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Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

The Uchiha was now placed on something more simple than the rest of the things which he performed on the passing week, as such, the man was now in charge of guarding another shinobi at Konohagakure’s Hospital. He was another shinobi, one of the Nara clan and he was hospitalized due to some injuries that were inflected upon him while being on a mission. Apparently, the objective of it was to retrieve some information that could count as evidence for some sorts of project; the thing was, that there might have been a chance for the man to be followed back inside the Hidden Leaf Village.

It was already dusk, and the hospital was not really that full of people, as such, this was most likely the perfect time to attack an injured person; hopefully, this won’t happen due to the Uchiha standing guard. The silence which shrouded this particular building was a bit eerie; this was a fact, hospitals were indeed the most frightening places, even more than dungeons or a prison. Nonetheless, the raven-haired man remained watching over the Nara clan member who apparently was sleeping due to the loss of fatigue, perhaps they will exchange a few words when the man wakes up.

~ 209/209 of Total Words ~

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

The information which the Nara clan member managed to retrieve was considered to be important for the Hidden Leaf Village, since it contained a few things regarding a hideout that was located not that far from the village itself. Whatever those files contained was unknown for the young Uchiha; even though the man had a curious nature, in this case he would behave himself and refrain those urges from dwelling further into this. As such, the raven-haired man took a few steps nearby the window to lookout for any kind of suspicious people that might be lurking around the area.

Time was passing by quite rapidly, and it wasn’t that long till night was about to arrive. “Uhm... urgh...” were the sounds which came out from the man which laid upon the nearby bed, apparently, he was waking up from his sleep. At the hearing of that sound, the Uchiha quickly waltzed towards the man to check on his state. “Who... are--- uhm... you?” the member of the Nara clan asked while opening up those eyes, his voice was quivering and it was quite obvious that the man did not healed fully from those wounds. If he were to leave the hospital now, those wounds were more likely going to open up even if he tried to get out of bed.

~ 223/432 of Total Words ~

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

“My name is Uchiha Tenzō, and I was placed here in order to protect you. In case, someone tried to follow you here. Take your time and rest, as I’ll be here, watching over you.” the raven-haired man spoke on a calm tone while shifting those ebony eyes from the man towards the window, back and forth as he talked. The man was cautious since he did not wish to fail this mission, and there were chances that the enemy might use the window to attack, due to it being rather close towards the Nara clan member.

“I do remember someone... he was a bit taller than you... with fiery hair.” the man said before coughing a few times, blood spewed out between those lips. “Do not speak any further, I’ll be keeping both of my eyes opened. Take some time to rest for now.” the Uchiha said before backing down slightly, throwing those ebony eyes all over the room. The conversation between the two has now ended, and the raven-haired man continued on his guard, and in just a couple of minutes the door that belonged towards the room was opened; something didn’t seemed right, since the medical nins already checked on the patient a few hours ago.

~ 214/646 of Total Words ~

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

“Hello, I am here to check on the patient. Where is he?” a man around his thirties asked, while entering upon the room. Surprisingly, this particular person seemed to match the description given by the Nara clan member, and without wasting any more time, the Uchiha told him to leave to room while following the man outside the corridor. “Raise your hands up, and turn yourself against the wall.” the Uchiha said on a stern tone while hiding his right arm behind his back, entangling those five fingers around the handle of a kunai.

The fiery-haired man did not complied with what the Uchiha said, and immediately tried to run outside the hospital; however, the Uchiha was much faster and managed to catch up with him. A short scuffle followed after, and with a few blows exchanged between themselves, the raven-haired man managed to finally immobilize the so called assassin. After the man had finally stopped to resist, the Uchiha escorted him inside the room where the patient was sitting while also making sure to tie up the man by the wrist, so he won’t attempt anything funny while the interrogation was about to occur. There were no room for errors.

~ 204/850 of Total Words ~

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

In just a couple of minutes, the Uchiha and the culprit had both arrived inside the room, as such, the raven-haired man began throwing a few words out “Hey... wake up. I believe this is the person that’s after you, am I right?” on a curious tone while holding up the prisoner by the hair. At the hearing of those words, the patient opened up those green eyes and took a better look at the red-haired man; nodding a few times while muttering on a worn-out tone “Yes.. he is the one.” before falling to unconscious again.

Without a doubt, the man was too tired to even talk anymore, the wounds were indeed deep and it was a miracle that the medical nins managed to keep this man away from death. Although, there wasn’t a need for him to stay awake any longer, since the Uchiha managed to hear the words that he wanted from him. With those words in mind, the raven-haired man immediately took the prisoner away from the hospital before traveling a lengthy road which took  him towards the headquarters in order to jail the said man, due to him being a suspect in this particular case.

~ 206/1056 of Total Words ~

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

In a couple of minutes, the two of them managed to arrive at the station. “Here, this will be your cell.” the Uchiha said on a stern tone while pushing the man inside, locking up the bars on the way out. “You’re going to spent the whole night in here, and in the morning someone else is going to come here and start the interrogation. I suggest that you should cooperate in case you want to leave this place, and not rot in here.” the man spoke on a benevolent tone while locking those ebony eyes against the prisoner.

“Actually, I’ll just ask you a few questions before that. Tell me, who sent you after the Nara boy.” the Uchiha questioned while crossing both arms; that right foot of his began tapping the ground on a rhymed beat. “I won’t tell you a thing, you’ll have to force me if you want to find anything out.” the prisoner said on a defiant tone before spitting once against the ground. Without any more time wasted, the Uchiha opened up the cell before letting himself enter. Once he was inside, those five fingers of his clenched within a fist before it flew quickly against the man jaw; however, he did not stop here, and quickly that kneecap followed after.

~ 221/1277 of Total Words ~

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

Saliva was not anymore the next thing which the man spat, as such, a substantial amount of blood was now dripping between the man’s lips, and not only from those since the blood was coming from the nose as well. “Now, are you going to tell who sent you?” the Uchiha asked once more while pulling the red-haired man by his shirt, closer towards those ebony and dull eyes. “His name is... Kojima, and he’s the owner of a restaurant here.” the prisoner said. Right after the Uchiha had managed to find out the name, he quickly let go of the prisoner before leaving the cell and locking it up once more.

With a few heavy footsteps, the raven-haired man walked towards one of the offices nearby in order to take out a form and complete it with all the details regarding how the mission was solved, including details on what the Nara clan member has said regarding the prisoner. The man was quite pleased that he managed to find out a few more important details that would help the next police officers with their investigations.

As soon as the report was finally over, the raven-haired man made him way towards one of the officers that was working on a nightshift before leaving the report behind. It was already night, and the man had finished up his part of the job, and the only thing left now was for him to head back home and take a good night sleep.

~ 255/1532 of Total Words ~

~ Mission Completed ~

~ Thread Closed ~

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