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Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Konoha Prison-Late at night

While the guard passed the singular cell in the deepest part of the maximum security prison of Konohagakure no sato, he noted that the man in the cell was silent, only using a single candle to read a book titled: Development of the mind. The man in question, was once hailed as a genius medic ninja, a astronomically powerful shinobi and had seen many of Konoha's highest positions come through his hands, but his undoing came at the hand of his own arrogance and ignorance towards those he had deemed weaker than himself. This man was none other than the former Ouroboros Clan regent and criminal mastermind Orochi Enaka.

As the light coming from the guard's lantern had passed through his cell and vanished up the stairs at the end of the corridor in which Enaka's cell had been placed, the once most powerful man of Konoha closed his book and blew out the candle on the nightstand next to his rather uncomfortable bed. With his deep, black eyes open and staring towards the ceiling of his cell, the man gave a soft, yet eerie chuckle.

"What will you do now, my dear Risu," He whispered in silence. "What will you do now that you have shaken our clan to its core?"

Ouroboros Clan compound: Hebi Family Temple-Late at night

Several men and women sat on small cushions around a barely lit table, with at the head of it, a pair of old, grayhaired elders who seemed to wait for a response coming from the more younger people around the table.

"Ridiculous," A stern looking, middle-aged man with a slender frame scoffed, while sipping from a cup of green tea and putting it back on the table without making a single sound in doing so. The crest on his black gi betraying his ancestry as a Hebi family member. "Lord Enaka was a wise and powerful man, he was supposed to lead our clan to a new age in which we would no longer need to be bullied by the Senju or the Hyuga. They all feared his might and his intellect, but with him in prison, what do we get? Some snotnosed young brat trying to tell us what to do."

A few other people around the table mumbled their own thoughts on the man's words, others grumbled in agreement. It had not been since Lady Aori, that such a young woman had taken control over the Ouroboros clan and Lady Aori got killed so easily, it was almost humiliating.

The two elders only seemed to nod calmly, though suddenly the man at the right: an elderly man, with as many wrinkles on his face, as he had long gray hairs running down his scalp, tapped with his fingers on the table to gently demand some silence and obedience from the group of people at the table. "We will leave this matter in your hands member of the Hebi family council, you can try to do whatever you can for the benefit of our clan, Yoroi."

The stern man replied the old man's kind words with a smirk on his face and stood up, while making an apologetic bow to the rest of the men and women still resting at the table, before stepping out of the room.

Ouroboros compound: Orochi Estate-Late at night

"I'm sick of this so-called patient waiting," The young Orochi lady sighed deeply, while trying to read the most recent reports on the tension within the Ouroboros clan. "Misaki, get Tenzo over here. I've got a job for him."

The young woman, dressed in the clothes of the Orochi Estate's servants, bowed calmly and left the clanhead's study to get the Uchiha as requested.

"Damn my uncle and his policies," The young woman sighed, hating the fact that she knew almost nothing of what had transpired within the clan from the time Enaka took control of it until she had framed him. She was sure it was going to take quite some time for her to truly take over the clan as effective as Enaka had done, but at the same time, she was annoyed by the fact that there had already arisen some tension between her and the Hebi family's council members. They always tried to have more influence than necessary, that bunch of meddling old folk. However, they were not to be trifled with, as most of the compound's guard and security detail was done by them. "Now I wished I could put them under some kind of convenient genjutsu or just eradicate them all...given my own abilities...probably the latter."


Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

Inside his own chamber.

A few strayed rays of moonlight had found their way inside the young Uchiha’s room, and those few rays were shimmering brightly, adding to the already small candles that were lit inside the room; however, this celestial light was continuous and it did not flicker at all, unlike those small and circular candles.  Beneath those ebony eyes there was a  small square-shaped piece of paper which he held dearly between the tips of those two fragile fingers. Those eyes and lips were in perfect sync whilst he kept reading through it, and apparently it was a letter from his own sister, one which he received in this morning. However, due to his protective nature which he had, Tenzō did not wish at all to involve Shiro in his own affairs, despite her being much stronger than he actually was. The amount of love which he shared for her was indeed enormous, and outweighed that which he felt for both of his own parents.

Dear Tenzō,

It’s been a long time since our last talk, and hopefully you’re keeping up well. I knew that I shouldn’t have pushed these things upon you so quickly, but you have to understand that I do not longer have the time which I had before, which means that I can no longer spend that much time with you. And knowing you, the fact that you did not returned here is not really a surprise, take your time, there is no rush.

You know where to find me Tenzō, however, I’ll be missing for a month or two. There are a couple of unfinished business that we must attend to, and once those are finished, surely, you will be ready to come and visit me. There is so much that I wish to talk with you about, and once you find out, you’ll probably understand what’s our goal and hopefully, you’ll decide to be a part of it.

Last but not least, I want to thank you for not telling our parents the whole truth. It must have been hard on you, since you barely threw any kind of lies at them before. Anyway, I’ll be leaving in an hour, and once you get this letter, I might already be out. Do not worry at all about me, as the whole chantry is going on the move, and we’ll watch over each other’s back; however, this is more of a diplomatic assignment than a normal one.

Be safe,


A couple of knocks brought down the silence which roamed freely inside the room, and they had emerged right after the raven-haired man had finished up reading his letter. “Uhm... yes?” were the words which gushed out between those numb limps, while with a few gestures he wrapped back the letter within its original square-shaped form. The doors now hissed open, and one of the Orochi Lady’s servants has made her appearance within the room. “Lady Risu has requested your presence, Tenzō.” Misaki spoke on a calm tone before slightly tilting her head against the ground. “I’ll put some clothes on and I’ll head over there in a jiffy. Thank you, miss.” Tenzō spoke responded on a nonchalant tone before tearing down that piece of paper into tiny little pieces.

The time has come for him to get down from that medium-sized bed and head back towards work. Therefore, the Uchiha performed a most luxurious stretch while letting out a generous yawn escape between those parted lips, he was indeed a bit tired; however, there was no time to complain. Without further ado, his toes touched the ground before sinking themselves completely within that white and furry rug. In just a couple of seconds, Tenzō exchanged into the clothes that he was granted by that Ouroboros clan before leaving his room behind in order to scurry down the hallway. The simple thought of being late and having the chance of dealing with his mistress’s wrath, managed to make his spine shiver.

Again, three knocks were given against the door, although, this time it happend against the room in which the Orochi Lady requested for the Uchiha’s presence. Once his permission to enter inside was granted, Tenzō clenched those five fingers around the door’s knob which had a Ouroboros creature engraved upon it before twisting it once in order to enter inside the room. He wore that usual attire of his that was consisted from plain and jet-black clothes, which covered his body fully; from neck to toes. “You’ve requested my presence, Lady Risu?” Tenzō asked on a curious tone before relocating himself against the woman, kneeling down before as a sign of respect. That hair of his looked a bit tussled and that long sleeve shirt wasn’t even properly tucked inside his pants.

~ 824/824 of Total Words ~

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Rumors of the schism between the Hebi family's council of elders and the Orochi main family had been circling around in the Ouroboros clan for quite some time already, with many of the Hebi family not sure who to support: their own elders or the woman in charge of the entire clan: Orochi Risu. The main reason for this entire ordeal was the fact that Risu, despite her high rank in the shinobi society, was hardly to be considered an adult when it came to age. With that and her not so bright history, the young woman was almost prone to become the subject of doubt and betrayal within the clan. However, despite all that, there was still a certain amount of fear, for who would dare to defy the laws made ever since the very creation of the Ouroboros clan?

Three knocks on the door to the Orochi lady's study were enough to notify her that he whom she had summoned had arrived. If anything, despite his almost futile attempts of trying to change their relationship into something more than that of pawn and player, queen and horse or even ruler and jester, Tenzo had already proven to be not just a reliable, but also a strong pawn in her hands. No longer a lapdog, but more serving the purpose of a guard or hunting dog. It seemed his growth knew almost no boundaries, though his more...refined skills still required some refinement.

"Two things I dont really like to see in someone who is supposed to be serving me and gaining my respect in the process, is a man who can't dress himself properly," The young woman pointed out, when giving a slight glare towards the young uchiha's untucked shirt and his somewhat unkempt hair. "Not that that is of any importance now. Thank you for arriving at such short notice Tenzo, take a seat and listen to what I am about to say."

The young woman, dressed in a dark purple jumpsuit, with her hair braided in a long, single swooping tail and with her unusually colored ANBU armor on, sat on the comfortable leather chair behind her desk, pointing towards the chair on the opposite side of the desk for tenzo to sit on.

"You must know about the rumors that the Hebi elders are starting to oppose me and I can tell you, they are all true," The young woman said with a swift smile, though quickly changing her expression towards a stone cold face, repressing the fear within her with a more dangerous emotion: hatred. She had taken up the mantle as Clanhead to guide her clan and herself to a newer and brighter future, but it seemed that kindness was only responded to in betrayal and a more decisive rule seemed to be more effective. "I am planning to eliminate those who are causing the schism. I plan to eliminate the Hebi clan elders and fully take control of the clan. I will decimate their power and remind them why The Orochi family IS the main family. For that, I will be needing a few people to assist me and you will be part of it...that is, if you are willing to be part of the future of Konoha and not just an image of this village's ugly past?"


Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

Those five fingers of his slithered upon the ground before a firm and solid push was done in order for him to arose from that kneeling position. Once those hissing words began that unmerciful assault against those two ears of his, the Uchiha began tucking that long-sleeve shirt inside those jet-black pants before even thinking of letting his own scrawny fingers arrange that unsettling image that was given by his bedraggled hair. Unlike him, the lady was the spitting image of refinement, and maybe, at least for once, he should learn something more than just fighting from her. As soon as that image of his was forged anew, Tenzō began crawling his way against the woman’s desk, before bending his own knees so that he may take a seated position upon the chair at which she pointed at.

“Yes. I have heard about –“ he spoke on a stern tone before stopping abruptly; no longer able to finish his own sentence due to that grim display of hatred that appeared upon Risu, one which easily suppressed his ability of speak. Silence was the only thing which he displayed in the passing seconds; however, a couple of consecutive and short nods were given once the Orochi Lady’s speech was over. “I don’t think that there might be a suited place for me in the future, nor in this so called past. Just tell me when and where, Lady Risu. This matter needs to be dealt with, and I believe that stealth might be the most useful approach in this case, as it is too soon to let the Hokage known about your rise to power.” the Uchiha spoke on a hollow tone which slightly drifted halfway towards a more bitter one.

That pair of ebony eyes slowly descended upon the wooden desk, whilst those arched brows dwelt deeper downward; something was clearly bothering him, although his next words would mostly like elucidate the act. “I believe that the having control over the Oroboros clan might not be enough, Lady Risu. As it was shown in the past... with my clan... when someone wishes to ascend, their wings would be immediately cut down by the current leaders which are supposed to run this village.” Tenzō spoke on an audacious tone whist clenching that right first of his which sat upon the desk; however, it was clear as daylight that his anger was not aimed at his own mistress, but more against the wretched world in which they lived. “Therefore, I believe that we should prepare and expect to take over the Hidden Leaf Village on your side as well, that way... no one will interfere with the world that you wish to create.” were his last spoken words before unclenching that iron grip.

His words were spoken, in spite of that hesitation which lurked inside of him. Obviously, the Uchiha believed that Risu was capable of overtaking this village in order to bend it at her own will. She was indeed adequate, especially with fear on her side as an instrument capable of making the Leaf Village docile and restrained; ceasing any kind of unwanted attempts that may oppose her own plans was something which she was really good at. However, the hesitation wasn’t caused by his own beliefs. Tenzō was actually worried about the answer that she may give him; nonetheless, if Lamya was going to accept this proposal, or if she already had this idea in mind as well, then those worrying thoughts of his might be gone forever. Perhaps, the Uchiha’s fangs were starting to take shape as well.

~ 606/1430 of Total Words ~

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

"I am very well versed in the history of your clan, Tenzo," Risu replied calmly, when the Uchiha had spoken his mind on the matter, implying carefully that controlling the Ouroboros clan alone was by far not enough to ever exert control over Konoha, let alone the entire shinobi world. He was right ofcourse, but still, to use one of Konoha's worst examples to compare the Ouroboros with was not something pleasurable to hear for anyone, the young orochi lady in particular. "There's a reason why controlling my clan is probably the most important part of the entire ambition I have. Most members of both the Hebi family and the Orochi main family are almost mandatory to at some point join the ANBU, this clan is known for its medical ninjutsu prowess far beyond that of others, their affinity for snakes makes us not just expert hunters, but simply apex predators in this world of sheep. To control the Ouroboros, is to control the apex predator of Konoha."

Despite all this though, the Hebi family outweighed the Orochi family when it came to numbers, which ensured that the Hebi family provided the guards for the Ouroboros clan and compound, even the protection of the main family had come in their hands and the Elders had finally decided to exert this power. A clanhead was only as strong as the loyalty within her or his subjects. The young woman was not going to buckle so easily though, planning to not just eliminate the remnants of the old system, but simply making sure that not just her, but also future generations of the clan would have a complete obedience to the clanhead.

"Konoha is along the road of my ambition, Tenzo," The Orochi lady sighed, placing her hand against her face, the shadow of her fingers and palm of her hand covering most of her features and expression, except for her eyes, which showed how much of her earlier words had been truth. They were cold, calculating and seething with a burning, yet suppressed rage. The usually quite composed, even sometimes sweet woman, had now shown the other side of her being, a more sinister and dark side of her character. "After all, a wise men once said: to conquer a nation, conquer its individuals. I plan to do exactly that, conquer all individuals. Those who join will have unlimited freedom, those who defy me...will perish, feeling dread and despair until their final breath. I want this clan completely along a singular line, no more tension, no more squabbling, scheming and plotting. They will obey me and that's final."

Slamming both her hands on the desk while rising to her full height only emphasized her last words. The Ouroboros clanhead was not going to let herself be done in simply because she was considered to be too young to lead her clan. However, just as she was about to continue talking or rather monologueing, the servant who had summoned Tenzo earlier, had entered the study without any warning beforehand.

"Lady Risu, the guards at the front gate are unconscious," The young woman reported with a frightened expression on her face, only to be silenced by the enraged expression on Risu's face.

"Tenzo, I think I have a small job for you," The young lady hissed, obviously furious by the news she was given. This was what she had expected, the Elders had made their first move. "Get yourself in gear and meet me at the garden in about five minutes. If it's a fight they want, it's death they'll get."


Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

The fact that she knew about their mistakes wasn’t a surprise for him at all; however, hearing how much the woman praised her own clan, and listening to how good they were was indeed something new to his ears. Nonetheless, when the woman spoke that Konoha lies within her ambitions, that restless heart of his was placed to a rest; the hesitation was no longer perturbing his soul, and thus, that eerie lingering was banished from within. “I didn’t wish to make it sound that way, as I never once doubted your strength, Lady Risu. And you’re right, we should start by cleaning up this mess.” were the words that came gushing out between those pale lips. He watched over her, listening and letting each word sink deeply within him, absorbing them like a sponge and fully understanding her determination and strong-willed personality; however, the Uchiha was baffled once both of her hands were slammed against the desk. This act further backed up her words, adding a lot of weight behind them.

Although, the admiration stopped abruptly once the servant intruded within the room. The horrifying news which assaulted the lad’s ears had managed to strive a shivering feeling throughout his whole vessel ; the time to act had already came. Without further ado, a quick jerk was performed by the Uchiha before he arose completely from that seated position of his. He did not foresee this act, and this whole deal came a bit too rushed. Nonetheless, Tenzō wasn’t going to back down from such an act, and the only thing left for him to do was to head over within his room in order to grab his own pouch. In reality, he did not really had that much equipment, nor tools that were befitting for battle; however, he started raising up money in order to afford a few later on. Once the Orochi Lady finished up her words, not a even a second was laid to waste, as such the Uchiha already waltzed outside the room and headed for his own.

A couple of minutes had passed, two to three.

“Cling!” was the sound which echoed throughout the gardens, however it was immediately muffled by that ravenous wind began to blew quite intensely, tussling the Uchiha’s jet-black hair once he stepped outside the estate. The once blue-ocean like sky was now being invaded by a considerable number of grey and vicious looking clouds, and they were not the only one that invaded this compound. It was clear as daylight that a ferocious storm may descend upon this land, adding a whole dramatic effect towards this occurring event. Outside the swords were clashing ceaselessly, the guards were desperately trying to make sure that no one was about to intrude within Lamya’s estate. They were indeed loyal to her cause, and did not even dare of failing at their post. Clouds were roaring like lions, suppressing the sounds which occurred within the compound; however, there was no need to worry if this event was going to leave outside the walls, since The Elders were the first to initiate the attack after all.

One bold individual decided to bypass through the battle and went straight for the entry where Tenzō stood and awaited for Lamya. Without any more time wasted, the Uchiha contracted his muscles and awaited for the impact, despite the fact that this person might have been above or below his own set of skills. He was supposed to act as a shield for her in the future, and this was probably one of the times in which he could prove his worth and dedication, there was no time nor reason to back down from this fight. The Orochi Lady was supposed to arrive in any second, and without anymore hesitation within him, the Uchiha puckered up both fists in order to engage within a quick scuffle.

None of them shall enter the estate.

~ 664/2094 of Total Words ~

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Nearly a dozen of men had stormed the Orochi Estate, which with it's initial security detail of only six men taken down, had fallen quickly. A second dozen of men had effectively sealed off all entrance to the estate, making it impossible for anyone outside of it to know what's going on. The main target was Lady Orochi and all who stood with her. The Hebi Elders had effectively and unanimously decided to persist in making a purge, with the purged being the clanhead herself.

Just in time to see the first men swarm through the garden, Risu had made her way downstairs, clad in her black armor, black jumpsuit and black, high-heeled boots. She had decided not to wear her mask, but she did wear the jewelry in the form of the two black and white bracelets representing her status as the current head of the Ouroboros clan.

"Everyone, retreat from your positions," The young woman yelled with a furious anger seething in her words. The guards who heard these words knew what it meant: to retreat to the Estate itself to protect the servants and other members of the family present at the moment. However, as they retreated, even more of the enemy's shinobi managed to slip through and face their target. Bearing the insignia of the double headed serpent on their armors, Risu did not have a hard time recognizing who was behind this initial assault: Orochi Yoroi, a member of the council of Elders despite his Orochi heritage and great-uncle of Risu, uncle of her own uncle. Orochi Yoroi was a stern, authorative man, who had seen his wealth flourish under Enaka's rule and it was obvious who he had wanted to wear the bracelets which resided in Risu's custody. "Tenzo, do not restrain yourself. Traitors deserve a traitor's death. No more, no less."

As two shinobi reached her, the young woman quickly made a few hand signs, after which two rather large snakes made out of rock and rapid running water sprouted from the ground, snapping their jaws clean around the two assailants' heads, after which the clanhead simply drew her two scalpels from their sheaths and sliced open their main arteries at the base of their neck, with the two snakes holding them in place as they quickly bled dry.

Finally getting next to the young Uchiha, the young Orochi lady gave him a brief, yet wicked smile. Her eyes showed that she was willing to exterminate the vermin who had dared to cause this nightly ruckus and that she was not affraid of getting some blood on her hands.

"I reckon you can handle those two over there," The woman laughed, pointing at two men coming from their left, already preparing their tantos to strike. If Tenzo had studied a bit of this clan's origin and powers, he would've known that the elements they mainly used were water and earth release, with an extra attention to be made for their vicious medical ninjutsu. The two he had to face were just barely chuunin, something a more seasoned and well-rounded chuunin such as himself wouldn't need to worry about. "It wont be long before Yoroi himself arrives, when he does, make sure to be ready and have as much remaining chakra as possible...if you want to survive, that is."


chakra: 300/320

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

Their numbers were indeed surprising and that coordination of theirs suggest that they must have spent a considerable amount of time in planning out this attack against the newly appointed leader of the Ouroboros clan. A man around his twenties was standing against the Uchiha’s feet, clearly indicating that his efforts to breach inside the estate were in vein, especially now since the Queen decided to bestow the battlefield with her presence. That simple presence of hers was more than enough to influence the outcome of this battle, as those who were loyal towards her received a high amount of confidence by knowing that he she was going to partake within this battle, and not just simply leave them behind to fight on her stead.

As soon as her first order was issued, Tenzō backed a bit from his position, switching to a much closer one that was located alongside the Orochi Lady. That terrifying shout of anger which echoed as soon as it departed between her lips managed to place a sudden shiver throughout the Uchiha’s body, despite him recognizing the tone of her voice and knowing that he was fighting on her side. “I understand, Lady Risu. It’s either me or them, there will be no middle way.” the Uchiha had spoken while clenching those fingers around a kunai that he just grabbed; that razor-sharp pointy edge was aiming towards the ground, revealing that it was actually held in reverse. Those ebony eyes of his which displayed neither kindness, nor hatred, was now being replaced by his usual pair of crimson eyes that were shimmering brightly against the sunlight like a pair of blood-red gemstones with two comma-like dots printed upon them.

For a couple a seconds, a warm feeling of certainty had bestowed upon the Uchiha once his head cocked over that left shoulder of his just to notice that she was standing next to him; however, that wicked smile which took over her face managed to quickly erase that though of his. Hopefully, the woman won’t decide to suddenly break out of her chains and kill everything in her path due to that hot-blooded state which she displayed while ending the lives of those who opposed her. Despite of all these, in reality there wasn’t really a reason for the Uchiha to be worried about, since the young woman probably had a large degree of control over her own powers and feelings.

Once her words and laughter assaulted the raven-haired man’s ears, the Uchiha’s crimson eyes darted those who were left behind as his targets. That dust particles beneath his two feet swirled once a lunged was performed to close the gap between him and the two that were coming with a trusting attack done by those already drawn tantos. Their attacks were already plain and simple, and with the use of his Sharingan, Tenzō managed to pinpoint their trajectory before dashing a bit towards his right, letting the first tanto miss him by just a few inches. Therefore, an opportunity was now standing before his eyes, one that he immediately seized by thrusting that kunai within the man’s armpit, forcing him to chock within a considerable amount of pain; that tanto of his fallen against the ground, and one could say that he was now disarmed.

In just a blink of an eye, right after that sword which he held had fallen against the ground, the other shinobi had proceeded with a life-threatening intention towards the young Uchiha, allowing him absolutely no time to rest from his previous act. With another sidestep, Tenzō managed to avoid a blow which that was aimed against his heart, getting just a medium-sized cut upon that left biceps before bending his own knees. From that crouched position, the Uchiha stampeded in the heat of battle against the shinobi with brute force so that he may tackle him against the ground. As soon as the collision was performed, a thud sound echoed once that man’s spine had kissed the ground beneath, and without any more time wasted, the Uchiha began throwing an avalanche of fist against the man’s face, drenching those hard knuckles of his within the man’s blood.

Both heavy and roaring sounds echoed with each blow that Tenzō dealt against the man; it didn’t really matter where he was hitting after all, as such, in just a couple of seconds, the raven-haired lad clanged upon the tanto that was standing nearby him before shoving it deeply within the man’s chest, ending his life with a slight twist upon the handle. In the meanwhile, a group of four individuals began arranging themselves against the estate in a straight line that allowed all of them to face the building without having any kind of difficulties doing so. Without further ado, they all began performing a couple of hand seals with the simple intention of spewing out a jet of water from their mouths and hopefully drown those who stood and defended Lady Risu; however, even their combined efforts would probably not work against this woman, since the techniques which they were performing were most likely one that can be used by either a genin or chūnin.

~ 888/2982 of Total Words ~
Status 190 Chakra Left:

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Ridiculous and almost laughable tries to take down someone far more talented and far more powerful, it was something which was now happening to Risu. While she had been monitoring the situation, giving orders to the few guards that were present at the Orochi estate and had not forsaken their loyalty to her, despite the rather overwhelming numbers of those who had invaded her home, also watching Tenzo's beautiful display of his current growth made her realize that those who were at this point attacking her and her companions, were not nearly enough to even present a danger to them.

Four of them, despite silently commenting them for their bravery, the young Orochi lady also cursed these four assailants for being headstrongly stubborn, unruly stupid and ignorant of the difference between hers and their combined might. No matter how she looked at it, this was nothing more than a slaughter. Yoroi had litterally send the weakest members of the crop to surprise her and her followers, it was both a warning and an insult, mainly the latter though.

"If you think you can best me, you are welcome to try," The young woman said calmly to the four shinobi creating their handsigns, slightly bending through her knees, while raising her arm with her hand in front of her face. "I wont even need to use any handsigns to take you lot down. If you really think you are doing the right thing, you may proceed, if not...lay down your arms and surrender peacefully."

Just as she had uttered those words, the four shinobi released their jutsu with a slight smirk on their face, with four streams of water spouting through the air towards the young lady. However, in an instant, she had already managed to dash towards them, covering the entire distance of about ten meters in not even a fraction of a second, ducking right in front of the shinobi most at the right of her earlier position. Only Tenzo's eyes at that time, should've been able to glimpse at the truth of what had made it possible for her to do such a thing. Just before the shinobi's water trumpet jutsu was unleashed from their mouths, the muscles in Lamya's legs were heavily imbued with chakra, fortifying and strengthening the muscles in those legs beyond their natural limits, granting her a speed much higher than what she could accomplish in normal circumstances. He could've also noticed that it was a variation of the jutsu she had used the first time they had met, but then she had used it to strengthen the muscles in her arms.

In the blink of an eye, Risu's Koketsu and Kirinketsu ryoga scalpels had found their way to the first victim, with her Koketsu skillfully slashing underneath the first shinobi's armpit while her Kirinketsu ryoga sliced on the inside of the man's knee, cutting his tendons and the arteries at both places, granting him a slow and painful death as he had no balance and had started bleeding out already. Right after the second slash, she lifted her right arm and out of the grass, a massive white snake speedily slithered upwards across her body and sprang from her arm to the second victim, coiling around him while crushing his flesh and bone to a pulp.

The third one however, managed to ward off a slash from her scalpels with a quickly drawn tango, displaying at least some semblance of refinement in his skills compared to the easily surprised earlier two victims. Backing away a bit with his surviving companion, they attempted to make a few quick handsigns, yet despite their effort, Risu was still faster with hers and as she slammed the ground with her hands, two massive snakes created out of mud sprouted out of the ground, rushed towards the two and right before impact, the two snakes hardened immensely, crushing the two men to pulp as they crashed upon them.

"We'll need to form a counterattack," Risu sighed, with Uraeus already having slithered upon her shoulders, as she rushed to stand next to the young Uchiha male. "We need to take down the source dont you agree?"


chakra: 250/320

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

As the battle waged on, the Hebi family kept sending those who were the weakest up against the front, with the simple intent of getting the opposing faction which stood beneath the estate a bit tiered and more around the level of those who were about to show up; however, their plans didn’t really go as intended, since the cannon fodder was too easily taken down. Even those four which were about to show a promising attack, were quickly dwelt within just a couple of seconds by the Orochi Lady herself, even the Uchiha remained baffled once he finished up with his own target, allowing those two crimson eyes to catch a glimpse of how effortlessly she was capable of performing such a feat. This whole battle was a clear example for displaying the difference between the lines of blood, and it was clear as daylight that those within the Hebi family were far more bellow then someone who was born within the Orochi one; however, the Orochi Lady was a jewel hidden beneath the garden of flowers, something of her own.

The more time he spent fighting along her side, the more knowledge and experience he was capable of soaking like a sponge while watching over the Orochi Lady. The amount of control that she had regarding her known techniques was astonishing, since she was capable of partially using them in order to maintain her fatigue and chakra reserves during the whole battle. Despite the whole gruesome image that kept unfolding beneath his gaze, this represented an opportunity for him to learn more then he could on his own; there was nothing more rewarding than battles to the deaths or wars in terms of pushing someone over their own limits. With both hands soaked in blood, the young Uchiha arose from the ground whilst playing with those scrawny fingers within his own jet-black hair, removing any kind of hair strands that lingered upon his face, slicking them all backwards while leaving a few smudges of blood upon that forehead.

Another plan was about to be forged by the cunning young lady, right after her onslaught was finished and she managed to regroup back with the Uchiha. “Just give the order, Lady Risu.” Tenzō spoke on a stern tone while throwing those eyes all over the place, not leaving his guard down even for a mere second. Despite how many words they had managed to exchange afterwards, the fate of this battle was about to end rather quickly, due to a rather rash and unexpected event that was about to occur. In the meanwhile, the guards who were in charge of defending the Orochi state were placing their lives on the lines while fighting off the Hebi offenders which continued pushing on despite their continuous failed attempts of breaching within the building. They were all persistent and loyal to their cause, as such, convincing them to back down was clearly not an option, the bloodshed was still going to continue; nonetheless, taking on their leader might change that situation.

“I’m not sure how many losses we’re going to have in this battle, lady Risu; however, I believe that we must pursue this opportunity and purge the Hebi family as well.” the Uchiha spoke on a stern tone before shifting both of those crimson eyes against the woman, awaiting for her orders and plan regarding the whole situation. While doing so, Tenzō began rubbing both hands against those jet-black clothes which were covering up his own naked body, trying to detach himself from this whole unsettling imagery as much as it was possible for him to so. The whole atmosphere was getting tenser with each moment passing by, and it was no secret that the pinnacle of this battle was about to be reached rather soon enough, an action back up by the small numbers of shinobi that began gathering a couple of meters away, facing themselves all against the Orochi estate.

~ 666/3648 of Total Words ~
180 Chakra Left:

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

A slight jerking of the muscles in her jawline made it obvious that she was starting to grit her teeth, Risu's eyes showed a fury beyond anything she had shown before, while taking a look over what was happening. The fights and struggles between those who supported her and those who opposed her had not only ruined parts of the Orochi estate's famed garden, but she could also count numerous deaths among the various snakespecies residing in her garden, with many of the reptiles' corpses laying around, sullied by the unencumbered infighting of the Ouroboros clan. Tapping Uraeus on his head, Risu gave him the sign to lead all the snakes to a safer place, as he was probably the only snake that would not be bothered by the attacks of those shinobi.

 The young woman hissed with clear anger pouring through in her words. "Stand clear for I will destroy my entire youth for the sake of nipping this rebellion in the bud."

The other shinobi following the Clanhead's orders knew all along this was a possibility and without much thought, they ran as far as they could from the clanhead's position, taking along the servants who were still holed up in the house. 

As she looked at the shinobi who followed the orders of Orochi Yoroi, a sigh escaped Risu's lips. She had not wanted for something like this to happen, she didn't want to kill so many of her own clan, her own subjects. She despised the person who had triggered these events, who had turned her own family and friends against her. No more, she wouldn't be meek and loveable anymore, she'd be as hard as rock, as cold as ice if need be. She was going to show those members of the council of elders that there was a reason why the clanhead wasn't just a snake, but also a dragon.

With her chakra surging through her body, a deep purple and black aura started to appear all around her, a technique she had devised to better steer her chakra to whatever point she wanted it to be: the Sinister aura-Queen's intimidation technique.

"We will purge the entire clan of all traitors, all dissidents," The scorned woman spoke with a deep and vicious hiss in her voice towards Tenzo. The aura around her seemingly raging along with her. Without a warning she suddenly slammed her hands against the ground, channeling a massive amount of chakra through it. "Earth release-Swallowing earth!!"

For a radius of about twenty-five meters around her, every tree, plant and even animal seemed to be trembling, as the ground started tearing open, violently shaking and rupturing, while swallowing each and every object within the radius into itself, until only a flattened wasteland of silence remained in the radius of her technique, as if nothing had happened.

"Anyone who stands by me, kill those traitors, kill them all!" She yelled, getting the men and women who had just made themselves scarce for her onslaught rally themselves, while she made her way to the young Uchiha. "Leave these to the guards, we're going to pay the Elders a visit."



chakra: 220/320

Last edited by Lamya on Fri Mar 13, 2015 11:12 am; edited 1 time in total

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

The raven-haired lad barely had any time at all to react once those heeding words of hers managed to assault his own ears, and without any further ado, a completely baffled expression took over that face once that terrifying ninjutsu was performed. The whole land which stood beneath their feet was immediately consumed within that technique that almost literally swallowed the earth, acting as key advantage which will allowed an easy win for all of those who were loyal towards the Orochi Lady. It was remarkable that with a little bit of effort on her behalf, the woman was capable of changing the tides of this battle, influencing it gravely with something that didn’t really seem as an effort when it came towards the extent of her own capabilities. Although, with a few more thoughts given within this particular achievement, the Uchiha didn’t really had any kind of chances that allowed him to witness how the woman fought without any kind of restrains.

A most awaited order was given as soon as her print was heavily placed upon this battle, one which Tenzō acknowledged before returning back on her side. “I am ready, Lady Risu.” were the few, but concise and determined words that were spoken by the young fellow on a confident tone which showed that fiery determination of his for the upcoming task. A second or two more were spent in order to assess himself for any kind of grave wounds that might have arose upon that milky white skin of his; however, there was probably nothing to worry about. Besides a few locations that might end up transforming within bruises over the night, and a few insignificant shallow wounds, the Uchiha looked suitable for the counterattack that was just about to become a reality.

It was a bit obvious that the Uchiha was striving hardly to display the maturity and dedication which he had began forging on the first day that marked his enrolment within the march towards a better world. As time kept passing by his own vessel without any kind of mercy, the raven-haired kept growing that passion of his regarding her vision upon the world, becoming more and more interested and curious with each passing day. He kept following her while playing the pawn without any kind of restrains regarding his own position, as in reality, there were no second thoughts regarding the path that he choose.

~ 407/4055 of Total Words ~

~ Thread Closed ~

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

Sorry for posting here, but a lot of time passed and I'm going to train here.

I got a Total WC of 4055.

Training Third Spec Genjutsu from C-Rank to B-Rank

4055 - 4000 = 55 Remaining Words

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