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1Wabbit Season [D rank mission] Empty Wabbit Season [D rank mission] Fri May 08, 2015 11:29 pm

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko Uzumaki

Mission details:

Somehow, someway, Toshiko found himself in a land he hadn't actually ever heard of before. Satou No Kuni. While traveling through the villages on his own, taking a detour from suna to kiri didn't seem like a bad idea. But, it lead him to this strange place that he didn't even know existed. He figured that if he took a shortcut going around the rest of the villages, he could make it to the final destination faster. Two hours into an off road trail, he found himself here.

A strange, upbeat place filled with bright and optimistic colors that were splattered upon the entire town giving it the same color scheme as a rainbow. Toshiko never imaged a place like this. It seemed a little too sweet to be true. as he walked through the streets viewing the other people who were residing there, everything seemed to be completely normal and sweet. Toshiko smiled. He didn't know where he was, but he didn't mind it very much either. Just as he was getting used to the place, the normal and peaceful ideal Toshiko had of the place somewhat came to an end. While walking down the street, Toshiko could hear the screams of what sounded like a young girl screaming. Toshiko quickly turned his head to see a young female being harassed by a hooded figure wearing an orange jumpsuit. Toshiko couldn't make out the individuals face. All he knew was that he was causing problems. He wasn't gonna sit there and watch him do so.

"Hey! Leave her alone!"

Toshiko quickly moved up onto the two, and separated the man from the little girl. Toshiko still hadn't had a clear view of his face, even at this close range. The man simply reacted by putting his left hand in his hoodie pocket, and quickly pulled out a pink oval like object. What was it? As Toshiko quickly analyzed it, he came to the conclusion that it was an egg. An easter egg?

The man tossed it towards toshiko, and he quickly caught it in his right hand. It was enough to make Toshiko forget the current situation at hand due to his own confusion. Then, the egg abruptly bursted, splattering all over his chest and face, covering him and the top of his chest armor with pink paint.

"Gah! You got paint in my eyes!"

Toshiko quickly wiped the paint out of his eyes and face with his left hand, and looked back up to see the man running away.

"No you don't!"

Toshiko quickly took off after him, following at full speed. the man ran past a cart and then switched streets, turning to his right at the intersection. Toshiko was a bit disgruntled, but managed to keep up with him, following right behind going as fast as he possibly could. In front of the two was a group of old ladies sitting on a bench on the side of a building. The masked man began chuckling, and pulled another one of the easter eggs out of his pocket. Toshiko had already known what he was planning. As the prankster threw the easter egg towards the women, toshiko sped up, catching it within mid air and throwing it in the other direction. It burst in mid air, and the cold, pink paint fell from the sky onto the ground, drying instantly. Toshiko continued on after the mask man. They came up to a group of children. The man threw another easter egg towards them, which fell upon the ground in front of them. Toshiko quickly grabbed it, and tossed it into the other direction, immediately turning back to the mask man. The man turned another street, finding himself at a dead end as Toshiko sped up, stopping right in front of him.

"I got you now!"

The man put his hand in his pocket once more. Pulling out yet another easter egg. He threw it at Toshiko, and toshiko knocked it back in mid air, causing it to burst in all over the mask man.


Toshiko finally heard the voice of the masked figure as they fell to the ground. Toshiko picked them up, unmasking them to reveal a young child with paint all over his face. Toshiko began to chuckle, and rolled his eyes, letting the kid go. One thing was sure. This place was exciting. Now was time for him to see what else there was to explore.

Mission complete

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