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1Securing Assets [D-rank/mission] Empty Securing Assets [D-rank/mission] Mon Jun 22, 2015 4:08 pm



Another mission for Maigo this time, with a little more responsibility than his normal patrol or helping the old woman pick the weeds out of her yard. This time he was tasked with entering an old and abandoned mine to request some materials left behind there, it wouldn't be too far in but the risk lied in that there were some serious malfunctions with the mine making it too dangerous for an ordinary person to enter, as well as the stories of hauntings and ghosts to keep the average person away from it anyways. These things didn't really scare Maigo, and all he had to do was go in and grab some tools and other things left behind by the construction crews. He made his way through the village to the edge of town where the hills were and where this mine was supposed to be constructed. It was littered with broken wood planks nailed across along with do not enter and caution signs around, if anything it seemed a bit of a cliche to have the abandoned mine so closed off instead of maybe using a jutsu to close the hole or maybe an explosion to collapse the entrance of the cave. But maybe they had plans to rebuild the mine and restart their operations one day, regardless Maigo stepped over the boards and squeezes in between others above him and entered, it was fairly dark and luckily he brought a lamp along with his other ninja tools so that he could see in case he had to go further in.

He traversed down until he found the tools and things that needed to be retrieved, there was plenty of it laying down, as if the whole mine had been deserted in an instant. Loose rock shifting under his feet and dirt everywhere, trapped humidity made it hard to breathe and surrying mice and the likes gave it an uncomfortable feeling but no ghosts, at least not yet. He grabbed his duffle bag he was given to load things in and filled it to the brim with everything he could find from small pickaxes to leftover explosives he found that might still be good. Slinging the bag over his shoulder he grabbed a few larger tools like shovels and things to carry in his hands and began to exit the cave. Reaching the entrance again he tossed his bag and the tools through the cracked boards and began to climb through himself, when suddenly a chill hit him, he turned to look behind him and it seemed a figure was walking away from the entrance, Maigo called out but it vanished into the darkness. He stood on the other side of the boards now and rubbed his eyes, he must have been seeing things and quickly gathered his stuff again.

He headed back to the village and dropped off the tools and materials at the construction office where they thanked him and gave him a note saying the job was complete. He took the note back to the administration building to turn in his completed mission and take any extras they might have for the day, besides, it wasn't even lunch time yet and Maigo desperately needed the money to buy more weapons and things to build his arsenal. Maybe he could knock out two or three more little missions if they had them available and ready to be taken. As he entered the office and began to report on his mission and give the man in charge the note saying he completed the mission they asked him if there was anything suspicious in that mind, he asked with a curious look in his eye. Maigo simply responded with a simple "Nah" to which he exited the room and waited to check in for possibly another mission.

[641 words]
[Mission Complete]
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