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Kaede Uzumaki

Kaede Uzumaki

Kaede leaned against one of the trees of the Training Grounds, her arms crossed over her chest while her eyes were closed. She was listening to the chirping of the birds around the area while awaiting the arrival of her friend Masahiko so that they could rendezvous for a little training together. She figured that he wouldn't keep her waiting since he was usually always punctual, if not early! So when she was waiting here a full five minutes early, she wondered if he was already here and just hiding or if he was going to arrive on time, there was no way he'd be late, right? She'd open her eyes every so often to take a gander at the gate, tapping her foot against the ground with her slight impatience. The thing that struck her mind easily when it came to Masahiko was his appearance and how the first time that she had met him, she had actually confused him for a woman. When she found out though there was no stopping her from the endless shame from having made such a mistake and even worse that he had for a split second made her question her own sexuality. How is it even possible for a man to appear so attractively feminine, it's illegal she'd say.. ILLEGAL!

WC: 217



It had taken a full hour for Masahiko to finally force himself out of bed and into his clothing for the day, overcoming the urge to wallow in the memories of the events of a few nights before, his hands still shaking as he drank from his cup of coffee and as he fastened the yellow jacket over his person before moving to the bathroom in order to brush his long strands of brown and blue hair down so that they would be free of curls before finally moving on with the rest of his morning routine.

Eventually, Masahiko had gotten fully dressed and headed out of the small apartment he called home in order to meet with his friend and training partner, Kaede, who had made the suggestion of the two meeting in the Training Grounds for some sort of practice or another - something which he was more than fine with, seeing as he wished to train himself to the best of his ability and he knew that perhaps it would be best to not do so completely on his own.

Slowly entering the Training Grounds, Masahiko gazed about and did his best to find where Kaede was waiting and - soon enough - he had done just that, moving over to her before calling out with a small smile: "Ready..?" He asked, raising a brow in a gesture that seemed to, when combined with his facial expression, only accentuate his feminine appearance with soft skin and a rather slim body despite how often he trained, even the scars - if they had been visible to the woman - would have made him look fragile almost.

This however was likely why Masahiko acted with so much bravado and rashness when it came to fighting or interacting with others, not because he enjoyed being seen as a rather unpleasant individual but because he did not wish to be seen as weak.

He nodded idly towards a nearby open field, finally continuing on from when he had previously spoken: "That looks like as good of a place as any, you think?" he asked, stretching his arms above his head slowly as he yawned and awaited an answer from his partner, wondering just what she would want to do. Although honestly he would be fine with anything, he just wanted to do something to get his mind off of all that had been bothering him for the past while as well as from the shakiness in his hands that showed even now as he laughed to himself nervously before speaking up again. "Just don't try to play dirty while we're training..." He said, a pang of resentment of the man who had changed his life running through his mind as a frown crossed over his lips.

He then slowly crossed his arms over one another, awaiting for Kaede to speak while shifting back and forth on his feet, hair flowing idly in the breeze as the blue part of his bangs covered part of his eyes from above and the long strands of brown flowed down his back in a cascading waterfall of auburn. He would wait for his partner to make a decision before doing anything else, being silent otherwise unless she spoke to him directly or asked him a question.

Kaede Uzumaki

Kaede Uzumaki

Kaede had almost given up waiting and was about to stand up before hearing his voice calling out to her from the entrance to the grounds. He seemed to be right on time actually, seeing as she had been counting the time that she was waiting, what a total tryhard right? Masahiko at least seemed to be smiling when he talked to her so she was glad to see that her friend was alright, moving over from her original spot to meet him about half-way. "Ready..?" He asked her and she didn't know why but having him around just really made her feel happy for some reason, perhaps it was cause when he was around her it made her feel less alone? With that small thought pushed aside she responded with a short but preppy; "Of course..~!"

When Kaede had given Masahiko another look over, she realized that yet again, he had such a devilishly feminine appearance that only seemed to get more beautiful every time she met with him. "C-curse you for being so pretty, Hiko-kuuuuun~." Kaede felt tears of jealousy run down her cheeks while she shook a hand that was curled into a balled fist. "I wish I could be as naturally beautiful as you are!" A sigh followed her words and she took a look around the area with him to find a proper spot for them to train at.

While she had been here before already, finding the perfect spot wasn't always easy but just as she was about to point out a few places she thought would be alright for them, Masahiko had offered a spot that was absolutely perfect! "Woah, nice choice Masahiko, I was thinking about the other side of the river for a moment there, ehehe.." In her embarrassment for having thought of something so silly, she rubbed the back of her head, brushing her digits through the long blonde streaks of her hair.

As she was about to head over to the place that had been pointed out for her, Kaede noticed something while Masahiko was talking about 'fighting dirty'. Her golden eyes were fixated momentarily on his body and how he seemed to shake slightly, it wasn't exactly noticeable if one wasn't staring for long enough time and it seemed like Masahiko was even trying to hide it. Becoming concerned Kaede brought her hand lightly onto the male's shoulder and shared her mind with her friend. "Hiko-kun.. you know you can tell me anything, right? Are you.. are you alright? I mean to say, is everything okay?"

Kaede wasn't sure just what was eating away at her friend but even she could feel something was wrong with her smiling companion, he was usually so much more chipper, it was worrying her and she had to make sure before anything else that Masahiko was indeed alright.

WC: 476 / Total WC: 693



Masahiko had taken his partners 'compliments' with a relatively good nature, chuckling along with them as he smiled and gave a simple shake of his head: "Honestly, you are something, aren't you?" He said while placing a hand on his hip idly and letting the woman speak.

After the ordeal with him mentioning possible less-than-polite tactics and his own visible shakiness, Kaede had mentioned about him being able to tell her anything and how she seemed to be concerned for his health, to which he gave a shaky sigh before responding in a somewhat more quiet tone as his eyes seemed to haze over: "I've just - I've had a long week." he responded, a frown forming over his lips as he shook his head slowly before beginning to walk to their area of training.

He began to speak only after a few more moments had passed, his gaze focused upon the ground as he did so: "I feel as if I'm changing, and there is nothing I can do about it.." He admitted after the long pause, running one hand through his own long locks of hair before looking over towards the woman who was his training partner. "I never thought - I never even imagined, that I would . . . Even after my family left years ago, Even after - Even after I was attacked . . . " He whispered, tears forming in his eyes as he vigorously shook his head to clear both them and his mind before sighing deeply.

He attempted to change the subject, speaking up quietly after his admission: "This place is much more quiet than the rest of the Grounds . . . We should not have to worry about anyone bothering us while we train." He said finally, waiting for the other woman to say anything as his gaze remained focused upon her, arms crossing over his chest as if he were hugging himself while doing so.

Kaede Uzumaki

Kaede Uzumaki

Kaede had indeed snickered with her companion about her behavior previously but as the tone of the conversation began to shift, so too did Kaede's attention solely onto the brown-haired male's problems that he began to explain to her in some minor details.

She stood there with her ears open as he poured what little of his heart that he felt comfortable sharing with her and while she did not reply just yet, she felt so honored that he had even shared this much. 'I can't imagine how long this week has felt for you...' She thought to herself, glancing at the pained expression on Masahiko's face.

He began speaking about a change in himself and how there was nothing he could do, she knew that feeling of being trapped and feeling like you're just a failure, even recalling the memories of her childhood. She couldn't let him bear this burden all alone, so with a deep intake of breath, Kaede stepped forward and wrapped her arms around her friend and pulled him close against her body. The training could wait for after what she had to say, this was too important to just let it pass with the subject change that Masahiko tried to slide.

"It's never too late to stop a change and just remain who you are, Hiko-kun. I remember feeling something like the unease and that change was inevitable but I didn't let the change take me into it's path. I made the changes I faced into something I was proud of, I became what I /wanted/ to become and not what others or fate as some put it, was trying to make me be. If it wasn't for the fact that I aspired to have such wonderful friends like you and a few others? I'd still be that shy little girl that let others bully her in the Academy. I don't know if we'd be standing here today like we are now but I thank whatever deity brought us here today so that I could be with you while you feel like this. You're not alone, Hiko-kun. I'll be here for you, so don't ever be afraid to talk to me, okay?"

WC: 367 / Total WC: 1060



Masahiko seemed to calm down somewhat from the hug which the woman had given him, nodding softly at her words as a faint smile began to form on his lips as he spoke quietly in return to Kaede's words: "Thank you.. Honestly." He replied, letting out a deep sigh. "I just need some time, to get myself together is all . . ." He explained further before slowly moving back and stretching his arms out again.

He would then look up towards the sky, blinking before speaking once more. "I'll tell you all about it some other time, promise.." he offered, before then looking back towards Kaede. "But right now, let's just try and forget about troubling things like that..." He concluded, waiting for the other woman to respond now as he rested a hand upon his own hip, once more making the same raised eyebrow as he did so. "Alright..?"

Kaede Uzumaki

Kaede Uzumaki

She still couldn't shake this feeling that there was something more to this then what met the eye, that this secret went farther than just something to be worried about. Knowing Masahiko for the time that she had, she figured to herself that he wasn't secretive about anything unless it was absolutely dire. What could have happened to that sassy brunette friend of hers that would always crack jokes at her expense? She'd get to the bottom of this somehow, one way or another. Things like this though took time and she didn't want to pressure her companion so she just let him off with what she had said already and attempted to sway the conversation into a more positive path.

Kaede was glad that Masahiko had begun to finally smile again and although he hadn't told her everything about the subject and what had happened, she was just glad that he knew that she was there for him, from now and ever after this day. "I suppose you're right that we should forget talking about things like that right now but.. like I said, you can tell me all about it when you feel the time is right. If you're ever in danger or you feel confused about something, you can bet your big sis Kaede will be here to take care of you!" Her smile grew bright as she flashed it towards him, raising a hand to form a thumbs up towards the feminine friend of hers. "So don't let whatever it is, eat at you, cause right here and now, we're going to train our butts off!"

Kaede tapped her foot against the ground and tried to focus now on their spot and what she had wanted to practice. "Are you feeling up for some hand-to-hand combat practice? Or would you rather try some weapon's practice? I know that you mentioned being used to using a staff and all but we've gotta get used to kunai and shuriken too otherwise when that's the only thing we have available, we've got to make use of them! The same goes for when we don't have anything left at all, thought I bet you're pretty fast when it comes to hand-to-hand, haha. Just a little joke from how in shape you are, sorry Hiko-kun~." For added effect Kaede had given her friend a wink before placing her hands onto her hips to rest.

"Ultimately the choice is up to you in what we choose to do, we've just got to keep getting better at our strengths so when we work together, we can sync up our movements and rely on each other. Whether you want to try just training the control of our chakra or even intense sparring, I'll be with you every step of the way!" She knew it sounded sappy and she knew she didn't have to say all this but in the end, she couldn't help herself cause this was just how she felt.

With the raising of her right hand to her hair and flicking it back to move her hair along the air behind her in a flaunting manner she spoke up one final time. "So what will it be then, Captain~?!"

WC: 537 / Total WC: 1597



Masahiko gave a small shake of his head at Kaede's seemingly cheerful nature as he simply nodded before responding in kind with a gentle tone that was now free of the shakiness he once held moments ago: "I think we should focus on working together first and foremost - I mean, what's a team if they can't rely on each other, you know?" He says, smiling as he said this before reaching out to offer a hand to the woman before him. "What do you think?" He asked, waiting for her response patiently.

He would then make a short pause before speaking again, raising a brow as he did so: "Unless your idea of team-work is gushing all over me.. - If so, then you are definitely good at it." He teased lightly, a soft giggle escaping the feminine male's lips as he used one hand to brush aside the few blue locks of his hair while awaiting an answer, gazing curiously to Kaede's eyes with his eye as he did so.

Masahiko was perhaps being a bit teasing towards his teammate but honestly, he could not help but feel warm on the inside from how kind the woman had been to him and how much she had even complimented his appearance earlier, as he was much more used to being ridiculed for being so feminine and lacking in physical appearance of power - although, anyone who knew him well would know the reasons why perhaps or at the very least understand that he was more than just met the eye.

His mind wandered to his old friend, briefly, the one who had betrayed him that day upon the Training Grounds - admittedly upon this very same spot, which was his true reason for deciding here rather than anywhere else specific. He could still remember the man's name, Keiichi, a name that he would come to hate and dream of the day that he destroyed the one whom it belonged to and even after having taken a life and having regretted it, deep down he knew that he would do anything that it took to rid the world of the one who betrayed him, no matter how many others he had to kill in the same fashion.

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, Masahiko returned his gaze upon Kaede and gave a small smile, waiting for her to speak further before doing or saying anything else, hands on his hips idly as he did so.

Kaede Uzumaki

Kaede Uzumaki

Kaede shook her hips at her friends teasing, simply finding it amusing more than anything else but Masahiko had a fair point and they should definitely work on their co-operation as a duo. "Did you have anything in mind? I mean I wouldn't mind sparring it out with hand-to-hand if you're up for that? Otherwise I'm up for ideas~." She fired a wink his way before straightening up and listening to the rest of what he had to say. "G-gushing over you~?!" She had her cheeks flush red and placed a finger on her bottom lip while her hips swayed and she over-reacted on purpose to make it as if Masahiko had said something indecent.

"I wouldn't say I /gush/ over you but I definitely care! As for being good at either, that's sweet of you to say so." Kaede contemplated their options now while looking around the ground, pulling a kunai from the holster on her leg and flipping it to hold it back-handed, dragging it around the the ground area in a circle to create a makeshift ring that spanned about 10 meters around them. She figured that this would be a good way to gauge a ring-out in a sparring match as most union battles did.

When Kaede was about to speak up again and place the kunai away, she spotted Masahiko in what seemed to be deep thought, she wanted to say something and snap him out of it to make sure that he was alright but she found that would probably be a bad idea. So she'd wait until he'd set those eyes of his back onto her and then responded. "I went ahead and marked the circle for us just in case, so that it's prepared in advance. Also try to take it easy on me, okay? I didn't get much sleep last night for personal reasons, so give me a little lee-way to get to my senses fully, okay?"

WC: 326 / Total WC: 1923



A soft sigh escaped Masahiko's lips as he had snapped out of his momentary lapse to look upon Kaede and listen to her words carefully, nodding as he brushed aside his hair with one hand before speaking up in a voice that seemed more firm than it had been before, less filled with worry but his eyes however still told that he seemed to have other things on his mind than the training, mostly because as he looked around the space that Kaede had drawn a ring within, the memories of his encounter with Keiichi were coming back to him unbidden.

"Yeah, uh -- A spar might be nice, just . . . give me a minute." He said, pausing somewhat between parts of his sentence, looking around as his mind began to flood with those aforementioned memories. His eyes seemed to go distant as he began to see Kaede as the man who had betrayed him, the Kunai in his mind being covered in his own blood as Masahiko looked down to his side and swore that he had seen the very wound which he had received from the man on that very day and so, without a word, he drew his own kunai in reality - despite the imagery which he was seeing being a figment of his own worked up imagination.

His deep red eyes narrowed as he looked towards Kaede, speaking in a low tone: "Why did you do it? Why did you want me dead?! What makes it worth betraying me..?" He asked aloud to the likely oblivious Kaede, whom he was still seeing as Keiichi, the man who had attacked him those years ago. Masahiko walked forward, drawing his own kunai after having asked these question, tears forming in his eyes as he did so while at the same time trying to remain firm by holding his kunai up towards the woman who he was envisioning as his betrayer, desperate for answers.

In this moment, he was utterly lost in his nightmarish daydream which he would hopefully break out of relatively soon, if not, there may be a problem between the two friends that would end up making this more than a friendly spar. Masahiko had these feelings pent up for years from his betrayal and the events of the other night had made things even worse, bringing out a side of him that Masahiko did not know he even had - that of a killer and one who would do anything to take revenge on the one who had wronged him and left him for dead. Today, it seemed, his emotions were running high and his silence about what he had done was breaking him to the point where things like this may happen more than just this once - if there would even be a chance for such afterwards, seeing as it was not certain what may happen.

Kaede Uzumaki

Kaede Uzumaki

Kaede noticed that the other seemed to be slightly unsettled by the kunai in her knife and so she opted to place it back into it's holster and keep it from the eyes of her companion but even with that done, she was unsure if it would undo the psychological attack that was grasping Masahiko unbeknownst to Kaede. Breathing in slowly, she'd walk a little closer to him but stopped immediately as his voice rose up towards her and spoke darkly.

"Why did you do it? Why did you want me dead?! What makes it worth betraying me..?" He called out towards her while pulling a kunai out and readying it for her. Was he really going to attack her with it when she had placed hers away? She almost acted on her instinct to take the kunai she had earlier back out but she instead figured that'd only serve to make things worse. Kaede would have to approach this situation with caution and without a weapon. It'd be like unarmed vs armed combat and she decided to snap Masahiko to his senses with some force.

Her blue eyes stared into his red ones as she parted her legs and tried to get a better grasp of the situation, was he hallucinating from something or was this something like a haunting dream turning reality for him? Either way she'd crack her knuckles and crouch slightly, lowering herself as if getting ready to jolt forward or pounce on the pretty boy friend of hers.

Taking a turn of her foot, she brought her hands into fists and braced herself. "I'm not going to betray you, Hiko-chan and I'll help you come to your senses!" She'd rush at her friend, pivoting quickly as she'd bring her fist in an upward arc towards his stomach, attempting to swing her arm sideways when it reaches a certain height and aim for the kunai-armed hand's wrist. She wasn't faster than Masahiko and they were both evenly matched in most of their capabilities but she still had to try. "Drain that time from your mind, Hiko-chan, look at the present and realize your situation damn it!" She tried to call out to him, trying to grab his attention the best that she could while in the middle of her punch. She really didn't want to hurt Masahiko but she knew what it felt like to be in fear and she hoped that he'd respond to her and not lock up by the pain of the memories swarming his mind.

WC: 423 / Total WC: 2346

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