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1Hadesu Empty Hadesu Wed Oct 14, 2015 7:40 pm



Symbol:Hadesu Tribal_demon_by_helletic_hybrid

Clan: Hadesu

Kekkei Genkai: Onigan

Elements: None

Specialization: Kuchiyose

Location: Scattered
Clan History: A young man shinobi named Yu, showed  great prodigious skills in his future. He was able to quickly learn many jutsu, But when he attemted to face the head of the clan after claiming because of him, they are week he was sent to exile from the entire contentment, then they cut his eyes out, and left him for dead on an uncharted jungle island. Unsure of where he was and blind, he wandered the jungles, trying to survive. Later he had been hearing a voice in his head.......or at least he thought in his head. He had been watched by a malevolent spirit. He gave in to the voice eventually, perhaps out of loneliness, yet he still refused to acknowledge it as a real entity, only as a figment of his imagination, or perhaps out of insanity but he began to gradually give into this when the entity has been giving directions, and warning him of impending dangers. Once he fully acknowledge him as a real force, the spirit revealed itself as Rushifa, and asked Yu would he like to gain power beyond his dreams. He accepted it, and Rushifa dragged Yu down to the deepest levels of Hell, and burned the contract over his demons into where his eyes used to be, birthing new ones. After having the contract sealed on to his new eyes, he is now given the ability to summon powerful demons. He later returned to to the continent. He was not seeking vengeance upon his former clan, for he was seeking only to carry out the entities will as payment for the new found power: to create a clan. Dubbing his new eyes the Onigan, he set out to find ronin and missing nins to form the clan of Onigan users. After finding willing participants, Rushifa would do the same process to them, burning the contract on to their eyes When it was finally done, they named themselves the Hadesu clan.

The Clan is now spread out, with no essential structure. Rushifa has not made any appearance since Yu, though there may be a time for when he returns.      

Kekkei Genkai Description: Hadesu Eye_of_dakuenjeru_by_caiusaegis-d3l531n

The Onigan Is a powerful doujutsu that gives the user the ability to summon demons from hell using their eyes as a portal. These demons are dangerous, blood thirsty, mindless and relentless. The ability to control them is more like the user possessing the Demon, rather than cooperation between the two. These demons are naturally stronger than the average summoning, though they can become uncontrollable, and will outwardly attack their masters. They have horrific bodies, and are usually randomly chimeric that are black some red hues on them. The Onigan takes up the entier eye, not just the pupil.

*They have the ability to see what the summons can see in there heads.

*Training Demons takes 30% for summonings

* Can have 1 Summoning jutsu above rank (gennin get a B rank)

*In order to to obtain a summons, user must create a thread of falling asleep and having a dream of being in a fiery, dark place, where people are being tortured. Then they must talk to one of the tortures to to obtain a demon summons. They will take them to a what seems like a basement with large cages that are too dark to see inside. They will take them to. They will take them to a random cage. Open it. After hearing some sort of noise as a sign of what is in the cage without seeing what is inside. After this they will wake up.  

*The clan has much focus on their Onigan, meaning that they must have Kuchiyose as a primary

*clan members must take hesitant (Specialization) without any counterbalance

*If Waru clan members uses the Onigan for elongated amount of time, the animal that they summoned will attack them and won't be able to dismiss them for a period of time, unless at S rank.

*Since all of their summonings are stronger than the average, they must take up 10 more chakra points to maintain.

*Senjutsu needs %50 more WC to learn

*Users must take Multitasker with negative counterbalance

*Can not summon anything else other than their demons

Members: (Members of the clan can be updated here)

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:

Name: Demon Summoning Contract Eyes
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: D-S
Type: Offensive, Defensive, and Supplementary
Element: None
Range: None
Specialty: Dojutsu/Kuchiyose
Duration: Until they are defeated
Cooldown: N/A
Description: With the power of the Onigan, the Hadesu clan can summon Demons from hell, who usually look chimeric, even with human parts. The Crawl out of the eye, as if it was a portal to the Underworld. They are much more powerful than the average summons, yet they can be uncontrollable. If not strong enough and kept out for an elongated amount of time, the user will be succumbed to an attack by there own demon.  

After a certain amount of posts, the Demon will attack the Summoner.

Posts till Demon attack, depending on the rank of ninja
D Rank- 5 posts till attack, 5 posts to dismiss
C Rank- 6 posts till attack, 4 posts to dismiss
B Rank- 7 posts till attack, 3 posts to dismiss
A Rank- 8 posts till attack, 2 posts to dismiss
S Rank- Able to maintain freely without attacke

Last edited by Maikeru on Sun Nov 15, 2015 8:10 pm; edited 9 times in total

2Hadesu Empty Re: Hadesu Sun Nov 15, 2015 8:48 am



I am aware of the impending Kuchiyose update. Just to let you know.

3Hadesu Empty Re: Hadesu Sat Nov 21, 2015 1:28 am



Summoning is restricted to natural creatures at the moment - restrictions being size and whatnot, but the base form still needs to be something that exists in this world. The whole using eye as a portal to Hell also won't fly, unfortunately.

4Hadesu Empty Re: Hadesu Thu Nov 26, 2015 7:00 am




I don't see any rule stating the restriction of mythical creatures, as mythical creatures are rife in canon and other clans have been approved on the proposal of mythical things. I 'WOULD' like you to specify the nature of your demons however as beings of living chakra of an infernal nature. Feel free to tie them to negative human emotions, nightmares or Jigoku. But the chakra facet has to be there.

Now, moving on.


You're going to need to limit this a lot more, give a much better description of what these demons look like, they are going to need to be more uniform than simply being chimeric. If they're going to be demons, then I would suggest making them so. Also, with the eye acting as a portal, a description of how something much larger than the eye comes through would be handy, as a fluff thing.

Remember that with any dojutsu clan, the clan and all of its details need to be of very high quality in order to pass. So it needs to be of high enough quality that another member, who knows nothing about this clan, knows everything they need to know in order to make a clan member just as good as yours. I don't think just in general you're up to that detail yet.

Things like how the eye summons things and why it's a portal, the fact the eyes act as a summoning contract for Oni, better details of the oni themselves, chakra costs on using the eye. You say the summons are stronger, how? Summons appear at tier 2 on all stats, do they have tier 3? Do they get a bonus on creation you do not need to counter balance?

This needs to be explained more.

Love the thing on they lose control of their summons though, a better idea for that i think should be that if their summon goes berserk, their opponent is able to control it for a post before it disappears or something.

But yeah, just needs more work man.


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