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1All rabbits must dye(D-Rank Mission) Empty All rabbits must dye(D-Rank Mission) Fri May 01, 2015 6:58 am

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

Prank Eggs D-Rank Mission:

He heard of a mission that sounded simple, but he could not believe it to be true. He had to help put an end to the laying of the eggs, which had ruined people's clothing and left some people scarred for life in a sense. It was not the first time he encountered something like this, but this time it mattered since he felt jokes like this were a nuisance if you had to attend important events where appearance mattered.

He ran all over the area trying to find the problem as he kept finding the eggs as he checked and finally found a location, and it was nothing like what he expected. He had ran through the long grass in this field and had found close to sixty evil egg explosives. He then ran to the nearest apple tree as he ran up it and stood on top of the tree as he began his legend. Raising his hand up into the air he took a deep breath before remembering he had not mastered that jutsu yet as he lowered his hand.

He then took another deep breathe as he slowly performed the yin seal since he was not in a hurry to perform any jutsu this time. He then slowly placed both hands together as he performed a jutsu once mastered and made famous by the strongest Suiton jutsu user of old times, the second Hokage and possibly the biggest joke in history being a water master while leading the country of Fire. It was something that was confusing and strange, but in the end none of that mattered as the water in the air gathered together to form a large vortex of water that surrounded the tree as he stood focused as he opened his eyes having closed them for just a moment in time.

The vortex of water rushed through all the grass as he sent it carefully as all the eggs exploded having their ink carried in the waters as patches of green, red, blue, yellow, orange, indigo and violet could be seen as the waves splashed together a person could see rainbows form as he continued his assault directing the two waves.

This was all well and good as he then shot the waves up high and then to the side as he splashed the dye on a patch of grass having eliminated all of the eggs. Then he looked on in the distance there was a basket, full of these eggs and it was being held by what looked like something familiar, something he had seen before and would see again. It was the one who had escaped him before, the one who had led him through the maze and the one who ran away as he began to feel really annoyed at the way this white rabbit was toying with him. Was this rabbit's only role in life to annoy little children rather than just play with them nicely.

He got annoyed as he directed the wave but he noticed a child approaching the basket. He had to avoid the eggs getting the child as well as being unable to knock the child away with this jutsu without hurting the child. He redirected the waves and water over them as the child looked up in awe. He dashed as fast as he could as the water would rush to the side and go to an empty field of grass. He grabbed the child who did not even know what was happening as the basket of eggs exploded as he held the child in his hand. He wondered since when he had become this strong, he thought people were heavier then that. The child was still in awe as he let the child play with a shiny kunai before dropping the child off at a nearby drop off point for lost and found items.

He lost the white rabbit but he eliminated the explosive dye problem for now

Words = 669/600


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