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1Ikimono, my bestest friend. Empty Ikimono, my bestest friend. Fri Jul 03, 2015 6:31 am



Name: Ikimono
Species: Chakra Parasite
Rank: E
Specializations: None yet
Elements: None
Personality: Ikimono, being bonded by the shared soul kekkei genkai of the Kemotsuika, will have the same personality and mood of his owner most of the time. He likes to sit on a perch on Daremo's shoulder and scuttle around his upper body while chittering advice in the form of the clicking noise that only Daremo can understand. Often the voice of reason, he has valuable insights about the world around him. In the worst of times, he provides welcome company and a good nip in the backside.
Techniques: None yet

Free E rank pet with clan

2Ikimono, my bestest friend. Empty Re: Ikimono, my bestest friend. Sun Jul 05, 2015 6:34 pm



Ikimono, my bestest friend. RjL7O2M

He may be nearly harmless now unless you stick your fingers in his claws, but this thing looks like it will grow into something monstrous.

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