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“Congratulations my dear son! youv’e finally made genin this calls for celebration im so proud of you!” Yoshihime said enthusiastic while sqqueezing her son so hard he could barely breath.
“Whatever you want to eat i’l fix it yakimono, mushimono, aegomono sashimi!”
“some peace and calm” Masamune thought to himself but answered
“how about we eat out?”
the joyful air dissapeared from his mother for a split second but then answered cheerfully “sure why not”
she clearly hadn’t forgotten last time they went to town and hade found her only son under the henge jutsu gambling with her money, but seemed to let it pass for this time..

they had a lovely time laughing talking just enjoying thmselves yoshihime even let her son have some sake saying youre all grown up now. When they finally got home Masamune fell to his bed exhausted but complete his mother as he was falling asleep he thought Mother isnt to bad afterall…

Masamune felt the chillly water splashing his face and body he flew up sitting in his bed looking extremly confused whats this? He heard the words “wake up” to his left,
still sleepy he saw his mother in full jounin attire looking down on him she was holding a empty water bucket the sun hadnt even risen yet He thought. a minute passed and masamune still hadnt said anything or moved an inch just staring at his mother wondering if this was some kind of joke most likely not. He got his answer when she screamed right in his face to “get up” he flew up in pure fear.
“have i done something?” he wondered as his mother militantly turned on her hell with the words “Get dressed, make youre bed pack youre tools you have two minutes”.

As Masamune got out he was greeted with “youre late” from his dear mother. the sun was rising and to his chock his grandfather stood next to her who greeted
“him good morning masamune hope you slept well”
masamune answered that he had seen better nights asking what this was all about?
this Yoshihime said pointing at a pile of bags and sacks all this needs to be moved into the forest. Masamune yawned and asked why she couldnt have warned him yesterday they must have only been able to sleep at most four hours? she replied if he thought enemy ninja would warn when they attacked. He understood finally it was some kind of training.
alright how are we gonna get them into the forest, she once more only replied in short not we you are.

the weight of the bags made him 50 kilograms heavier, he had problems just standing up not to talk about to navigate himself in the forest with all its roots. they must have been walking for at least two hours Masamunes breathing was getting heavier and heavier “ youre falling behind!” his mother yelled 20 meters ahead of him his grandfather just behind her. she continued “ if you will lose sight of us you will probably get lost” she was right he hadnt been in these parts before he thought as he tried to gain on them “i know you sadist” he mumbled to himself. When he finally caught up to his family they had stopped he stopped next to them breathing heavy are we here? No were going up this hill youll have to focus chakra to youre feet so you don’t fall, and keep up this time!
they continued there was a little river floating down the hill Masamune was very tempted to just let go and slowly let the river take him down to the feet of the hill. if he had thought it was bad the first part walking up this hill had made it even harder and he could barely feel his feet.
The Forest was now filled with birds singing and full of movement a few tame deer was curios of the trio and were following them and watching from a distance, only a third left Masamune said to himself. His mother and grandfather had alredy reached the top and was not in his view anymore he felt a strong urge to drop what he was xarrying and just run away he turned around and saw the tame deer of nara forest curiosly watching him from a distance he ignored his urge after seeing them feeling that they most likely would tell on him if he was to go through with his plan he knew that they werent as stupid as they looked.
When he finally reached the top his grandfather was preparing a fire his mother was standing with her arms folded awaiting his arrival. Masamune took a few last heavy steps and dropped what he was carrying and fell to the ground he felt so light he vaugely heard his mother say ( i was starting to think you had run away”.

Total word count: 835
750 for training strength E-D
75 for training endurance E-E1



after laying on the ground for a few minutes his mother kicked him in the side telling him to get up Masamune did very reluctantly and you could see the defiantly as he got to his feet he felt extremely light footed looking at himself he thought that it must have made him stronger.
Masamune looked around it was extremly beautiful here and because of the height you could see the sky it looked like it was getting closer to midday he heard his grand father whistle a tone as he was preparing lunch as he saw this masamune stomach growled he was extremly hungry.
“ you did good” Yoshihime said “very good”
“can we eat now?” masamune asked. “Not just yet, come here” she placed her son in the middle of a cirkel she had made with a stick about 3 meters in diameter. Masa mune was wondering what kind of hell she was goin to put him through now.
“Now that you are a gening youre responsibilty has become larger, you better not make a fool out of youreself now when you are a official person of konohakure”.
As she was talking she emptied one of the bigger bags that Masamune had been carrying earlier it was full of rounds stones about a fist in size no wonder it was so heavy he thought.
the pile of stones was between the mother and son, picking upp a few of the stones she said “do not move out of the cirkel or there will be consequences” He took her word for it.
As she finished her sentence she threw one of the stones it was heading for masamunes face and in the nick of time he dodged it. A second aftter he felt a great pain in his chest another stone had just landed pushing him backward landing on his bum.
“If you continue moving at that speed you will end up being beaten to a pulp”
“thanks for the warning” he replied they were both smiling he got up to his feet
“just stay focused “ his grandfather shouted preparing his smoking pipe.
The mother and son continued Yoshihime hd a good throwing arm and didnt lose her aim so masamune couldnt waste any movement dodging left, right and duck roll to the side shit dont get to close to the end of the cirkel. He was getting pushed backwards, until he was standing on the line with two stones approaching fast. “ill have to jump” He did hoping to get back to the center dodging the two stones.
But Yoshihime smiled as soon as he had left ground and aimed where he was about to land aiming for his face again.
“ill have no time to duck” he thought and took the hit with with his right arm. He saw yet another stone closing in dodgin it and at the same time picking up the stone that had hit him a second earlier knowing a third would come and knowing he couldnt afford to be pushed back again. There it was! the third stone and she was preparing a forth. He threw the stone in his hand hitting the third approaching mid air, leaving him enough time to comfortable evade the forth one without losing his standing.
There was a pause Masamune could hear his grandad clapping.
“good Masamune youre getting a hang of it well why don’t we raise the stakes a bit”
She’s not planning on using them on me!? Yoshihime had taken out a few shuriken Masamune was looking quite shocked wich was something she noticed
“ You know that in battle the chance of the enemy throwing stones at you is quite slim dont you?”
“youre getting crazier by the minute” he continued “ well lets get it over with!
and the training continued fiercer than ever.
Yorihime the grand father was watching in the distance now patting one of the deers that had followed them on their journey here. He looked at his daughter and grandson with the delight of a proud father and grandfather, Seeing the strong bond between the to. Yorihime chuckled as his grandson barely managed to duck three invading shurikens without losing his balance.
This was something knew the old man had yet to see in his young grandson, he seemed excited as he was struggling to not get hit by the incoming projectiles
“ You could turn out to be quite the warrior it’s seems like, Masamune. More like youre father than you think.” the old man said out loud.
“ dont you agree eh Tanto?” Adressing the deer next to him who looked at the old man with its big dark eyes wiggling its ears.

Masamune was moving much more swiftly now utlizing all the space giving to him moving quite acrobatic inside the cirkel. He had learned to stay closer to the ground not having to waste time in the air and the risk of getting hit. he had paid the punishement for that with slight cuts and bruises. His breatihing was also improved now not wasting energy through irregular breathing. in through the nose out through the mouth, Yoshihime was running out of things to throw at him and the trees and ground behind him was full of stones and shuriken.
Yoshihime watched her son with a warm feeling
“hes using his head not just his body.
You would be proud of him Terume, He is growing fast”
Not wanting him to be to cocky before they ended the practice she picked up the last stone and threw it with all her strenght. The stone landed right in Masamunes face knocking him out and breaking his nose.
“Wasnt that a bit harsh” Yoshimori said to his daughter who was looking a bit exhausted herself
“he can take it, Hows the food going?”
“just finished” the old man answered looking up at the sky “and right on time its noon”
Masamune woke up to the nice smell of food under his nose his mother had patched him up a bit while he was out feeling the strain on his body from this mornings activity he quickly ate and laid down for a nap letting the warm sunshine slowly making him fall asleep.

total word count: 1041
750 for training reaction time E-D
225 for training speed E-E2

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