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1A Family Flashback (Asura & Zennyo) Empty A Family Flashback (Asura & Zennyo) Tue Feb 24, 2015 11:23 am

Asura Senju

Asura Senju

Four years ago, in the forests near the Village, Asura Senju was due to meet his cousin. During this time, Asura was twelve years of age, reaching five foot three in height, during this time, Nero, Asura's father still lived in the Village.

Asura awoke early that morning, slowly opening his eyes, yawning and stretching his arms as he slowly sat up while the morning sun shining on his face, the warm light breaking through the curtains. It took a while for him to realize what day it was, but once he remembered he smiled, knowing that he gets to go out and play with his cousin today. Asura jumped out of bed and front flipped through the air, landing on his feet. His room that was paved with pine wood, giving it a nice fresh pine smell and a dark sense in the room.

Asura walked across the white carpet to the right of his room and opened his white-painted wardrobe and got dressed; he decided to wear his favorite clothes today, a black t-shirt and jeans with fingerless gloves. He also put on his a black leather jacket and black boots. His silver hair was combed forward just hanging in front of his face. He span around quickly on one foot and looked at himself in the mirror; Asura is a five foot three tall child. He has bright purple eyes and no facial hair on his face giving a smooth impression. “Huh, not bad, not bad at all” He laughed a little before walking over to the door and opening it, stepping out into the hallway, paved with fresh wooden planks along the walls and a smooth purple carpet on the floor.

Asura walked out of his house, stepping out onto the porch, a slight smile on the child's face as he looked into the sky. Asura closed the door behind him, a gentle breeze flowing by, gently moving his short silver hair as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath through his nose and out through his mouth. The cool air chilling him as he slowly opened his bright, almost shining purple eyes and started making his way to the forest where he is supposed to meet his cousin.

Asura wandered into the forest, being very careful when checking his surroundings, making sure no one could sneak up on him as he made his way to the spot the two agreed to meet. A nice little clearing on the trees where Nero, Asura's father enjoyed teaching Asura and Cero. He looked around at the trees, still with the scars from his Kuni and Shuriken during his training yesterday. He could still see the bench his father made for him using the Wood Release. He could still remember when his father first showed him this spot, when he started his training in the forest. Asura took a seat on the bench, smiling as he looked around carefully, trying to spot any movements.

Word Count: 502

2A Family Flashback (Asura & Zennyo) Empty Re: A Family Flashback (Asura & Zennyo) Wed Feb 25, 2015 5:57 pm



It had only been four years ago. When a sixteen year old draygglez senju was still an awesome chunin of the leaf. At a very tender age, his senju parents and younger sister were killed in a war due to the single fact that they did not possess the beautiful skill to defend themselves. Dray's father, even though he was a master swordsman tried his best to protect his family but the odds were against him. Little draygglez, training in the forest all by himself felt a drop of his family's blood fall to the ground as he began rushing home with all the speed he had but when he got to his house, the brutal deed was already done with his home becoming a pool of blood.
For years, dray struggled through the academy and graduated as a genin with little friends. He did not have the opportunity to take the chunin exams that were held in takigakure but still, his excellent skills made him eligible for the chunin rank as the hokage, sousetsu senju deemed it fit to promote dray in rank. All things sure had an end, be it good or bad but in the present, this innocent senju boy was something else. Unknowingly, he has started threading the path that would cause many to want his head and cause others to fight for him but soon, the prodigal son would return to stay in his father's land with nothing but dead bones that shall rise again.

The rays of the morning sun peeked through the window to spy on the young man but nature itself was suprised that dray senju was awake, earlier than usual. Dray sat on his bed with his palms closed together and his thighs spread out but his feet still met at the middle for he was meditating. The young senju had developed this art of calming himself for quite some weeks back. He had been having sleepless nights and dreams of his parents and visions of their killer. So far so good, dray had gotten a name and a location but fairly speaking, he knew he was no match for whoever their killer was at the moment but he was not going to let those thoughts ruin the perfect day which was supposed to be today. Dray was meeting with his cousin, asura senju. A tall fit boy regardless of his age. He was still a genin unlike dray that was already a chunin but that was naturally as dray was even four years older than asura was meaning that asura was at the age of twelve by this time. Dray just wanted to meet with him and spend some family fun time together, nothing more as dray's mind was fixed on leaving the village though that was not happening anytime soon. He sure hoped that they would have a good time togther.

Dray completed his meditation and stood up from the bed as he headed straight to the bathroom. He had his bath with the cool water from the shower and a soap with an orange smell. It was perfect. Dray took just about five minutes in the bath room cleaning up as he hardly got dirty. He had bathed the night before but he still felt a bit warm so he decided to go for it. Dray got out of the bath room and dried his body with a large and fluffy green towel that was hung on a stand that was behind the bath room door.
He proceeded to wear his usual clothes as he slipped on his pure white shirt and black trousers. He sat down on the bed to carefully wear his black high soled desert boots. Boots that were big enough to completely squash a rat but dray would not do that of course. He loved the forest likewise the animals in it but some situations usually called for drastic measures. Dray got up from the bed and looked at the wall. Hung on a nail in the wall was a green kimono- like overall. It was a light clothing that once belonged to dray father and it did come in handy during tight situations but while wearing it, it made dray look more fashionable so dray brought it down and wore it. Each day was danger for a shinobi as dray picked up his konohagakure no sato headband. He tied it on the red loin that was holding the green kimono to make it look like the loin was a belt and the head band was a design of the belt. Fancy huh. Dray felt his ninja pouch placed within the clothing and proceeded to leave the house. He was not concerned about combing his hair as the hair naturally fell in place.

Dray got to the agreed location much earlier in an attempt to suprise his cousin. The area was somewhere within konoha itself. The place had lots of trees and vegetation but the agreed location was difficult to miss because it was a clearing. Getting there, dray walked some more inches and hopped into a tall tree where he could be hardly seen yet he could see whoever came around the clearing. He waited for sometime for his cousin to show up. When the time was right, dray would hear footsteps coming his way. From his location, he would look forward to see his cousin reaching the agreed location. He was dressed in all black, with fascinating boots much like drays' and with his wavy hair obeying the slight wind. Dray could not help but smile for the prank he was about to play on his cousin afterall, the day was meant to be fun for them both. Using an ability he had derived from his senju natural ability, with his mind control alone, the location being abundant in vegetation, dray would give mobility to the plant vines as they would quietly sneak behind asura and wind up his legs holding him in place. The plant vines were not really strong vines but giving that asura was still a genin, he probably would not be too sharp to perceive the vines sneak behind him, react dray's prank or even have the strength to pull out of it.
Whatever happened, dray would remain hidden while watching his handsome cousin creep out but it would not be much of a prank because if asura was to analyse the situation and not panic, he would figure out that, he was meant to meet his cousin here. He asura, was a senju. His cousin dray, was a senju. Who else would be able to pull this prank? Dray beacause he was a senju and he was meant to be here but perhaps, dray would prove him wrong and confuse his analysations.

3A Family Flashback (Asura & Zennyo) Empty Re: A Family Flashback (Asura & Zennyo) Fri Feb 27, 2015 3:54 pm

Asura Senju

Asura Senju

Asura looked down to the vines, a light smile appeared on his face as they slowly started to surround him. He spoke a few words under his breath, "Clever" He saw his cousin peeking around a tree, "Water Release: Hidden Mist Technique" He spoke quietly as a thick mist started to pour out of his mouth and surround him and his cousin. Filling the clearing with a gray mist, blocking all vision. Asura grinned, jumping away from the vines towards Dray, moving his hands in a pattern, performing the Tora/Tiger then Uma/Hourse and Hitsuji/Ram hand seals. He opened his mouth, creating a orb of green energy just in front of his mouth. Asura then grabbed the orb with his hand and threw it at Dray, hoping that it would hit his cousin.

Word Count: 135
Total Count: 637

4A Family Flashback (Asura & Zennyo) Empty Re: A Family Flashback (Asura & Zennyo) Fri Feb 27, 2015 5:31 pm



Dray looked at his cousin asura and he was glad to have him. He watched the wind slightly comb through the silvery hair of this young senju. The boy was quite tall for his age but was he that smart? Dray wanted to see. The senjus were not known for being dumb neither were they known for being slow. Make your move Asura, make your move.
From his hiding place, dray tried to read the look on his face as his thoughts faded away...

Dray woke up and held his head as if he had banged it hard on something. He rubbed his eyes and stood on his feet. He turned to look and all that faced him was a vast green land, nothing more but that. Dray was confused but there was no one to tell him what was hapening. He began to run. Increasing his pace as every minute passed by. He looked to his sides as he ran but yet he did not know that he had been running on the same spot. He went on for about thirty minutes until he happened to look down to the ground and discover that his legs were not moving further. Dray slowed in his steps as his breathing intensified. Had he been caught in a genjutsu was the question that came to his mind. He felt the cool wind blow past his neck. He turned to the diirection where the breeze was coming from. To his south was konohagakure no sato but this, this right in front of dray was not konohagakure no sato. It was not the village hidden in the leaves. It was not the village that nutured dray. This village was wrecked, the hokage mountain was reduced to rubble. Dray could not help but shiver in fear. The cracked rocks seemed to fall from their place, landing with a thud and sending a shrill down dray's spine.

Dray picked a few steps forward and entered into the village. He lightened his foot steps and walked cautiously trying to catch any single sound but nothing came. Just then, dray would hear the creeking of a door like someone was coming out or going it. He would turn his face there but no one would be there for him to see. Just then, another door would begin to creek, followed by another and followed by an other till dray's eyes could not see them all. The rain would begin to fall as dray would begin to run to find shelter. The thunder claps and lightning flashes would add an effect to the ares as dray would grit his teeth in fear. Just then, three graves would appear before dray. He would slow down and ben down to look at the names on the grave.. Ryushin Senju... Akira Senju.... Mia senju....

Dray snapped out of his thoughts due to those names. His mood had been shattered but he still did not want his cousin to be concerned. Dray lightned the vines around his cousin's legs for better performance. In a matter of seconds, the area would be covered in a thick mist. The hidden mist technique, dray would smirk. Just then, dray would feel his cousin jump out of the loosened vines. He was definetly coming towards dray for him to block out all vision and jump out of the ropes but his cousin Asura was forgetting something. He was a genin and he definetly could not yet perceive well through this technique he had created as dray himself was capable of performing it. Dray waited for his cousin to come as he extended his feelers in the mist. The only way for his cousin to attack him was if he had spotted him and locked him in place. If that had happened, then the fun was just beginning but it would have to end soon as dray had lost his mood.

As asura jumped out of the vines, dray would of course notice due to the fact that his own chakra was running through the vines. As he jumped forward, the little vegetation he would brush over, all of which dray had chakra running through due to his previous technique, dray would know his cousin was coming towards him as he would lift off from the tree branch at a speed faster than his cousins'. Lightning the mist would come a green circular object. Dray would have loved to see what this was or what it could do but that was going to be left for another day. Before asura throw the green orb on his hand after taking it from his mouth, dray would follow the orb's light and get to asura within fractions of fractions of second due to his speed as he would grab asura's hand and direct the ball elsewhere while stepping outside of the mist. This was impressive but they were not here to spar. Perhaps another day they would..

Impressive Asura. What technique was that.. dray would smile slightly and ask his twelve years old cousin.

5A Family Flashback (Asura & Zennyo) Empty Re: A Family Flashback (Asura & Zennyo) Fri Feb 27, 2015 7:11 pm

Asura Senju

Asura Senju

Asura grinned, pulling his hand away from Dray as he returned to the ground, falling through the air before finally landing on his feet. He looked up from the ground, towards Dray with a light smile, "That was Jeneshisu Bakudan, my own technique. I invented it yesterday afternoon while training with my Dad. Cero knows it too, I taught it to him. Not like he's going to use it anyway, too busy with his books to become a Ninja." He smiled before looking more seriously at Dray. "Would tomorrow be a better time Cousin? You look as if you could do with rest" He asked Dray as he brushed the dirt off of his shoulders.

Word Count: 116
Total Count: 753

6A Family Flashback (Asura & Zennyo) Empty Re: A Family Flashback (Asura & Zennyo) Sat Feb 28, 2015 8:53 am



Families aren't chosen, they are heaven's gift. The love of family and admiration of friends is much more important than any other priviledge. Family is not an important thing, it is everything. The bond that links one's true family is not one of blood but of respect and joy in each other's life. I'll never stop dreaming that one day we  can be a real family, together, all of us  laughing and talking, loving and  understanding, not looking at the past  but only to the future. For there is no friend like a brother in calm or stormy weather; To cheer one on  the tedious way, to fetch one if one  goes astray, to lift one if one totters  down, to strengthen whilst one stands To me, family means putting our arms  around each other and being there. As of now, the family I have is my strength and my  weakness. In every conceivable manner, my family  is link to my past and a bridge to our future.

This family I have is one of nature's  masterpieces. Family might means no one gets left behind or  forgotten but my own true family left the world sooner than I expected and now, here I am, dangling between two worlds. If togetherness is a very important  ingredient to family life, why did they not take me along with them... Family is the most important thing in the world but still, true family is more different than any other family I could ever have. The only rock I know that stays steady, the only institution I know that works, is the family. A family is a risky venture, because the  greater the love, the greater the loss...  That's the trade-off. But I took it and now, am feeling the pain. The great danger for family life, in the  midst of any society whose idols are  pleasure, comfort and independence,  lies in the fact that people close their  hearts and become selfish like how I was seperated in the shinobi academy.
The more you love,the more love you have to give.It's the only feeling we have which is infinite...

"That was Jeneshisu Bakudan, my
own technique.
Asura would say as his words would snap dray out of his thought before he would continue.
I invented it yesterday afternoon while training with my Dad. Cero knows it too, I taught it to him. Not like he's going to use it anyway, too busy with his books to become a Ninja." Asura would say as he would
smile. Dray could not help but be suprised. A jutsu his cousin learnt yesterday and he was able to almost perfectly execute it. Only if he had the speed, then the jutsu would have been perfect. His cousin seemed to notice the change in his mood as he spoke once again..
"Would tomorrow be a better time Cousin? You look as if you could do with rest"..

Yes Asura, tomorrow would do.. Expect a greater challenge... I won't take it easy on you. Dray would say to asura before he would turn and leave.

Total wc:2522

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