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1The First Leaf [Private|Serah] Empty The First Leaf [Private|Serah] Fri Jun 03, 2016 5:05 am



Today marked his second day in Konohagakure no Sato, though it was actually the first day he would be spending within the village walls. The Land of Fire brought a sense of familiarity to Kuroshiki from all the greenery he had been able to spot along the way to the village. It was a pleasant land to be in, all things considered, being a stark contrast to the last country he had been in; Tsuchi no Kuni. Around the late afternoon Kuroshiki had run in to an individual who was more than kind enough to show him the way through this foreign land – it was foreign to Kuroshiki at least. If the stranger hadn’t been as kind as he was, Kuroshiki would have likely arrived in the village later in to the evening, as it was likely he would be taking his time to make sure he wasn’t heading in the wrong direction. Needless to say, the young Nozaki had eventually found his way to the village and was able to find accommodations for his stay within the village. He wasn’t sure how long he would spend here, considering he would still likely be hunted down by his uncle, but that matter didn’t affect him too much for the first month or so. Knowing that he needed to improve his skills to be able to hold his own instead of constantly running away was a matter he needed to address, though his skills were unlikely to progress until he got a proper handle on controlling the nature of his katon chakra.

Having spent the night in a decent inn the previous night, Kuroshiki had sought to find proper accommodations that would be able to last him for some time, though that matter he could explore later in the day. With the time just before noon and a full nights rest behind him, Kuroshiki decided to venture out to the village’s market district to see what was available. It was unlikely he would purchase anything, and instead would simply browse the area and get a feel of the village itself, for he hadn’t had the time the previous day due to being slightly weary from constantly travelling. With his unruly hair and glasses in place, Kuroshiki’s eyes roved over the various market stalls and larger shops, noting what could be found where. Perhaps once he figured out how long he’d be here for and had a more… reasonably priced place to stay, he would actually begin purchasing items that could be of use. He was unaware of the village’s possession of places such as libraries, something he could discover later today if time allowed him to – Kuroshiki had the day free to himself, as he wasn’t exactly a shinobi of the village, thus he could come and go as he pleases without having to constrain his time due to missions or other such work.

Currently he was stopped at a weapon’s shop, browsing through their wares with absolutely no intention to purchase any of their items now or later down the road. Kuroshiki had no need for weapons, nor did he think they would eventually become of use for him. Kunai, senbon, and shuriken he could use and would likely purchase a decent amount, but that was later down the road when he would actually require more of them. Right now Kuroshiki wished to avoid conflict entirely and he had progressed decently at taijutsu over the past few months that the urgency to purchase the basic tools hadn’t come to pass. As his eyes hovered over the various weapons, such as katanas, tantos, and odachis, Kuroshiki wondered how many people actually came here on a daily basis to purchase a weapon such as these. Most of them were factory made, he could tell that much, and as such wouldn’t be of too much worth to an actual swordsman. His eyes quickly looked up to see the shopkeeper giving him a dirty look. It was likely due to the fact that Kuroshiki had been here for the past ten minutes and had done nothing more than just look at the weapons with a keen eye. Ignoring the man’s stare, Kuroshiki went back to looking at the weapons and decided he’d test the man’s patience slightly, though he would be out of the place within the next couple of minutes regardless.

744 Words Total

2The First Leaf [Private|Serah] Empty Re: The First Leaf [Private|Serah] Mon Jun 06, 2016 10:30 pm



Clear blue skies, fresh morning air, the smiles and greetings that she got, all these cemented what Serah loved about the Village Hidden in the Leaves, in all its innocence and naivety. She knew that, being a hidden village, there were much more sinister forces always bubbling beneath the surface, but she knew that questionable methods were necessary to preserve the unquestionable nature of these people’s lives. A pair of children ran in front of her, playing tag with one another with the boy funnily running away from a girl his age. A dog lapped at their heels, black and white, a husky, and Serah allowed her eyes to be averted to land on the heartwarming sight of the three tumbled up into a ball when the boy tripped and fell. They landed in a heap, boy at the bottom and dog on top, all of them laughing, with even the dog’s tongue hanging out and it looking around itself, before its eyes caught hers and she shot it a smile. She didn’t think it would understand the gesture, but she accepted the friendly bark it gave her before continuing on her way.

Her left hand landed on the odachi strapped to her left waist, its sheathe a dull black against the pink of her Chinese dress, and its flat appearance a far cry from the floral patterns decorating her outfit. She let her hand slide from the end of the handle to the middle, feeling her odachi and holding it, still in its sheathe, in a reverse grip as the three continued playing. The tight cloth wrapped around her odachi’s handle reminded her of her purpose in this section of Konoha, nearly halfway across the village from where she lived. Her odachi, useful as it may have been the past few years, was beginning to grow dull in her hands, and she’d need a new weapon. According to her sister, the Inukai family was one such family of blacksmiths whose weapons were highly regarded, leading her to seek them out to design her new weapon.

Not that she knew the first thing about it. Serah thought back to Aqua’s weapon, Rainfell, and how it was so… different. It wasn’t your ordinary sword, that was for sure, and she wondered where her sister had gotten the inspiration to make a weapon that was so unorthodox, much less managed to work out the blueprints for such a unique weapon. She wondered if she would get something similar, before shaking her head. She wouldn’t know the first thing about using a weapon like Rainfell; her previous attempts at wielding the blade had ended disastrously for her when she and her sister had traded weapons and fought, and Serah had all but abandoned her own to go with her more traditional ninjutsu fighting style, when it became apparent that she didn’t have the slightest clue how to utilise her sister’s weapon.

No, her weapon would be different. It wouldn’t be anything like Rainfell. It was… It was likely going to adhere to the more traditional swords with a definite handle, guard, and blade, though maybe she’d give it one or two tweaks. Maybe a retractable blade? Or perhaps she could incorporate some form of Kyujutsu into it? Her imagination brought her to a sword which split apart in the middle, its blades forming the upper and lower limbs of a bow while her handle was hollow so as to load projectiles into it. Yes, that would… That would actually be an interesting weapon, and she felt giddy now that she thought of holding something like that in her hands. Sure, the details would have to be ironed out, and it may cost a fortune to custom order, but with the amount Serah had saved up over the years, it was likely within her budget.

The girl turned into the armory, owned by the Inukai yet not sporting their family name, and saw it mostly empty save for the shopkeeper and two other people, one who finished up his purchase and left the store, leaving the other person – a black-haired male with a curiously composed face – the only other visitor in this shop. He seemed to be staring at the weapons most Kenjutsu users would find themselves using – tantos, katanas, odachis. That last one caught her attention. She’d been an avid odachi user ever since she’d first gotten her weapon, though it was now rusted and dulling, dangerous to the user as much as it was to her opponent, and the shiny gleam of the various blades resting lengthwise on the shelves caught her attention.

Serah walked up to the boy, standing to his left to better admire the craftsmanship put into the blades she was so familiar with in her grip, before turning to the person beside her. Both her hands would be clasped behind her back as she bent forward at the waist to get a better look at his face, causing her left side pony to fall freely with gravity’s pull. “Are you interested in kenjutsu too?” she asked curiously.

865 words

3The First Leaf [Private|Serah] Empty Re: The First Leaf [Private|Serah] Tue Jun 07, 2016 12:27 am



Having had to go up against a few weapon users, learning quite a bit during the time he’d been learning to be a shinobi in Yukigakure no Kuni, Kuroshiki knew a bit about weaponry. His experience with weapons was not to the extent he would actually go about utilizing a weapon in combat; at least nothing that was the size of a katana or an odachi. Kuroshiki’s various instructors from that time had said he was better off learning to fight with his fist, to train in the art of taijutsu rather than the various applications of bukijutsu. Truthfully speaking Kuroshiki wholly agreed with their suggestion of picking up direct hand-to-hand combat, but it didn’t hurt to learn more about weaponry from any area that he could. Maybe one day he could able to incorporate it, but he was still struggling with the basis for developing his taijutsu and that issue came to the forefront of thing Kuroshiki needed to address before he could go on and expand elsewhere; and ultimately deal with his relatives who wanted him dead.

Knowing that his own skills weren’t anything out of the ordinary, Kuroshiki knew he had quite a bit of work to do, likely more than a typical shinobi of a village, seeing as how he didn’t have a proper base for training and sparring. It wasn’t the end of the world if that stuck through, it would only make his journey slightly longer, which would mean not having to face his uncle for even more time. That he could live with and accept. Deposing of his uncle wasn’t anything he could rush to do and the freedom he gained from escaping created a feeling for him that the desire to return to his childhood home waned, no matter how much he would miss it regardless. In the end it was likely that Kuroshiki would just find more sadness there than if he were out in the world. The change was still vastly different and not something he quickly could adapt to, thus he wasn’t sure what he wanted to do, where he wanted to be, or who he would become once his feud was settled and had no one chasing after him.

While most weapons displayed at this shop – a name he hadn’t bothered viewing as he had entered – Kuroshiki could tell the majority of the one’s put on display upfront were mass manufactured, at the very least these particular one’s weren’t produced by the owning family if they were in face blacksmiths. Blinking behind his framed glasses, Kuroshiki heard a new set of fairly silent steps enter the building, though his attention didn’t wane from the weapons he was currently scrutinizing. It was likely, if his life had been normal and without that one tragedy, Kuroshiki would’ve learnt more about weapons. His family ran weapons manufacturing company, mass producing items, but still went about addressing personal needs of customers who requested tailored weaponry. They were by no means blacksmiths, but had access to resources to be able to produce the weapons to the customer’s exact specifications. That was all Kuroshiki could recall about the family business, for he had only been educated in it briefly for the first seven years of his life and when his uncle took over, for Kuroshiki’s father, he made sure that Kuroshiki learned next to nothing about the business. That should’ve been the moment that he should have realized what was to come, but childhood innocence had made those ideas non-existent.

Now here he was in Konohagakure no Sato, viewing weapons he had no intention of purchasing whatsoever. Hell, he probably didn’t look the part of being a bukijutsu specialist, given his stature, glasses and clothing. Who would expect a young male that wore a black blazer and white turtleneck shirt to be an actual fighter? The rest of his outfit matched the rest of his ensemble, black pants and black shoes. By no means did he look like a businessman, he looked more like a civilian than anything else. His own appearance, however it was perceived, didn’t matter much to Kuroshiki.

Hearing steps steadily growing louder to his left, Kuroshiki had his attention trained forward on the weapons. It was just likely that the person wished to view the weapons that Kuroshiki had been viewing as well, thus he didn’t turn to look at said person.

“Are you interested in kenjutsu too?”

He slowly turned to look at the source of the voice; clearly a feminine one, being greeted by the sight of a girl who was likely around his age, maybe younger. Kuroshiki greeted her with a polite, his glasses slightly falling off the bridge of his nose, but mostly remained in place. Her pink hair was unique, something he couldn’t say he encountered before, but it seemed to suit her. With his smile remaining present, Kurushiki would supply his answer, “I suppose I could say I am. I don’t actually use weapons… but they reminded me of home, so I guess that’s half the reason they drew my attention.” He likely supplied details that would require further questioning, but it didn’t seem that she was someone he would need to be wary of. “And I suppose the creation behind the weapons also seemed to draw me in.” Kuroshiki would add after another pause.

A voice floated in his mind briefly, his mother’s, telling him it was impolite to not introduce himself. “Ah… I’m Nozaki, Kuroshiki… pleased to meet you.” Kuroshiki would trail off… since he really didn’t know whom it was he was meeting… or if he was even pleased. So far, the six words she had said to him didn’t make him hate her nor the opposite. He wished he could just stop overthinking the matter.

996 of 1740 Total Words

4The First Leaf [Private|Serah] Empty Re: The First Leaf [Private|Serah] Tue Jun 14, 2016 11:39 pm



Serah stared at the boy for a moment as she awaited his answer. His appearance did catch her eye, bringing up a plethora of questions that she hoped she would be able to answer in due time, at least when she and he eventually parted and went their own ways. The way he was dressed indicated he was a civilian, with those cute but nerdy glasses, that wild hair done up in a wild but classy style that likely took awhile to get ready each morning. They all carried a rather dark undertone to them, though, which she guessed only added to the mystery that was his identity and character. Maybe he was one of those guys who tried to put on all black colours thinking the girls would go head over heels for them. The thought almost made her giggle.

What would a civilian be doing in a weapons shop? She wondered if he was looking to open a business in smithing as well, or if he was a ninja, only one who preferred to dress more casually than practically like she and her sister did. Or, more accurately, she and her sister took a fine line between casual and practical, since she couldn’t think of a reason Aqua would’ve worn such skintight clothing unless she were planning to abuse her figure in any battle. The thought made her entertain the notion of pitting either Junichi or Hirotsugu up against her in a spar one day; with their semi crush on her and her revealing attire, the nose bleeds and humiliation would be worth the cred her team would lose with their absolute poor display of control against Aqua’s.

Or, maybe he simply was a civilian, normal and plain and interesting as they came. Konoha had many a type of people who weren’t associated with the ninja arts at all, and it wouldn’t be weird for one of them to suddenly stumble into a weapons’ shop, although his interest in the blades before them did concern her. In a good way, of course. Maybe he was looking to be a ninja? It was never too late to enroll. Age wasn’t a matter, as she’d gone in two years earlier, and she was sure others entered at ages much younger than she did. If he had dreams of grandiose proportions, though, she could only pray that he would receive a less brutal wake-up call than she did, as she watched the family slaughtered in front of her eyes, carried over the shoulder by her retreating sensei and flanked by her teammates.

“I suppose I could say I am. I don’t actually use weapons… but they reminded me of home, so I guess that’s half the reason they drew my attention.”

Home? Did that mean he didn’t come from Konoha? Or, did his parents have some sort of a fascination with weapons, and ‘home’ when used in this context was rather to refer to the family that he could have lost, rather than the village as a whole that Serah had come to understand the term by? Being an orphan, the only family she’d ever known was the blunette that she shared an apartment with (although most people would consider her a free rider rather than actually sharing the room, since her sister paid for near everything, including rent and most of the groceries), hence the idea of a home to return to had been the orphanage they stayed at, as well as the many hiding places around the village that they’d visited when they were children and pulling pranks on the other children or even the lady herself.

“And I suppose the creation behind the weapon also seemed to draw me in.”

The creation of the weapon? That seemed like an odd thing to be drawn by, though it would make sense if his parents had fascinations with weapons that he inherited.

“Ah, I’m Nozaki Kuroshiki… please to meet you,” he said.

“I’m Serah. Serah Uchiha. Pleased to meet you too,” she greeted. “Why do these swords remind you of home?” she would ask, as she turned her attention back to the swords in front of her, surveying their handiwork.

1580 words

5The First Leaf [Private|Serah] Empty Re: The First Leaf [Private|Serah] Wed Jun 15, 2016 2:39 am



Kuroshiki took the brief moment he had between his greeting and the possible greeting that would be sent his way to take in then female who stepped up next to him. Her lustrous pink hair, tied in a ponytail, looked soft to touch. Her blue eyes contrasted the colour of her hair, such that both unique features could easily capture one’s eye. The most physically noticeable trait – not that her unique hair colour wasn’t distinguishable – happened to be her height, as Kuroshiki felt he slightly towered over her. He was easily over half a foot taller than her, nearing an entire foot based off estimations alone. Kuroshiki often felt he wasn’t that tall, his stature had never been intimidating, both helping in his overall task to be relatively unnoticeable. The less intimidating, the better, was his pattern of thought from a simple perspective. Shinobi commonly held a different perspective, at least from what he had seen, in that they didn’t simply judge a book based off its cover. He could only hope that whatever thugs his Uncle had trailing after him weren’t that bright, though they likely knew what he looked like – thus Kuroshiki taking on a more civilian oriented disguise.

“I’m Serah. Serah Uchiha. Pleased to meet you too.” Kuroshiki took note of the name and returned a smile at her greeting. It was one of his polite ones, the smiles he used for his first meeting with someone new. Meetings with strangers were always odd, some he enjoyed interacting with off the bat and others he wished to avoid simply from the first impression he received from the opposing party. With Serah, the situation was currently settled in the former, seeing as she wasn’t an imposing presence compared to most he had dealt with in his past.

“Why do these swords remind you of home?” That question was inevitable, Kuroshiki knew it from the moment the words regarding the weapons reminding him of him had escaped him. The question remained how Kuroshiki would actually address that question. Giving her the full story simply wasn’t an option, at least not yet – she was still a complete stranger and he didn’t know who he could actually trust with his secrets. He was better off giving her a general gist of why they reminded him of home something he could easily do. Avoiding the specifics should be simple enough.

He survey Serah once more, only finally noticing the odachi that rested against her side. Was she here due to something concerning her weapon? It was definitely a possibility as far as he knew. Watching Serah from the corner of his eyes, Kuroshiki would calmly provide his answer to her query. “Well… my family used to own a weapons manufacturing company at one time. Varying weapons really, though most were mass produced, like kunai, senbon, and shuriken. They did dabble in to other weapons, though those were mainly done upon personal request. Guess I was just reminded of home the moment I walked in here.” Kuroshiki supplied, wondering how in-depth he would need to get about his past. There was a point, where he knew, he needed to draw a line. Lying he could do, even if he would wish to avoid it, though often times he preferred twist the truth slightly, thus he couldn’t be caught in a web of lies. That and issues of trust often came up – though he had no friends to actually lie to either. If Serah had anything else she would want to ask him, he’d answer as best as he possibly could. Elsewise, he’d turn his attention to the odachi she had with her.

“Out of curiosity, what brought you here? Getting a new weapon or getting your current one sharpened?” Kuroshiki honestly did want to know, not to judge her, but to get a better grasp of Serah’s character. Given that he recently arrived in Konoha and knew next to no one, he’d have to make an acquaintance or two while he resided in the village. Perhaps Serah could be a familiar face.

694 of 2434 Total Words

6The First Leaf [Private|Serah] Empty Re: The First Leaf [Private|Serah] Sat Jun 18, 2016 4:44 am



Kuroshiki would watch her from the corner of his eye, his attention otherwise seemingly focused on the sets of blades carefully arranged in rows and columns, resting on their sides, in front of him on wooden shelves varnished but worn. His body remained still and calm, and Serah had the feeling that he was someone who would have gotten along well with her similarly stoic sister. The two of them shared a trait that Serah had grown to dislike; they were far too introverted for their own good. While the term itself was often incorrectly assumed to be anyone who was outright antisocial, Serah had taken it a step further with her own assumptions, as she often found it hard to reach out to such people whose words were kept for themselves and sealed shut from the world no matter how much Serah would reach out for them. It was difficult to interact with them, but as it happened, Kuroshiki didn’t appear to detest the thought of conversing with her.

“Well… my family used to own a weapons manufacturing company at one time. Varying weapons really, though most were mass produced, like kunai, senbon, and shuriken. They did dabble in to other weapons, though those were mainly done upon personal request. Guess I was just reminded of home the moment I walked in here.”

Serah listened intentively, having straightened herself up during his explanation to bring her eyes onto the shine of the weapons offered by this particular weapons store. The smooth, shiny blades of the odachi and katana in particular caught her eye, as she compared them to the rusted edges of her own blade, handicapped from the passage of time that had been cruel upon her weapon. Regardless, simply because her eyes were no longer on his person, didn’t mean her ears weren’t soaking up the words that escaped his mouth. It was rude to ignore him when she had been the one to pry for the information he was supplying, not that she was one to ignore him regardless of whether the gesture itself was rude or not.

“Mhm,” she hummed in response when he was finished.

“Out of curiosity, what brought you here? Getting a new weapon or getting your current one sharpened?” he asked.

“This thing?” Serah asked, picking up her odachi by the sheathe and holding it out in front of her, bending her wrist at an angle so her sword pointed a forty five degrees away from her body, and consequently from Kuroshiki, who stood to her right. “I don’t think they can get it sharpened. It’s too rusted for me to do anything more than swing it here and there.”

To demonstrate, she gripped the hilt with her free hand and slid it partially out of its sheathe, bringing half the blade, crusted with rust, into view, and allowing Kuroshiki to view it for a second or two, just as she too indulged in it, before re-sheathing it and returning it to her side.

“No, I’m here to look for a new weapon, maybe get one personally made,” she said. “I need to be able to fight my sister on more even ground and I don’t think this weapon is enough. She’s damaged it enough already as it was.”

2136 words

7The First Leaf [Private|Serah] Empty Re: The First Leaf [Private|Serah] Thu Jun 30, 2016 11:39 pm



He maintain his neutral expression, his eyes glancing between the odachi resting against the girl’s waist and her eyes, trying to answer the slight curiosity behind her presence at this shop. Kuroshiki was fine continuing this conversation with Serah, for she seemed to be an enjoyable presence compared to most individuals, but he wouldn’t outright admit such things unless asked personally. The personal company Kuroshiki kept was limited – to himself – for travelling around the shinobi world didn’t really afford him the opportunity to attain and keep friendships. With how he figured his own near future would pan out, Kuroshiki only knew that he’d be around in Konoha for a few months before having to move on. The only way in which he found himself staying in the village for a prolonged period of time was if he found someone who could help hone his unrefined skills; that was still something he would try and seek out while he was still here. Otherwise, he’d only stay in the village for as long as he deemed it necessary. How long that would be still wasn’t on a definitive timeline.

His eyes watched Serah’s own for a moment, hearing the beginnings of her reply to his query. “This thing?” There was a brief moment of wariness on Kuroshiki’s end as Serah had picked up her weapon by its sheathe; he was still overly cautious when it came to complete strangers, especially so when they were far better equipped than him. Though he immediately dispelled his hesitance as his mind wrapped around the fact that she held the weapon away from either of them. The weapon being sheathed gave off the illusion that it was still perfectly intact and usable for future combat instances. The entirety of the metal blade was hidden away from the naked eye due to the leather sheathe that Serah held in her hand. “I don’t think they can get it sharpened. It’s too rusted for me to do anything more than swing it here and there.” Kuroshiki’s question had been answered both verbally and visually; for Serah had gone ahead to slightly draw out the blade for him to view. With half the blade drawn out, Kuroshiki finally took note of the rust that invalidated that blades main purpose of being used to cut cleanly through people. The rust itself brought its own properties, but it deterred the weapon from being effectively and properly utilized in a combative scenario. It was unfortunate that such a thing happened to her weapon, but it certainly could afford her new possibilities in the future.

She had returned the blade back to its sheathe and placed it back against her side; Kuroshiki’s eyes leaving the area the weapon had occupied to meet Serah’s eyes once more. “No, I’m here to look for a new weapon, maybe get one personally made, I need to be able to fight my sister on more even ground and I don’t think this weapon is enough. She’s damaged it enough already as it was.” Kuroshiki had finally gotten an answer as to why Serah was here at this shop and it began to make some sense to him. It could be likely she was browsing around the various weapon shops in the village before coming to an ultimate decision; he didn’t wish to waste her time any further if that was the case. Though it could be unlikely given she had been the one to approach him just a couple of minutes ago. He made a mental note that she had a sister, in case he met Serah again in the future and came across her sister, but it was likely he could just as easily forget that fact.

With his right foot lightly tapping on the ground, Kuroshiki glanced towards the ship-owner for a brief moment before speaking to Serah once more. “Ah, well I hope you find a weapon suited for you.” He couldn’t offer her any advice on what type of weapon to get or how she could incorporate it to her combat needs. Kuroshiki was playing at being a civilian, albeit poorly, and he knew next to nothing about how Serah actually fought either. His assistance would at most help out in theory and he couldn’t outright give advice to someone when he struggled with helping himself. “I’m sure you can achieve that soon enough, though that actually depends on actually looking for a weapon than spending time with me.” Kuroshiki lightly commented, trying at a slight attempt at humour for the time being. There was truth behind it, for he didn’t want to occupy too much of Serah’s time if she had other priorities. While he never had siblings of his own, he could understand the concept of attempting to be better than a relative; it was apparent for Kuroshiki when it came to his Uncle and cousins. “I don’t want to hold you up from looking for a new weapon, in case you have other smiths you want to visit as well.”

864 of 3298 Total Words

8The First Leaf [Private|Serah] Empty Re: The First Leaf [Private|Serah] Sat Jul 02, 2016 6:30 am



“Ah, well, I hope you find a weapon suited for you,” Kuroshiki answered.

Serah tilted her head at him. He was really, really polite. That had been her first impression of him, and that impression was retained. She was normally used to such people, heck her sister was one of them, but normally they’d become less formal after the first few words were exchanged. Unless they were the rare few like her sister, the small category of which she was beginning to think that Kuroshiki fit into more than she’d like. There were only a handful of people she could name that could fit into that one category, and Kuroshiki was unfortunately (she used the word moreso to play around with her sister than in any real form of pity, for there wasn’t actually anything to pity) slowly but surely being slotted into that category.

Her silence would continue as Kuroshiki continued his words, with Serah being intent on simply listening for the time being. “I’m sure you can achieve that soon enough, though that actually depends on actually looking for a weapon than spending time with me,” he said. “I don’t want to hold you up from looking for a new weapon, in case you have other smiths you want to visit as well.”

She tilted her head the other direction, studying Kuroshiki. Despite his apparent indifference to her presence, she could tell there was at least some part of him that didn’t mind speaking to her, otherwise they wouldn’t have progressed in their conversation to this point. It never even occurred to her that his words could have been a deflection and a deterrent for further conversation, as such thoughts seldom crossed in her mind, destructive as they were to her more constructive tendencies. He did seem a bit more relaxed with her presence than he did when she’d introduced herself minutes ago, though that may have just been her mind playing tricks on her. Regardless, she found she did enjoy their short exchange.

But he was right. She’d come here hoping to find a sword that she could use in a future fight against Aqua, even if their previous encounter had little to do with their weapons, and she’d need to find one just in case their next Capture the Flag game came months earlier than it was normally informally scheduled. That wasn’t even including the time she’d need to familiarise herself with the shine of a new blade, no longer coated by a layer of dull and sickly rust, or the different weight of her new blade so she swung it with just enough force to do as much damage as possible, without throwing herself off balance.

“Well, if you’re sure,” she answered, turning to her right until she faced away from the set of weapons they’d been facing moments ago, though her head continued holding his gaze. “I enjoyed our conversation, really! If you’re staying in Konoha, I wouldn’t mind meeting up again! Maybe we’ll even bump into each other in the Market District! My teammates and I almost always hang out there after practice and missions.” She’d give Kuroshiki a final wave with her left hand as her feet took her out of the blacksmith’s shop, nothing of value in it except for a potential new friend and a definitely interesting acquaintance.

2713 words


9The First Leaf [Private|Serah] Empty Re: The First Leaf [Private|Serah] Mon Jul 11, 2016 2:06 am



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10The First Leaf [Private|Serah] Empty Re: The First Leaf [Private|Serah] Sun Aug 28, 2016 4:51 am



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