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1Ninja Art: Ninjutsu + Elements Empty Ninja Art: Ninjutsu + Elements Fri Aug 21, 2015 11:27 pm

Hyūga Satsuji

Hyūga Satsuji

It was the third week this time. Satsuji was beginning to think that he was going to make this a weekly event. Recently he had been spending quite a it of time when he wasn’t training here, in this Army Encampment, learning how it was to not use chakra to fight. The army had their own styles of taijutsu, and for those who didn’t follow the life of a shinobi, and the techniques were quite simple and were easy to follow. Of course he didn’t go through the motions since he didn’t want to attract attention to himself, preferring to simply watch from the side rather than actually taking part. Glancing at the building he was supposed to be teaching in, he knew that his class was going to be starting soon, but he didn’t see a reason for him to arrive perfectly on time for people that weren’t even ninja. They’re being taught our way, so they’ll wait. He hmphed silently to himself as he got up off of a storage box that was about fifty feet away from his building and he shoved his bandaged arms into the pockets of his shorts.

Wearing his usual khaki short sleeved shirt, he strolled through the doorway into the building and a few minutes later through the doorway that would take him into his class. During the entirety of the week he had wondered as to what he should teach them this time, ninjutsu, or taijutsu, maybe even fuinjutsu, but then again his knowledge in sealing was fairly limited and he didn’t know how to explain that so well. He imagined it’d go something along the lines of him standing in front of the class, removing a scroll or whatever object he had that held the seal he would’ve made, and him explaining in the most basic of terms what happened. “Well, this is sealing. And this is unsealing.” All the while he imagined himself talking with a condescending tone of voice, something that he had done his best to keep out of his past two lessons to these students.

He passed through the threshold of his room, and today there were sarcastic gasps. He could only smile in amusement, something that had suddenly appeared on his face. He couldn’t help himself in that situation. Throughout his time there he had always remained stone faced, simply sticking to business as he did his job and then simply left in as little time as possible. I’m certainly not here to make friends. He certainly wasn’t, and although the prospect of knowing members of the military in the event that there was a war was a good idea, he also didn’t see the possibility of a war occurring in a long time, especially one involving the Hidden Leaf Village, but his knowledge of politics was severely limited, his knowing of such things only going as far as his family’s own ongoings with the minor ninja clans that the Hyuga dealt with every now and then. Even then, when he went on the diplomatic missions with other members of his family he didn’t really understand what was going on, mostly because he didn’t pay attention to such things, but still. He didn’t have a mind for politics, simply preferring to take things in a more direct approach.

Once he stood in front of the class, after allowing them a few moments to compose themselves from their chattering state, he said, “Ninjutsu.” A pause, he was finally going to be teaching them about something that he had been mentioning numerous times in his previous lessons. “It is one of the more widely used jutsu’s for a shinobi to use. There are five chakra elements that are heavily involved with ninjutsu. Fire, Wind, Lightning, Lightning, Earth, and Water. All of them have a strength and weakness over the other techniques. For example, lightning is stronger than earth and cuts through earth techniques.”

It was hard to explain with words, but he tried anyway. “The order in which I said them in, is their strength over each other.” He had given an example before he had said it, and in hindsight he should’ve probably done it the other way but he was committed now. “Fire is stronger than wind and Is weak against water. Wind beats lightning, lightning beats earth, and earth beats water. Which then completes the circle of fire being weaker than water.” For this lesson, he had requested the use of other shinobi to accompany him on this mission. They were people that were going to aid him in the lesson, and he knew that at about this time, the people that were helping him who were members of his clan would be waiting outside about now. “Outside in the training grounds. You’ll get to see what I’m talking about right now.”

He walked across the room towards the opposite end that he had entered from and he opened up the door just as the sound of a dozen of chairs scraping over each other was heard and he then went outside to see two other ninja, distant relatives in the Hyuga Clan. Once everyone was outside, he beckoned both groups to come together as he went into detail as to what was exactly about to happen.

“I shall use the elements t hat I’m capable of, wind and lightning, and we shall demonstrate the techniques.” He nodded to his helpers, one of them was a fire and earth user, and the other was a wind and lightning user, just like him. The members that he did know of the Hyuga Clan, he knew their elements and their styles of fighting. What kind of person would he be if he went into something without actually having a plan before hand? Certainly not a good ninja if such a thing were to happen. Once enough room had been made between his two helpers, he signaled for them to get ready, and then the one on the right released a gale palm from his hands, just as a ball of fire was launched to meet it, seemingly bursting to life and roaring brighter and with a lot more heat than before, before it dissipated in the open field.

“That is one of the interactions. It is possible for them to be extremely dangerous, resulting in explosions, such as when the more untamed lightning techniques meet solid earth wall techniques, resulting in them being thrown about dangerously.”

He beckoned both ninjas to come to him, and when they did, the trio bowed to each other and the other two dispersed, returning to what other duties they had before Satsuji had even turned around to address the rest of the class. “That Is it for the rest of the class.” And then he ran off himself, deciding that it was best for him to get back to training. After all, it looked like it was going to rain soon.

WC: 1161


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