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Asura Senju

Asura Senju

It was early in the morning when Asura awoke, sitting up in an instant, gritting his teeth and growling before he looked around and relaxed, falling back into his bed. Asura placed his hand on his forehead, letting out a light sigh as he whispered to himself, "It was just a dream, just a dream..." He slowly sat up, placing his legs over the side of the bed, getting up. He held is arms out, stretching, performing several types of stretches before finally getting dressed in his normal light blue T-shirt with a white trim, covering up his tattoo of the Senju Clan's symbol. He put on his jeans and his boots, before he finally decided to wear his normal grey shirt. Asura took his head band and placed it around his waist before heading out.

The front door to his house opened with Asura stepping out onto the porch, a slight smile on the giant's face as he looked into the sky. Asura closed the door behind him, a gentle breeze flowing by, gently moving his short silver hair and his gray shirt. He slowly closed his bright purple eyes and took a breath of the cool air in, feeling the thrill of a new day course through his blood. Asura's eyes slowly opened again, his eyes almost glittering in the sun, "Ah, this is going to be a fun day" He spoke quietly to himself, his low voice sounding as he walked forward, the wood making a clunk underneath his boots. Slowly making his way to his brother's book store.

Asura walked along on the side walk, looking around as he passed by the shorter villagers, smiling as he wave to those who recognized him. He would occasionally look up to see the beautiful morning sky as he walked past the several homes between his and the market, hearing the villagers talk as he passed by, seeming to have not a care in the world. Asura turned the corner to see several people lining up outside his brother's bookstore. He smiled to himself and continued his slow pace as he approached the sore, waving to his brother. Cero noticed the wave and ran up to Asura, bringing the giant to a stop, "Morning Asura, can you help with the store today? There seems to be quite a few customers".

He looked down to his brother, only ten inches shorter then Asura and smiled, "Yeah, sure, why not?" He spoke in his low voice, moving his hair to the side with a finger before Cero turned around and walked back to the store, unlocking the wooden door and making his way to the back, where the new books were kept. Asura walked over towards the checkout and took a seat, watching each and everyone coming in as he doodled on a piece of paper in front of him, drawing Shuriken and other weapons, glancing up every now and then or whenever he heard a noise.

Word Count - 502 Words



Rippa opened his eyes slowly as the first rays of morning rose over his window sill. The frost coating the window casting colorful designs along the walls of the room. His blue eyes opened to an ever shifting artwork that was a new day. Slowly he sat up and used his left hand to hold himself up and his right hand to rub his eyes and wake up that way. Soon as his eyes were clear of the nights residue he stretched out letting his back and shoulder pop. Finally awake enough he tossed aside the fur blankets and spun till his feet hit the ground. In one movement he stood up. His thick pants and black tshirt were his usual sleeping clothes. With a sigh he moved to the bathroom to finish relieving himself and then quickly undressed and stepped into his shower. The hot water crashing against his body as the steam battled against the cold air of the room with the bathroom door open. For a time he just stood in the shower and let his mind clear of the nights troubled dreams. His hair matted down and his body trickling with water he turned off the shower and stepped out. Drying himself off before setting the towel on the hook he retrieved it from and heading naked back into his room.

He reached into the drawers under his bed and pulled out a set of black pants before slipping into them. next was a black tank top from the drawer next to it which also contained his socks. Finishing by placing on his socks he closed the drawers and moved over to his bedside counter. It was there he picked up his silver angel wings necklace and slipped it over his head. His eyes lifted to the framed headband he left above the counter as he looked over its marked up surface. It had been through a huge amount with him. But it was what reminded him of what he had survived. He sighed as he grabbed the last set of things on the counter letting his thoughts return to the moment. He slipped on his fingerless leather gloves, used to keep a better grip on a sword should he find blood making his hilt slippery. Lastly he grabbed his wallet with some ryo savings folded within. Finished with the counter he moved at last to the standing wardrobe closet. Its slick black double doors closed with the seals of the sword saint captain emblazoned half a symbol on either door that when connected made the full symbol.

His hands lifted as he pulled open both doors. The shadows lifting within as the doors opened to reveal within his coat and twin swords. The sword saint captain symbol on the back of the red coat in golden stitching with the Konoha symbol stitched into either shoulder. He smiled at the memory of his promotion and the symbolization of how much he had grown. With that he pulled the coat off the hook to reveal the belt with the 8 bolts hidden behind it. Quietly he slipped into the coat with one fluid motion of spinning it around him and sliding both arms in before picking up the belt and tightening it around his waist. With that done he placed Cain and abel (His twin swords) into the belt loops on either side and tightened those in. He could feel from their weight they were still loaded with six bolts each. he sighed at the neccessity to go into public armed but accepted it none the less. Finally he closed the double doors and stepped out of his room locking his door behind him with his chakra. With that done he turned and walked down the hall. Stopping at the front entry way to slip into a pair of black boots. To him the morning was chilly and he preferred the added friction. With his attire all settled he tightened his boots and exited through the front door. On his way to go and ease his mind.

For a time Rippa simply wandered. Shops were just now starting to open as the sun was up. People bustled back and forth either heading to work or trying to avoid the crowds. Huddling in on themselves to avoid the cold morning air as they moved about. A couple of tired looking Shinobi nodded to him as they noticed him. Even tired they were alert enough to spot an armed man. Still they knew who he was even without a headband to alert them he was a konoha shinobi. The sword saints were one of the special divisions of Konoha. Each division so incredible in their field they were without question some of Konoha's strongest. The ANBU, the Medical, the Sealing and the sword saints divisions. Being the captain of one of them made Rippa almost known on site by the majority of the village. He smiled all the same and bowed his head to them respectfully. He actually hadn't let his fame get to him too much. He was a humble med nin at heart. Still they blinked in surprise at his formal nature before he was on his way again. No one seemed eager to stop him this early in the morning to talk shop. Either way he did have a goal in mind.

His blue eyes took in the book shop as his boots stepped up onto the sidewalk in front of it. He was interested in picking up a good book to relax with. Most of the books he had were of medical journals or mere scrolls depicting sword stances. Not to mention the library of ninjutsu notes he kept. Truth was he just wanted to pick up an adventure novel. With a smile marked with his eager and upbeat nature Rippa approached the shop. His right hand used to open the door as the bell chimed. At first he noticed it was significantly busy. The buzz of people talking amongst each other in the warm book store settled him as the door closed behind him. Ever so slowly though after he entered people began to recognize him. The buzz of talk shifted to almost hushed whispers and quiet arguments. They were watching him now as several of them noticed him. A great many of the customers went on about their business not having a clue who he was as he wasn't that famous but all the same he blushed and rubbed the back of his head. His blue eyes shifted to the large man behind the register. The glint of metal drawing his attention the headband around the mans waist. Another shinobi? Well it wasn't unheard of for shinobi to continue working in another profession, but the man stood out. He was almost as built as Rippa by the look of him. If he wanted to he could likely cause some damage. Still Rippa smiled more comfortable with another shinobi anyway. Still he cleared his throat as he moved to the counter before speaking in a warm tone which matched his warm smile.

"Excuse me sir. Could you suggest a good fantasy adventure novel for me? I am interested in perhaps starting on some fictional books. Since I am new to that I was hoping you would have some insight."


Asura Senju

Asura Senju

Asura looked up slowly to the white haired man, smiling a little as he put his pencil down, his purple eyes rising to meet Rippa's. "Sure" He stood up, almost hitting his head on the ceiling as he rose, picking up the piece of paper with one hand, scrunching it up. He looked at Rippa and at his coat, thinking to himself, 'A Sword Saint, eh?' He clearly didn't know who Rippa was, or ever heard of him. He walked out from the register, his boots pressing down on the floor as the door to the back opened. Asura's brother Cero walked up to the register and offered Asura to take his place, they swapped positions. Now instead of a tall man at the register, it was a slightly above average sized man wearing full black with a long blond ponytail.

Asura knelt down and picked up a book that had been left on the rose-red carpet, placing it back on a shelf before standing back up. "Right, I know a great series of books, it is an adventure series that you might like." He smiled, speaking quietly, "I'll go and fetch something for you sir" He walked down an aisle, the mahogany shelves giving off a slight floral sent as he walked by. Asura passed by the horror sections and the Sci-Fi section, each area was marked with a silver panel on the side of the shelves, with the name of the section etched into the plate.

Asura stopped in front of a shelf that had 'Fantasy' etched on the plate. He flicked throught the titles until he reached the section labeled 'E' and picked out two books before turning around on the spot and made his way back, passing by several older couples and middles aged people. He returned a few moments after he left, holding two middle sized books in his hand. He took one of them and held it out to Rippa, "This is from The Elenium. The Elenium is a series of fantasy novels by David Eddings. The series consists of three volumes: The Diamond Throne, The Ruby Knight, The Sapphire Rose." The book's cover showing a woman in a beautiful white dress, sitting on a throne while the purple background was being lit by the lights above. "This one if The Diamond Throne, the first of the series."

He placed the book on the side and held out the other novel, holding it out to him, "This is The Dreamers Saga. The Dreamers is the title of a fantasy series by David Eddings and his wife Leigh Eddings. The series includes four titles: The Elder Gods, The Treasured One, Crystal Gorge, The Younger Gods. This one if The Elder Gods." The book showed a woman standing on top of a flaring volcano, the smoke in the background making up four strange faces. "I personally recommend these two, they are quite good, sir" He replied with a smile, placing the book back on the counter.

Word Count - 507



Rippa's eyes widened a little as the man before him stood. He didn't know of his actual age so he assumed he was a man. His large form just seemed to rise and rise and keep rising until it looked like he would have to duck to avoid the roof. Once he finally stopped his hair nearly did scrape the ceiling. It was almost obnoxious how tall the guy was. Rippa was about a foot shorter then the man which meant his eyes were about eye level with the mans chin. While he had seen some bigger individuals wandering about he hadn't expected the man sitting before him to be a behemoth. Still he bowed his head in thanks and smiled as the man offered to find him a book. He watched as the man knelt down in a decently fluid motion. It was impressive for someone of the mans stature. After all larger individuals typically had issues with their joints and back. Even at an early age getting down to the ground and up again was far from the simplest task. For someone as massive as the man in front of him that kind of fluid motion was almost unheard of. He was impressed to say the least as the med nin side of his mind marveled at it.

Still he watched the man head off like a gentle giant down one of the Aisles and his eyes slipped to the side to peak at the man who had taken over the counter. A calm looking individual of normal proportions. Rippa studied him for a moment before detecting nothing to suggest the man was a trained fighter in any way. He hmmed to himself about that as he contemplated the implications. Having a large man such as that normally put people on edge. They were afraid of the violence such a person could manage if they chose to and how they would be powerless to stop them. To add on the man was wearing a head band around his waist marking him as a trained individual in the shinobi arts would usually only add to that aggravation. To put it in a reference of the location fearing a book by its cover. Yet the man at the register appeared comfortable and relaxed. Either he was secretly an experienced combatant or he was comfortable around the other man. Which would indicate the other man had proven to be a gentle and good type. Also a rare quality in the physically superior group of people.

Rippa's thoughts suddenly snapped back to the present as the hulking shinobi returned with an arm full of books. Rippa tilted his head as the books were laid out in front of him and explained a little. Mostly just the titles and authors but out of everything both series appeared equally interesting. If he wasn't so distracted he might of flipped them over to read the back but instead he nodded and spoke as he began stacking the books in order. He spoke with a warm tone as always with a warm smile to back it up. "I see. Both series sound interesting. I might start with the old gods first. Religion was big with my clan for a long time and I might get some sort of connection to the characters in the book." He chuckled as he picked up the stack and turned to walk to the register. The golden symbols for 'Sword Saint Captain' would be visible on his back to the man. Identifying Rippa as the ever so proud leader of the sword saints. Still as he pulled out his ryo and payed for the books he eyes the man once more. Speaking while his books were bagged. "You interest me, If you would sit with me a moment I would like to know more about you. Does your store have a lounge area? If not when you have time I wouldn't mind sitting down for tea with you."


Asura Senju

Asura Senju

Asura looked at his younger brother and patted him on the back, "You got this?" He asked Cero, only getting a light grunt in response. He turned back to Rippa, "Sure, a nice cup of tea would be good" He nodded, turning back to Cero, "Mind if I borrow your coat?" He asked, Cero only responded with a nod, "Yeah, sure, why not" Cero smiled as he responded to Asura before turning to Rippa, "Pleasure to do business with you sir." Cero spoke, sitting back, placing a pencil in his mouth, chewing lightly on the end, his golden blond hair that is tied into a pony tail, reaching hanging down below the seat.

Asura spoke softly, "Let me just grab a coat" He walked into the back room where Cero keeps the new books and his coat. He shut the door behind him, the carpet had changed to blue for this part of the building, the room decorated with florescent designs across the walls and ceiling which was built slightly higher then the rest of the building. Asura walked to the end of the room to the coat rack where a black leather jacket was hung up with a pair of gloves. He picked up the jacket and put it on, slipping his arms through the sleeves and zipping up the jacket. He grabbed the black fingerless gloves and put them on, gripping his fist. He looked at the other side of the glove, where a white symbol was placed long ago, the Senju Symbol.

Asura walked slowly around the corner of the wooden paved room where a punching bag was hung, so he and his brother could mess around with it, it was the final gift from their father that left to study the world. He placed his hand on the punching bag before clenching it into a fist and smashing it into the bag before lightly shaking his hand, smiling before taking in a deep breath through his nose, breathing in the smell of scented candles, then breathing out again. Asura brushed some dust off of his leather jacket and turned around, making his way to the door, leaving the smell of fresh flowers, slowly opening the door and walking out. "Cero, I'll be back later, hold the fort" He laughed lightly, he turned to Rippa, "We don't have a lounge but there is a tea shop just next door." He gestured to the door.

Asura walked to the front door of the shop, poking his head out, having a look to the side where the café is supposed to be. He smiled, seeing the waitress, "Yeah, the Café next door is open" Asura walked out of the shop, ducking under the door frame. He stood with his back against the wall, gently resting his back against the wall. "You're part of the Sword Saints, huh?" He asked, noting the symbol on the back of his coat and the blades. "You certainly look like one."

Word Count: 500
Total Count: 1,509



Rippa smiled as his offer was accepted. The pat on the mans back between the two men who seemed to run the shop together spoke volumes of how comfortable they were together. Likely either good friends or family. He didn't see much family resemblance though so until he could find out later he decided they must just be close friends. Still his eyes followed the other man as he retreated to the back in idle curiosity towards the so far gentle giant. The man seemed very calm and collected for a shinobi. He was eager to learn of the mans rank. Perhaps another special jounin or even a jounin. Most Chunnin and genin he met had a very straight forward all or nothing attitude and were anything but calm. Even a little full of themselves. Even if this man was a lower rank he was already showing great promise in both attitude and demeanor. Perhaps it was just his professional act in the book shop but Rippa had a good feeling about him all the same. The idea of getting to enjoy tea with someone else that wasn't eager to get back to practicing with a sword also intrigued him. It would be nice to actually relax for once.

Still he smiled warmly and reached out to collect his bag of books as the gentle giant emerged from the back once more now dressed in a zipped up black leather jacket and gloves similar to Rippa's own. A pair of gloves a fighter would wear. Yet nothing resembling a sword adorned the young man. What was most likely then was the man was a taijutsu expert. That made sense given his considerable size. The symbol on the gloves caught his eye but for the life of him he couldn't place it. He knew it well enough to recognize it but at the moment it was slipping his mind. Still he tucked the bag of books under his left arm and followed the large man out the door. The cold biting into him as he exited the book store like a stinging weapon. He shuddered at it before the other man spoke. He was already leaning against the wall waiting for him. The tea shop was literally next door and open too. Still Rippa chuckled and rubbed the back of his head before looking to the side a little abashed at the compliment.

"You think so huh? Just a few months ago I was a skinny stick of a genin. Nobody thought I would be a part of something like the sword saints...yet alone making captain. My name is Chi Rippa by the way. You can just call me Rippa though. May I inquire of your name?"

He asked with yet another warm smile that met his sky blue eyes as he stepped along the side walk figuring the giant would walk with him. He would really like to know the mans name instead of just thinking of him as the giant. Perhaps that would answer about the symbol he could swear he recognized as well. Still he would open the door to the tea shop and if the man had walked with him he would hold it open for him before following him in. It was a well lit establishment though quiet this early in the morning. Only a couple of customers were seated and they seemed to be minding their own. In the corners incense burned and assailed Rippa's sense of smell. It was a very comfortable setting. Still he found a nearby table with two sturdy chairs and slipped into one setting his bag of books to the side before picking up the small menu and looking it over. Still careful to show he was listening to the other man.


Asura Senju

Asura Senju

Asura laughed lightly, getting up off of the wooden wall, standing up properly as he spoke, "I am Asura Senju, the one in there" He pointed his fist to the air, his thumb outstretched and pointing to the door, "Is my younger brother, Cero" He put his hand back down and turned, facing the shop, starting to walk the short distance with Rippa, breathing in the cold air slowly, enjoying the freshness of the environment as they walked across the dirt and dust covered road. As they walked he placed his hands in the pockets of his black jeans, his eyes jumping around as he scanned the area ever so carefully.

He thought to himself about Rippa, he seemed extremely similar to himself, same colour hair, both Ninja, and both from well respected Clans that knew combat. He remembered what he heard about them, that they use a special kind of element, Blood Release. While the Senju use Wood Release, focusing on the more natural side of Jutsu, creating trees and using the core of nature as a tool, but he has never heard what Blood Jutsu might do. He is completely unaware of what Rippa's potential would be as a Shinobi. He remembered hearing about them using weapons as their primary form of combat while his family were more used to Ninjutsu, however Asura wanted to be a little different, he wanted to change the way Jutsu could be used, just like his father did with the invention of the Jeneshisu Bakudan. He could remember his father telling him on the day he left, that Asura must find comrades to aid him in his quest to master the arts.

Asura looked up to the blue sky, the slight chill refreshing his mind as he looked back down, "I myself am but a Genin, new to how the world works but eager to learn." He laughed lightly as they approached the door, Asura watched as Rippa held the door open for him, he smiled and ducked as he walked into the Café. Asura looked up as he stood up properly, smelling the scent of cake and tea being made, the light glittering off of his bright purple eyes as he walked further in, taking a good look at the birch wood paved room.

Asura walked across the purple carpet, following Rippa towards the table and chairs that he's chosen, smiling lightly as he pulled out a chair. He took a seat and took off his jacket, placing it on the back of his chair as he folded the sleeves of his shirt up to the elbow. Asura stretched his fingers, cracking his knuckles as he sat back into his chair, relaxing back into the chair as he picked up the small menu, looking over the lime green design with a gold tinted table. He focused more around the herbal tea area of the menu more than anything, "Hmm, so, Rippa, you're a Shinobi, right? What rank might you be?" He asked, putting down the menu as he sat up properly with a light smile, lifting his hand to brush some of his silver hair out of the way of his eyes.

Word Count: 534
Total Count: 2,043



Rippa couldn't help but blink as the man mentioned he was a Senju. The clan symbol on his hand suddenly becoming entirely recognized in Rippa's mind. He was somewhat familiar with the clan and had seen its symbol a couple of times. He had also seen some of the more incredibly jutsu that they had produced. He had witnessed at least a couple of jutsu with devastating effects. He had also held one of the wood creations in his hands. He knew his clan and their clan were both uncommon elements. There was a major difference though. From what he understood the wood element was created when a member of their bloodline combined the elements of doton and suiton. How combining them actually transferred to wood though was unknown to him as it could not be replicated out of clan. On the other side was the Chi clan. Their blood element wasn't the combination of other elements but its own element all together. It mimicked Suiton in almost every way but it was far more horrific. Most of his clan refrained from learning Ninjutsu due to not wishing to cause terror in the village towards the clan. They were afraid of some sort of witch hunt or another.

Still the fact that Asura revealed the other was his brother explained the comfort they seemed to feel towards one another. Growing up as siblings typically made your bond with someone all that much stronger. He wouldn't be surprised if Cero believed in his brother and his abilities as a Shinobi. Still while it created some Tolerance it still reflected positively that the man in the book shop and their customers held no fear towards Asura. Rippa smiled at that and then blinked once upon finding out the man was only a genin. he had suspected more due to the calm demeanor and sheer size of the guy. Then again he began to realize he might just be used to working with hot heads. A flash of frustration flipped through his mind at a couple of hyuga that he had to toss about like a sack of rice just to get some respect. It didn't seem like this would be an issue with Asura though. If anything the guy had some damn good manners. Still Rippa needed to be mindful to keep his own manners in check. Less his irritation towards old students began to show.

Still once they were seated he only had to adjust his long coat and swords a little to sit comfortably. At which point the question was posed to him what rank he was. A glint of mischief and pride hinted in his eyes as he spoke. His voice still warm but a little prideful. He was somewhat full of himself on his accomplishments. "I actually happen to be a Special Jounin. Along with that I am captain of the sword saints. Basically means I am the head of one of the four divisions in Konoha." He smiled at that little revelation a moment before the waitress came by. He ordered a Lavender green tea and when asked answered it was all one check. He waited for Asura to order before she left and spoke up once more. This time about the mans clan. "I actually have met a couple people in your clan. The Senju actually have a huge amount of influence over Konoha right now. Not only is the Hokage a Senju but the head of the Medical division is as well. I have had the pleasure of working with both of them. Chisaki is a brilliant medic and a powerful individual. When she transforms into her demonic form the whole map begins to shift. As for the Hokage, Lord Sousetsu was the one who instructed me with the sword in the beginning. He was a powerful teacher. Even now I doubt I could touch him. What of you? What specialties did you focus on in the academy?"


Asura Senju

Asura Senju

Asura nodded, "The rank and the title suit you from what I can tell" He laughed lightly as the waitress arrived, he watched Rippa place his order and the moment the waitress turned to him, he gave her a warm smile as she asked him what he would like to order, he simply replied with, "May I have a nice cup of Red Bush Tea, please?" He turned back to Rippa as she left, keeping the smile as he sat back in his chair. Asura thought for a moment, 'Wait, he knows more of my family?' He listened carefully to Rippa as he mentioned the fact he knew more Senju members then just the Hokage. He blinked with surprise once he heard about Chisaki, his father never talked about anyone in the four divisions, which surprised him, since his father was once a great explorer, he should have met more of his Clan. What surprised Asura even more was the mention of a Demonic form, 'Wow, this guy is actually quite important.' He thought for a moment. However as he heard about the Hokage, Lord Sousetsu, how he taught Rippa how to wield a blade, how he instructed the great art of combat to such a powerful individual, it surprised him. Asura didn't know much of Lord Sousetsu, he never met him, but he has heard of him from his father. He remembered his brother being a big fan of the Hokage, wanting to meet him one day.

Asura was a little surprised once he heard Rippa, the leader of one of the four divisions in the Hidden leaf, being unable to touch him, doubting it. He looked down to the table for a few moments before he heard Rippa ask him about what he took, he laughed lightly, "I took Ninjutsu and Taijutsu. I'd be more of a jack of all traits if allowed but for now, I'd rather stick to what I know" He placed his hand on the back of his head, brushing it lightly, "Hitting hard and fast while being able to deliver a good strike from a distance. That's always been my specialty." He laughed lightly before placing both hands on the table, sitting up properly as the waitress returned with the cups of Tea, placing each down on the table. The cups were white china with a pink floral design around them. Asura could smell the sweet scent of Red Bush mixing with the smell of Lavender Green Tea, truly an amazing mixture of smell. "Ah, smells amazing." He replied to the waitress, "Thank you" He smiled warmly to her as she left the two.

Asura picked up his cup and took a slow, light sip of the red transparent Tea, having a relaxing taste. He placed the cup slowly down on the plate it was served on, "I've only ever trained with my father, Nero, and my brother. So I'm not really as good as one would expect from me." He laughed lightly, looking down to his cup of Tea.

Word Count: 513
Total Count: 2,556



Rippa smiled and leaned on his elbows folding his fingers together as he listened to Asura speak. He looked highly comfortable in a tea shop. Even as a warrior he was most content in such environments as this one that calmed him. Still he was interested in this genin. He hadn't thought he would be such a low rank but now he supposed it was possible. Still he was interested when the man mentioned his training prioritized Ninjutsu and taijutsu. Everyone received a little bit of training in those two categories. It was required to graduate. But not everyone specialized in both of them. It was a good balance covering all the ranges, close, medium and long distance. Which made Asura a possibly dangerous opponent at any distance. Rippa was similar with his crossbow blades and his Ninjutsu. He too was dangerous at any range but he hadn't started off that way. Rippa had started off with just medical and Ninjutsu. Any time someone got close to him he was in big trouble. That was why his third specialty had been a close range spec. Now he was a little more balanced. Yet Asura was starting with a good balance. It made Rippa curious to see how the man would grow. Still when he spoke he did so as he tilted his head and studied Asura.

"I can certainly see taijutsu being useful for someone like you. Your reach is above average and you probably could maintain the power behind it. Striking fast would also throw your opponents off if they think you might be slow due to your immense size. What you need to focus on is not letting anyone within your reach while staying just close enough to hit them. If someone gets right up next to you they could do some real damage. Though....there is a weapon style that is really well suited to people with a reach like yours. Given how taijutsu struggles against weapons, it might interest you. Stop by my Dojo sometime and I will show you."

He smiled warmly and then leaned back as his tea arrived. He bowed his head to the waitress before picking up the tea as she left. He quietly blew on the hot, steaming liquid before he sipped on it and sighed happily. He drank a little more as he felt it warming his bones from the cold outside. Still he couldn't be gone much longer from the dojo. Training had already started without him so he would need to get back and change into the training gear. Still, he wasn't ready to rush off just yet. Instead he sipped his tea yet again nearly getting it down to halfway before he set it down and enjoyed the warmth filling him once more. The smell was glorious and the taste was superb. Still he spoke once more as he reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. Placing ryo on the table for the cost of both drinks and a generous tip.

"I would like it if you would visit me actually. I enjoy seeing how different training types change the fighting style of an individual. You can tell me more of your brother and father then. What say you? will you visit me some time?"


Asura Senju

Asura Senju

Asura leaned back onto his chair, taking a light sip of his red Tea. 'Hmm... A special weapon I could use?' He asked himself as he looked down to the purple, thinking of what it could be. 'Could it be Knuckles, a Spiked fist weapon of some sort? A Shuko? Hmm...' He let those thoughts run through his mind as he slowly looked back up, staring into the tea. "Hmm... " Asura looked to Rippa with a light smile, "Sure, why not" He shrugged. He laughed lightly, taking another sip of his drink, finishing the relaxing brew. "This Dojo, where exactly is it?" He asked, placing the china on the plate.

Asura looked back through his memories to when his father was training both him and his brother in the forests to the east of the Hokage monument. He could remember his little brother struggling with the basic Taijutsu, how he would always prefer getting his hands on a weapon to defend himself against such onslaughts. How the two when working together would even be able to stop their father using the very techniques that were taught to them. What made him think back was his cousin, the Shinobi that left the Hidden Leaf recently. Asura and Dray used to get along quite well as he grew up, but his cousin decided to leave where Asura could only see staying as the best option.

Asura leaned forward, his smile turning serious as his mind wandered, since he hadn't had the most training as of recently. Since his father had left he had been trying to train himself in using the wood release in a much more efficient way, attempting to prepare himself for the future, hoping that he would end up being prepared for anything, just like his father taught him during those days of hard training. He still couldn't recall the location of any kind of Dojo nearby that he hasn't been to before, he heard of some in other villages and it was always his ambition to get stronger to protect, and seeing as he saw fighting as fun, it was the perfect way for him to learn.

Asura spoke quietly in a low voice, "I've been to quite a few Dojos in my time of training but I haven't seen you in any of them before." He looks around the room, seeing the yellow and blue flowers at the counter where Asura saw his little sister in her pink dress making her seem cute and innocent compared to most girls her age. He looked back to Rippa, "Tomorrow I'll stop by and see what I can learn, it's been quite a long time since I last trained. It's only me who is a Shinobi in my house hold, my brother doesn't like the idea of risking his life and I don't want Yuki becoming a Shinobi, I'd rather she stay safe where I can protect her." He nodded, looking to the side, at his sister, "That is the only reason I became a Shinobi."

Word Count: 517
Total Count: 3,073

Last edited by Asura Senju on Fri Feb 27, 2015 3:55 pm; edited 1 time in total



Rippa finished drinking his cup of tea as he watched the young man. He reminded him of a couple of people he knew. Perhaps it was just the Senju way to remain calm. Both Sousetsu and Chisaki had the social but calm demeanor about them any time he was with them. Of course it had to be that way with such a proud clan. The traditions and what was expected of them had to be extreme. Some might even consider them a royal bloodline in Konoha. Being as it was a Senju who had founded the village and several Hokage including the first two had been from that clan. Rippa was decently familiar with his history. Still he also recalled meeting the one Senju he had not enjoyed the company of. The one known as Dray he had come across drinking first thing in the morning. He hadn't known the boy had no experience in drinking but he had found it distasteful to drink in public so early while wearing a head band as if showing the people that their guardians like to get drunk when they are on duty. Rippa did not wear his head band when he celebrated anything or anything to signify he was a shinobi for the comfort of those who saw him. A public image to uphold. Still the black sheep of the Senju clan probably just didn't view that responsibility the same as Rippa. Or perhaps Rippa was just to stern with his traditions.

Still he set his cup down and reached into his wallet to pull out enough ryo for both drinks plus a tip and set it on the table. He smiled and pulled up a napkin. He lifted his hand and closed all his fingers except his index finger. With a minute amount of chakra he pushed through the tip of his finger. Out of the air in front of his finger a tiny little red ball formed no bigger then his fingernail. His blood chakra had formed and transformed into actual blood outside of his body as was his clans ability. Still he let the ball stretch out several tiny tendrils which began to lay into the napkin as if fine penmanship. It wrote down in blood to travel due north towards the northernmost point of the village from the administration building. As the last period was put in place the last of the blood was used and Rippa pushed the note over towards Asura. He smiled as he spoke once more. This time as he looked at the man with a seriousness in his blue eyes.

"Follow those directions and you will find the sword saint compound. It is very large. Remember we follow many dojo traditions there. Bring your own Gi and bow in the traditional way with right fist into your left open palm. Bow your head while doing so and introduce yourself. Ask to see me and they will allow you in. Also remember to leave your shoes in the front entry way. The Dojo is very stern and I don't want you getting kicked out for accidental disrespect. As for not seeing me in any dojo, before I became captain my training was done through battle abroad. I gained my abilities through a great deal of blood shed. As for your reason for being a shinobi, that is honorable, however while that is true, I must encourage you to see beyond your own needs. You must be willing to stand between any citizen and any threat. A true shinobi does not just battle for himself or his family but for all life. As a Senju I am sure you understand how even the smallest life is sacred. However if you will excuse me morning exercises will begin soon at the dojo and I am expected there. I must be off. I look forward to meeting you again tomorrow."

With a smile he stood and as he had described he placed his right fist in his open left palm and bowed his head respectfully keeping his gaze on Asura. Then he picked up his bags and turned. His mind already moving towards his surprise as he moved out of the tea shop. He had an interesting weapon in mind for a taijutsu expert with that kind of reach. He would need to order it delivered to the dojo before the morrow. As he wished to present it to the man there.

Exit thread

Endurance B-1 ~> B-3 1700/1700
Perception B-1 ~> B-3 1700/1700
Lightning Release: Lightning Conduction 1000/1000
74 remaining

Asura Senju

Asura Senju

Asura watched Rippa closely as he pulled out the napkin, his eyes widening at the sight of the blood, watching it as it fell, turning into words on the napkin. Asura was extremely surprised at this, 'So this is the power of the Chi Clan' he thought to himself as he continued to watch carefully, attempting to not miss anything. He took the napkin and marveled at the work of the blood chakra, looking for any noticeable differences from normal writing. Asura then returned his attention to Rippa, listening carefully to the spoken instructions, nodding at the mention of him having to bring his own Gi and the traditional bow used around others who visited the Dojo.

Asura smiled, sitting back in his chair as he heard more about the Dojo, hearing the rules and how Rippa earned his abilities as a Shinobi. As Rippa approached the subject about who a Shinobi should fight for, Asura's eyes dropped to the floor, still listening closely to each and every word, but when Rippa was just about to announce his leave, Asura looked back up. Asura stood as Rippa did and bowed back, placing his right fist in his open left palm, lowering his head to bow in respect for the great warrior, "I will be there tomorrow" He let his head rise as Rippa left the Café.

Asura turned to his sister and smiled, walking up to her after Rippa's departure, "Hey Yuki, what are you ordering?" He asked her in a calm caring tone as he approached his younger sister. Yuki looked up to him and smiled, speaking in her soft innocent voice, "Just a cup of Red bush" She looked back to the counter, waiting. Asura took out his black wallet, opening it and pulling out a few Ryo, handing it to Yuki, "Alright, if you need me, I'll either be at the Book store or at him" He replied, turning and making his way across the purple carpet to the wooden door, slowly opening it and walking out.

Asura slowly made his way back to the book store, thinking over the entire of the meeting he had just finished with that mysterious Rippa, his thought returning back to when they first talked in the book store. Asura tried to remember if anything seemed strange to him, but nothing in the store, nor on the way there. He was trying to see if maybe this was just a part of his imagination, stuff like this generally happened to him, his other-self would appear in the form of his imagination but alas it hadn't this time. Asura smiled after knowing that, looking ahead as he grinned to himself, thinking of what the next day would bring.

Asura made his way to the store, slowly opening the door and walking back into the store, looking to his side he found his brother, sitting there while leaning back in his chair, a bright smile on the slightly shorter man's face. "What are you so happy about?" Asura asked Cero in a carefree tone. "Hehe, got myself a date" Cero laughed lightly, as Asura joined him. "With who? Your right hand?" Asura asked in a joking fashion, however moments later Cero replied with, "For once, no, it's with that girl down the street who has a look at me every-time I go past" He laughed before getting serious for a moment, the joking dying there, "She's actually quite cute" Cero added with a large grin on his face. Cero shook his head and focused on Asura, "So, how was the meeting?" Cero asked. "Well, tomorrow is going to be the first training I've had in a long time." Asura replied, punching his left palm with his right hand clenched into a fist, "And it's going to be fun." He added, laughing lightly.

-- Exit Thread --

Word Count: 650
Total Count: 3,723

Strength, Reaction Time, Perception, Endurance
E ~> E-1, 75 words and 0 Ryo.
E-1 ~> E-2, 150 words and 0 Ryo
E-2 ~> E-3, 225 words and 0 Ryo.
E-3 ~> D, 300 words and 0 Ryo.

E-1 ~> E-2, 150 words and 0 Ryo
E-2 ~> E-3, 225 words and 0 Ryo.
E-3 ~> D, 300 words and 0 Ryo.

(75 + 150 + 225 +300) x 4 + (150 + 225 + 300) = 3,675

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