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Her red eyes pierced through the night sky. Kuroame scanned the compound below her. It appeared even during the night time the uchiha here were an active bunch. that was an issue. However she was her on an assignment. Recently she had been getting more involved with the underground network. thieves, thugs, villains of all sorts used this. It was criminal, but then again her plans weren't exactly praise worthy. She certainly wasn't going to heaven if there was one. Kuroame stood, her robe concealing her identity except for the glow of her red eyes. She then leaned forwards of off the tall building from which she was perched. she let herself free fall for a bit next to the wall before applying chakra to it. Her feet slid against the the wall bringing her to a sliding stop, before her movement completely vanished she kicked off of the wall and jumped over to the next roof. She then ran along the roof, searching for something else of significance. That was her job. Find significant things in kumogakure and report back to the blackmarket agent she was assigned. A simple task. Hardly criminal, but information was important and if she was caught leaking the information of kumogakure she could be in some serious trouble. As she approached the main road in and out of kumogakure she lept of the roofs and came to a sliding stop in a dark alley. her cloak fluttering with each movement. Her cloak on her would obviously be suspicious and she would get questioned so she decided she would avoid the main road. Kuroame pulled out the small book she was given to take notes in, and she then wrote down on the map she had drown where the uchiha compound was as well as how far away it was from the main road. She then closed the book and ran along a series of back alley's taking notes of anything she found might be of use. Underneath the page she was making a map on however she had carbon paper, so all details of the map she create was being imprinted on a second paper she intended to keep for herself. She wouldn't be doing this if she wasn't getting something out of it.

After a few more notes, and jotting down the location of administration building. As well as a few entrances, other than the front gate. Kuroame headed back towards the black market agent, from which she was assigned for this mission. She jumped from the roof and landed at the entrance to one of the side alleys where she was told to meet the person. "Stop there.". Kuroame did as she was told. and didn't move a muscle from her landed position. "When  is the day it's brightest?" the passcode. If Kuroame failed it here, a few several shinobi would pounce on her from the roof and all try to kill her. However she had memorized the password. She looked up from the ground, still only her red eyes visible through the cloak. "When the moon is high, and the sky is black." The woman simply smiled. "Kuroame is it? I must say I'm impressed. There is almost know information about you anywhere, and here you turn up, the first one to return from this mission... Toss over the book and don't make any advances. I'm sure you're already aware of the guards stationed around here." Kuroame simply nodded, and did as she was told, grabbing the book from within her cloak and threw it towards the woman. She had already pulled out the page for her copy figuring this might happen. Then she stood, as the woman flipped through the pages. Apparently standing counted as a "sudden advancement" because she was surrounded by shinobi almost instantly. She let out a sigh and locked into the one in front of her's eyes with her sharingan. He stuttered back a few steps before falling on his ass and back pedaling even further repeatingly stuttering the words "M-monster... You're a monster... a demon" One on the right of her lunged his sword forwards, and she leaned back and watched it go in front of her. She the grabbed the non-sharp edge of his blade and held him there. "I would like to receive my payment now. Or are you going to try and kill me?" Kuroame said. Her voice cold and unwavering, even in the face of many shinobi. The woman looked up from her book with a more serious eye "No. You have proved useful... for now. even though you completed the mission in a short amount of time. You have provided more information than I think most of the others will. stand down men." the men all jumped back, as Kuroame let go of the blade. All except for the man who had had the unfortunate luck of standing in front of her. He was curled up sweating bullets and as white as a ghost looking at Kuroame. He was terrified of her. It would leave most wondering what he had seen. And truth be told, he hadn't seen anything except her sharingan. Genjutsu was a power thing.

The woman tossed a bag of ryo to Kuroame, and she caught it with ease. then she simply turned around and headed back towards Zennyo's house. He would probably be wondering where she was at this point... She would have to make up some sort of excuse.

Mission completed! 600/600 words
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