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1A darkness like the void[Open,Training] Empty A darkness like the void[Open,Training] Mon Oct 26, 2015 6:55 am



Her steps flowed glenty. One after the other, marching forwards in silent grace. Kuroame's cold eyes pierced the crowd as she looked. searched. She was looking for an Uchiha, although not because she wanted to start a fight. She wasn't going to be outright stupid about how she went about this. She was looking for their compound. There was several things she was going to need, information wise, if she was ever going to successfully rid kumogakure of it's demons. A major one of those things being the actual location of the compound. Kuroame's plan as of the moment was to find an Uchiha and tail them back to the compound, although she wasn't having much luck.

Kuroame brushed the hilt of her sword, making sure no one had taken it from her. It was brand new and she didn't feel like losing it already. With it strapped to her back, and her kunai pouch on her right leg, she was set for combat if anyone decided to try anything. Although she wasn't quite sure if she would be of much good. After all she wasn't a shinobi. This would be apparent by her lack of a village headband. This made buying a weapon for her to fight with, a very interesting thing. Kuroame bit her lip as she looked over the crowd once more. Damn it. she wasn't having any luck here. she'd have to find another way to locate the compound. She thought for a moment as she kept walking in the middle of the street. Then the idea hit her. She was an Uchiha. She even had the clan emblem on the back of her shirt, and the sharingan to prove it. She could use this to her advantage. A dark grin went a crossed for a brief moment before she hide it. She could do this.

WC: 320
Total WC: 320
EP Earned: 0



"tap tap tap tap"

Godric smiled as he strolled down the street leaving the Thunder Temple, the noise that once made him question his sanity no longer affected him as much as it use to in fact he now believed that it was what separated him from all the others around him. No one else ever heard the noise, no one else ever cared what he had to say about it, thinking he was just talking out of his ass or trying to get attention. But now it was as if the tapping gave him purpose, he believed it would bring him to his destiny. 'Maybe I am insane, maybe my sanity is in ruins lying on the floor' Godric thought to himself as he stopped to allow some children to run out in front of him laughing as they played, 'Maybe I was never sane to begin with'. The weeks he had spent here in the village hidden in the clouds had been good for him he had been running for the past two years but here he felt safe, here he could focus more and thanks to that focus he had come to terms with the tapping that once drove him mad and just allowed it to continue as if it were normal, of course at this point it pretty much was, it had been with him for as long as he could remember ever since the day he was told his destiny and forced to kill his best friend.

Godric continued on his path completely oblivious to the world around him so lost in his thoughts as his mind forced him to relive the memory of that day the day his world fell apart and he ran away from his home and everything he knew to find his own path one that he decided the outcome and not anyone else, the day that he had to say good bye to his mother not knowing if or when he would see her again. He had come to terms with his decision long ago knowing that it was for the best not just for himself but so that one day he could return to his family and set right all the wrong that had been done since his father disappeared, although in the back of his mind he knew his father to be dead he still looked at the faces in the crowd when he arrived at a new place to see if there was anyone he might recognize but to no avail. Godric's thoughts were pulled back to the present when he suddenly bumped into something, his vision brought forth the sight of a beautiful young woman with long black hair wearing a black shirt and skirt with a sword at her back. "My apologies ma'am I was lost in my thoughts and was not paying attention to where I was going" Godric said as he stepped back from the woman, "I hope your ok" Godric added with a small smile. Godric stared at the young woman as he said this noting the sword as to avoid it should she draw it out in anger towards him for almost running him over, it was like his mother had once told him 'The most beautiful women are the most dangerous' and of course he had never been one to doubt his mother's advice so he would attempt to behave in a gentlemanly fashion as to avoid being skewered by the blade of the woman, "My name is Godric Fukutsu and again I am very sorry for bumping into you like that" Godric said as he extended his hand out to the woman in hopes that it would not escalate to more than just a friendly run in and that this attractive woman wouldn't cut his head off.




Just as Kuroame was about to step forwards someone bumped behind her. As she feel forwards she could already deduce what happened to her. Thoughts swarmed her mind. Should she stab him? No. Not in a place like this. She didn't need to raise any alarms, nor did she need people watching her movements, it would be a stupid idea to cause a scene here. So should she walk away? No. She couldn't let whoever did this get away with it, even if it was an accident, she wasn't to be messed with. Judging from the size and force behind the bump, she could tell it was a he, or atleast a flat chested tall and bulky female. She knew what she was going to do. Her right foot stepped forward in order to stop her from falling. She spun, her hand already on the hilt of her sword. She drew it out enough to where the blade was clearly visible, making a very audible sound as she did so. Her eyes shone red, as a single tomoe hovered in her iris. She spun around just enough to where both of her eyes made contact with his, and in that moment she activated her genjutsu.

Her cold eyes baring the will to kill, and hatred would stare directly into his. Seemingly piercing his soul. Fear would flood into his being, and he would get a sense of power from her eyes. She held this pose for a brief moment. Her genjutsu surely interrupting his speech. Then she would cock her head slightly to the side in a cutesy manner and eye smile at him, as if all of the previous hatred, and killing intent simply hadn't ever existed. Then she would sheath her sword and at the same time bring her leg in close to completely the sort of cutesy pose. "I hope he shits himself." Kuroame thought to herself. Then she would spin fully around and face the man fully. The sound of her blade being drawn had drawn the attention of several people, and now they were standing in sort of a clearing, with several eyes on them. She had made a scene, although it wouldn't be big enough to warrant anything suspicious as killing the man would have. She would stand there, waiting for the man to say something first.

She however was feeling mixed emotions about the man. She wanted to kill him. His outfit was ridiculous. His haircut even more so. He stood tall and bulky, probably worked out. Infact, with the lack of weapons on him, and his build and size, there was a good chance he was either a taijutsu user, or at the very least would have talent at it if he tried. Something Kuroame wasn't too keen on testing. She knew she was weak at most combat. Hence why she was being trained by Zennyo. She also didn't like him for the fact that either A, he was oblivious or B, he went around pushing girls smaller than him. Either, or, made him lesser in Kuroame's mind. There was however some use that might come of him. Kuroame still needed information on this village. She need the patrol routes. She needed the locations of the Uchiha compound most importantly. And, there were a few other reasons she could think of the man being of use. However, she didn't show any of her thought process. Her face held a warm smile, and light, innocent eyes, that no longer held the sharingan in them, which she deactivated in her eye smile.

No matter what happened next, unless of course it was a fight, the crowd would get uninterested and continue moving in the way they had before, although just bypassing the two in the middle of the street. A few would still be looking however, in hopes a fight might break out. But, their numbers would be few. Kuroame would carefully watch the man for many things. Hostile movements being among the top ranking. She also wanted to analyse him. See his personality, what he was like, if she could pull information out of him. These types of things. She also wanted to know if he had shit himself. From the deepest and darkest part of her heart, she hoped he had.

WC: 728
Total WC: 1048
EP Earned: 1

Chakra: 135/150
Sharingan: -5
Demonic Illusion: Devil's Eyes: -10
Jutsu used:

OOC: Gains +1 to power on you, so maybe the fear and the power you feel from it are amplified? I dunno, up to you how you wanna roleplay it :3



He saw the woman grab her blade and unsheath it however only slightly as the woman turned her head to look at him his attention was immediately drawn away from her sword hand and straight to her eyes, as soon as they locked eyes something came over him a feeling of pure dread. Godric had no idea what was happening his body was locked in place with his hands extended still offering his hand out to the woman, as if he had lost control of his body and could not get it to move no matter how hard he tried and he could not stop looking at the eyes of the woman, a sense of great power and darkness came from the eyes causing him to feel something he had never felt before he wouldn't even know how to describe it, it was as if the eyes of the woman bore into his soul and tore it apart bringing in such despair that it was almost unbarable. The eyes of a demon looked at him and as he looked back into them he saw only darkness and hatred as if there was no soul behind them as if they knew only pain and death. After what seemed like a life time the woman blinked and suddenly when she opened her eyes they had changed they were no longer the ruby red eyes of the devil he had first seen when she looked at him no they were now completely black like coal and the sense of dread and despair had left him and he found himself able to move his body again, as it was apparent that the woman would not accept his offering of his hand he slowly lowered his hand back to his side.

'This woman is the oddest person I have ever met' Godric thought to himself as he watched the woman sheath her sword and perform a slight cutesy pose before turning around fully to face him. The people in the streets all stood watching wondering what was going to happen next what they would do however some left the scene as soon as the woman sheathed her sword. He didn't need a scene caused however the woman saw to that, the fact that she drew her sword for a mere accident told Godric one of three things about the woman now standing in front of him, the first one being that she had some pretty bad anger issues, she had been through something that caused her to be alarmed by the sudden impact maybe something happened to her in the past or maybe she just didn't like being touched. No matter what the reason was if she was indeed looking to fight about it he wouldn't back down from her, and whether she had a blade or not didn't bother him to much there wasn't anything that could be thrown at him that would catch him off guard he to had a reason to always be on his guard and prepared for whatever life sends his way. Now that he was able to get a better look at her, since she was now facing him he realized that his original assumption of the woman was correct she was majestically beautiful unlike anything he had ever seen before. But in the back of his mind he kept thinking about the woman's eyes when she had first turned around to look at him the red ruby eyes of a dark demon, however now when he looked into her eyes they were just ordinary black eyes so what was it some kind of trick, ninjutsu or something? Godric thought to himself unable to get the image of the eyes out of his head they were now bore into his mind much like that of the tapping which is what snapped him out of his thoughts and back to reality, this woman is a real piece of work.

Godric shook the feeling out of his head before extending his hand back out to the woman again, "I believe we got off on the wrong foot," He said as he quickly tried to defuse whatever kind of situation he now found himself in. "My name is Godric Fukutsu it is a pleasure to meet you and I am very sorry that I ran into you." Godric said his smile returning across his face as he continued to look at her.




Mind games. That's what the premise of genjutsu was. To mess with your target's mind and make them believe or experience things which aren't actually happening. While almost anyone with chakra can put someone in genjutsu, a true genjutsu master plays more mind games then with just jutsu. Anyone who would believe the only way to play with someone's mind is genjutsu, doesn't deserve a right to even use genjutsu, Illusions are more than just your five senses. A common example of this is when a woman is cheating on her husband. She will make him believe she loves him, and he is the only one for her. She will put him under an illusion with words and actions that play on his mind and make him believe her intentions are true and honest, when the truth is that they are full of lies and deceit. Only bad cheaters get caught. If you are good with mind games, then you can do anything. Genjutsu just assists the process.

This is what Kuroame was doing with godric. She was playing mind games with him. She had no care for the man, in fact she would rather see him die then continue to live. It's just how she felt. Any man who was so oblivious to their surroundings as to run into the back of someone while they are looking right at them, honestly are diluting the human race's gene pool and don't deserve to continue. She hoped he died. Although she didn't really believe that stuff about diluting the gene pool, it was just a thought that ran through her head because she was angry. She did believe he was an idiot for being oblivious, and would certainly not make a good shinobi if he couldn't even pay attention to what was in front of his eyes. But, that didn't matter. She was going to play with him. She needed amusement, and she doubted someone as numbed brained as him even knew where the uchiha compound was located anyways. Well, she was still going to ask just in case that tiny possibility turned out to be turn, but mostly at this moment she continued to be around him for the mere fact she wanted to use him to amuse herself. This is what she thought.

Shock. That was the expression on the man's face as her chakra entered his systems and made him fear her. He was frozen and his face had gone white. She honestly hadn't gotten that good of a reaction from any one out of that jutsu yet. She had designed the jutsu after her incident with Zennyo, in which he freaked out after seeing her eyes. She knew if she could replicate that effect efficiently, she would be able to abuse that sort of lack of control, and that brief moment when he first hesitated, very easily. So far, it seemed like the jutsu was a success. But, she would have to wait and see for a real battle. As the man got over his fear, Kuroame decided. She was going to play mind games with him. He was after all her entertainment for the moment. She wanted to see how much he could mess with the poor boy's mind. "I believe we got off on the wrong foot," He voice said quickly still panicked. "Wrong foot?" her voice naturally questioning as if she didn't understand what he meant. Her head tipped slightly to the side questioningly. "My name is Godric Fukutsu it is a pleasure to meet you and I am very sorry that I ran into you." He said as he smiled. A smile spread a crossed Kuroame's face in return, as her eyes closed because of said smile, what was known as an eye smile. She then extended her hand and shook it. "It's a pleasure to meet you Godric, My name is Kuroame. And, it's fine. Accidents happen right? where would the world be if everyone got upset over a little accident." "In a better place" was the thought that ran a crossed Kuroame's mind as she said those final words. She then let her hands fall to her side, keeping the smile on her face. She would give him the chance to respond, however she didn't feel like sitting here forever in awkward silence so if he was too shy to speak, or he simply didn't speak for a moment she would. She would also say this sentence after sometime after he gave a response. "So would you by any chance know where the Uchiha compound is located?" she would say and then pause for a brief moment, then go on to explain why she wanted to know. "You see, I'm an uchiha from a small village, and I came here seeking to meet some of my relatives."

Oh, She wanted to meet them alright. She wanted to stand before them with their face white in terror much as Godric's face had been, then she wanted to spill blood all over the floor of their own home. The place they thought was the safest place in the world but they were wrong. It was because they lived there that she would target them, and she would kill them. No exceptions. No mercy. Men, women, children. Any uchiha that drew breath, she needed to make sure didn't. It didn't matter if they were good hearted now. The sharingan ruins that. All of them would crave it's power sooner or later, and she prefered never. If they died innocent that's all the better. That means they couldn't have hurt anyone else's lives before Kuroame took theirs from them. She would kill them all. She had no choice in the matter. Her and her evil heart would do it.

However she knew this wouldn't be an easy feet. She needed things first before she could even attempt it on any village. She needed power. She needed information. It was these two things that were required as a minimum for her to carry out these deeds. There was no arguing this. Have an abundance of one, wouldn't cover for the lack of the other. She needed both. Which, is why she was here and asking about the compound. As long as she was in Kumo she might as well find out what she could, even if this wasn't going to be her first hit. The information was still needed, so she might as well do it while she was here. She looked godric in his eyes. Her expression still so sweet and innocent. She put on a good act. Because even though she was sweet and innocent on the outside, on the inside, she was broken, crushed, ground and beaten down. Hurting beyond belief. The pain turned her heart cold and make it beg for revengeance. She hated the Uchiha for what they did to not only her, but to others like her. She had the only person she loved stripped from her for the promise of a greater power. She was going to make sure that didn't happen to anyone else. Including a baka like Godric.

Total WC: 2272
EP Earned: 2

Chakra: 135/150
~Cooldown counter~
Devil's eyes: 1



The way she questioned his comment about getting off on the wrong foot made Godric tense briefly worried that she might try to strike at him or something but he loosened up once he saw her smile that was good right he thought to himself smiling was a good thing. Then she took his hand and said her name, Kuroame, that was a nice name Godric thought as they shook hands with each other, at least she understood that it was an accident and she was not going to try and kill him he thought to himself as they let go of each others hand. "yeah I just got lost in thought" he replied to the woman with a small chuckle. "So would you by any chance know where the Uchiha compound is located? You see, I'm an uchiha from a small village, and I came here seeking to meet some of my relatives." so this woman was not from here that was interesting to know, Godric ran through his memory of everywhere he had been in Kumogakure to see where the building the woman was looking for was, maybe he could help her some more. "Well unfortunately I am not from here either and I don't know who the Uchiha are, but I have been all over this village and I do not recall any building that said Uchiha on it, do you know what it might look like and maybe I can help you find it" Godric said putting his arm behind his head scratching it as he continued to chuckle. Godric's thoughts kept trailing back to the sight of the woman's eyes and their bright ruby red glow when he had first seen them, he could not get the thought of them out of his head he kept seeing them in the back of his mind. "I would love to help you meet up with your relatives, unfortunately you are the first Uchiha I have met. and as I said before I am not from around here and I do not recognize that name, but I will be more than happy to help you look for them if you wanted some company" Godric said his goofy smile still spread across his face, "I was actually just on my way to do some training but I can take the time to walk with you and see if we can not find the place you are looking for if you want to?" Godric added putting his arm back down by his side he looked up and down the street, all of the people that had stopped when the girl had drawn her blade earlier were now gone the street full of people moving around them like nothing had happened and the two of them were not there. Godric just assumed that when the girl accepted his hand they realized that there was not going to be a fight and decided to continue on with whatever it was that they had been doing before, and now only the shop owners still watched them from inside their shops, probably wondering if they were still going to fight or maybe if they would cause damage to their shops. "you know why don't we walk and talk?" he asked the girl moving his hand in the direction he was talking about with his palm up "we can talk more about your family and see if we can't find them for you" he said his goofy smile returning to his face, the woman was beautiful and although she did give off an aura that said she was a little crazy, Godric found the woman to be interesting and that is why he offered to help her and why he was being so polite to her, he was a very curious person and things that interest him always drew his attention and kept him focus. But most of all Godric was interested in the eyes of the woman, did all of the Uchiha have those eyes or were they some kind of jutsu that she knew? the possibilities ran through Godric's mind at a mile a minute and that kept his attention on the girl and what she would be willing to tell him.

If the girl did accept his offer to walk with him they would start off down the street and he would ask her questions about her clan and hopefully find out some information that she might know about them that would help them locate them if she could tell him something about them that set them apart from the crowd something he could use to identify them then maybe he could remember if he had seen them or seen a group of them that would indicate the compound in which the girl was looking for and if he was lucky he might learn something about the ruby red eyes of the girl that was burned into his memory.

EP: 2



***Flash back***
Darkness. The pitch black nothingness of the void. this was all that was visible no matter which way you turned. Standing in the middle of it, she sat there crying. A girl. Her crying echoed through-out the nothingness. Splitting the silence like a knife. Only her figure was visible. It was impossible to make out who the girls was, as all you could see was her silhouette, and the crying wasn't enough to determine the person. As Kuroame moved closer she was able to see the person better and better. Coming from behind her, Kuroame touched the girl's shoulder.

the area around them exploded into view as if the darkness was cast out. It was raining, and they were in a forest with a bright moon shining down on them in the clearing. The grass swayed in the light breeze, and the trees were crowded so close together that it would be impossible to see beyond the clearing. The moon was brighter than Kuroame had ever seen it.  it shined down on the two girls in the middle of the clearing, illuminating them as if it were day time. There were no clouds in the sky. The rain was odd for two reasons. the first reason being that even though Kuroame was standing in it, she wasn't getting wet. She could feel the drops patter on her skin and head, but there was no moisture there. In fact, it felt almost... hot. The next thing was the rains color. It was still partially transparent as most rain is, however it's color was easily noticeable. It was black. Pitch black. Like that color of the darkness the two girls had just been standing in, similar to that of both of the girl's hair...

The other girl had stopped crying. She was now standing. She turned and faced Kuroame. Both of the girl's expressions were blank. Void of emotion. The other girl was Kuroame, although wasn't. It was her on the night of the fire. The fire that burned her took her sister. She was still in her nightgown as tear stains on her face but still no emotion. Although having not exchanged words, Kuroame knew her name. Chou. Her sister's little butterfly. Suddenly both of the girl's eyes glow red, as they stared into each other's faces with blank expressions. Kuroame drew her sword. She then raised it up to Chou's neck.

Kuroame only heard the sound of her sword cutting, as she rose from her bed. her heart was beating rapidly and she was covered in sweat. She looked around rapidly wondering where she was. She let out a small sigh of relief as she remember she was in dray's house. She stripped off her nightgown and went into her bathroom, taking a shower to remove the smell of sweat from her body.  her mind on the dream. There was more than one od thing about the dream, but the thing that stuck out to her the most was had viewed most of it in third person. On the right side of Kuroame, and the left of Chou, when they were facing each other. She shook her head tying to clear her thoughts. She figured it would be in her best interest not to think about it. it was her first time having this dream after all, so she figured if she didn't think about it too much it would go away and wouldn't happen again. What she didn't want to admit, not even to herself, was that the dream disturbed her to her core.

She finished her shower, dried off, and then got into her usual to head out for the day. She needed something to take her mind off of what just went down. She opened the door to her room and went into the kitchen to make herself some breakfast. After she ate said breakfast, she then wrote up a note to tell dray, whom was still asleep that she was headed out for the day to clear her mind and that she would probably be gone until dinner time. With that she grabbed her stuff from the table and headed out of the door and into the village. There had to be something to clear her mind.

"Well unfortunately I am not from here either and I don't know who the Uchiha are, but I have been all over this village and I do not recall any building that said Uchiha on it, do you know what it might look like and maybe I can help you find it" Godric said putting his arm behind his head scratching. Kuroame tried her best not to let out a sigh and leave right then and there. So he really was useless to her. As much she wanted to have a look of disappointment in unamusement she kept her cheery innocent girl act. She still wanted him to believe he was crazy for having seen what he saw. "I would love to help you meet up with your relatives, unfortunately you are the first Uchiha I have met. and as I said before I am not from around here and I do not recognize that name, but I will be more than happy to help you look for them if you wanted some company" "Oh?" was the words that escaped Kuroame's lips. So she was the only uchiha he had ever met? And, he didn't even know much about them. Inside her mind, Kuroame was shaking her head. How much of a idiot could this boy be? The Uchiha were one of thee most known clan in all of the shinobi world. Infamous and hunted for their powerful doujutsu. Almost any shinobi ever knew who the Uchiha were.  "Haha, It's alright, I shall find it on my own accord, but thank you for the offer." She said with a pleasant tone in her voice. There were a few reasons she didn't want him to come along. One of which being she doubted he would be any help whatsoever. He couldn't even keep track of what was in front him, she couldn't imagine him searching for something. The next being she really didn't want to meet any of the uchiha there. She really just wanted to survery them so that way she would have the information for later when she needed it, and would be trying to kill them all.

"I was actually just on my way to do some training but I can take the time to walk with you and see if we can not find the place you are looking for if you want to?" Hmm, he was sure persistent on helping her look for the uchiha compound. however, she couldn't let that happen. although she could use some training. She hadn't had much training since she came to kumogakure, even though that is why she had came to this area in the first place was so that way she could get stronger she might be able to take on some uchiha. Although she could say she had gotten stronger since she had gotten here. it wasn't anywhere near the caliber she needed to be at. First off she had only unlocked the first tomoe. Then there was the matter of her physical attributes, which while having improved some, weren't anything to boast about. And, even then she hadn't gained any jutsu since she had arrived her. She had however bought a sword, which she knew would come in handy, but that wasn't all that impressive. She knew she needed to get better, and that was all there was too it. She couldn't get around that, and so therefor training with a partner may actually prove to benefit her than not. But, she did have priorities. There wasn't any point in getting stronger in kumogakure if there wasn't anything in kumogakure for to kill. she would have no point in even being here, in which case she would have no choice but to move on. "you know why don't we walk and talk?" Kuroame was taken from her thoughts with his words. She still hadn't decided what to do yet. did she want to go train or did she want to stay and search for the uchiha compound. It wouldn't be often she had someone to train with and so this was something important. But she figured she might be able to find someone else to train with her in other locations. Either way, she since she couldn't decide at this very moment she figured it might be better to just walk with him for the moment. "we can talk more about your family and see if we can't find them for you" she simply nodded as she began walking in the direction his hand signaled too. Then it past in front of her. The black hair and black eyes Signature to the uchiha. Kuroame stopped in her tracks. She then saw the uchiha symbol in the center of the back of his shirt. She started trembling, her face turned as white a sheet. She looked as if she had just seen a ghost.

Emotions surged through. Hate, sorrow, the pain of her sister's death fooding over her again, and even more hate. She hated the man the just passed her. it took every once of her being not to draw he sword for the second time in the past few minutes. er eyes fell to the ground. "Godric." she said having stopped. Her voice cold and emotionless. "Let's meet up later. I just remembered I had something I needed to take care of." she said, and then she would seemingly vanish into the crowd.

She had a plan. This boy, unlike godric could take her to uchiha compound. She had already seen his kumogakure headband when he passed her. All she needed was to trail him until he got home, and not be too obvious about it. After they had gotten off the street her and godric had ran into each other, kuroame made her way unto the roof and silently trailed the shinobi from there. Never once did the surge of emotions cease. it didn't get easier to bare.  The anger. The sadness. it stayed as she followed him. She wanted to hurt him. To drive her blade into the back of his head and end his pitiful existence there and then. But, she knew that she couldn't, no matter how much she wanted too, she couldn't... Atleast not yet. The boy had use for her. He would unknowingly lead to the demise of his family. His loved ones. Those he cared about. It would be his fault. Not that Kuroame cared. She would remember to thank him for his service as she drive her blade through his chest. They would fall. All of them. Every last one of those damned uchiha. It was their fault she was dead, and they were going to pay. 

Kuroame followed the uchiha for quite a while until he headed home. After about an hour or so he made it to the compound. there it was. The uchiha compound. Kuroame made a mental note of where it was in the village, and then she turned around and darted along the roofs of kumogakure no sato with the sun setting in the distance. The bright red glowing orb casting a dull red over the village as it set in the distance. She was going to head to her temporary home for the moment. After that she would get ready for the surveillance she was going to do on the compound. There was still information she would need before she could kill them. Well that among few other things. one of the other she needed was power. This was an absolute. all of her information would be useless if she didn't have power. She was no better than a genin at this moment so there was no way she could simply waltz into the uchiha compound she had just discovered and start killing people. She would be killed instantly, she knew this, and she couldn't die. Not yet. With a determined look in her, Kuroame headed home.

Total WC:4355
EP Earned: 4
Speed: E-3 -> D-3: 1475/1475
Endurance: E-1 -> D-3: 1850/1850
Strength: E-1 -> D-1: 1000/1000
Words left over: 30

[Exit thread]



For a split second it seemed as if his persistance would pay off, and that the woman would allow him to accompany her in her search for the Uchiha clan the woman started to step forward following Godric's hand leading down the road. Then suddenly she stopped frozen in place as if she had just seen a ghost or maybe what she had done to him was done to her somehow he wasn't sure, the woman just stood there trembling, Godric started to look around to see what it was that the woman had seen, but then he heard her speak her voice as cold as ice and before he could turn back to her she vanished into the crowd, "What the Hell?" Godric called out looking up and down the street trying to find the woman again. He had been so close so close to getting her to go with him so he could help her and at the same time give him information about those blasted eyes of hers and what all they could do. It was not very often that something had this affect on him but when it did he knew it would be best to find out all he could about it, unfortunately now the woman was gone and so he could not ask her about it and the only thing she left him with was the name of her clan. it became clear to Godric that if he wanted to know about them in their demonic eyes he was going to have to track them down and find out about them for himself, and who knew maybe he would run into that woman again and find out why she just suddenly ditched him when he was just trying to help. "Ah the hell with it" Godric said turning around and heading back for the inn he could take up the search later he had better things to do right now than to worry about someone else's clan anyways.

~Words: 2609
~Strength: D-2 to D-3 (-450)
~Speed: D-1 to D-3 (-850)
~Perception: D-2 to D-3 (-450)
~Reaction Time: D-2 to D-3 (-450)
~Words Used: 2200
~Words Remaining: 409
~Cost of Training: -350 Ryo
~Exit Thread

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