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1Chasing Rabbits(D-Rank Mission/Private) Empty Chasing Rabbits(D-Rank Mission/Private) Sun Apr 05, 2015 9:32 am

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

Chase the White Rabbit - Part 1:

He was a bit upset as he did not want to have to do any work outside of normal shinobi duties, but as a shinobi sometimes you just have to return to the basics, as he woke up and stretched a bit as he woke up in a tree. It was still day time so it was not yet time for him to find the rabbit, as he can not believe that a mission similar to the legendary cat chasing mission in Konoha now existed even here in this strange place.

It took a while but the young boy began to make a few preparations trying not to be too dangerous since he just needed to catch a rabbit, no rabbit could move faster than him. Aside from Ayakashi and Dameon there was no one faster than him in Kirigakure that he knew of, so he was really confident in his speed and abilities to capture said rabbit.

He began to get up and then started doing some classically shinobi tree branch jumping and dashing through the air, as he looked down only seeing normal day time rabbits. He did a few side flips and summersaults to keep his flexibility in check, since he had become too stiff lately and needed to relax for a change.

Words = 216/600

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

The sun was beginning to set as he waited patiently for the moment to arise, he did not make a sound and he did not move. He had found his spot in the trees and waited for his prey, like a cat he laid in wait until his prey would let its guard down and reveal itself. Patiently waiting to leap into action as the forest was somewhat more lively then the Konoha forest which happens to be everywhere.

As he looked to the sky as the light blue faded away, the dark night became a dark and starry night as he looked around the forest. A silver light shone from the moon as the glistening glimmer of a silver night set in motion a few feelings in the small child who had not been to many festivals, with this being the closest thing to him. He enjoyed the view only for a moment as he heard something rustling in the grass. Leaves had been moved and their orange appearance was now close to a dark red in the night while some had a glimmer from the dew of a coldness.

The trees themselves had a silver appearance as well as he had to struggle to keep his focus on his prey who being white may be blending the white silvery light of the silver moon. The boy took a mere sniff of the air as he now caught the scent of what appeared to be furry, maybe this was not his prey however he could not shake this dark feeling of a demon with long ears and a sharp demonic bucktooth waiting to devour the souls of those who live within the light. This might have been due to the silvery silver reviving his inner child just slightly, however a mission is a mission and the rabbit is all that matters.

Words = 216 + 312 = 528/600

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

Paying careful attention as he slowly slid down the side of the tree landing softly on the grass patch. He could hear sounds, strange mad crazy critter sounds as he kept looking around. He kept up his guard as he took off his cloak which he kept for protection as it blew violently in the cold winds of the beginning of night. The moon was bright and the silver was light, as he was just about tired of waiting it appeared.

The White Rabbit jumped at him, as it was annoyed at being preyed upon in which case he caught the rabbit inside of his cloak as it struggled he gave it a light squeeze making it stop as he pet its furry little head. "Silly rabbit", as he looked the rabbit was running off as it made an escape. He did not like playing games as he dashed and caught the rabbit in his arms while moving then he kept running all the way to town to hand in the rabbit before they go to bed. As he handed in the rabbit at the last second the mission board sighed as they gave him his payment as they took the rabbit away.

Words = 528 + 203 = 600/600


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