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1Stray Dogs [D rank/private] Empty Stray Dogs [D rank/private] Wed May 20, 2015 9:21 pm



Fukai climbed up the track that led to waterfall point. There have been some stray dogs taking up residence around this spot. This was an issue due to the popularity of the area, many Iwa residents came to this place for beautiful atmosphere. From there you had a clear view of most of the village and the water that flowed down the waterfall and river was clean and full of minerals that had been tracked down from the mountain. Because of the canine problem, the area had become unsafe and people had stopped visiting. The genin had been given the task of capturing the mutts and bringing them to the pound. Fukai strolled up the gentle incline of the path, enjoying one of his more relaxing working days. He had made a great deal of progress with his training and felt a new confidence in his endeavours.

The purple eyed young man straightened the scarf that was ever present around his neck and adjusted the coil of rope that the mission distributors had given him. He was nearing waterfall point. Okay.. they should be around here somewhere.. Fukai rounded the corner and came upon the magnificent view that the spot was renown for. He took a moment to look out over his village. This was the village he had lived in for many years, the village that had given him so much. The young man felt a great sense of pride. He had decided that he liked his little home, and was more than happy to work hard for it. The new people that he had met recently had all been great characters and he felt privileged to live among them. Fukai heard a growl behind him. Turning around he saw the pack of dogs that must be the root of this problem. There you are. There were two behind him that snarled at his presence about 7 metres away. Behind them, was a smaller dog, a little older than a puppy. One of the two aggressive dogs advanced slowly crawling towards Fukai, lip trembling from the deep throated growl. The advancing canine had a heavily scarred face that Fukai presumed had come from maltreatment from humans. That would certainly explain its' aggressiveness. He doubted this animal wanted to become this mans best friend.

Fukai sensed the bunching muscles in the back of the dogs legs and the leap that would follow. He strafed to the side and quickly turned to smack the dog on the snout as it passed. crashed to the ground but quickly got up. The genins' brow creased. He doubted that he would be able to get this dog to cooperate. That left only one option, the mutt would have to be put down. The second aggressive dog yapped from behind but didn't attack the man. All the same, he positioned himself so that both animals were in front of him so he could keep an eye on both. The scar faced dog ran at him again. Tailwind. Fukai accelerated, blasting wind chakra from the pores on his back, tripling his sprint velocity. The dog didn't have enough time to react. The young man was upon it and sent a full blow kick, with all of his momentum behind it, into the dogs chest. The beast squealed and was sent flying, smashing into the side of the cliff and died on impact. Fukai immediately felt horrible about this act, which surprised him as he felt nothing beforehand. It seemed that his training had been very successful in cutting out his emotions until the job was done. The second dog backed down immediately.

Fukai went over and picked up the corpse, and walked over to a place well off the path and lay the body down, covering it with nearby rocks. Then he returned to the other two dogs. They had, surprisingly enough become quite docile and the young man was able to walk up to them and leash them with the rope, leading them back to town.

Chakra used 140/150:


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