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1Ninja Art: Bukijutsu  [C-Rank/Repeatable] Empty Ninja Art: Bukijutsu [C-Rank/Repeatable] Fri Aug 21, 2015 11:26 pm

Hyūga Satsuji

Hyūga Satsuji

On the scroll that he had received it had said that he would be able to return to the Army Encampment as many times as he’d like, as long as he had lessons to teach to that same group of students. Of course there was plenty for him to teach the group, It was just that he didn’t really know how to go about it in truth. He was teaching people that were much closer to adult hood than he was what goes into being a ninja, and although he never went into the mentality or jobs that a ninja had to do, he still found it fairly difficult to come up with something to talk about that could be considered interesting.

It was a week ago since he had taught his first class about ninja tools, and simply based off of that class he knew he had had done a good job. He had returned the next day so that he could conclude his lesson about the ninja tools, deciding that it was best to show them as to how to use all of the weapons and what sort of tactics were capable of being used by shinobi who employed those weapons. He taught them multiple tricks with kunai and shuriken, how to hold so many in one hand and how to throw them so that the point was always facing in the wanted direction. He had even hinted at the possibility of using the weapons with others, such as wire techniques. Of course, he hadn’t gone into detail since that was apart of his lesson today.

The previous lesson had been about the tools that were available to a shinobi, today’s class he had planned in his mind was about Bukijutsu, also known as the Weapon Techniques, and although he didn’t specialize in them he had learned enough to know how to at least hold and swing a weapon, as well funnel chakra through it so as to be used as a defense of some sort, back when he had been in the Academy. Everyone did, so it wasn’t as if he were some hidden prodigy when it came to weapons. He was simply going to teach the samurai he was visiting today the same things that he had been taught, but instead of how they would normally wield them, he would show them as to how a ninja did.

Once again he visited the Academy, to the room that he had familiarized himself with on his first time there. It was the storage room he had visited when he had gotten the other weapons, and he strutted out from the storage room, this time with a significantly lesser amount of weapons than he had taken with him the previous week. This time he only carried a large scroll which explained some of the things he was going to be teaching. He knew he wasn’t perfect at this, at least, when it came to bukijutsu anyway. Thinking back, he tried to remember anyone that he knew who was a specialist in bukijutsu, but if he did he couldn’t remember them. Long ago, he had broken off his ties to whoever he had considered a ‘friend,’ and he knew that members of the Hyuga Clan had no need of weapons when they had the Gentle Fist at their disposal.

Once he had set out from the administration building he had arrived at the Army Encampment fairly quickly. He wasn’t one to waste time socializing when there was a mission at hand. Although the opportunity had yet to come, Satsuji wondered if he would stop at night to get some rest of if he would continue to his location even while he was drowsy. Shaking his head as he passed through the threshold of his apparent classroom, he didn’t bother thinking about what he’d do on a mission that would take him outside of the Village, he had a mission that was inside the Village right now, and that’s what he had to focus on.

Standing in the centre of the class, similar as to where he had been standing before, the Genin removed the two tantos that were placed one on top of the other just above the small of his back, making it a bit of a struggle to get them off, but soon enough he had done so and he started to remove the rest of the items. Among the weapons were battle fans, nunchaku, and a kusarigama. The other weapons that he had thought of bringing, quarter staff, and the various different swords, he thought against. On his way to and from the Army Encampment he had seen the weapons they used to train and knew that the samurai there had their own staff weapons and blades. The rest though, he doubted any standard soldier would carry around, and so, he brought them with him.

“These here are some of the weapons that a shinobi can utilize.” He held up two unsheathed tantos in his hands. “They are used for situations in which an actual blade or katana would be rendered useless. Situations where reach can be constricted, or if you simply prefer, even closer forms of combat.” The class seemed to be absorbing the information well enough, so he placed them down. Tantos were much more to his style of fighting, but he had never actually wielded one. After he had replaced them he had grasped the war fan with both hands, and he slid his hand along it opening it up to show how large it actually was. It was almost as big as him, and for that he placed it down on the ground, but left it open as he stood beside it. “This battle fan is apart of the style of fighting known as tessenjutsu, which falls underneath this lesson of bukijutsu.” A pause, he gathered his thoughts. “It’s possibly to funnel chakra through this fan to release wind chakra from it. Chakra that cuts and pushes it’s opponents. It happens to be one of the more dangerous chakra natures in my opinion.” Sparing a glance through the class, he continued. “It is possible to utilize ninjutsu with this fan as well, to channel shadow clone ninja tools through them.” There were confused looks on some of the faces of the soldiers, and he snorted.

I do this… Why?

He crouched and then folded the entirety of the fan and hefted it back onto the table behind him while saying, “now, to outside. Now we’re going to see how ninja tools fare against standard weapons.”

WC: 1103


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