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Sozo was walking around the wilderness of the Kaze no Kuni heading to the Door to Hell that he has over heard form people around the village. He was walking around the desert wearing a dark red scarf the covered his face and silver hair. His sunglasses covered his two deferent colored eyes. He wore a white shirt with long sleeves and black cargo shorts with black shinobi sandals.

As he was walking the sun was beating down hard above him there was sweat going down his face as he walked. In the distance he saw that there was smoke from what looks like a fire. He began to run to see what was the matter. As he got closer the smell of methane gas grew stronger as he got closer to the sight of the fire.

As he got closer he saw that there was a giant pit that had flames inside the pit. Sozo looked in amazement of big the pit was really. Wow what could have done so much damage and still have the flames going till today. Sozo looked into the flames aimlessly. Unsure what he was looking for but he was looking for something.

201 sorry for the short post



Kikisu walked threw the desert, his hair blew in the wind and he smiled, the day was hot and muggy and he loved it, today he wore a white robe marked with the Chikamatsu hand on the back, on his hands he wore silk fingerless gloves, he wore nice suade sandals with his toes painted Black, his fingers matched them in color as well. On his back he wore Tabok wrapped in Cloth, beside him was Kawaii and Harisma also wrapped in the linen cloth, Underneath the puppets was a scroll for his Dinosaur puppet Spink, he was set for anything that could happen and he hoped that something did.

Kiki noticed that he was walking towards the large pit of Fire known as the Door to hell, he loved it, the gases had set on fire man years prior and they were still going, they just continued to go and go without halt and burn and consume, it was beautiful. As he got nearer to the large Flaming pit he saw a teen near it as well, the teen was good looking at minimum, though Kikisu like women he could respect male beauty and this man was it, he had silver hair, tossled like he didnt care, though he was hiding it at the moment in a red scarf Kikisu could make out some of it, Kikisu walked towards the teen and Halloed to him,
You do not bear our Headband, that must mean you are foreign, what would a foreign guy such as yourself be doing at the glorious Door to hell hmm? He smiled and winked at the boy, though in jest, Kikisu really wanted to see how he would react and what he would say, maybe in the end his day would become more and more fun...



Sozo was so into the flames that he didn't notice the blond haired stranger approach him and the pit that was on fire. He stared into the flames and began to think of his family that were now dead and his grandfather. In his heart and stomach began a small burning feeling of rage and anger. He wasn't sure if it was focused at himself or at his grandfather for what he did to him and his family. He paused for a moment as a image of her flashed before his eyes. He brown hair that went down to her neck, amber eyes, and her fair skin. Tears started to run down his face as he thought of her I need to become stronger I'm still to weak to beat him.

The heat from the flames of the pit started to make Sozo's face sweat more than he already was. He removed the scarf from his face but kept his sunglasses on as the scarf now hung loosely around his neck and his white long sleeve shirt. That was now becoming brown and black thanks to the smoke and sand blowing on him. Why am I even in this hell hole he thought to himself. The blond hair stranger approached Sozo brining him out of his trance like stare into the flames. In a romantic tone in the strangers voice "You do not bear our Headband, that must mean you are foreign, what would a foreign guy such as yourself be doing at the glorious Door to hell hmm?"

Sozo was just wondering the same thing as the stranger who stood next to him still looking at the flames he replied in a calm with a hint of coldness in is tone " You're right I am foreign and I have no loyalty to a village. So that is why I don't have a headband like other shinobi. I was just wondering the same thing as you I don't know what I'm doing at the Door to hell. You could say I wanted to see if the stories are true about the flames." Sozo looked out the side of his eye to see that he had three human like things covered in cloth and began to wonder what they were. He would make sure to keep an eye on them since he didn't fully trust the stranger next to him as he watched the flames blow in the wind which gave off a soft howling sound.




" You're right I am foreign and I have no loyalty to a village. So that is why I don't have a headband like other shinobi. I was just wondering the same thing as you I don't know what I'm doing at the Door to hell. You could say I wanted to see if the stories are true about the flames." The stranger was distant, and almost to the point of Hostility, it was quite amusing he was going to mess with this fellow as much as possible, he wasnt going to stop even if the man attacked him for he would be having just so much fun, The fires? Yes they are nice, they look wonderful, burning, cosuming, I am Chikamtsu Kikisu, Ninja of the Hidden Sand...well and one of the sexiest if i do say so myself Hehe He giggled in almost a girly tone at the end of the sentance.

He looked over at the guy beside of him and quickly activated his Invisible Chakra strings jutsu, making non visible strings attach to his three puppets, Kawaii, Tabok, and Harisma, he placed the strings on the limbs as he spoke again as well he did so without making it noticable, I have some real nice friends y'know, they are some nice folk, they are, want to see my Imaginary friends? Kikisu was pretending at the moment to be crazy or nuts, he wanted to see the man react to his style f fighting, the puppet style.

First thing he did was release the bindings on the puppets, then as the linen fell and the puppets started to gain life, Kikisu jumped back as far as he could, around 15m away behind a dry shrub, if the man was looking at his puppets he wouldnt see kikisu jump into the hiding spot away from the flaming pit and since his strings were invisible they would not lead to him visiblly,which was the one weakness of puppeteers. He decided to test this outsider, first he shot Tabok high into the air, at the same time releasing the mouth smoke bomb from its mouth and shooting it right at the teen, the area would fill with smoke; At the same time he shot Kawaii forwards,using he pink hair wires to slash at the Teens stomach twice; If the kid were to dodge he would then send Harisma to intercept his retreat, using his horns first to try and stab at him, and then punching forwards 6 times with his lead fists, aiming for multiple spots on the body.
Chakra 135 (-6 each post)
Jutsu used:



"The fires? Yes they are nice, they look wonderful, burning, consuming, I am Chikamtsu Kikisu, Ninja of the Hidden Sand...well and one of the sexiest if i do say so myself Hehe" kikisu said with a girly laugh at the end. Sozo looked to wondering if he was really a guy or a girl. "I'm Sozo Sag..." Sozo stopped as he was about to give his last name but then thought that it was unimportant for right now. "I have some real nice friends y'know, they are some nice folk, they are, want to see my Imaginary friends?" Sozo looked confused at Kikisu sudden change of personality. What happened to him is he crazy or is this just an act. Sozo thought to himself curious what the stranger before him was talking about.

Soon Sozo's question would be answered as Kikisu's puppets were reviled as the cloth fell of them brining them more to life. "A puppet master I never fought one before. So lets see how I do." Sozo watched as Kikisu jumped back into hiding but was cut off by the sudden movement of one of the puppets that launched a smoke bomb in the air. The smoke bomb made it hard to see what was going on but thankfully Sozo had some decent hearing. He head the sound of clattering from a puppet that was coming from the front. Sozo's attention was then focused to the clattering looks like I'll have to rely on my hearing for awhile till the smoke clears up he thought to himself. Sozo placed his hand in front of his mouth like he was about to play a trumpet. When the puppet coming forward was a meter away from Sozo he would use the water trumpet jutsu to blast it away. While hopefully damaging it now Sozo had to worry about the other two puppets that Kikisu was using. Well lets make this some what fair he thought to himself while forming a tiger hand sign. Sozo spit up some water to make a clone of himself then he stood behind the clone back to back scanning the area to help minimize the chance of a surprise attack. Damn these puppets making it hard to fight Sozo thought to himself angrily knowing that the best way to win would be to defeat the puppet master as both he and the clone pulled out a kunai. But he is unable to see the chakra strings he was using to control the puppets making it hard to find him.

130/150 chakra
454 wc



He had managed to dodge Kikisus first assault, though the first assault was only to get everything into its place, at the moment Harisma was right behind his target, Tabok was falling from the sky at the moment, and Kawaii got her right arm ripped off at the ball joint in the shoulder from the water trumpet, though the damage was minimum it was ugly and ungainly, but after the trumpet attack Kawaii was a bit to the right of the teen, his dance was not done yet.

His next move was known as the dance of the Maiden, First Tabok Released the buzzsaw inside its shin, the blade spun at menacing speed and it was humming inside his shin, the blade itself stuck 2.5 inches out of the shin. Tabok spun his body on the fall and launched a buzzsaw wielding kick at one of the People (Since he doesnt know which one is the clone) aimed for the collar bone area to the lower abs, at the same time Harisma flanked the same person Tabok was kicking at, he Launched a severe Uppercut with his huge fist, then he spun his head around aiming a stab at the teens left shoulder blade. At the same time as all of this Kawaii swung her huge head of hair in a vicious arc at the teens chest and left arm, the hair was extremely long and bright pink...and razor sharp, contact with the hair would cause countless .2 inch cuts all over the surface area, the cute puppet would then spin on her heels and continue whipping her hair at the Teen, aiming to slice the body top and bottom...he would show this kid.
Chakra 129



The smoke screen was clearing up Sozo saw that one of the puppets was in the air. Sozo formed a half tiger hand sign in the air and on in front of his chest. He spit out some water out of his mouth to cause a mist that would block both of their vision till a meter in front of themselves and the mist covered a radius of 15 meters so it would even affect Kiki who was 15 meters away. Sozo then aimed his sights up in the air and used the misty flame dance. With the hopes that the jutsu would be able to damage and take the puppet out of the fight. He heard a buzz saw coming form the air so he would use that as his way to tell where the puppet was since he was now unable to see it. Damn this fight is starting to become a real pain three on two. But at least if have someone watching my back and the puppet master is unable to tell where I am so he will have to come out of hiding if he really wants to hurt him. Sozo thought coldly now the only thing he wanted to do was destroy all this mans puppets and brake all his fingers.

A puppet came out in front of Sozo using an upper cut to try to hit Sozo under the chin. Sozo was able to just barely able to dodge the attack s he looked down from the puppet from the air and was just in time to catch the other puppet. Sozo did a simple side step to dodge the attack. The water clone turned around and used the misty flame dance as well when he heard the commotion from behind him. Now the area of ten cubic meters in front of him. The water clone was hit in the shoulder blade and took the other puppets attack. As the clone turned into water and hit the sand leaving a wet spot in the sand. The puppet in the air was getting closer as the sound of the buzz saw was getting louder. Sozo threw two shuriken on aiming for the saw on his leg causing some sparks to ignite the misty flame dance . Sozo jumped back fifteen meters away to get way from the explosions. Sozo sled on the sand as there was a loud explosion followed by another more powerful explosion due to the one explosion igniting the other misty flame dance increasing the damage it would do. Sozo looked at his left arm and his stomach he was bleeding from .2 inch cuts from before. He didn't even notice that he was getting cut by another puppet. The dirty shirt was now all cut up and had blood all over it. Sozo looked around paying close attention to the sound of sand moving and clattering of puppets and a buzz saw. He took his shirt off since it was ruined thanks to this mans puppets. Blood was dripping all over Sozo's body from his cuts from the puppets attack. I got careless no it wasn't that I just can't focus on more than one thing a time. I was lucky to catch that one puppet when I did if I didn't who knows what would have happened. Sozo felt his chin there was a slight bruise on his chin. Damn looks was't able to fully doge it after all he though sadly.


Chakra 100/150



Two things happened in quick succession, first thearea started to fill with a blue white mist, coming from the mouth of the man that he was fighting, everything within 15m of him was completely blurred and not able to be seen through, thankfully his attacks were already in the process so he wouldn't have to re-aim, but to deal any further attacks he would have to somehow fix the problem of the mist, and only to make his matters worse there was suddenly a huge explosion that he had to react to fast to make sure that his puppets were blown to shreds.
First he let go of Harisma strings and unattached his limbs, the explosion sending the limbs all over the place, but still intact, he then reattached them roughly and rewrapped the linen cloth back around the puppet, he had to resharpen his horns and re calibrate the fists after a boom like that.

Secondly at the same time he sent tabok flying as fast as he could towards himself, making the puppet stand beside its master, the hair was singed and there were burnt marks over the white wood, as well where the saw was there was now an empty socket, due to the grinding of the shuriken mixing with the explosion, though in one piece his prized puppet was slightly worse for wear.

Kawaii kept on the attack even during the explosion, he had the pink haired puppet continually swinging its head around and around in a circle while randomaly flying in circles through the mist looking for the teen who caused this jutsu, the puppets outer rubber carapace was melted somewhat and made the girl puppet look a lot more demonic then intended, though the hair was still in wonderful shape due to the steel it was made of and the fact that the two D rank jutsus hadn't enough power to fully destroy the Carbon boned puppet, so the puppet would just fly around silently waving its hair in a deadly 360 degree arc.

Now pissed off that he had lost his Crusher Puppet and his prized one was more damaged then he wished, Kikisu grabbed a scroll from his back whilst controlling the puppets, he then made a one handed hand sign and threw the scroll open, unsealing the item that was in the scroll...

Bursting from the scroll with help from his chakra stirings was Spink, the large dinosaur based puppet clattered and chattered slightly as he moved for the first while, his teeth were serrated and sharp, his four sets of 6 inch claws were just sharpened, he sent the beast forth running through the mist, attacking in every which way it could, then Kikisu started to listen, he chose to use his ears at the moment other then his eyes, at the first sound of movement Kikisu would unleash hell on this teen, already two of his puppets roamed the mists swinging in every direction, and tabok was at the ready to provide support, and Kikisu was pissed, the first sound of the kid and he was dead...
Jutsu used *Chakra 112:



Sozo jumped back another meter now he was out of the mist and could see clearly while Kikisu was unable to see still. Sozo didn't let his guard down as he held his kunai at the ready now that he could see he would be able to block the pink hair puppets attacks and plan the counter attacks better. The hidden mist jutsu a great jutsu to have. But I need to improve on using it better I just spammed it hoping for the best. Sozo thought to himself as he was pissed that he was making such mistakes he just used a third of his chakra but at lease he was able to take down one puppet. Sozo began to hear at noise coming from the mist that sounded heavy. He looked at the pit of fire that was right next to him if i was able to knock them down into that the flames should damage them and give me a chance to find the puppet master.

Sozo looked at the sand that was now starting to turn slightly red with his blood where he stood. How can I get the two puppets in the same spot at the same time I doubt the controller would just nicely place them right their for me. But if I.m able to use the substitution jutsu on the long hair on I could use her maybe. He thought thinking what he all had still with him. He had one kunai and one shuriken that will have to do for right now. I can wast any more chakra like I have been I'm going to have to time this right or it might be game over for me Sozo thought to himself letting out a small sigh wishing he could have fought someone who didn't have puppets like this. But he was the fool for not attacking right away but he was also caught off guard so it couldn't be helped. The suna was a place where one couldn't let their guard down with out it coasting them. The sun was at its peak in the sky beaming down harder on Sozo now that he was out of the mist. Sozo still was wearing his red scarf he removed it and wrapped it around his left hand and placed the kunai in his right. When he saw the pink hair puppet he would grab the wires and toss her to the ground. But before that he formed tiger boar ox dog snake hand signs to use the substitution jutsu. With out that he would fail no doubt about it .

Sozo's face was calm his eyes were focused on the plan and the battle ahead. Blood from some of the cuts rolled down his face onto his cheeks as he licked it. A small grin came on to his face but he was trying hard not to run back into the mist like he wanted to. Waiting for the attack to come he sled his foot to give away his position so the puppet master would know where to send them. It felt like a eternity his breathing began to become more shallow and everything was starting to look like it was in slow motion. So this is adrenaline pretty nice he thought to himself.




Kikisu heard it...the sound he was hoping for, he heard sound of a foot hitting against sand, the gritting on the ground, the sound meant that the man he was pitted against was moving and it seemed that he was moving away, it seemed that Kikisu would need to slightly reveal himself to the enemy so he could get a good look at him, and he had the perfect way to do so....

Kikisu jumped out of his bush and darted around the mist, after he circumnavigated the large cloud of mist he saw the man that was his target, he was about 10m away and he was tattered and covered in cuts from his whiplash puppet, he now had to do everything from this point on in perfect succession to get the timing of the dance correctly ...the dance of the Whore...

Tabok flew forwards wielding his Chinese Dao in his hand, he made the puppet jump into the air and start a wild overhead swing with his sword...a feint. What the puppet would actually do as he did the outrageous swing was pop a switch in his knee cap that released a long Kevlar cord that was sent spinning at the man, if it hit it would wrap around wherever it hit and tie him up, Tabok rushed behind the cord swinging with his sword aiming for the teens chest and hands 3 times as well...

At the same time He controlled Kawaii and sent her flying around the other side of the teen, using the hair weapon wildly in a massive spinning circle at his eyes, aiming to blind him with a large whiplash, this was happening just after the Kevlar cord hit or miss, after the attack the puppet would fly 10m into the air doing forward rolling flips, for later use...

Spink then directly after the girl puppet would be sent into the air would run forward beast like clattering his teeth together. He would then Launch at the teen aiming his two front claws at the thigh area while aiming his teeth at the Kunai wielding hand, this happening just as the puppet Tabok would be slicing with his sword, All the while Kikisus face showed no expression in the need to use all of his attention on splitting his attention amongst three puppets...he was going to show this stranger the power of the Sand Village
Chakra 106
1950 WC



Sozo heard clattering from three puppets and one of them sounded like it was slow. Three puppets two are damaged and the third sounds like its slow moving. I need to take out the two faster ones and the third if I'm able ot take out two of its legs it will be worthless by the sounds of it. Sozo thought to himself as one of the puppets wielding a Chinese Dao in one hand leap in the air to do an wild overhand swing. A faint more than likely to keep me mind off the puppet with the pink wire hair that gave him all his cuts. Shes the most dangerous of the puppets but if Im able to stop her head from spinning that will save me from her hair so I should aim for the neck joint. Sozo thought to himself while focusing some chakra into his feet so he would be able to leap above the Chinese Dao wielding puppet. Just then the pink now demonic looking puppet can out of the mist followed by the Dimetrodon looking puppet.

The pinked hair puppet leaped up whipping her hair around trying to cut Sozo. Not this time now that i can see you he he thought to himself. As he kicked the puppet in the head sending it to the puppet whipping its heir around as the Dao wielding puppet launched a rope out of its knees with a three pound weight at the end. That should cause it some damage hopefully he thought as landed softly on the warm sand by the rope that was launched by the puppet. His cuts started to burn as sand and sweat started to drip into his cuts. He tossed his kunai at the Dimetrodon puppet's front right leg followed by him quickly grabbing his last shuriken and tossed it at hits right hind leg. He then picked up the rope with the three pound weight and ran at the Dimetrodon puppet. When he got close enough he would start hitting the neck joint with the wight. He gave out small grunts as the wight hit the joint over and over forgetting about the other two puppets.

373 wc



His next attack was also foiled, it seemed that there was more to the teen then he had orignally thought. He had just dodged the hair whipping by a hairs breadth, using his own force to hold off the puppet and kick it in the head, he had also dodged the kevlar rope shot and was now using it as a weapon, which was slightly funny due to the fact that it wasnt really a weapon that was used for damage, it was meant to use centripetal force to wrap around targets, but it was damaging the oil finish...

Kikisu twitched his eyes at the man as he landed a few hits on his dino puppet spink,  the kunai had sunk in and the shuriken had carved a bit out of the wooden frame, and the Kevlar ball and rope was being hit against the puppet like a mace and marring the paint and oil finish, Kikisu moved his fingers in a intense pattern, controlling all of the puppets and making them move at the same time...

Kawaii launched towards the teen, whipping her hair at his Achilles tendons and calves, swinging wildly but still well controlled and well aimed, after that attack Kawaii would swing around and aim for the fingers of the mans hands, knowing that he bore no armor strong enough to block it...

Tabok rushed forwards from the other side, first releasing a hatch in his wrist and shooting two Kunai at the back of the teen, then he went in fast and sliced at the torso and neck of the boy with his Dao at intense speeds 4 times...

Spink jumped into the air and aimed to stab the boy in the upper and lower arm with all of his four sets of claws, and at the same time aiming to bite at the throat of the teen, using the teeth to attempt to sink in and catch the prey...

All of this was done at the exact same time and done with the finesse of a puppet master, Kikisu would have laughed if he wasnt paying full attention to the battle...
2300 WC
*Using this to bring speed from E-0 to D-3, costs 1950 Words using them for that*
Extra words 350



Sozo was pounding on the neck joint of the dino puppet in hopes of breaking the joint and making its head useless.  But was stopped when he heard the sound of the pink hair puppet moving towards him he jumped back to avoid getting cut at his achilles tendon. But Sozo still got cut on the calf making a X shape scar on the side. He winced in pain I need to end this soon I'm taking to much damage Sozo thought to himself calmly. As the mist cleared Sozo was able to see the figure of the puppet master who came out of hiding in order to fallow him. Sozo gave a faint smile at the thought that he would be able to finally see what the puppet master would be able to do one on one.

Sozo became incircle by the three puppets Sozo gave off a calm vibe he wasn't worried this fight was about to be over once the puppet master commanded the attack to begin. Then he felt a sharp pain in on his hand. His fingers were cut he let out a soft chuckle at the thought that hte puppet master thought that would be enough he used his scarf to block the attack. He only gained small scratches instead of .2 inch cuts. When the puppet called Taboku launched at Sozo he cut his neck and torso with his dao four times. Then the puppet called Spink jumped and clawed Sozo with two of his four claws and bit his neck.

Behind Kikisu Sozo appeared placing his right hind under Kikisu's chin and his left hand behind his heart. The three puppets target was reviled to be the red scarf that Sozo was using to cover his face for walking in the desert. Sozo gave a small laugh of enjoyment do to the fact he had a lot of fun with Kikisu. Sozo spoke in a cold tone "If only I was able to use my claws you would be dead right now." He walked back a few feet and placed his hands behind his head and let out a laugh "But I don't so lets call it good okay. I don't want to get sliced up by your puppets anymore". Sozo said playfully as he let out a laugh at the end. The wind blew calmly as the fight was nearing its end dust hit Sozo's face as he formed a small smile. He placed his hand out in thanks to Kikisu "Thanks for the fun fight". Sozo spoke.




After the attack kikisu heard the man behind him, due to his use of puppets all of the time he was keen to the sounds around him, so he knew he was there, so he actually had tabok pick up one of the discarded Kunai that was shot at Sozo, but he used it not, it seemed that the teen was talking,
"If only I was able to use my claws you would be dead right now." Kikisu chuckled to himself, he knew that with the amount of cuts on the teen he had only a little while until he would fall unconscious from the blood loss, his cuts were uncountable, his chin was bruised and he was smiling,
"But I don't so lets call it good okay. I don't want to get sliced up by your puppets anymore" Kikisu turned to face the teen, he hopped and spun in the air as he got Spink to run over and sto underneath himself to create him a seat, he then made the other two puppets roll up and go on his back, with the single puppet he was now able to make the Dino puppet completly likelike, he had it rolling its tongue around and snapping at the air and fidgeting its claws,I had fun as well, you seem to not mind getting sliced up, you would make a good Suna Ninja, Then he thanked him for the fight and stuck out his hand, Kikisu moved his strings to the other hand as he shook the cut up hand and smiled back saying, My Pleasure, its been a while since ive used all of these guys, i had a lot of fun, though i think that you should get bandaged up, you are pretty cut up? want a ride to the hospital? He made his puppet lift its head and make a sound that was near a roar that he made using ventriloquism, he made a warm smile and waited for a response...
680 Extra words



as Kikisu put his puppets back on his back except the dino puppet which became more life like with its tongue like a pet. Kikisu began to speak I had fun as well, you seem to not mind getting sliced up, you would make a good Suna Ninja,. Sozo gave a slight laugh at the thought of being a Suna shinobi "I'm not a big fan of belonging to a village any more. I like being able to wonder from village to village to train the best jutsu." Sozo laugh as he thought his reason to stay away from being a village shinobi was just he didn't like to stay in one place for to long.

He laughed as Kikisu "My Pleasure, its been a while since ive used all of these guys, i had a lot of fun, though i think that you should get bandaged up, you are pretty cut up? want a ride to the hospital?" Sozo laughed as he fell to one knee do to his lost of blood and began to speack "Looks like I got to caught up in the fight and forgot to think about my moves. Yeah that would be nice and by the way you owe me a new scarf". Sozo replied as he pointed over to the scattered remains of his red scarf. Sozo looked at the sky and saw that the sun was begin to go in its decline. As it looked like it was three in the after noon Sozo's stomach began to growl in hunger. He held he stomach as tears began to run down the side of his bloodied and dirty face. Im so hungry he thought dreadfully as he began to go to the Suna hospital and get patched up.

He looked at Kikisu as saw that he had no cuts or damage. Sozo clenched his fist in anger at the thought that he was that weak or better yet that foolish in this fight. He eased up when he thought that it was done and he still got some good training in as well as a few new scares on his body.




The Kid fell to his knees in obvious blood loss, and he actually accepted the ride to the hospital, which was good because that meant he wasnt above asking or taking help. "Looks like I got to caught up in the fight and forgot to think about my moves. Yeah that would be nice and by the way you owe me a new scarf". Kikisu giggled at that and threw the man a bag of ryo, it was more then enough to get a new scarf and probably a good set of meals, Kikisu could see the hunger in his eyes and smiled at him as his dino started to run at top speed towards the Hospital, the building was only a few miles away and would take no time at all to get there, as long as the kid held on, Kikisu turned to the Teen and asked, So who are you and why are you here, this time in a civil manner He laughed as he turned back forward to steer his puppet and await his answer



Sozo hopped onto the dino puppet so he would ride on its while they moved to the village to get him to the hospital. Kikisu gave a small giggle as he tossed Sozo a bag of ryo it felt like enough for a new scarf and some food. Sozo let out a laugh and gave him a nod "Thanks." Sozo said calmly. Soon Kikisu and Sozo took off at high speeds at this rate they would be at the hospital in no time.

While they traveled in the desert traveling at high speeds the wind was whistling as they moved. Sozo turned to face Kikisu when he started to hear someone speak so he could make it all out. "So who are you and why are you here, this time in a civil manner." Kikisu laughed and went back to steering the puppet. Sozo laughed back and looked foreword into the endless desert the sad was oranges and reddish it looked like a field of blood. Sozo took in a deep breath and looked at Kikisu and replied "I just came here in hopes of training some new skills and learning some new jutsu that were well known around this part. What were you doing out in the desert?" Sozo asked curiously as he focused in the desert ahead.




I just came here in hopes of training some new skills and learning some new jutsu that were well known around this part. What were you doing out in the desert?"
It seemed that this guy wanted to learn the jutsus of the lands, which made perfect sense, though Kikisu couldnt imagine using any jutsu other then his Puppet master jutsu, he had used it for years and in his head it was better to refine one jutsu then to learn 4 others, but whatever floated his boat must work,
Me, i always come to the desert, its a calm place. I live in the slums in Suna, i work as a Ninja of course and a Journeyman Puppet Builder for the Chikamatsu Puppet Corp. Sometimes its nice to get away from the people and just refine your skills, or just meditate, it calms the soul, without calm one can never win a battle He smiled as he jumped over a large boulder in front of him and sailed 15 feet in the air and hit the ground running,This jutsus takes the utmost concentration and Dedication and Calm hehe HE continued going towards the hospital as he awaited the response, the wind making his hair fly behind him...



"Me, i always come to the desert, its a calm place. I live in the slums in Suna, i work as a Ninja of course and a Journeyman Puppet Builder for the Chikamatsu Puppet Corp. Sometimes its nice to get away from the people and just refine your skills, or just meditate, it calms the soul, without calm one can never win a battle" Kikisu told Sozo as he jumped over a 15 foot bolder. Sozo let out a slight laugh and looked at Kikisu " You're right but I have a slight problem with getting caught up into a fight. Thanks to my clans bloodline." Sozo told Kikisu in a playful tone in his voice.

Sozo looked at his left hand as he began to invision his claws in place of his hand. He let out a small sigh as he looked forward and saw the Sunagkure's walls. Soon I can get patched up and get something to eat and take a shower Sozo thought happily as he was tired from his fight with Kikisu.
ooc sorry for the wait for such a short post



" You're right but I have a slight problem with getting caught up into a fight. Thanks to my clans bloodline." it seemed that this teen came from a warrior based clan, kikisu found that interesting and found it answered a lot of questions on why he kept fighting and what not, Kikisu looked back and smiled as he said, My clan is quite the opposite, we are quite the calm headed ones, we think too much sometimes and dont provide enough action aha, now what clan is it you are from? He giggled as his dino entered  the outer rim of town and he now had to swerve around people to make sure that he didnt hit anyone, the riding was a little more treacherous then before....And Kikisu was enjoying the ride more and more as time went by, as he rode he looked into the sky and smiled as the blazing yellow Suna sun, it was a wonderful day indeed...



My clan is quite the opposite, we are quite the calm headed ones, we think too much sometimes and dont provide enough action aha, now what clan is it you are from? Kikisu asked Sozo as they entered the village and ran around the corners. The blond hair man giggled Sozo looked at him and looked down. Im still not strong enough to fight you grandfather still a hundred years away Sozo looked down not to show his depressed look on his face. With a bit of a harsh ton in his voice "My grandfathers clan is called the Sagara clan. Their bloodline is we are able to transform into werewolves at will. So they have best like thoughts they only wish for war and fighting... Nothing more nothing less" The last part had a saddened tone in his words.

As the memories of his family and his friend flashed before him. Sozo looked up to see that they were getting close to the hospital and he could get he cuts healed. Then Sozo began to hope that he had a beautiful doctor to heal him. But it he just wanted to stop the bleeding and go home and shower then go to bed. Since he used up almost half of his chakra yet his opponent was unscratched that pissed Sozo off. "So I told you my clan what about yours?" Sozo asked curiously.




"My grandfathers clan is called the Sagara clan. Their bloodline is we are able to transform into werewolves at will. So they have best like thoughts they only wish for war and fighting... Nothing more nothing less" It seemed that the teen riding with him was naturally a downer, though Kikisu did remember reading up on the Sagara, they were a bunch of people that could turn into Werewolves, it was a neat style of jutsu and Kikisu wished that he had used it, it would have made for an interesting turn of events, Hmm, Sagara really now, you do fit the part, Then the teen asked him what clan he was from, that was a good question and Kikisu had been waiting for it the whole ride, at the same time when  he was about to answer he steered his Dino to the right sharply and made it climb the wall in a flash and land on a bare roof, now making it jump from rooftop to rooftop and running. He answered the teen behind him in a Happy voice,
I am from one of the oldest clans in Sunagakure, Chikamatsu, the clan of puppets, and the founding clan of the Sunagakure Puppet Brigade, Our clan are puppet masters, i have used puppets since i was 4 years old, Tabok to be exact...the white one! We are the head of the Espionage and Tactics Units, And I am the Owner of the Chikamatsu Puppet Shoppe, i build puppets for the whole village   He smiled at the teen proudly and awaited an answer back
Perception- D-0 D-3
Endurance-E-0 E-3

Last edited by Kikisu on Sun Jan 25, 2015 7:29 pm; edited 1 time in total



Hmm, Sagara really now, you do fit the part, Kikisu's words left a bitter taste in Sozo's mouth. He didn't like to be compared to the rest of the clan. But he really did fit in well with the clan's image he was just not as strong as the rest of them. Sozo replied right before Kikusu began to jump onto the rooftop with his dino puppet "Thanks for the compliment." Sozo replied kindly at his compliment.

Kikisu told Sozo the clan he was from with a happy tone in his voice "I am from one of the oldest clans in Sunagakure, Chikamatsu, the clan of puppets, and the founding clan of the Sunagakure Puppet Brigade, Our clan are puppet masters, i have used puppets since i was 4 years old, Tabok to be exact...the white one! We are the head of the Espionage and Tactics Units, And I am the Owner of the Chikamatsu Puppet Shoppe, i build puppets for the whole village." The teen smiled proudly at Sozo. Sozo looked at Kikisu "Chikamatsu thats pretty impressive your clans a pretty big deal then I take it?" Sozo began to think of his own clans standing in his mind. While Kikisu was proud to be a Chikamatsu Sozo hated the Sagara but deep down he still had to have a small amount of pride for being a Sagara. Shouldn't he I mean they were just following their leaders orders when they acted against his family.

Sozo hopped off the puppet and when he saw that they were close to the hospital. Crowds no body was outside the hospital. There was light in a few of the windows that had people still working in. Sozo checked to  make sure he had everything he needed he grabbed the bag with the money Kiki gave him. So started to run dripping blood every step he took. After he ran a few steps he spun around and with a friendly smile on his face looked a Kiki. " Thanks for the lift to the hospital." Sozo turned around a ran into the hospital. The doors opened automatically. The room was waiting room was empty till he came running in. The person looked at all cuts all over Sozo's body. She called the doctor and told him about the silver hared boys cuts.

The Doctor came down in an elevator he had pale color to him. He wore a white doctors coat over a dark red color t-shirt with back pants. He walked over to Sozo and looked at his cuts. He he took Sozo into a empty room and began to heal Sozo. A green aura covered his hands while he began healing Sozo's cuts all over his body. "Who did this to you?" Sozo looked up at the celling and began to feel bandages get put on over his cuts "A man named Kikisu a puppet master did this to me." Sozo said in a tone with no hate towards the man he just met.

Sozo stood up and began to head out the door of the room that had a bed in it as well as the bandages the doctor needed. Sozo opened the door and started to leave the hospital with only his shorts and bandages on his torso. He began to walk to the general area where his apartment. He walked down the street as the street lights light up the street. There were drunks all over the place. Sozo walked into the main hall he walked outside slowly since the bleeding has stopped.  The next thing he need to do was get more bandages. He walked down the street with the street lights lighting his way. He walked past a bench with a drunk man holding a bottle of Sake close to him.

Fifteen minutes passed when Sozo found a store where he could get some bandages. He walked in the store he looked around in the store looking for bandages. He heard a familier voice took his attention off looking for bandages. A woman with dark red hair and amber eyes wearing light blue pajamas with clouds on them. Her hair was messy it looked like she just got out of bed. "Hey their stranger. What happened to you?" The woman asked him with a joking tone in her voice. "Spared with a puppet master for the first time. So I got a bit cut up." Sozo replied in a laughing matter.

The woman looked up and found some bandages and put them in her basket. Sozo noticed that she took the last two bandages in her basket with some food she was getting as well. Sozo looked at her "Umm.. Could i have those bandages you just put in your basket?" The female smiled at Sozo "Sure but you have to come over so I can help you bandage you alright." Sozo started to blush as he started to get dirty thoughts of the female bandaging him. She laughed at the sight of his face and giggled "So judging by your face you're okay with that then. Thats good I can now repay you for walking in on you while you were naked." She started to blush when she spoke about seeing his naked back of his body.

Sozo looked at her and in a humored tone he spoke to her "It's alright you only saw my back part of my body. So no harm done."

The female laughed as she headed to the check out stand. Sozo waited out side the store when she walked out they walked back to the apartments together. The light posts light the sidewalk they walked for a few minutes when Sozo's stomach growled loudly. The female laughed at him "You want something to eat?" Sozo nodded his head not even thinking if the female was joking with him.

She laughed again at his nodding of approval. They were at the apartments now they walked in the front desk area the person working wasn't paying attention to the two of them. They walked past Sozo's room when they parted ways. Sozo took off his shorts and was now only in his black boxers. He turned on the shower and took of hte bandages and threw them into a trash can. He stepped into the shower the dried blood and sand and dirt washed off his body. He looked down at the drain seeing blood and dirt go down the drain. He stepped out of the shower the room was steamy thanks to his long hot shower. He dried off his hair and body with a dark red towel. He stepped out of the bathroom. A knock on the door Sozo opened it and the female walked into his room. She had the bandages and a small box of food for Sozo to eat. She walked over to his bed and placed the bandages on the bed and the box on the night stand. She motioned for Sozo to set down on the foot of the bed. Sozo sat down and  the female started to roll the bandages over his body. She stopped she gently traced over some of his scars and new cuts. Her soft hands gave Sozo a strange feeling in his chest.

She finished rolling the bandages over his body covering up most of his marigold tattoo. After she was done she got up and walked out the door. Sozo just looked at the floor when he looked up he saw her about to leave "A.. Thanks for helping me with my bandages." She turned around and gave him a warm smile "No problem I was happy to." The female shut he door as Sozo fell back into his bed and started to eat some of the food the female brought him. It smelt like sweet chicken and rice and a bunch of small cut up vegitabels. He scarfed down the food and fell back and fell a sleep.



Total word count 5481
2500 for Explosion
750 for a D rank jutsu

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