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Another day came in the foreign desert land of Sunagakure. The heat was beginning to already sore when Harichimo was getting up from a night of rest. He had been in Suna for a couple of days now been the change from normal days to hot days was not an easy switch for Harichimo to accept. The air conditioner the hotel provided seemed to only work when it wanted to and didn't create much relief if any. Harichimo sat up in his bed and wiped away the sweat from his forehead. Looking out to see it wasn't as much sand being kicked up as when Karumo had gone with him to the hospital for a visit. Maybe this was a good chance for him to get out and try to take in some sights around Suna.

Harichimo would get up and go to the bathroom to run the sink and wet down his hair, making sure to wash his face as well. When he had finished he grabbed a plain white shirt from his bag and his jacket to make sure he looked presentable when he went out. He took out a bandage roll from his bag and wrapped up his forearms like he always has. Making sure every tug and inch of wrap was where it belonged. When he was done he would exit his hotel room and make his way to the front desk.

As he walked he could feel a little drained and thought some food would help. He had been eating the same breakfast the hotel had been serving for days and he would love a change of pace. He would walk up to the desk and talk to the attendant. "Hey I was looking to go out and was wondering if you had any suggestions of places I should visit and maybe where I can grab some good Suna food. You know of any?" The attendant would look up and smile to him. "Sure thing. If you are looking to sight see I would recommend either the oasis springs or Kazekage's Peak. If you were looking to train with some other ninja the Tsumi Sand Grounds might be able to accommodate you. And as for something to eat I always say travellers should check out The Dragon's Tongue on the other side of town. The serve some of the best and hottest curry dishes in the world. Nothing can compare to what they serve so maybe you can stop by there and treat yourself to something new and delicious." Harichimo wasn't much of a person to turn down a highly talked about restaurant and the thought of the best curry in the world drew his appetite even more than it already was. "Well thank you. I will try to stop by those spots."

With that Harichimo would tap the desk and head out into the heat of the day. When he got outside he could feel the heat slam against him like a wave. He would decide to stick to the shade when he was walking and try not to walk the whole way in the direct sun and sweat everything away. After a while he would reach The Dragon's Tongue restaurant and look upon the impressive exterior of the building. Definitely a place to grab the attention of any foreigner and if the same could be said for the food his stomach could barely contain itself as it rumbled as loud as he could.

With little hesitation Harichimo would walk up into the building and gaze upon the interior as if he had stepped into a more foreign land then he had been in before. He noticed a small waiting bench and took a seat as he wait for someone to address him. "Sir I can help you to a seat. Is this your first time here at The Dragon's Tongue" Harichimo would get up and follow the man as he answered. "Yeah this will be my first time in this place and it sure is making the impression." The server would lead him to a small booth and he would take a seat and grab a menu. "So what do you recommend first timers getting here?" "Oh we have some specialty dishes that can really hook you if you aren't used to eating as spicy of food as regulars are used to. Would you like me to get you a sampler? It comes with small bowls of our more mild curries and if you like one you can order more." "Sure that sounds great." And with that Harichimo would take off his jacket and hang it over the back of the seat and cross his arms as he would wait for his food to arrive.


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