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1Shinkiro Empty Shinkiro Sat Nov 21, 2015 6:29 am




Shinkiro Symbols-SR1-Clan-Zephon

Clan: Shinkirō

Kekkei Genkai: Genjutsu Inducing Chakra

Elements: Any

Specialization: Genjutsu

Location: Sunagakure

Clan History: Theoretically the Shinkirō have existed since the rise of the Sunagakure, hiding in the sands. Whispers of their existence have passed through the winds and ears of those who heard and passed them on, it wasn’t until the beginning of the Third Great Ninja War that they “Officially” reveled themselves. With their mastery of higher level Genjutsu, they were deadly assets in battle and no one knew they were there. The Shinkirō clan experienced the a “golden age”, they flourish with their genjutsu prowess and natural ability in the art. The Clan Leader at the time, and the only confirmed one, Shinkirō Heki even boasted of their ninja. Claiming that they were unbeatable, unequaled by the other nations.  In the height of their power and hubris, the ninja from the other nations had infiltrated the clan and sabotaged missions assigned to them. When the the Shinkirō clan  found out what was happening it was too late. As well as sabotage, the spies also found ways to quickly negate their genjutsu. The Shinkirō clan had been reduced to a laughing stock among the other nations. With no power and their credibility severely damaged the clan began to lose support.  Worried for the survival for the clan the Shinkirō withdrew from the war, and crawled back to the Sunagakure, unwelcome. As a self-punishment, the Shinkirō vanished; unable to face the KazeKage, or the humiliation. While in their 15 year self-exile the Shinkirō have suffered even more crippling loses, the deaths of some of their most talented ninja, the loss of some of their more power jutsu, as well as the last of the few worldly contacts that supplied them. Leaving the Shinkirō an empty shell. In order to survive they were forced to refine their skills to the point of mastery, even taking on ninjutsu, as well as to come out from exile.
   The Shinkirō returned to the Sunagakure with a shaky welcome at best. While glad to have more military might at its disposal, the Sunagakure hadn’t forgotten the embarrassment the clan made during wartime. Shocked at the state the Sunagakure was in, they realized they may have been better off in exile. However if they did they knew they wouldn’t be welcomed back into the village a third time. So they stayed with the Sunagakure. Slowly the Shinkirō began recovering. Adding more ninja to their arsenal and were more successful on their missions. This is the return of the Shinkirō to the Sunagakure, and this time they weren’t shunned away.

Kekkei Genkai Description:

Those of the Shinkirō clan possesses a chakra that naturally induces genjutsu in others, along with a natural feel for the art of genjutsu, lowering the word count for training all genjutsu by 5%, this can stack with other word count lowering effects. The Shinkirō have also been known to be able infuse this chakra into their ninjutsu, inducing genjutsu in those struck, into their target. Those of the Shinkirō are also more resistant to other genjutsu, lowering the effectiveness of all genjutsu cast on them by one rank.

*While not physically weak, in terms of endurance, Mirāju clans members do take +1 ranked up damage when it comes to bukijutsu.
*There hasn’t been much medical data on the Shinkirō clansmen, as such, medical ninjutsu performed on one is lowered in effectiveness by one rank. Unless the medical ninja is someone from this clan.
*All those within the clan must take the negative characteristic, “Hesitant (Element)”, without a positive counter balance.

Members: Currently None

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:




Last edited by Tkamaru on Thu Nov 26, 2015 3:17 pm; edited 3 times in total

2Shinkiro Empty Re: Shinkiro Thu Nov 26, 2015 7:36 am



" the genjutsu is of one rank higher in effectiveness than normal." remove this please. No +1's to power are allowed anymore.

So basically, this clan has, 'being hit by one of my ninjutsu, can be a genjutsu trigger.' right?

Also, that clan symbol is already in use, I'm positive.


fine, you can remove one because of the removal of the buff to gen.

you have broken spoilers

1/ A rank can reduce a persons stats by 2 tiers, not 2 ranks (8 tiers total). So, this is a no immediately, as well as it having a buffing effect. Pick one please, the buff or the debuff. Not both. Also, speed of the pulse. And what ind of area.

2/ this jutsu needs a trigger like the other one. how do you hit someone with it? And it's going to need to be hard with these stacking effects. also, i would like a specification, you can cast this as B rank, skipping the C rank effect right? But if you're A rank, and use the C and hit someone, the jutsu gets worse over time? Right? If so, please specify a little clearer.

3/ seems ok

as this uses chakra enhanced sound, it is still going to need a projectile speed that is not 300mp/s (speed of sound) its been determined that chakra enhanced sound and chakra enhanced light is slower, as it needs to be controlled.

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