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1An Introduction [Sasijimi | Training | NK] Empty An Introduction [Sasijimi | Training | NK] Fri Oct 02, 2015 12:27 am



Up earlier than he would have liked, mostly because of how hot it was in the Castle, Daraku got dressed and strapped on Nisebi. His training for today would be a bit more relaxed, less growth-aimed and intensive but rather just something to do for fun. He didn't have any missions that he needed to do as of yet, but he didn't wanna sit around doing nothing either. He met his uncle downstairs and told him he'd be back later on, likely before dinner. Once he was out, he realized that there was essentially no escape from the heat. The sun overhead was unforgiving, and sweat already was starting to form on the Sannin's brow, making a couple of beads that ran down his face and dripped from his chin. His outfit was at least a little helpful; an open, sleeveless and loose-fitting yellow and orange shirt that showed off his muscular torso, paired with black capris and sandals. Always with the sandals. Keeping things simple, he went to the Sandy Arena, which was a common training ground for Suna-nin. He hoped that there wouldn't be many people there so that he could have some quiet, but regardless it was a very large training ground and having a few other shinobi training there too couldn't be that much of a hindrance to him. He'd brought earplugs, just in case.

When Daraku got there, he surveyed the area a little and noticed maybe 3 or 4 people total, all spread out across the grounds. He found a spot more toward the far end, where the fence was. He remembered back when he was a Genin that his sensei told him past that side of the fence was a restricted area that was top-secret. Now, here he was, standing there as a Sannin and still not knowing what the fuck was over there. The more he looked at the dark and run-down area past the fence, the more he wanted to jump over to see what was hidden there. Resisting his urge, Daraku let out a sigh and moved Nisebi to his hip before taking the blade from its scabbard. He started practicing his swings but quickly found that his arms were very weak, and every movement he made sent a shooting pain up to his shoulder.

Why are my arms so sore? I haven't done any serious training since I was in Kumo...must have been when I was on the island. He thought to himself. Ultimately, he didn't wanna put anymore strain on them without doing something to help the pain, so he set his weapon down and put a hand over his right arm to try healing the muscle tissue. He had forgotten to put his earplugs in, and he could hear the other training ninja's cries as they sparred with one another.




He awoke finding himself upon his bed within his meager one bedroom apartment near the marketing district of the village hidden in the sand. With a long and low groan he sat up, stretching his arms up above his head while letting his legs stretch out fully. A small yawn escaped the mouth of the young man, before he fully opened his green eyes, the golden flecks in them being hit just slightly with the dazzling sun's rays peeking in through the blinds of his bedroom window. It was rather early in the morning when he had woken up, due to immediately going to bed once he got home. He had fallen asleep even before the sun had completely went down below the horizon and felt well rested and relaxed. He'd have loved to sit there in his bed all day and contently think or listen to the outside world but he had things he needed to do and couldn't very well do them laying about all day. With a heavy sigh, he stood up from his bed, moving over to his dresser. His right hand pulled open the top drawer, taking out black tabi and a black netted shinobi shirt, while his left then closed this drawer and opened the middle drawer, grabbing a pair of black shinobi leggings or what were supposed to be stealthy tights. With a sigh, the near-nude male pulled on the tights, then the tabi, and finished with pulling the netted shinobi shirt over his head to cover his torso. As an added note, he moved back towards his bed, picking a black belt up from the side of it, wrapping it around his waist and clicking the clasp together, the clasp being underneath the partition holding his hitai-ate in place in the center of the belt.

Once he was dressed, he moved into his living room, grabbing a hair tie from on his coffee, table, pulling his hair back as he made his way into his kitchen. He was humming a jaunty little tune to himself while he mussed with his long locks, using his foot to open his refrigerator. One he finished pulling his hair back, he put it into a long pony tail behind his head, wrapping the hair tie thrice around to keep it securely and tightly in place, keeping even his bangs from his face. Upon finishing the bit with his hair, he calmly leaned down, scanning the fridge for anything to eat or drink before a long day of training and found himself to be almost out of edible food and non-spoiled drink. With a sigh, he took a bottle of water from his fridge as well as a handful of grapes and closed the door, shoving the grapes into his mouth on his way back into the living room.  Chewing then swallowing, he finished the meager meal and opened his bottle of water taking a long and hearty swig. He coughed slightly and shook his head before closing the water bottle and placing it onto an end table. Leaving the bottle there, he moved to the door of his apartment, grabbing his large Gunbai and his Kusarigama, readying himself for training. Using the rope tied around his Gunbai, he wore it in a diagonal manner on his back, while wrapping his kusarigama around his waist like a belt, using the clasp upon the cuff to keep it from falling off of his waist.

The man moved out of his apartment, yawning and closing the door behind him tightly, looking down the long hallway, where a balcony let out into the marketing district. He was on the sixth floor and he smiled to himself, pondering his options. Stairs, or roofs. Without much time to think he simply pushed his form forth, running towards the direction of the balcony, reaching the banister there he jumped onto it, pushing off into the air moments later. In the air, he twisted his body thrice, in a corkscrew motion, landing upon an adjacent roof, kicking off to keep running across it. His target: The sandy arena where he trained all those times before. He grinned to himself, hopping from one rooftop to the next, continuing this chain of events through the market place as well as the residential district, towards the edge of buildings and stopping himself upon the ninja academy. Looking at his target, he sighed and hopped off of the building and landed upon his heels, rolling forth and continuing motion to push into a run. It wasn't until he stepped onto the hot sand that he realized he hadn't grabbed his sandals before leaving the house. He sighed, stopping his run to move over towards the edge of the market place, giving a small stall owner fifty ryo for a cheap pair of sandals that were much like his normal ones, except of lower quality and a deep navy hue.

Once he had these on, he continued his run towards the Sandy Arena, waving to those he passed and offering a wide smile. The man was on his way to train and though he was serious about his training he was still in quite the pleasant mood today. Upon reaching his destination he looked around calmly at all of the other ninja, mostly genin, training today. They were all studiously trying to master their individual arts or working as a team to better understand their chemistry together. One of the new academy ninja was trying their hardest on some of the weighted boulders Sasijimi had practiced on before, doing their best to lift them but mostly failing. It was with his gaze moving around that he noticed another man hanging around near the fenced area far towards the back. With a shrug, the young man moved his form to the far end of the Sandy Arena, noting the man's stature as well as a sword on the ground near him. The man was holding his arm for whatever reason and as Sasijimi neared the other, his shadow cast over the man.

"Hello there. I'd noticed you weren't sparring with the others or really doing much of anything yourself. As it were, I'm doing much the same, so I figured we at least had that in common."

He let out a small chuckle, and rubbed the back of his head looking at the other male. He smiled a bit, and thought to himself how bad of an ice breaker what he had just said was. Still, it was a conversation starter nonetheless and it would hopefully bring conversation from the other male, whom Sasijimi was becoming curious of.




"Hrmm?" Daraku inadvertently muttered aloud as someone started to speak to him. He took his attention off of his arms for a moment and looked up to the person. It was a man with long, black hair and emerald eyes. He said a polite "hello" and explained he'd noticed Daraku was rather isolated from all the other training ninja and not doing much and figured he'd join him since he was doing the same. Daraku blinked a few times, a bit ambiguously as to whether it was out of confusion or out of exhaustion, then looked back to his arms. He switched hands and let his right hand hover over his left arm as it repaired muscle tissue. "Uh, ok, cool. Hey." he said, preoccupied with the pain in his arms. Once he'd finished with the other arm, he ran a hand through his hair, got to his feet, and brushed the sand from his pants. In a swift motion, he planted his foot underneath his weapon and kicked it into the air before catching it with his left arm by the hilt. The blade pointed downward, and he shoved it deep into the sand until it was anchored upright. He then proceeded to stretch so that he could get the blood flowing again before continuing his training. He figured this was as good an opportunity as any to deal with this other shinobi.

Daraku looked over the guy carefully, first noticing the Sunagakure hitai-ate around his waist. He otherwise was wearing a fairly unusual (in Daraku's sense of the word), yet lightweight outfit, complete with a mesh shirt and tights. "Sorry about that, I was just healing up my arms a little. They were really sore....anyway, I'm Daraku. Not sure whether you know me or not, but I don't remember ever meeting you before." He said just as he finished up his little stretches. He then cleared his throat and took Nisebi out of the sand so that he could put it back into its sheath. "Which means the next question is gonna be fairly obvious: Who are you? And what brings you to the Arena? ...well, scratch that second one. Not too hard to guess." He slipped his hands into his pockets and smiled at the man with the same charismatic look he always managed, even when he asked stupid questions. That was just part of who Daraku was, or at least just who he thought himself to be. He knew how to be charming and likeable when he needed to, and that was especially true now that he had fixed his problems with mental illness.




"Hello, Daraku. No I don't believe we've met before. I am Sasijimi. Mitarashi, Sasijimi that is. As for why I've come here, yes I obviously came to train. Hence my weapons of choice about my person. You said something about healing your arms though, would you be a medical ninja? I'd been considering taking to medical ninjutsu when I'd become more experienced as one of my specializations. It couldn't hurt to know how to heal oneself or others within the midst of battle. Or after. Well hell listen to me, telling a medical ninja the applications of medical ninjutsu. In any case, the only reason I'm actually here for training is because I was a dunce and missed my chance to be in the chuunin exams. So I'm putting in a bit more hard work than any of my other peers to become a Chuunin. Once I hit Chuunin, I can only go up from there. Eventually I will be the strongest ninja in the sand, and then who know? The five countries? The world? Time can only tell and until the time that I fall I'm going to become stronger than anyone I meet. But, I do have a long road ahead."

The male sighed, reaching his right arm back to grab onto the staff part of his Gunbai, pulling it up and over his head, the rope holding the weapon to his back coming free near the top and trailing downwards, staying off of the ground about three or four inches. The man twisted the weapon around thrice before stabbing the bottom end into the sand near him, causing it to go into the sand six inches, holding itself in the upright position. The man then moved his left hand to under the link about the cuff to allow the chains of his kusarigama fall loosely around his waist. He moved back a bit from the other man, twisting his hips quickly, causing the kinetic energy to transfer into the kusarigama blade, it twisting around his body while quickly unraveling the chain. During this time the man clicked the cuff into position about his left forearm, towards the middle, grabbing the chain as it came free of his waist. With a slight wrist movement he moved it spin quickly around, moving his arm as he did so to have it spin around his body. Sasijimi then did a quick jerk on the chain, bringing the hilt of the kusarigama soaring into his open and waiting palm, fingers closing around the hilt. His right hand moved to the clasp on the cuff, pushing a chain link into it, keeping the chain at a short three inches. He yawned a bit, moving back over to other male, scratching the back of his neck softly with the tip of his kusarigama blade, smiling softly.

"I know that probably just looked like I was trying to show off or something but there is only one sure fire way to stay good at what you do. That's to practice. Often, maybe any time you get the chance you see. I'd have done something of that nature with my friend, the ol' Gunbai, but..He's a bit heavy yanno?" The man chuckled, patting the top of his gunbai confidently, before moving to stand on the side of his new companion. "Now, I've lived in this little village a while and I've never actually seen, met, or heard of you. So how does someone go about not being well known? I know you weren't in the academy with me, I think I'd remember you. Unless you graduated before I'd entered.  I must say, you're a bit of a mystery to me. I'm sorry if that seemed a bit too forward but I wanted to become the Kage, and part of my mission was to know my villagers and become well known among them. This village needs a strong leader who is beloved by her people, no?" The man sighed softly, staring up at the sky, pondering his companion's story. What would this conversation bring about?




This person with the long black hair arranged neatly in bangs and a ponytail introduced himself as Mitarashi, Sasijimi. Daraku didn't recognize the surname from any substantial clan within Suna, so he disregarded it for the most part. He just nodded, acknowledging their first meeting and exchange of names with a jovial smile. He thought for a moment that they should maybe shake hands but quickly discarded the thought before he said anything, mostly because he didn't care for formalities and would rather leave his hands in his pockets as they were. Sasijimi commented on Daraku's medical ninjutsu and said that he wanted to learn the skill too, since it was valuable enough in battle. Just after that, he revealed that he was just a Genin, and he was there to train his hardest since he had missed his opportunity to participate in the Chuunin Exams. He went as far as to say that he would one day be the strongest ninja in the world, which put a tinge of competitive spirit in Daraku and made him want to battle. Before anything else, though, Sasijimi then proceeded to unveil his weapons in a rather grand show, first pulling a large fan (which Daraku had seen other ninja in Suna use before, that specific type being known as a gunbai) from his back and planting it into the sand followed by a kusarigama which he weaved around him like a playtoy.

Daraku's eyes tracked the movements carefully, even if only to ensure he didn't get caught in the weapon's path unprepared. Finally, the kusarigama found its place in the shinobi's right hand as he used it to gently scratch his neck, an action that Daraku found a little daring considering the sharpness of such a tool. Sasijimi also kept the gunbai near him, still upright in the sand. He talked about his weapons briefly, trying to explain that he didn't intend to "show off", and he was only practicing as he needed to. He referred to his gunbai as an old friend. Already on his toes, Daraku was about to call out that bullshit and say that bit of  "practice" was a straight up performance, but he stopped himself. Be nice. Make friends. You don't need any more enemies from your village...just look at what happened with Seiryū. Even Sasijimi's words seemed a lot like Daraku's own back when he had met Seiryū. A grandiose speech of how important it was to train at every opportunity in order become strong. That was what Daraku had thought then, he took things more leisurely, for his own sake. His expression relaxed and he blinked a few times at Sasijimi, pondering his own intentions in comparison to this man's.

Sasijimi's tone changed and he focused on Daraku, taking into account the fact that he had never met Daraku. He insisted that if they had trained in the academy together, he would have remembered Daraku, so he knew that Daraku probably wasn't in the academy at the same time. He apologized in advance in case he was being too nosy, explaining that he merely wanted the people of his village to admire him since he aspired to be Kazekage one day. Kazekage. The word echoed in Daraku's mind. He hadn't seen nor heard about Suzume since he had gotten back and suddenly the title wouldn't leave him as he kept going over it in his head. Where had she gone? Was she going to be back anytime soon, and if not was she going to be replace? Daraku kept his thoughts to himself and grinned at Sasijimi. "I'm not nearly as much of a mystery as you might think. I've got a reputation, somewhat infamous in most of the nations. I graduated from the academy when I was...about 14 years old? So we definitely weren't in the same graduating class. I defected from the village as a Special Jounin at age 21, became involved with some serious criminal activity and was put in the bingo book. I had a personal...dispute to settle. After fulfilled my goal and killed probably too many people, I helped Kirigakure fight in the war they had against some other power rogue ninja guy who was trying to destroy the village....ah, what else..." his voice trailed off as he went deep into thought about everything. He felt a mix of nostalgia and regret.

"Once the war ended, I came back to Suna for a short while and was punished very briefly for my crimes. The village was in a low point and it lacked many high ranking ninja, and considering how much I'd grown in power since returning, Suzume offered me a position as a Sannin, so long as I swore to remain loyal to the village and take on some of the village's more urgent duties. That meant doing some missions and training some Genin, and when I completed all of that I spent another year in Kirigakure helping heal the injured in the aftermath of the war. And of course, I attended the Chuunin Exams in Kumogakure this year. I just got back home a couple of days ago, so everything's different and I don't really recognize anyone. But, I'm getting back into the flow of things." Daraku felt like he had just told his entire life story...because he essentially had. He looked down for a moment, staring into the warm, sun-bleached sands. "There we go, I read myself to you like a book. Hope that cleared things up a bit.  It's nice to meet you, Sasijimi. Now, why don't you show me some more tricks with that fancy weapon of yours? Plenty of Suna-nin use giant fans to amplify their wind release, but it's rare I see someone using a gunbai."




[OOC: Sorry I've been out of town! I'll go ahead and post when I get the opportunity, but work has me swamped]



Sasijimi listened intently to Daraku's words, mulling everything over in his head. He quietly, stepped in slow circles, spinning his kusarigama around his body, moving and swaying with the rhythm in his head. When the man had finished speaking for a moment, Sasijimi thought about what the man had said, albeit briefly. Sannin was the highest rank one could get without becoming Kage and he said that Suzume offered him that position? That had to have been a great honor but without a Kage, there wouldn't be many more of those around or even many more promotions getting through. The man sighed for a moment at this thought. Daraku had asked him to show some tricks with the Gunbai of his and he would show what he could without revealing his abilities too much and figured while he was doing so, he'd tell the other about himself. Sasijimi unhooked the cuff from around his forearm, wrapping the kusarigama around his waist once more, keeping it from falling down by clicking the chain link into his clasp and wearing the weapon as an overly large and precarious belt. After he had finished making the makeshift belt he moved over to his Gunbai, pulling the large weapon from the ground, twisting it around by holding the fan blades sideways to catch less resistance and allow him to spin it in circles around his body.

"I must say, all of that is quite interesting and really brings a lot of things to mind that must be thought about. As for tricks with this Gunbai, I can't do much but I'll try to keep you entertained. While I do so I suppose I can tell you about me. Though my story isn't long, I do have one that is colored with some interesting tidbits. I was raised as a nomad for most of my life, living with my tribe on the outskirts of the village, we'd rarely stay in one place but we did eventually settle down on the sands. At the age of seventeen a vicious sand storm wiped out the half of my tribe that didn't seek solace from the storm inside the walls of the village, among those that died were my parents. As the remainder of the tribe scattered to other nations to find a new home, I instead enrolled at the village's ninja academy and went on to study weapon technique and train myself to become stronger. I failed the test to become a genin three times, and up until last year wasn't even a full fledged ninja." He was still spinning his weapon and swung it a few times, kicking up sand with the winds coming from the fan, some times he even created a few miniature tornadoes with the wind and sand he kicked up. He'd strike out with the gunbai, then move back, spinning his body and the weapon, swinging with more force to kick up more and more sand, creating larger bouts of wind and making slightly larger 'tornadoes'.

"Shortly after though I began training to try to reach Chuunin through the chuunin exams. I taught myself new jutsu, made em up really, made myself become stronger, faster, more reactionary, anything I could do to become better. I wanted to become the best ninja I could possibly be, and I still do. We don't honestly have a kage that's around for us anymore and this village desperately needs one. As well as more high ranking ninja. I thought of becoming kage myself and then becoming the most powerful in all the ninja world, but I think you may be closer to that than I. But I digress. Other than what I've told you, there isn't much else to my story. Met two, now three, ninja from my own village and became friends with one. I missed out on the exams and came back home to train so that I could become stronger than before and hopefully become a chuunin through my hardwork." The man sighed as he swung his weapon once more, kicking up more dust and sand in the direction of the fence, away from his new companion. He was considering using a jutsu, but didn't want to reveal his cards just yet, especially around a total stranger. Though it would help him become more familiar with his jutsu as well as his elements. With a sigh he opted not to use any jutsu, twisting his weapon around his body once more before he held it stationary on his shoulder, turning his head over towards Daraku, waiting upon his reaction to what was said, whatever it may be. This being first time he'd opened up to someone.




After listening to Daraku tell his life story so patiently, Sasijimi was polite and started to twirl his gunbai in circles around himself while he talked. He expressed interest in Daraku's past and everything that had happened in the last few years, and Daraku just smiled back. He was comfortable enough now that would start to train, but not until Sasijimi was done speaking, since it would be a heavy distraction. The man promised to keep Daraku entertained, which may have been a hard promise to keep, as he began his own tale. "I was raised as a nomad for most of my life, living with my tribe on the outskirts of the village...", or so the story went. Daraku personally knew very little of the nomadic tribes that tended to travel between villages, since those were always either mercenary groups looking for trouble or tight-knit clans that wanted anything but. Regardless of which it was, they kept to themselves and their dealings were private; Daraku had a much more comprehensive understanding of the major clans in Sunagakure, like the Kōga and the Sabaku. Thus, his ears perked up and he listened ever more intently. Sasijimi explained that a sandstorm had wiped out a large number of his tribesmen and the remnants all left to other villages while he remained in Suna, in an attempt to become a shinobi.

Looking at him now, it was obvious he had accomplished that goal at least, but it was a long road getting there. According to his testimony, he failed the test to become a genin three different times, which almost baffled Daraku. He didn't find it that difficult, but then again everyone had different growth rates and found their strengths in their own ways. He nodded casually, ultimately figuring that Sasijimi simply put in more work than most and that could only be a good thing. His current situation was that which many Genin found themselves stuck in, the all too common rut that was the path to Chuunin. It was like getting the foot in the door; Chuunin was hard to get to simply because Genin were new and at the bottom of the food chain, making it exponentially more stressful to rank up than an already powerful ninja who has been doing missions and establishing themselves for a long time. Once you got it, you were set. The Chuunin Exams were the "fast" path, albeit far more dangerous. Sasijimi had explained that his goal was kage, and even beyond, but was forced to go the hard route to the next rank and do mission after mission, training after training. Despite this, Daraku only respected him more for it.

The dust settled once Sasijimi had finished his last swing and Daraku looked at him with a gleam in his eye. "I may be closer to Kage than you because I'm a Sannin, but that's no excuse for you to count yourself out. You have far more determination than most shinobi I've seen, especially at your rank, and I could see you going places. No Kage can rule forever so whoever's next to take the seat, even if it is me or someone else, will have their time and you'll have yours. Once you reach that level of prowess, everything will fall into place and you'll find yourself living out your goals." He gave Sasijimi another trademark smile and then aimed Nisebi at him, with a playful expression. "Enough sappy talk, let's get that all out of the way. Now that we know each other, how would you like to have a little spar? Since we're both here together and it's been a short while since I've had any real action. I'm dying to see what you can do." Daraku offered, excitedly, but he wouldn't be let down if Sasijimi turned down the offer. It was more for fun than anything.




"I may be closer to Kage than you because I'm a Sannin, but that's no excuse for you to count yourself out. You have far more determination than most shinobi I've seen, especially at your rank, and I could see you going places. No Kage can rule forever so whoever's next to take the seat, even if it is me or someone else, will have their time and you'll have yours. Once you reach that level of prowess, everything will fall into place and you'll find yourself living out your goals."

Sasijimi heard these words and felt a weight had been lifted from inside himself. True, he did have a lot of determination but he didn't always have the confidence to back up that determination. For Daraku to say all that to him, it made him feel better about himself and feel more confident in his chances of becoming the Kazekage in the future. Sasijmi smiled a bit and unshouldered his weapon, twisting it around his body a bit, swinging it to get wind kicking sand up once more.  He moved his form with the Gunbai, as if dancing with it. His swings were fluid in motion, as if he himself were the flowing of water, efficient and precise, almost seeming methodical. The man quickly swung the fan in an upwards motion, creating and uplifting and twisting gust within the sand, causing a thin wind funnel to form. After moments passed it dissipated into nothing again, the sand falling back onto the ground. After a moment he realized that Daraku had continued talking and he turned his head to look back at the other male as he continued.

"Enough sappy talk, let's get that all out of the way. Now that we know each other, how would you like to have a little spar? Since we're both here together and it's been a short while since I've had any real action. I'm dying to see what you can do."

This came as a bit of surprise to sasijimi as he really had no idea what this other man could do, but seeing as he was a sannin, he had to be extremely powerful. Especially when he was compared to a genin like Sasijmi. Weighing his options, the man rubbed his chin in thought with his free hand, looking Daraku over a few times before biting his lip deep in thought. He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck in thought and looked back at his new companion.

"Well I'm not so sure if us sparring would be that good of an idea since you're so much stronger than I. But if that is truly something you wish to do I suppose we can take a bit of time to test the abilities of one another."


Extra Words: 100



((OOC: Edited and finished my post))



Sasijimi admitted his reluctance to having a spar, citing the reason as the difference between their power levels, given that he was only a Genin and Daraku was a Sannin. He did, however, say that if Daraku wanted to try it that badly then he would be willing to oblige. Daraku thought about it for a second and agreed, replying with a quiet nod. "You have a point, we aren't equals in terms of skill and that would make the spar very unbalanced. But who's to say that I can't go easy on you and try to help you get better? I'm not gonna pull out anything too crazy, we'll keep it simple." He lowered his katana until his arm was parallel to his posture. So long as he timed his strikes correctly and if Daraku didn't put Nisebi into active mode, Sasijimi would have a fair chance in terms of melee combat. Jutsu was just as simple; Daraku just wouldn't use anything above C-Rank, since that was usually the most a Genin could do anyhow. He thought of when he was a Genin and how he couldn't really use any jutsu aside from simple medical ninjutsu his mother had taught him. His shape manipulation and use of elemental release had been very poor and he had a really hard time with his kekkei genkai, even, which was a natural and almost instinctual to most of his clan. So, he focused entirely on using swords and his father taught him how to fight, and that was enough to carry him onto Chuunin over the course of a few years as he mastered chakra control and using jutsu.

Daraku knew little of Sasijimi's fighting style. All he knew was what had been obviously presented to him; Sasijimi had some sort of prowess in weaponry, specifically with his gunbai being his assumed primary weapon and his kusarigama being an additional threat. He wasn't sure whether Sasijimi only specialized in that and perhaps Taijutsu or if he used his weapons with Ninjutsu or something like Fuuinjutsu. Similarly, Daraku did not know what elemental releases the Genin was capable of. It was all a mystery and thus it would make the spar all the more fun, like a surprise. He continued surveying the man while he flipped Nisebi into a reverse grip and cleanly slid it back into its sheath; he didn't want to rely on that weapon unless Sasijimi came too close, just to be safe and keep from doing any lethal damage. He slipped his opposite hand into his pocket, silently cursing to himself for only bringing his katana and nothing else. Without any ranged projectiles like his senbon or kunai, it would be hard to keep the pressure on Sasijimi while maintaining a fair distance away from him. "Let's go, I insist! You can trust me, I won't come at you with's just training. You can have the first move."


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