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1Ninja Art: Tools [C-Rank/Repeatable] Empty Ninja Art: Tools [C-Rank/Repeatable] Fri Aug 21, 2015 11:25 pm

Hyūga Satsuji

Hyūga Satsuji

The featureless white eyes that belonged to one of the few members of the famed Hyuga Clan stared at the assignment in it’s eyes. Satsuji’s gaze had re-read the assignment numerous times when he had first been called to the Administration Building to get his mission and now that he was outside standing just in front of the fairly large red tinted building that also contained the Academy. It had been two years since the eleven year old Genin had graduated from that building that he remained in front of. At first the memory of the place put him in an almost foul mood as he remembered how childish and naïve he had been then, considering all of those other children equals and capable of being his comrades without holding him back. Satsuji was confident enough that with enough thought and planning he’d be able to complete any mission alone, there wasn’t a need for useless helpers to be slowing down his progress whilst he was on a mission. It was why he didn’t truly know anyone else within his class, and his knowledge of other Genin were those that were members of his own clan and even then he hardly knew them. He spent most of his time in private training and attempting to develop his own styles and techniques, ones that others wouldn’t be able to mimic so easily.

It was a slow pace that he set as he started heading back into the dimly lit hallways of the Administration Building. If he was going to be teaching the Land of Fire’s army about the things that a ninja did and how they worked, then he was going to have to show them the ninja tools that were available to one. And as quickly and discreetly as he could, he scoured through the storage rooms in the Academy Quadrant of the building, grabbing at least two of each weapon and placing them in a bag that he had found on the floor. It was time consuming, but he only had to teach the course within an hour, he had plenty of time to cross the Hidden Leaf Village and get to the army encampment. He had taken kunai, shuriken, senbon, a windmill shuriken, wire, and plenty of other tools along with him. He had plenty of ideas for these tools for his own uses and for an activity that he was planning in his mind as he gathered up these tools. Once he was done, he got to his feet, seemingly armoured to the tooth with every single possible ninja tool that he was able to carry with him and he finally set out of the Administration Building.

As he passed through the threshold of the building and had began his journey towards the outskirts of town to get to the Army Encampment, he spared a momentary glance over his shoulder. On his way out he had been spotted by quite a few people, and if his determinations were correct then he was certain that he was being laughed at by higher ranked shinobi, and his teeth could only rub upon each other in frustration. As a child with so much equipment, he knew he looked foolish compared to all of the weapons that he had. A lot of them had the ability of being lethal, the fact that he was carrying them all was undoubtedly a comical sight to behold.

Within the hour he had arrived at the Army Encampment, and after being identified at the encampment’s main entrance he was immediately guided towards the building that he was going to be teaching in. For a moment he felt unsure of his skills as an instructor, he had never done such a thing before in his life. Had he brought enough tools for those who wished to try them out? Of course they would, especially those who had never seen them before in action. A frown was immediately placed on his face as he went through his plan for that day. If his teaching ethic was bad, would he be accepted back to the Army to continue teaching? He groaned to himself and the samurai that was guiding him looked over his shoulder curiously before turning his head back and then stopping in front of an open door. “This is your room for this class, and any future classes you may have here.” On the other side there was another door, and Satsuji made his guide aware of that. “Oh, that’s a quick entrance to get outside in the event of an emergency… Plus, it leads directly to the training ground if you want to teach our lower ranked soldiers anything…” The man himself seemed quite new if he were to base it simply off how he spoke, but it was probably because of the almost condescending gaze that the young Hyuga was giving him, and no doubt uncertain as to how to read the featureless white eyes belonging to the Hyuga.

A few steps brought him into the classroom and then he was standing before the entirety of the class, at least two dozen he believed after he had done a quick scan.

“I’ll be teaching you about the tools a ninja uses.” After a few minutes of stripping himself of all the weapons he had on his person, he was finally done with an empty satchel on the desk behind him. “There is quite a bit of things that go into what’s considered worthy of being a ninja tool. Usually, it’s what to be considered useful on a mission.” His gaze scanned the quiet classroom. “Small and capable of being put into a small compartment.” Reaching down at his thigh, he untied the ninja pouch on his leg and pulled out the tools that were within. It certainly did look as if the interior was bigger on the inside. He placed the tools that he took from there, a kunai and a trio of shuriken and placed them on the table behind him as well.

Staring at the table in front of him, he wondered as to what he could use before he reached to the table and picked up a scroll. Before he turned around he wondered why he had been accepted the mission, why he would even be willing to do it was beyond him, but he knew he needed the ryo for future equipment and meals, so he did it anyway.

A sigh passed his lips.

“A scroll is used for quite a few things.” He raised a hand as he held the scroll with his off hand. “Containing ninjutsu techniques, and enclosing items within through the use of another style of chakra usage which is fuinjutsu, which essentially consists of placing and removing objects from within an object. He opened up the scroll to show to the entirety of the class before placing it on the ground. He performed the needed handsign and with a small explosion of smoke a Windmill Shuriken appeared, and he grabbed it with hands, clasping the folded weapon and raising it up to show the entirety of the class.

“This weapon is known as a Windmill Shuriken. It’s capable of being used as a handheld weapon, or in conjunction with numerous other ninjutsu techniques, and controlled through the use of other tools available to a ninja.”

He replaced the Windmill Shuriken on the scroll, and performed the needed hand sign and re-sealed the Shuriken. After he did that, he continued teaching the class what he knew of the weapons he had brought with him. Silently, he promised to bring them outside to test them out for his next class, as odd as that sounded to say aloud, especially for one so young to those who were much older than him.

WC: 1304


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