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Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Ten years prior to the rebellion

A stern looking, slender man walked down the Ouroboros compound's main street, greeting his fellow clansmen politely, yet without warmth. He looked upon the others as nothing else but stepping stones for his own ambition, the ambition to become the head of the clan, but when Orochi Aori had died mysteriously on a mission along with her husband, he had missed his chance to take the position and his nephew Orochi Enaka had taken upon himself the position of clan regent, to keep the position safe until Risu; Aori's daughter would be old enough to lead the clan.

Disgruntled by this fact, Yoroi decided to take up arms against his own nephew and confront him during a calm night at the Orochi estate.

It was over before it had even begun, with Yoroi laying down on the ground, his entire body full of scratches and wounds, yet also completely drained of all energy and chakra, while his nephew Enaka was standing next to him without even so much as a spec of dirt on his clothes.

"You're way to weak to even fathom the forces you're trying to oppose," The cold, handsome man hissed deeply, while placing his foot upon the older Yoroi's chest. "Your ambitions are to small, your dreams and goals to limited, no wonder you've lost so easily. Support me uncle, join with me and together we will fulfill a dream much grander than the both of us, an ambition stretching further than what even the gods could perceive. Join me uncle and help me."

Present day: Hebi Temple

Yoroi's eyes seemed to widen behind his mask, his breathing becoming slightly heavier as he started to become enraged by the words uttered by Risu, the sentences she had brought upon him and the pressure he felt brought him to the action of taking a single step backwards while trying to maintain his calm.

"You are blind, Lady Risu" Yoroi hissed deeply, after having regained his composure. "You're missing the bigger picture here. You can't be as powerful or as intimidating as your uncle. Your goal of unifying the clan, your ambition to stand atop all of the shinobi in is all but to shallow a goal, all just a whim made by a reckless child. So unlike your uncle, you lack vision."

Maddened by the doctrine he had followed so perfectly for an entire decade, Yoroi started to weave a set of handseals, pointing with both his hands towards Risu and Tenzo, after which two three feet long javelin like objects of crackling electricity were shot through the air at great speed towards them. "Lightning Release: Javelin!!"

Thinking Tenzo could most likely deal with the projectile thrown towards him without any of her intervention, Risu took a step aside to dodge the javelin, only to feel it pass through her hair and singing off part of it in the process. "Tens...if you would, could you use"


Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

The Uchiha was keeping both of those crimson eyes locked against the man while he spoke, and once he had the chance to spot that slight gesture which indicated that the slithering man was about to perform a couple of consecutive hand seals, almost every muscles within his body started to contract. As soon as the lightning lance was thrown and aimed towards his own direction, Tenzō quickly jumped against the ceiling before channeling chakra beneath his own feet in order to remain glued against it. Luckily for him that the gap between them increased once Orochi Yoroi took that sly step backwards, as such, the Uchiha had enough time to react so that he may barely avoid the lance which slipped between his two legs; a second later and he would have most likely been castrated.

“Tsk...” was the sound which escaped between the Uchiha’s teeth once the Orochi Lady gave the order, and at her call a few hand seals were placed in motion. No doubt this man was capable of inflicting a significant amount of injuries if the battle was going to be dragged long enough for him to do so, as the raven-haired man was already bearing the strain which he got from those earlier encounters. “Katon, Goryūka no Jutsu!” the Uchiha muttered on a low tone as soon as those hand seals were finished, whilst keeping those lips apart for the next technique that he was about to perform. With those inflated lungs, the young man pushed a considerable amount of molded chakra which gushed out forcefully between those two parted lips; eventually, taking the shape of a dragon’s head that was capable of producing second-degree or minor third-degree burns if the it were to hit the man effectively.

Tenzō didn’t really questioned the Orochi’s Lady order and immediately hurled that technique at Yoroi while keeping his position against the ceiling; however, if she were to use a Fūton jutsu in combination with his own, the total damage might be devastating towards the man. Right after the technique was performed, the Uchiha released a few worrying and heavy breaths since it wasn’t really that surprising that he was about to reach his own limit soon enough. Those clothes which covered his naked body were definitely soggy from the amount of sweat that was being produced and a few drops could also be seen as they cascaded down upon the floor which stood beneath them.

Not only that, but the raven-haired man sustained a significant amount of blood loss despite the fact that the wounds had finally stopped bleeding by now since they weren’t really that deep to begin with, although there were quite a few of them. Despite the feeling which indicated that his own limits were about to be reached, the Uchiha pushed forward since the woman requested for him to not disappoint those expectations which she had. Backing now would only make his own words seem meaningless, and that was something which he did not view highly beneath his own eyes.

~ 520/520 of Total Words ~

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

"Heh, telling an Uchiha to use something hot," Yoroi snickered, thinking he had figured out Risu's plan and was already prepared to act according to her own steps. "If only you two had better teamwork, you wouldn't had to reveal your pitiful strategy."

When eventually Tenzo started filling his lungs with air, the older Orochi family member had already started to harden his skin by using the same technique Risu often used, turning his skincells into scales, which would protect him from most of the damage he could be getting from any kind of jutsu. When the Uchiha exhaled forcefully, sending a massive combination of flames shaped like a dragon's head towards the former ANBU member, the endresult was that half the room had been scorched and singed by that single jutsu when it exploded upon impact with the man.

As the smoke cleared, Yoroi was left standing in a blackened area, with his clothes singed and burned, his skin despite the scales had also been singed, but only superficial. An expression of doubt was to be seen on his face, as he wondered what the clanhead had decided to do now, since she had not used a wind based jutsu like he had anticipated to.

"Sticking to a single plan and not expecting any changes during a fight," The young woman said calmly when she had dashed towards Yoroi while making a set of handseals, stretching out her hand towards the man's arms, which were still crossed in front of him. "Even this Uchiha knows what one must learn during a fight: Deception and quick thinking. Wind Release-Surprise shockwave."

As calm as she had said the name of her jutsu, so violent was the result, when a swift and hard blast of airpressure threw Yoroi off his feet, smacking him hard against the wall. The jutsu itself wasn't really good to be used in combination with a firejutsu as it was normally a defensive technique, but with the older man already having sustained some damage by Tenzo's magnificent display of his katon jutsu, Risu's surprise shockwave was merely the icing to the cake, forcing the older man to realize and acknowledge the pain of his burns and subsequent bruises he had gotten from the two jutsu.

With a hackled cough, Yoroi rose back to his feet, lowering his arms a bit and dispelling the taxing snakescale jutsu. An expression of hatred and resentment clad upon his face. The man's mask had already been shattered, his pride broken for the second time and even worse, he was humiliated in front of someone who did not belong to his clan or family. Enraged by this fact, the man started weaving another batch of handseals, his chakra reserves surging up, as he unleashed a violent torrent of strings of lightning coarsing through the air, knowing that Risu couldn't instantly use her fuuton jutsu again and with her doton and suiton jutsu useless against this torrent of electrical wires, she was helpless, but maybe the uchiha could do something, even if it was something small.

"Ack, I hate this jutsu," The young woman remarked, while trying to dodge the incoming strikes of lightning to the best of her abilities, though still getting touched every once in a while by the electricity. "Maybe I have an idea...break the ground you've burned Tenzo. I can't act at this point."


Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

It was surprising to see that he had the same capabilities as the Orochi Lady, a fact noticed once he was able to cover his own soft skin with those eerie looking scales which resembled the ones that could be found on a snake; however, despite the fact that he shared a similar technique, Yoroi didn’t seem to be able to keep it as much as Lamya could. The man was indeed a lot older than he looked, and that was probably the cause that stood behind its short usage, it was either that or there might be a significant difference within their genes. Tenzō remained put while trying to desperately catch his own breath, observing with those crimson eyes how the fight waged on between the two serpents. The Uchiha was nothing more than playing the role of the so called support within this particular battle; awaiting for an opportunity was probably the best thing to do since he only had a short amount of stamina that could only keep him going so much.

Right after Yoroi managed to collect himself back up from the ground, it seems that he somehow forgotten about the Uchiha and continued on with a life-threatening attack against the Orochi Lady; it was either that, or he did not considered him a threat anymore. This was probably the best opportunity that could be presented towards the raven-haired man, and without wasting any more time, Tenzō began calculating the next attack against the Orochi man while also having the woman’s words behind to support his next action even further. That right leg of his was slithered a bit forward before he actually began dashing forward; time wasn’t being wasted at all, since in the process of doing so there were a few hand seals being forged as well. Chakra once more began flowing intensely throughout that husk of his while molding within fire at the chest level.

As soon as the Tenzō found himself standing above Yoroi, the young lad will let a few words escape “Katon, Gōkakyū no Jutsu!” on a muttering tone. This technique was indeed lesser than the previous one which he used, but those chakra reserves of his were going low and making sure that he wouldn’t run out of them became a priority that must be maintained during the rest of this battle. Nonetheless, the fire spewed out terrifyingly towards the man which stood beneath, and it barely even had the chance to mold itself within a ball due to the short gap that lingered between them. Like Lamya suggested, the ground beneath his own feet was already showing signs of cracks and this particular technique was more than enough to ensure that it would crack upon collision.

Beneath all those harsh words which escaped between the man’s lips, there was at least one thing which he did not managed to get wrong. The fact that there was no cooperative teamwork between the Orochi Lady and the Uchiha, atlhough it wasn’t really that hard to perceive; however, this was an aspect that most likely stood beneath how much they understood each other, and only time was capable of improving this cooperation. Sure they can start forging a few combos that could be proven devastating if they were placed within play, although fights were really unpredictable and you never knew with who you were up against, as such, a more natural relationship was needed in order to provide that efficiency. The level of trust between them was an important factor that could achieve this as well.

~ 604/1124 of Total Words ~

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

As he watched how the current clanhead was having problems dealing with his raiton jutsu, Yoroi couldn't help but show his wicked smile. he had waited for this, for such a long time, the very moment he would be able to take the position for himself. He started laughing out loud, yet in that way he did not hear Risu's request at the Uchiha. The older man did not realize what they had planned or were planning, nor did he realize that his own jutsu was tearing apart the already severely damaged floor. When he did notice the cuts and cracks appearing on the ground near his feet, an expression of doubt appeared on the man's face while he turned his attention towards Tenzo.

"You despicable Uchiha!!" The man roared loudly when he finally realized what Tenzo was doing, as a large accumulation of katon chakra was formed into a large ball of flames and send down towards the ground. 

In an instant a cloud of smoke and dust covered the entire room when the ball of flames hit the floor, tearing it apart completely. For an instant it was silent and as the smoke and dust cleared, the room had a large gaping hole in the floor where moments earlier Orochi Yoroi was standing. From one of the untouched places of the floor, near the room's entrance, Risu was looking down through the hole, looking at the mount of rubble, broken floorboards and stone.

Sighing a bit, she jumped down towards the heap of rubble and debris, as she noticed an arm stuck out of the mountain of stone and wood. There was blood on the arm and the ring on the visible hand's index finger showed that it was Yoroi's arm which she had found. 

"Could you get down here, Tenzo?" The Orochi lady requested calmly, deciding that despite everything he had done, she could not just leave a member of her own family inside that heap of junk, since if he was inside it, she needed to make sure he was alive or not and if he was, she could simply trial him in front of the entire clan now that he had been defeated. "We need to make sure wether or not he's still alive or...huh?"

As she pulled the arm, that was what she dislodged out of the heap of rubbish, a sole, torn off arm. Slightly surprised by this, the young woman did not see the chakra string which was attached to the arm nor did she see the ball with explosive seal tags attached to the other side of the string. 

Before she could say anything, a badly wounded, yet madly smiling Yoroi emerged from the top of the heap of debris. Laughing loudly when he realized his chakra string had just snapped, activating the ball with the explosive tags. "Be thrown to the depths of Hell, Hebi-hime, hahahaha!!"

A massive explosion followed, blasting away the entire mountain of rubble and taking away the sight of Risu or Yoroi. Resulting in a second time for a large and thick cloud of smoke and dust to form and settle in a matter of moments and when the dust cleared, A bleeding Yoroi could be seen lying down on the debris, laughing as loud as he could, with Risu being nowhere to be found. "I won, the title is's mine at last, hahahah!!"


Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

Like a razor-sharp knife the pain shivered throughout Tenzō’s skull due to extent use of the Sharingan; he never really had the chance to use it for such a long period of time, and usually when it came to training, the Uchiha would more or less get physically tired before restrains such as these would have been likely to occur. With the use of his right hand, the raven-haired man began rubbing both of his own temples while resting those eyes for a couple of seconds. In other words, he was unable to warn the Orochi Lady about the trap since he could not perceive what was about to happen, although once she finished up her words that attention of his was once more locked upon her. That pair of crimson eyes widen unimaginably whilst those lips were opening up for a sudden scream that was meant to act as a warning for the unexpected event that was about to happen. The whole act was in vain since no other words were hearable from him, as they were completely muffled by the explosion which already began to occur.

The clouds of smoke combined with dust which covered up most of the area began to slowly raise themselves upwards, concealing the Uchiha’s presence from the so called new clan leader of the Ouroboros. That eerie laughter indicated that the man was already enjoying what he called a victory, but that was nothing more than a proper display of his own ignorance, the one which clearly had no kind of limits. While Yoroi kept bragging about his own achievement, Tenzō scoured that land with those crimson eyes in order to realize that he did not need to pose any kind of questions regarding Lamya’s safety. Nonetheless, it was a cunning trick which could have probably ended up the Uchiha’s life if he was there instead of her with his own normal ebony eyes. Therefore, with the result of the so called mystery in mind, the raven-haired man gave no more thoughts towards this problem and acted calmly by bending those knees, while placing his own left hand against the ceiling and pulling out the small tanto that was being hoisted by that red sash with the remaining free hand.

A large and deep breath taken by the Uchiha before a strong push lashed his body away from the ceiling and directed it against Orochi Yoroi. With nothing more than sheer speed, Tenzō pierced the clouds like a sharp bullet while getting himself ready to perform a downward slash against the serpent’s right hand, dethatching it from his body before Tenzō’s feet managed to kiss the ground. Within a normal situation, an occurrence such as this would have not been possible at all due to the blade not being that sharp; however, those bones were already heavily fractured by the rumble which collided against the man on his downfall. Not even a second or two passed, and the Uchiha already had fallen against the ground with his own knees, and that was not all since the Sharingan began fading away in order to make room for those dull and ebony eyes. It was clear as daylight that he placed all of his efforts within that last attack, and he was no longer capable of even standing properly upon his two feet.

~ 567/1691 of Total Words ~

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

A loud wailing scream pierced the air when Yoroi could see the hand from his remaining arm being cut off by the Uchiha. Pain rushed through his entire body, while at the same time he did have the idea that he was slowly going numb. The stump on his left had already been closed by the fire of the earlier explosion, but the blood came gushing out from his right arm now. Hissing deeply, the man slowly stood up to his full length again, his eyes filled with hatred and anger, despite their likeness, Yoroi's eyes showed the weakness within him compared to the endless void one could've seen in those of Yoroi's nephew Enaka.

"You impudent brat," The man grunted deeply, walking with a shuffle towards the tired Uchiha, with his remaining chakra seeminly being directed to the place where Tenzo had cut him. "Your lady is dead, your last effort has been in die!!"


Risu was stuck in between piles of debris and wood, not really mortally wounded with just some bruises and scrapes, it appeared luck was at her side. While she was stuck she could easily use this moment to her advantage and show Tenzo and Yoroi the difference between them and her, but when she thought like that, she remembered that the Uchiha who served her greatly, was already starting to get to the point of exhaustion before she had lost sight of him due to the explosion. If he would get hurt because of her ignorance, she would be no better than her uncle. He was valuable for her progress, for her ambitions, so for now she could not let him get some serious wounds, for now he was her greatest leverage in the struggle for power which without a doubt would rise soon enough in Konoha.

During her pondering, she had garnered enough strength and when she felt a shift in the weight above her, Risu took that moment to her advantage...

Just as Yoroi's arm was lifted upwards, his hand regrowing due to a massive amount of his remaining chakra being used in its medical form, the man tried to grab the Uchiha by the throat, yet a purple-scaled hand grabbed at his leg from out of the ground, pulling him into the debris and the rubble, while a massive, snakelike body arose from out of the ground near Tenzo, followed by Risu's upper part, which now had patches of purple scales covering her chest, arms and even parts of her face. She had finally shown her trump card: The Imperfect sage form she had already managed to achieve during her training with the Great White Snake sage.

"You've done very well, Tenzo," The young woman said with a rather friendly smile on her face, before it turned into a stone cold expression whilst turning towards the wounded and broken man, who was now stuck in the rubble up to his waist. "Using such dirty tricks to attack my student, my servant, my personal bodyguard from the deserve no pity, Yoroi."

She slithered towards Tenzo, her hands tracing every part of his face and upper torso to see if he wasn't badly hurt in any way, so unlike her usual behavior towards him. However, her search was more or less clinical, with her touch not holding any warmth or love in them, but purely based on the welfare of the young man in a medical way.

"Do with this man what you want to...I've got another appointment downstairs," Risu hissed deeply, while patting Tenzo's head for a while. "You did great...I'm proud to call you my personal bodyguard."


Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

There were only a few words to express what the Uchiha felt in the moment when he had the chance of seeing that hand which was covered mostly by purple scales; without a doubt, Lamya’s change in appearance had once more happen, and this form was something which never was displayed beneath his own eyes. Understanding what was going on was something which clearly was out of his ability in this particular moment; however, Tenzō could only imagine that the woman never had the chance of showing her true self before, or that this was nothing more than a form which she was capable of unlocking quite recently. Nonetheless, the only thing which the Uchiha could do in that moment was to observe without uttering a single word how the event was unfolding around him, since the well-known Orochi Yoroi was now buried halfway within the debris.

Some people might find her image quite disturbing, although the Uchiha didn’t seem to display any kind of emotions towards it. “I don’t have any kind of life-threatening injuries, Lady Risu.” were the words which escaped between those two numb lips before they had a chance to curl upwards within a faint smile. Despite the fact that she seemed so show a certain degree of care towards her so called bodyguard, those touches left behind a cold impression which didn’t really seem that pleasing for Tenzō; despite that fact the he perhaps grew within her own golden-like eyes, the young man was still far away from achieving his own desires. “Cold as ever...” he uttered while forcing those two ebony orbs against the ground while the woman decided to pat the Uchiha like he was nothing more than a hound.

Her orders were crystal clear when they assaulted his own ears, and without further ado, Tenzō slowly arose from his kneeling position in order to approach Yoroi with a couple of heavy footsteps. Clearly he was tiered, and those feet were more or less being dragged against the concrete floor which stood beneath them. The small tanto was still located within the Uchiha’s grasp and those five fingers clenched tighter around the handle in order to ensure that the grip was firm before the blade was placed against Yoroi’s soft and fragile throat. “Now that you’re no longer a clan member of the Ouroboros, are there any last words that you wish to say?” Tenzō inquired on a stern tone while pushing the blade a little further against the man, making sure that only a small and insignificant scratch was left behind within the process.

The expression upon the lad’s face was neither serious nor cheerful, leaving behind the impression that the words which may came pouring from this particular person wouldn’t really influence the outcome of his next action; however, inside of him there was a slight amount of curiosity which craved for the answer regarding the question that was posed earlier. Despite the image that was build to represent this Uchiha, the amount of curiosity that was bestowed upon him was unimaginable; without a doubt this was a weakness which may or may not be exploited within the nearby future, and those restraints were placed poorly when it came towards this side of him. Even shinobi had their own set of flaws, they were far from being considered perfect, and the only thing which stood between them was their capabilities at understanding them in order to place a certain amount of control over them.

~ 595/2286 of Total Words ~

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Stuck up to his waist in the rubble, Yoroi was leaning back a bit, exhausted and defeated. As the Uchiha's tanto reached for his throat, the man's eyes opened, with the dark rings around his eyes showing the signs of heavy bloodloss and overexertion of his body's limits. A soft, yet eerie smile appeared on his face, his lips curling upwards and his eyes showing no remorse for his actions whatsoever.

"Go ahead boy," The Orochi lord spoke with a harsh and course voice, coughing up some blood onto the tango. His eyes showing the defiance he had held onto till the very end, this man wasn't affraid of his end or the pain thereof. "No matter what you can't scare me, for I have seen the depths of hell in His eyes. One day you'll realize, you'll realize who you really need to fear URGH!!"

Without hesitation, the older man forced his throat upon the blade, ending his life as only a true warrior would: by his own hand and not by the insult of others. As he pulled back, leaving the blood to gush out of his throat, a soft, hacking chuckle left his lips, while he hung backwards to die, his one arm limping and falling to the rubble.

At that very same time, down under the rubble, in the deepest part of the temple in a room called the Vault, a candle stopped burning, while a dozen of old people sat around a wooden table, whispering prayers for the deceased, while one man dressed in a black gi with a gray haori stood up and clenched his fists. "They will come to us soon enough, Yoroi has failed and the clanhead and her dog are closing in on us. We have failed and will pay the price...but I assure you, we will not fall without spilling their blood."

Above ground though, Risu remained in her imperfect sage form, her lower body coiled up like that of a regular snake, while she was observing Tenzo's actions. He had yet again shown no hesitation towards following her requests and had most certainly shown himself to have grown stronger yet again, but now that she had revealed her trump card, the young woman knew that despite his growth, she still was miles ahead and he was still not ready yet to really stand next to her as an equal.

"You've done an excellent job, Tenzo," The Orochi lady sighed, while Ureaus slithered through the rubble towards the dead man, ready to swallow and consume him in a whole gulp. "I wonder how those old folks down below will be acting knowing that their vanguard has been defeated and executed on my command. Similarly I do wonder what you want to do, do you want some rest and leave those old people to soak in their own sweat or do you want to have a bit more fun?"


Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

The Uchiha didn’t intend on adding anything on the last words that Yoroi was going to unleash as a final speech before judgment was about to be bestowed upon this man. Ironically, Tenzō wasn’t going to take the life of this particular serpent since there was no reason to do so, and unlike the other two there were no signs that showed if this man may or may have not tampered with the raven-haired man’s clan. It was quite amusing that he chose to end up his own life by shoving that fragile throat against the blade, spraying a bit of his own filthy blood against the jet-black attire that was worn by the Uchiha in that day. Right after the man’s life escaped from his own meaningless husk, Tenzō’s eyes widen like a pair of saucers before slowly lurking their way towards the Orochi Lady.

“That was unexpected, Lady Risu...” the man spoke on a surprising tone right after dropping the tanto against the rumble which stood beneath their feet. It was a bit eerie to think that the only thing that affected him was the unexpected occurrence which had just happened a few moments ago, and the fact that a man just died beneath his own eyes didn’t really affected him at all, despite the fact that he shared no kind of hatred for him and the murder wasn’t really done from pure anger.

“He seemed quite disturbed...” Tenzō spoke on a curious tone while letting a small silence take over the room before dragging his own vessel closer towards Lamya, close enough for him to stand by her side. It was a bit difficult for him to move due to the whole rumble which tremendously impaired his movement, especially since it was being topped off by that unbearable sensation of fatigue which arose from this consuming  event. “It isn’t really that hard to tell that he most likely feared someone else in that moment in which he decided to take upon his own life. Who was he talking about, Lady Risu?” he inquired on a somehow curious tone while shifting those ebony eyes against the woman.

Unlike the Uchiha that was quite worn out from each event that was brought up until this moment, the Orochi Lady didn’t seem that exhausted since she maintained on her snakelike appearance without showing any kind of mercy towards her own chakra reserves. Getting himself drown within the ocean of ignorance wasn’t something which went along with his overall personality; despite how much he may have wanted to continue and wrap up this event, Tenzō shook that head of his in denial against the question which Lamya posed afterwards.

“Thank you for those kind words, and even though I still want to continue with the purging, I really can’t move a single muscles at this point.” he said before listening carefully to their surroundings. The silence didn’t last for long since another pair of words began gushing out right after he realized what was going on. “I believe that the rest of the fight might have ended as well, since it seems a bit too quiet. Is it possible to capture the elders so that you may judge their fate in the morning, Lady Risu?”  the Uchiha inquired on a benevolent tone.

~ 565/2851 of Total Words ~

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

"It just seemed that he had more dedication to the cause he believed in than I had initially thought, nothing more," The young woman replied to the Uchiha's question and doubt on the dead man's earlier behavior. Turning around, the young woman started breathing heavily, feeling the downside of her current form, as it was draining her chakra faster than she had anticipated, but she could not show this weakness to Tenzo, not to someone who could best her if she had weakened.

The second of his questions did make her think,  as indeed Yoroi had spoken about someone else tenzo had to fear, someone else Risu had to fear and someone else he had feared. While getting through all the possible ideas in her mind, she realized he could only be talking about one person: her uncle Enaka, but it didn't really frighten her, since she knew he was safely locked away in the dungeons of Konoha's most heavily guarded prison, thus fearing him was more or less pointless and futile. "You dont need to think about the people that delusional man was talking about, it's of no importance nor does it have any consequences to ignore his warnings."

"We could indeed better clean up things here and make sure those old coots surrender by their own accord," Risu smiled while using those words, simply because she knew all to well about the stubborness of the Elders, their hardheaded ways of keeping everything within their hands and never out of their control. Now that they've lost Yoroi as a pawn, they should've been beaten, but the Orochi lady didn't want to underestimate the Elders. Even with them being locked down there, they could've made other plans as well, so vigilance was mandatory. "Tenzo, you will be given the duty to set up a perimeter, decide on the shifts of the guards and perhaps even the establishment of communication with the Elders. I need to get me some new clothes while I'm at it."

While saying those last words, she quickly slithered towards a few women who were part of the guard, receeding back to her non-sage form and thus with nothing more than her armor on to cover her up, to which the women quickly responded by taking a flag from the rubble and wrapping it around the Clanhead, making sure the young woman could still walk her way to the nearest guard post for some clothes and refreshments.



Last edited by Lamya on Sat Apr 18, 2015 11:12 am; edited 2 times in total

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

Knowing that she was a knowledgeable  and experienced woman, the young man didn’t had any kind of doubt regarding her own words, until a slight amount of it appeared when she decided to suddenly turn away from him. Having that in mind, the Uchiha didn’t really suspect that she wasn’t capable of maintaining that snakelike form for long, as such, he continued on listening to her words while having that thought within mind. Those next words didn’t really helped in placing his own soul to a rest, but maybe they were said that way so that it may not affect this raven-haired man. Getting himself sidetracked from the current goal didn’t probably worked well in her favor, therefore, she knew what cards to play in order to make him capable of focusing under the next assignment. The fear granted by Lamya’s strength was more than enough to push the Uchiha forth in order to surpass the current barriers that were being constantly placed before him; knowing that she was capable of ending his own life within the blink of an eye motivated the young lad to enforce that vessel of his.

With her keen and strategically mind that surpassed the one which Yoroi had by far, the ANBU captain was capable of devising a counterattack within a short amount of time, it was an extraordinary feat especially since the whole assault was unexpected to begin with. The woman probably believed that all of her achievements were accomplished through her ability of bestowing fear; however, maybe she wasn’t really aware of the fact that she did possess good leadership traits that were needed in order to rule such a large clan, or at least that’s what Tenzō told himself while watching over her.

That smile of hers was misinterpreted when she agreed to accept the proposal which included a small time dedicated to relaxation, thus, the Uchiha gave a few quick nods before following shortly after within her own footsteps. Surprisingly, it didn’t took her long to conceive another plan, it was more like a solution to the raven-haired man’s inability to continue the slaughter. In spite of him keeping both of those ears and eyes directly aimed at her just like an eagle that was watching over his own prey, Tenzō was barely capable of keeping up once her normal form had restored. Despite how much he was enjoying the jewel which unveiled beneath his own eyes, from some odd reason it had a bit of a sour taste. It seems that she was growing more accustomed with his presence, but the coldness was still felt since it was standing in plain sight. Once the banner was finally encasing that husk of hers, the Uchiha added a few more words to the conversation.

“I understand, Lady Risu. I shall go rally everyone who’s outside, and if we have a large number I’ll send them inside to search for those cowards so that we may seize them. Maybe... there was someone who was capable of pulling the strings from the back; however, we’ll clear everything once the your judgment will be formed and expelled upon the elders.” Tenzō spoke on a stern right before taking a small pause in order to redirect those ebony eyes against the golden and glittering ones that belong to his mistress. A sly smirk managed to conquer those pale limps, and while it persisted, the raven-haired man added a couple of more words. “I would love to know one day more about this... divine form of yours, Lady Risu. If you do find me... worthy of it.” were the final words which he said before continuing further down the room. The man would listen carefully if she had a few more words to add, if not, then he would continue on with the newly given assignment.

~ 656/3507 of Total Words ~

~ Thread Closed ~

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

Sorry for the double post, but some time pased and I'm going to use the WC for training.

Training Reaction Time B0 to B3

3507 - 2400 = 1107 Words Remaining

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