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Kaede Uzumaki

Kaede Uzumaki

Kaede walked into the rather peaceful pub, enjoying the sight of fellow patrons paying the fledgling kunoichi a wave or a raise of their glasses. Giving them all a simple nod of her head and a wink or two, the blonde made her way over to one of the open tables and sighed, deciding to relax there for a few minutes. Having been beat from her recent training, she thought she deserved a little downtime and nothing suited that more than coming to Shushaya.

A rather cute waitress came her way and slid over the restaurant's menu, Kaede took it gently and gave the woman a small compliment before hearing the rooting of some patrons that seemed to be egging the girl for the waitress dress outfit that the pub assigned. While she was bothered by their moronic display, she didn't let it get to her just yet and placed her order for some teriyaki beef strips with the cheesy broccoli side dish.

The woman nodded her head after writing down the order, even going as far as to ask if there was anything else she needed. Not being one to turn down the offer, she asked for a drink. The waitress turned on her heels and made her way towards the kitchen, only to have her skirt uplifted by one of the men seated at the tables in the back of the restaurant. Kaede could feel the heat rising in her body at the sheer anger that was gripping over her from their actions. She wanted to punch them so badly and just as she was about to let it go, they spoke about 'how absolutely slutty the waitress probably was'. That was the final straw before in a flurry of anger, Kaede threw back her chair and flipped off the men from her table. "OI! WHY DON'T YOU KEEP THOSE LIPS LOCKED BEFORE YOU GET FREAKIN' CLOCKED?!" The men took the taunt easily enough in their drunken stupor and rose from their chairs, beginning to race after the blonde. Not good, she needed to bring them outside so the restaurant wouldn't be damaged.

Ducking beneath the table, she'd slide between one of the men's legs, delivering a punch to their crotch in the process before she jolted towards the doorway, all the while screaming; "COME GET ME DUMB SHITS!" The one who got hit in the nads seemed to fall over, rather wimp-like while the other three followed after Kaede into the outside.

Now that they were outside, there was no reason to play on the defensive, especially since most of these punks were inebriated with too much alcohol. So when they came at her all together and swung their punches in tandem, Kaede threw herself onto her bottom on the ground, stifling the landing with her hands going down to catch her as she'd watch the three slam their fists into each other's faces. "Hahahaha!" She couldn't help but laugh while raising her legs up to kick the chests of the men on her left and right in an act to knock them onto the ground, perhaps even with their breath being kicked out in the process.

Normally these men would probably have taken her down without much of a problem but with how much they seemed to have had, that wasn't the case anymore. So when the last one began to spout more crap about the waitress, Kaede grabbed him by the sides of the face and brought her head back. "SHUT UP!" She'd call out before slamming her forehead right against his, causing the man to fall back unconscious and Kaede to become extremely dizzy. "That huuuuuurt!" She'd whine to herself, stumbling back a bit before looking at the aftermath, served them right!

Now that they had been taken care of, Kaede made her way back into the pub, rubbing her now red forehead. She was greeted by the waitress who quietly spoke up thanking her for what she did to the men that were bothering her and luckily for Kaede there was no property damage to the building so the bar fight was nothing to report for. Kaede asked for twice her order, now needing to eat off the pain that she had gotten from the headbutt, the Waitress only laughed in response to the request and nodded, bringing the order out right on time.

Lesson learned; Don't harass the staff of a restaurant when Kaede is around, especially if it's the female staff, they work hard damn it!

WC: 755

Kaede Uzumaki

Kaede Uzumaki

Strength Training
E ~> E-1, 75/75
E-1 ~> E-2, 150/150
E-2 ~> E-3, 225/225
E-3 ~> D, 300/300

E ~> D = 750/750

Training Completed

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