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Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

Leaving Home for a self-discovering Journey

The celestial sun was shimmering brightly upon the blue and ocean-like sky which seemed never-ending in the eyes of those who stood below it. Only a small number of clouds were present in that day; however, they posed no threat, and thus there were no signs of rain. Villagers were either walking or running down the streets, keeping them busy while each and every one of them were heading towards their own set path. They were all being consumed into their own work, either it be listening up to a briefing regarding a newly appointed missions or forming and completing countless of papers regarding their finished ones. This part of the job was quite monotonous, and the real action was only happening outside the village. Due to the unpredictable nature of this world, you never really knew what you were going up against. Endless perils were awaiting the shinobi once they stepped outside the gates; even a low ranking mission had the potential of escalading and turning into a much higher ranked one, it was a common thing after wall, although unpredictable.

Screams of joy were echoing constantly throughout Konohagakure, as the children made sure to not keep this village silent at all, not even for just a few couple of seconds. Either running, walking or playing from a corner to another, without even resting in a spot for more than a split second. No wonder this village had its name imprinted as one of The Five Great Villages, the shinobi and kunoichi were always busy here, as even now there were at least a few packs of them training at the grounds. This was indeed a military type of village, and the prowess of this army was immense; numbers were not the only things which this village had, they were also skilled within different kinds of specializations. You could either become a doctor, scout, military trained unit, field strategist and any other kind of role; there were in fact countless opportunities for each individual, that were meant to shape them up and suit their own needs.

~ 356/356 of Total Words ~

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

“Do you have everything you need, Tenzō?” his mother spoke on a calm and gentle tone while shifting her widen eyes against him. The young Uchiha took another look in order to check that all of his items were there, including the food which she prepared earlier. Once that procedure of his was over, the raven-haired lad nodded a few times consecutively before zipping his backpack and throwing it on his left shoulder. The lad was dressed up in his usual attire, with that prideful fiery robe which he wore on a almost daily basis; however, due to him spending most of his time in the Orochi Compound, his garment changed as well.  Although, this was a different day. He was about to leave on a personal journey which was dedicated towards relaxation with the end purpose being to discover more about himself, and to understand the sudden changes which happened in his life.

She was worried like every other mother. A warm and raspberry color could be seen upon her cheeks; despite her frail look, the woman was a capable tokubetsu jōnin, finding herself alongside those at the top when it came to her rank. However, unlike my father, this woman was really not that strong at all, although she had a cunning mind of her own. Without doubt, Shiro would surpass her in a year or so.

“Well mother, I have everything that I need right now. I’ll be back in a few days, since my travel and resting will probably take a while, and I’m not even counting the training which I’m going to undergo. With my earlier calculations, this may take a while and I might be gone for a full week, or a bit more. Therefore, if I might need more than a single week, I’ll head back to a small village that’s nearby that area in order to write a letter and inform you and father about my progression and plans.” Tenzō spoke on a coherent tone while checking inside his pockets, assuring himself that he did not forget his wallet. “Are you sure that you’re going to be alright, son?” were the words which escaped between his mother’s lips. It was really normal that she was worried when it came to this young lad, he wasn’t even half as strong as his own sister.

~ 401/757 of Total Words ~

Last edited by Uchiha Tenzō on Mon Feb 09, 2015 4:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

“There is really nothing to worry about mother, since I will be meeting up with Shiro later on tonight. She’s going to help me this thing that we’re going to do. Although, I need to hurry now, farewell mother.” the Uchiha muttered on a gentle tone whilst delivering a warm hug towards his mother at the end of his speech. Without wasting any more time, Tenzō took a few steps against the door before placing both of his feet inside those gray sandals of his. With the use of his right hand, the raven-haired lad arranged his own backpack before bending down in order to wrap that white piece of clothing which he always wore around his ankles. Besides that silky red robe of his, almost every item of clothing fitted the young lad as a glove; it was a necessary act if he did not wish to become hinder at all, as fighting in a loose-fitting attire was something difficult for him, although the clothes should not be too tight as well, since that may cause restriction upon his movements.

A short and formal bow was performed against his own mother before opening up the door and leaving the house behind. At first, each footstep seemed a bit uneasy, although, as he got further and further away from the house, they became much lighter. He was a bit worried regarding the explanations which he was about to receive from his sister, however, there was much more time left before reaching his own destination. It did not took a long time to leave the house behind, and right after he passed the gates, a few more thoughts began to arose within that thick skull of his.

It’s a good thing that I haven’t told my mother every detail regarding my journey. It’s already enough to know that she’s going to worry just because I’m about to leave for training with my sister, as it wasn’t really that normal for me to stay away from home for more than a week. Even when Lady Risu convinced me to remain at her Compound, I always took the time to get back home once or twice a week. However, I’m getting older now, and my visits will be reduced much more significantly. It won’t be long for me to raise up the necessary money in order to by a home for myself, although, having the opportunity to stay at the compound... might be something that I need to apprehend. I still got a few years to think about this.

~ 438/1195 of Total Words ~

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

Small Town, halfway point towards the Chantry

Time was passing quite rapidly, and within an hour or so, the Uchiha found himself standing at the base of a small town in which he was supposed to have a quick rest before resuming upon his lengthy road. Remembering that in the exact same town he managed to stumble upon Yami, therefore, after a few thoughts given, the raven-haired lad decided to head over towards the bar in order to see if he was still working there. A couple of seconds later, the door hissed open while releasing a screeching noise which echoed throughout the room, everything was almost the same as last time; apparently, the owner still had not decided to oil up the door’s hinges. Either it was due to a considerable amount of laziness or lack of care, remained in fact a mystery for this young lad. However, there were a few things which made this whole spot quite unique, and that was its friendly atmosphere which covered up the whole room and influenced almost every new customer, making him feel as if he was in his hometown.

This place didn't seem to change at all, I wonder if it will remain the same even after a year or so. Yami doesn’t seem to be here at the moment, I hope that he’s alright, however, the barkeeper seems to be the same old man. Might as well get something to drink and relax for a couple of minutes before heading back upon my road, I mean... a drink can’t do much harm, right?

“Greetings, mister.” were the words which escaped between Tenzō’s lips right after he took a seat against the barkeeper.

“Hello there, fellow. It’s you again, are you back here with another business?” the old man replied with a question as well, while resting both of his arms on the counter.

“Uhm... no. I just dropped here for a glass of refreshment, an orange juice might suit that need.” the Uchiha said before scratching the back of his head.

Without further ado, the barkeeper nodded once while extending that right hand of his in order to clench that five finger army around an empty glass, that he placed beneath those two tiered and warm eyes. A couple of oranges were taken from a nearby brow, before the man began crushing them down in order to squeeze out their juice and prepare a refreshing drink for the young lad.

~ 419/1613 of Total Words ~

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

“Thank you.” the Uchiha spoke a humble and warm tone while hoisting the glass up before placing it upon those two pale lips. It only stood there for a couple of seconds, as the young Uchiha already cocked that head of his backwards before opening up those lips much further apart, letting that sweet and sour liquid pour down his throat. The once more empty glass was slammed against the table, leaving behind a few drops of juice upon Tenzō’s lips; however, they were easily dealt with just a simple friction between them. A long and deep breath was taken before a similar exhale followed after, expressing and suggesting that the Uchiha was quite satisfied with his drink. This inn might be located in a small town and a bit far from the village, however, it was known only by a few that this particular building was bestowed by a few experienced chefs.

It wasn’t that much of a reunion as these were not really friends to begin with, thus, a word such as acquaintance might be more appropriate in this case. Only a couple of twenty or thirty minutes were spent inside this inn, and within these the two individuals exchanged a couple of words. As soon as these were over, the raven-haired lad arose from his seat before dropping a few coins on the man’s counter, leaving behind the necessary ryo in order to cover up the juice and more than enough for a decent tip. After all of this, a swift and deep bow followed, the play time was now over, and the Uchiha had to drive himself upon the set path. In reality, he still needed to travel at least once more the same amount of kilometers that he had up until now; the road towards the chantry was lengthy, and Tenzō wished to arrive there before nighttime.

The small town was not behind him, and the inn was nowhere to be seen.

Maybe, I shouldn’t really attach myself to people like that. Even though this whole world is mostly filled with selfish, self-centered people... if I keep looking, I might find some jewels beneath all of these stone cold rocks. However, the real question is if it’s really worth it to dig down and search, since people do tend to change, at least how they behave. Perhaps, Shiro might be able to provide an adequate answer to my question.

~ 411/2024 of Total Words ~

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

After an hour or so, the Uchiha finally arrived at the so called Chantry; however, things were as he might have imagined. The whole place was nothing more than empty, besides a group of two or three individuals who were scatted around it. “What business brings you here, traveler?” one of the guards spoke on a stern tone while fixating those pale and brown eyes against the young man. “I’m looking for my sister, Shiro. Where is she?” Tenzō inquired on a rather worried tone while both of those eyebrows arched even further upwards. It was clear as daylight that the young lad wasn’t really that happy about the news which just hit him in the face like a brick of some sorts; the impact was quite shivering on that spine of his.

The conversation went back and forth a few times before a full explanation was given toward the young lad, they were actually gone since morning in an important assignment that they were given by their leader, one in which he accompanied them as well. They were most likely already on their way outside the country borders by now, and their time of return was unknown towards these three individuals. Their whole job was just to remain behind in order to make sure that no intruders were about the enter this place and rob it of its goods. They didn’t really had anything of value here, although there were a few weapons, supplies, tents and other kind if supplementary stuff that were useful.

Waiting for them was clearly not an option, since they could return in either a few days or weeks; nothing was really certain in a case such as this, especially since the Chantry leader decided to tag alone, something important was quite bound to happen. The whole time it took him to reach this place was nothing more than a wasted day on the Uchiha’s behalf, as such he began walking back towards Konohagakure, with nothing more than disappointment and worries about his own beloved sister. Nothing productive was really achieved within this journey, and the only thing which he did was turn leave with a few more questions within his mind.

The journey shall be probably done another time.

~ 379/2403 of Total Words ~

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