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1Unplanned [Dameon/Training/NK] Empty Unplanned [Dameon/Training/NK] Sun Jul 19, 2015 2:40 pm



"And stay out!" Yuko was pushed out of the inn with a loud shout of anger along with her backpack aiming at her head but she sidestepped it and caught it in her hand. The henged woman sighed as she rubbed the back of her neck, grumbling about the inn's owners. It all begun because of her henge. While Yuko did not care much about her own appearance, she recognized the male version of herself could be desirable. However she doesn't notice how much until it's too late. When she came to the inn she met a young bubbly girl at the counter who was more than enthusiastic at his arrival, sating they didn't get a lot of interesting characters these days. The friendliness ended when she groped his butt as he entered his room and left winking suggestively at him. And it didn't stop. No it only got worse and worse until it was the last straw. She had just gotten out of the shower when she heard knocking at the door. Immediately she got dressed and pulled her henge on then pulled the door open to reveal the thorn in her side this week. It didn't take long for her to pounce of him literally capturing her lips but it went as soon as it came as she jumped off him when he heard a beast roar..her father. After some momentary yelling and avoiding various strikes at her person she managed to get her stuff before he tossed her out.

Now here she is out on the street, tired and annoyed. At least the owner threw her out after she showered and gotten dressed. It would've been terribly embarrassed if he didn't. With the henge in effect she appeared to be a tall man of 6'1 with a built body completely covered: a long-sleeved purple hooded shirt with dark purple cuffs and reinforced with 'armor; on his shoulder and forehead areas, brown belted pants, knee-high boots with knee guards and a purple scarf tied around his neck that reaches his waist when it's not flowing in the wind and her forehead protector appeared to wrapped around her bicep instead of her forehead. The hood had been pulled down to let her 'short' hair flow freely exposing piercing purple green eyes. Perhaps this is what that man meant he looked too feminine. Ah well the gate guards seemed pleased 'he' was exposing his face but that didn't stop a level of disappointment. Whenever she went to the village gates the laziest of the laziest guards were there, never checking for a henge. Or perhaps they saw through i and just wanted a kick out of it. They wouldn't be the first and certainly not the last.

Where is the administrative building hm? It didn't take her long to find it, afterfall it was the largest tallest building in the village right in the center of town. Entering she felt herself shiver and dispelled the henge revealing her natural form. Ah whatever if they didn't attack her all was well. With some help of the signs she managed to get to the real estate department and after waiting in line for a few moments a woman's voice told her to enter. "Hello there, I am Ms. Shinma,  how may I help you" While Yuko was a bit put off by her appearance, it was granted since even in this day and age rare to see a transsexual. Her chest was plump and perky being held back a tight while button up and blue blazer. Her hips were oddly wide to a certain extent, though not a woman's, and clung to her black slacks. A beautiful woman indeed, especially with the blonde hair that didn't look too fake and her facial structure wasn't too masculine but rather gender neutral. She already liked this woman. "Dear?"

She frozen until she shocked her head getting out of her temporary stupor "Oh um yes see my name is Millefiore Yuko and I was wondering" Today was just going terribly for her, without her henge she felt naked exposed, vulnerable. That mightn't been another reason why she always wore a male henge, to feel safe as another person. But damn it was getting hard not to start rambling and stuttering. No matter she was a grown woman she could do this. With some decent willpower she faced Shinma in the eye respectfully "We haven't acquired housing yet and until recently have been staying at an in" And got kicked out after being sexually assault by the owner's daughter who really should get therapy to deal with that sex drive. "I've been trying to find some places but none have had the requirements I needed. Can you please help me?"

Shinma smiled warmly at her, proud she managed to show some courage. "Of course I can. It is my job after all" With the flick of her wrist a book was in her hand along with dozen of files, fuuinjutsu or just that fast? "Now tell me what type of housing do you need"

Rubbing her chin she thought it over carefully "Easy access to the rest of the village without being so close. Private with plenty of room for training. Definitely not close to the other islands or main roads. I hate the idea of someone easily getting onto my property. Oh and I prefer to live alone however I may make an exception to have a roommate if they can comply with my need for privacy and not make comments about my problem" Shinma nodded knowing the problem exactly and gave her a map and some documents once she was put into the system and waved her off.

Later than day around noon....Yuko looked at her surroundings, then to the map then back to her surroundings. Was it possible she was lost? Granted she was still new to the village but she up until now had been doing a pretty good job. Did she miss a sign somewhere...nope there is one. She kept on the beaten path and hopped through the trees when a river or two crossed her path until she finally reach...a mansion? Shinma never mentioned a mansion. An apartment or multiple family home she could understand but a mansion? It didn't quite sit well with her. Who would need roommates if they had a place like this? Either they were some noble or a pretty powerful shinobi to live here. Wordlessly she reapplied her henge to the front door, knocking a few times. She waited and there was no answer. She knocked again and like the last time there was no answer. Were they out today?

Yuko didn't intend to but her hand moved on its own towards the door knob and turned it then surprise it opened, as if he wasn't locked or perhaps something happened. Entering the home and closing the door behind her then gave the mansion a once over. Oddly enough it was practically empty with a few choice furniture that was sparse and scattered about as if the person who lived here had no time to furnish it or just couldn't be bothered to. The kitchen was well stocked though it was lacking in groceries showing her future roommate either lived frugally or didn't cook at home much. Good thing I'm a certified chef. The purple clan shinobi's ears twitched hearing the pattering of feet from upstairs. Was it them...or an intruder? No person in their right mind would ever leave their house unlocked. Even if it was far the city no wait she stopped. This actually made it worse. What if it was a missing nin who just so happened to have found shelter while her roommate was away? Getting though she was pretty week she would give so she armed herself with a kunai and stealthily glided up the staircase and stalked to the room were the noise had last been with her guard up, ready for any surprises...but not this one as a penguin squawked at her angrily "What the hell!"



2Unplanned [Dameon/Training/NK] Empty Re: Unplanned [Dameon/Training/NK] Wed Jul 22, 2015 2:43 am



It had been a normal day so far like any other as of late. With how busy he had been lately with the increased security to the village due to assassins and other rogue groups like the Shikyo four, it left little to no personal time for himself. All of that on top of everything else like training his recent batch of misfits it the hopes they wouldn’t kill themselves on missions. Plus even after all that he had a business to run and with little to no help from Gin as always. Dameon sighed as he looked up at the ceiling of his room from his bed. Not wanting to get out of it at all but he knew he couldn’t be bound to such things like sleep when the Mizukage expected him to be at the ready at all times even if it left him little more than a walking zombie. He hopped up from his bed and trailed across the room toward the bathroom still naked from having been sleeping. He would then enter his routine of quickly getting ready by brushing his teeth and then shaving with his kunai before hopping into the shower. He was still exhausted and wanted to flop down to the bottom of the large soapstone shower and just pass out to get some more sleep, but he knew this wasn’t as option. He stumbled across all the products and eventually managed to progress forward before he heard an all too familiar sound. He could hear PenPen freaking out about something.

PenPen having seen the stranger intrude inside the house was not only surprised but in shock that someone would choose this house to enter illegally. That wouldn’t stop PenPen though as he took a quick tactical retreat before coming back into the hallway wearing a metal strainer on his head as a helmet and holding a large steak knife in one wing and a pot lid in the other. Without hesitation he would throw the steak knife aiming to kill her for her intrusion and as if out of thin air another steak knife would take its place in his wings grasp again. Along with a series of loud bawks it was impossible for Dameon to ignore as he wrapped himself in a towel and secured it in place. His hair still damp as he opened the door to see what was going on. When he saw PenPen he had to resist the urge to laugh because he knew he was being serious and so he looked in the same direction PenPen was facing and saw the intruder a genin shinobi he recognized as being one of the newer ones to the village and from the same region as the Daimyo and even a possible spy. He wouldn’t mention any of it, though he found it awkward that she would be entering his house. Perhaps she was looking for intel to relay back to the Daimyo? Though she would find nothing in his house.

”Calm down PenPen. What are you doing in my house?” Dameon asked as he scratched the back of his head while his other hand moved hair out of his face since it hadn’t dried yet. He waited for her answer in his towel with his chest fully exposed. His torso was covered in various scars from obvious cuts to puncture wounds and even bite marks from the animals he had to fight off while in banishment from his home clan in kumo at the age of seven. PenPen would come closer to Dameon ready to strike as he used the pot lid and Dameon’s leg as cover but he still had an evil glare on his face as if he was ready to kill if he needed to.


3Unplanned [Dameon/Training/NK] Empty Re: Unplanned [Dameon/Training/NK] Sat Jul 25, 2015 12:56 pm



Today is going to be an exhausting one

Of all the things she thought she would encounter today, a penguin was the furthest from her expectations. In her travels she has encountered all sorts of creatures, both wild and tamed such as the bears of the Kuma Clan or the snakes of the Oroburus Clan but never had she seen a penguin before. Perhaps it would be more likely if it was with an Aisu since they have the powers of ice but right now it didn't feel like the home of an Aisu, far from it actually. She gave the penguin a cold stare as it squawked before it backed up and retreated, a smart move in this case. It seems he has left so I might as well explore now Yuko shrugged seeing the flightless bird/mammal as a threat having sense not a lot of chakra from it. A simple method of instinct but sometimes you don't even need sensory for these type of things. The young woman continued to explore but each room turned out to be empty however as she heard a familiar pitter patter of feet again she returned back to the hallway only to find the nameless penguin wearing a metal strainer on his head as a helmet and holding a large steak knife in one wing and a pot lid in the other.

Pfft oh jeez this is the funniest sight I've seen in awhile. I wonder what our Lord would think of this little rascal It was this situation that made her want her own pet...almost. As she pondered she noticed the penguin had a steak knife in his hand. Oh he's armed well this has gotten much more interesting She found it adorable until it squawked and kept squawking so loud she was tempting to silence it and she would've hadn't a man came out of a room. Well fuck...I don't think I'll ever trust the people at Real Estate again. Out of the people she could encounter, Dameon, the Dameon Shikyo was not on her list.

Sighing she dispelled her henge no jutsu after dodging the steak knife seeing how from his attitude he saw through it and returned to her normal form, undoubtedly much less intimating than before. Yuko put her kunai away and took out her paper holding them up to the shikyo seven swordsman. "By no means did I wish to intrude but unfortunately it seems a prank was played on me. I'm in dire need of housing so I stopped by housing services at the Tower but it seems she has mislead me" Flipping through the paper she pinched the bridge of her nose, something the penguin, PenPen was it?, scoffed at and mumbled about having to find somewhere else to live. Her day just kept getting better and better.

***Somewhere in the Tower***

In the midst of a flurry of papers a busty blonde transvestite twirled in her bouncy wheeled leather chair laughing her butt off. An assistant entered the room concerned for her superior's mentality asking if her boss was okay. The woman kept laughing to the point she gagged for a moment and whipped a tear out of her eye giggling as she eyed the purple clad woman's document and where she sent her "Hehe I can just imagine what that little girl will react when she gets there hehe. Will she be spared or will she be kicked out to the curve?" she asked herself. Her assistant meekly tapped her shoulder and the blonde snapped at her "What?" the assistant mumbled and it was starting to piss her off. The woman shrugged having not thought about it "He won't kill her...maybe"


4Unplanned [Dameon/Training/NK] Empty Re: Unplanned [Dameon/Training/NK] Mon Jul 27, 2015 10:21 am



Dameon stood there as she attempted to explain herself it was blatantly obvious that she was new to the village and he kind of felt sorry for her. After all there wasn’t even a residential office at the administration building and they had acted like one. It was just more people he would have to smack around later. Dameon looked down to PenPen and took off his strainer helmet and grabbed the knife from his hand and the other one from the wall that he had tossed. PenPen didn’t look to happy about it as he still flailed around trying to plead his case. Dameon simply patted the penguin on the top of the head to let him know everything was alright.  PenPen had good instincts when it came to danger but once he was proven wrong he never let it go, he would probably hold his dislike for Yuko for a long time and if he ever saw her again continue to abuse her any way he could think of. Dameon put the stuff away in the kitchen and came back out.

“Well seeing as there is no residential department in the administration building and you were tricked because you were an outsider I will allow you to stay here if only temporary. Pick any room you want. Kitchen is obviously up here, training room in the basement, bathroom in every room. Any questions?” Dameon asked as he rested his hands on his waist along the towel that was wrapped around him. PenPen’s jaw had dropped as he slow turned to face Dameon wondering why she would be staying with them. It was obvious he was angry as he jumped into the air to smack Dameon across the back of his head before walking away in a pissed off rage.

“Don’t mind him he just isn’t the best around new people. My name is Dameon Shikyo. I am barely ever home so I want you to stay here to make sure that no idiot breaks in again and I will personally go talk to the people who tricked you. Most of the rooms are pretty much the same but this one I think is a little bit bigger than the other ones,” Dameon said as he walked past her and down the hallway and opened the door on the far left and escorted her inside to a fully furnished room. In all honesty it was also the only other room that had furniture in it other than his own room.  The house was just very large but very empty, every room other than the bedrooms produced an echo.

”Feel free to do whatever you want to the room to make it seem more like yours if you want,” Dameon stated as he exited the room so he could get changed in his own room. He had a feeling she was a spy for the daimyo or at the very least was a spy. After making a quick decision he figured it would be much easier to keep an eye on her if she lived with him. Though this meant having to come home more often now.

[527. 1158 total: Toward Genjutsu training]


Last edited by Dameon Shikyo on Wed Aug 12, 2015 1:11 am; edited 1 time in total

5Unplanned [Dameon/Training/NK] Empty Re: Unplanned [Dameon/Training/NK] Thu Jul 30, 2015 12:00 am



Yuko did not care enough to hide her surprise if the widening of her eyes was any indication and titled her head to the side in surprise having not expected this at all but rather this turn of events was far from her mind as she ignored the penguin's angry squawks. "You're...letting me stay here? Why? You certainly don't have to and you have no connection what so ever to me" While she was in dire need of a place to live, being offered one by the Dameon Shikyo was weird to say the least. "Besides it seems your friend here isn't going to enjoy this arrangement" He wasn't held in the kindest light after all and definitely didn't plan to change anytime soon. What would he gain by letting her stay...oh. Now she figured it out. He wanted to keep an eye on her. It almost made her want to laugh. What else could she have expected? Not only was she new to the village but she was raised in the Daimyo's palace, worker there or not. In that moment Yuko recalled her cover story her lord had given to her. . .

You are an orphaned girl we took in after visiting the village and finding your conditions deplorable. You were raised along the servants of the palace but due to a string of your violent tendencies, you were placed into the military forces in order to learn discipline however you never amounted to much having not sharing the small ideals as the rest of the samurai. Instead you found your calling in the ninja arts and I, your ever loving guardian decided that perhaps you would be happier in Kiri. You are allowed to explain why you often henge into a man but not too much into Kaius' underground services.

If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Yuko smiled softly in gratitude "Hm, beggars can't be choosers" she paused as she followed Dameon, keeping an eye out and mentally mapping what aspects of the house she has explored so far and what she needs to. Once they reached what he deemed to be her quarters she grinned slightly though it came out to more of a small smirk of happiness. It was practically empty but furnished with the basics and she was being given permission to do as she wished with it. She was probably going to be busy all day shopping and modifying the security of her bedroom for several obvious reasons. Turning to the partially covered seven swordsmen Yuko bowed a complete 90 degree just as she had been taught then raised herself looking him in the eye respectfully as she calculated the different opportunities this arrangement was giving her, mentally cheering at her lord's proudness in her once she sent word to him "Thank you Shikyo-san for this. I'll try my best not to disturb you at all"



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