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Before Yunah could even react she was curled up in a ball in dameon's arms. the pain in her stomach and the back of her neck was immense. she had to fight back blacking out because of that in combination with her lack of breath. Fuck him. She finally had a chance to get back at her sister. She finally had a chance to spill her blood, and dameon had gotten her way. She would kill him if she ever got the chance to do so. but, given her reaction to Yunah charging in, she could almost be certain Fuyu wasn't worried at all. She wasn't strong enough to make her worry. not even bat an eye. She was still too weak to have done anything about that entire situation. and as much as she wanted to strangle dameon for stopping her, she should probably thank him, for saving her, as well as the fact that he needed him so that way she could get stronger. Finally strong enough to strike fear into her sister's eyes. Strong enough that she can cause her to feel all of the fear yunah had to feel having to grow up without her parents. she wanted fuyu to felt hurt and abandoned like she felt. she wanted her to pay for everything she had done to yunah, and a smaller part of her wanted to rescue her sensei. she still needed to prove herself to him, and she wanted him to train her so that way she could complete her goals. she wanted to make him proud.

These were the thoughts that ran through yunah's head as the ANBU agent carried her off and towards the mizukages office, making sure to follow dameon's orders too the letter. Taking his sweet time in reaching the administration building, to be sure he didn't reach it before the 15 minute mark. once he was inside he immediately made his way to the mizukage's office and entered. he set yunah on the ground and got down on one knee and spoke, giving a report of the situation. “Pardon the intrusion lady mizukage, but Dameon asked me to bring this one to you. He said that she had Intel you needed to hear, and that it was a matter of village safety.” he would then wait until he was dismissed by the mizukage. After a few moments yunah would let out a cough, as air finally began to return to her lungs normally, and she began less disoriented. she would get into the bowed position as the ANBU man had done, and speak. "It's a pleasure to meet you Lady mizukage, but i'm affraid we don't have time for proper introductions. Dameon's in trouble. As i'm sure you are aware, the shikyo four are after him, the reason, at least to me, was unclear until now, but it is because he poses zeta. a sacred thing to our clan, which is presented to the strongest member of the clan. the shikyo four are holding village safety hostage in order to convince dameon to go with them, which he has done. he ordered the ANBU agent to arrive late so by the time i could tell you this information he would already be leaving the village" She could only hope that the mizukage would decide to help and put her as a part of the squad to go after dameon and retrieve him safely. although she couldn't be certain on the mizukage's actions, and that made her uneasy. she needed dameon. as much as she hated him at the moment. she needed him. Even though he was from the raiton, at this point he was her only shot to her goal. Plus the fact that she had a lot of questions to ask him. And she had a lot more training that she needed to do from him. she almost couldn't stand the thought of the shikyo four finishing him off simply for there own gain. the mere thought infuriated her. Plus he wasn't just needed for her sake. There was Maigo who needed a sensei too. And, even after then he was the ANBU captain, and a sanin. the entire village depended on him. he played an intricate role in this village's functionality, and that shouldn't be something that should be tossed away so easily.

Yunah looked up from her bowed position. with a fierce intensity in her eye, and looked directly at the mizukage. It was the first time yunah had ever really gotten a good look at the mizukage, and she had to admit she was awfully pretty. but, looks weren't what got her her position. Yunah had to mentally reset, she was about to do something risky. "I know this isn't my place to say anything. But we need dameon in this village. A lot of my reasons for wanting him here are selfish, but he plays a critical part in the workings of this village. not as much as you, lady mizukage, but a significant amount, and we can't simply let him go like that..." she could only hope that her words might possibly help aid the mizukage in her whatever was going on in her mind. Either that or she just made an enemy of the most important person in the village by speaking out of place. a lowly genin like her shouldn't and didn't have any say in how the village should act in a situation like this, especially considering that there were a lot of lives involved, but she that hot-headed stubbornness in her wasn't about to give up on her sensei at all. Then again, the mizukage could already be formulating a plan to rescue him. She honestly didn't have a single clue as to what the mizukage was thinking and that was killing her more than anything. she would simply have to wait it out.

Training: Demonic bade: Devil's Grin 1000/1000



Aya opened the door to see one of her Genin there in the arms of a member of the ANBU black ops, a look of urgency on his face after he was let in, looking at the ANBU the Mizukage nodded allowing the ANBU to leave and thanking him for bringing the informant to her. Taking her in her own arms, Ayakashi sat the Genin on her own chair awaiting for her to be ok to talk, evidently, she would not be waiting long... Aya listened to everything she had to say, and as soon as she heard that Dameon was intending to leave with the Shikyo Four, her eyes searched the horizon hopefully for any sign of combat in the country... there was nothing that she could see, but she wondered where Dameon would be. Looking to the ANBU moments before he left, Aya stopped him, ordering the ANBU to inform her of the location and direction of Dameon and the Shikyo four... those mercenaries had a reputation, and it was not a good one...

Not that Aya didn't already have other things on her mind.

Looking to the Genin, as she began to talk the second time, as if trying to convince the Mizukage that they needed Dameon, raising a hand to silence the Genin half-way through her statement, she was not about to let any of them get away with taking Dameon away from them... but she needed to outwit them, they were mercenaries for hire, and, their reputation was paramount for keeping their business... the good thing was, that in the position of the Mizukage, with her hunter ninja, spies, as well as her own reputation as a warrior, she was more than able to bury them with Kiri's warrior reputation vastly out-shining theirs on an international level... Aya had her means, cowardly as they could be sometimes, they could get the job done.

"You don't need to sell your position to me young one, I know the value of Dameon... Sadly, unlike Strafe, he does not have my family name to hide behind when it comes to him leaving... I will deal with this... you stay here, unless you want to come... though I cannot promise your safety if I become mad."

Aya said with a serious look on her face, collecting all of her weapons as well as her body-armour, her mask, three swords, fuuma shuriken, quiver, kunai and everything else she would need to combat the threat that was before her... Getting ready would take her little more than a minute. Looking to the Genin as the Mizukage, for the first time since the seven bells war, looked like she was truly ready for a fight. Held out a hand for hers, offering her to come, as she would by no means be able to keep up with the Mizukage's speed... Should she take it, Aya would effortlessly swing her as if she were a ribbon to sit up upon her back, and with a simple kick-off from the wall... her office would explode into a wind-storm with her sudden movement, almost ripping everything to pieces as she was gone, if she did not take the hand, she would be in the midst of the wind-storm which would threaten to throw her actross the room as in an instant she would be gone...

She wasn't letting him go...



Aya put her hands up to silence the genin in the middle of her giving her speech about needing to go after dameon. Yunah, of course, shut her mouth and opened her ears, waiting for ayakashi to speak.

"You don't need to sell your position to me young one, I know the value of Dameon... Sadly, unlike Strafe, he does not have my family name to hide behind when it comes to him leaving... I will deal with this... you stay here, unless you want to come... though I cannot promise your safety if I become mad."

Aya said with a very serious look on her face. Yunah gulped and nodded, then said "i'll come lady mizukage." She said as she watched Ayakashi pick up her weapons and armour. She looked as if she was getting ready for war. Which meant the Yunah might actually be in danger from the mizukage if she planned to go to war. Then after a few moments ayakashi offered her hand to yunah, who took it. Aya flung her around, and the room burst, as the two of them fled after dameon. This was it. They were going after him, and they were going to stop the shikyo four. Yunah might even get a chance at her sister. A mix of fear, excitement, and anger overtook her. Yunah was ready for this. Even if dameon had stopped her last time, she was going to kill her sister here and now. 

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