, who was moreso angered by the joke than she had been embarassed. That was the difference between the two of them, other than their hair. It was far easier to anger her sister than it was to anger Aenon.

After receiving the shipments they had come to collect, Kanon practically stormed off, although she never let go of Aenon's hand. Despite being embarassed, a small part of Aenon's mind was so focused on that that she could forget about that little incident for the most part. She held the box, which was surprisingly a bit smaller than she'd expected, and followed her sister, although to any outside eye, they were walking side by side. So familiar were they with each other that they could follow and mirror each other's movements almost without thinking about it.

WC: 308
Mission: 734/600



Once they had the boxes, it was a short trip back to iwagakure hospital. Over the course of the trip though, she was given the opportunity to cool down a little bit, and get her head cleared before they reached the hospital. This was could also be partially attributed to the comfort of her sister's hand, which a sort of healing affect over her. She wasn't sure if this could be attributed to the fact that her sister was a med-nin or not, but what she did know was that her sister's hand always helped her calm down a bit. Once they reached the hospital, they showed the nurse's their boxes as well as collected their reward for transferring the boxes, and asked them for directions to the two rooms numbers they were given. The first one they went into, room 344, held a father and his two children, whom both looked hungry and whose eyes lit up when they saw the girls. Aenon who was smiling as much as they were handed over her box to the kids, and they dug into the sandwiches and milk, that the box contained. The next room held, a girl in her mid-twenties, whom was still clinging to her Iwagakure headband, as her husband, and parents gathered around her, the parents holding a sleeping baby. Kanon, simply knocked quickly and left the box on a night stand next to the door, as she didn't want to bug them. The girls then went home and did their nightly routine, with yet another mission success.
WC: 267
Total WC:1187
Mission complete! 600/600 words
Words for use: 587



It didn't take long for that encounter to be out of Aenon's mind, almost completely forgotten. She wasn't particularly the type to hold onto things for too long after deciding they were relatively harmless. If Kanon had wanted to take action or something though, Aenon wouldn't have had any qualms about it, but if she wasn't going to start anything, then Aenon sure as hell wasn't going to.

Rounding up near the hospital, the twins had made great progress in their mission time, and would soon be able to have a latish lunch, but not encroaching on supper time, so they'd still have plenty of day time. Although, to be honest, Aenon was a bit confused about why somebody else couldn't have just gotten the food and brought it here. Most of the nurses weren't busy, and that old lady probably didn't live alone. Sometimes people confused her, but then again, a lot of people were just purely lazy. If they were being paid to do someone else's work for them, then it was no issue to her, as that was just money in the twin's pockets.

Still, watching the smiles on the faces of the kids who's faces lit up when they saw the shipments was worth it in and of itself. She didn't care much about the reward beyond putting and keeping food on their own table. Truly Aenon had a kind heart, when she wasn't too shy to show any of it. To most people, her expression was rather bland, but that was just because Kanon overshadowed her when it came to impressions.

WC: 281
Mission: 1015/600 MISSION COMPLETE
Remaining: 415

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