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1New in Town [Closed/ No Kill] Empty New in Town [Closed/ No Kill] Fri Feb 20, 2015 8:01 pm



It was late afternoon when a young woman approached the village gates. She was dressed practically in a long sleeved hunter green shirt and sturdy black pants. It was not the most fashionable attire, but then, she wasn’t out for an afternoon stroll. Kumogakure’s symbol was shown clearly on her hitai-ate, worn as a headband to keep her long black hair out of the way. Based on the dirt that she hadn’t quite been able to totally brush off of her clothes, it was easy to guess that she was newly arriving to the village. Despite this being the end of the longest journey Kameko had yet made, her blue eyes had a sparkle to them as she greeted the guards at the gate.

She was excited to finally arrive in Konohagakure. Her coat was stowed in her pack, for it was warmer than she was accustomed to at this lower elevation, and she fancied that the air itself smelled differently here. Kameko was a Genin, which caused a bit of a hold up at the entrance as the guards questioned her and looked over her travel documents. It was rather unusual for one to make a solo trip, such as she had, but it was not totally unheard of, and they soon gave her permission to enter and keep her weapons, including her katana, with her, warning her not to cause trouble.

The kunoichi soon found herself in a bustling marketplace. She was used to knowing exactly where everything was and recognizing faces in every crowd, even if only from seeing them in passing. Here, she was a complete stranger, and it was a bit overwhelming. Her first step would be to find lodging and get cleaned up from her travels, but at the moment, all she did was stand there and look around at all of the people and unfamiliar shops, soaking it in. If the pack on her back did not make her stand out as a foreigner, her lack of motion and wide-eyed look in the sea of bustling shoppers certainly would.

Word Count: 351

Last edited by Kameko on Sat Feb 28, 2015 12:50 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Added word count)

2New in Town [Closed/ No Kill] Empty Re: New in Town [Closed/ No Kill] Fri Feb 20, 2015 9:27 pm

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

One of the most friendly and welcoming location around the market was known as The Crayfish & The Snooty Shoemaker Pub; a hard to miss building made out of fine oak upon a fancy-looking pavement, and build with the simple purpose of serving as both inn and tavern. Mostly every merchant from within the district would recommend this specific building, and even if someone would have not asked about its whereabouts, its location was quite good compared to the others, out in the open and around the corner, right where the market district was about to end. With a huge sign above its doors, the building stood majestically and displayed its well-known purpose despite the reputation which it had within the walls of Konohagakure, as good marketing was a key point within business.

Both friendly and unknown faces were known to linger in such a place, due to its well-done food and to the fact that most of the travelers would visit the tavern for any kind of information that they might have been looking for; the barkeeper here was known as the go-to man. A pale looking figure was making its way towards the building from the other side of the district, while that stomach of his kept growling and roaring. He was standing at a height of about 6ft, with a complete eerie garment that covered most of his small and well-toned muscles; the attire was consisted from a sleeveless grey shirt, and a pair of jet-black pants that were carefully tucked inside those grey sandals and wrapped around the shin with a white piece of clothing.

In a couple of minutes, the doors within the tavern were hissed open, allowing entrance to the young Uchiha that made his way against the bar with a pair of heavy looking footsteps. “Greetings.” he spoke on a calm and gentle tone whilst taking a seat against the counter. Both of his palms united beneath the chin, while those pointy elbows were placed against the wooden table; a few more words echoed after “I would love a few pieces and tofu with sushi alongside, oh... and a bottle of sweet wine, red please.” on the benevolent tone. Without further ado, Tenzō began darting those dull and ebony eyes within the room, searching for familiar face while he awaited for his own order. Most of those who perturbed this place were travelers which mostly entered the tavern in order to reserve a room within the inn; that fairly large number of dorms were located upstairs. The prices varied from high to low, as each dorm had its own type of comfort, and the warm and spicy scent of food and drinks were mostly likely enough to attract more people within these friendly four walls.

~ 467/467 of Total Words ~

Last edited by Uchiha Tenzō on Sun Feb 22, 2015 7:10 am; edited 1 time in total

3New in Town [Closed/ No Kill] Empty Re: New in Town [Closed/ No Kill] Sat Feb 21, 2015 9:55 am



Rippa was getting ready to step away from the dojo for the day. He needed some air and time to relax from the constant training regiment. The sword saints didn't joke around when it came to increasing their skills with the sword. Each of them basically on the same level as him. One on one fights were still pressuring him and leaving him with only a few less bruises then he dished out. For the moment he tossed the wooden katana point down into the ground with enough force to stick it there before placing his left hand on the fountains edge. His towel was folded on the edge of it as well. Leaning over he used his right hand to scoop the soothingly cold water over the back of his head. Wetting down his hair and his face. With a sudden standing motion he whipped his shoulder length white hair back and sighed in relief. The water trickling down and sparkling in the day light as it soaked into his black tank top. His medical expertise had already healed both his bruises and the bruises of his opponent. Still his muscles strained against the tank top as he stretched out. He had grown significantly since he was a skinny genin. Now he reached into the pockets of his black pants and pulled out his silver angel wings necklace, Putting it on before he picked up the towel with both hands and dried himself off.

He nodded to the guards he passed leading towards the entrance of the dojo as he made his way outside wearing the same tank top and pants from training. His hair was already drying so it hung about his head wildly. Still once he made it to the entrance he slipped into a pair of socks and shinobi sandals. After all it was tradition at the dojo to not wear shoes indoors. Since he had been in the practice field he had been barefoot. Still he grabbed the months shopping list. Normally it wouldn't fall on him to go out and make the orders personally but he had offered to do so since he was heading out that day anyway. However before he could leave as he was the oldest member of the sword saints stepped in front of him and grunted. Rippa blinked in surprise before he realized the man was holding Cain and Abel, his twin swords and his ammo belt. The man shoved them all into Rippa's arms with a growl before walking passed him and on about his own duties with his massive hammer strapped to his back. The man was old but he always insisted that Rippa never go anywhere unarmed.

With a sigh Rippa strapped on the belt with the eight bolts lined on the front of his belt. The twin Katana he lifted and clicked a switch before yanking them both to the Side. With that motion the cylinders popped out and spun.showing all six slots in each were loaded before he snapped them back into place and locked the cylinders in. With that checked he slipped both swords into his belt, one on each hip. With that done he smiled and exited the Dojo. He took a casual strolling pace as his tall frame made its way through the crowds. He hadn't bothered to wear his captains coat as he wasn't really on a mission. Still he moved to go buy the different meats on the list first. After which he ordered the bread and cheese finishing with the sake and fruit. He was making his way to the vegetables when he heard a guard near the gate speaking. He had found it odd how Kumo had let a genin travel alone. That peaked Rippa's interest. After all the winner of the last chunnin exams had been a Kumo shinobi, since then he hadn't heard any news from there. Nothing had been heard of coming out of Kumo in sometime that had reached him. Now a genin who was confident enough to travel alone? he was going to have to see that for himself. Based on what he picked up she was wearing a head band so it wouldn't be too hard to spot her.

So having forgotten about the vegetables entirely he pocketed the list and began to meander the market. The crowds seemed to have a significant hiding effect though so it was proving difficult. Either way he sighed before crouching down. With a mighty lunge he shot up out of the crowd and sailed high into the air before his right hand stretched out and gabbed the edge of the roof before he swung himself up onto it in a nearly back flip motion. Now crouched on the roof he scanned the crowd with sky blue eyes for a minute. It took a little bit of playing carmen sandiego but eventually he caught the glint of metal and spotted a girl in dark pants and a green shirt wearing a traveling pack almost right next to the tavern he was unaware Tenzo was in. With a grin he launched off the roof like a blur of motion. He wanted to greet the newcomer and show her some hospitality. So he landed with an audible thud next to her before he stood tall and looked down at her with a warm smile unaware how just landing next to someone might be alarming. Still his smile touched his sky blues as he rubbed the back of his head as if abashed. When he spoke his words were soft and warm as he looked to her head and confirmed the head band.

"Ahh hello there! You must be the Kumo nin who just arrived. May I be among the first to welcome you to Konoha. Do you need help finding anything? Oh crud I forgot to introduce myself. Chi Rippa at your service. Please call my Rippa, and you are?"


4New in Town [Closed/ No Kill] Empty Re: New in Town [Closed/ No Kill] Sun Feb 22, 2015 12:39 am



‘What? Who?’ Kameko’s passively active Current Perception gave her only a moment’s warning before a man hit the ground beside her. Her time spent traveling had caused her fight or flight instincts to be heightened, and despite being inside one of the prominent hidden villagers where, supposedly, she should be more or less safe, she startled backwards, accidentally knocking shoulders with a passerby who grumbled at her before continuing on. Her hand was already on the hilt of her katana before actually looking at he who stood before her. The first thing she noticed was the all black attire over a clearly well-muscled form, registering his physical fitness in a moment, her blue eyes flicked up to his face. She was disarmed by the warm smile and realized by his clearly nonthreatening posture that the man wasn’t there to attack her.

‘Almost drawing your sword on someone in the middle of the marketplace? Way to keep out of trouble, Kameko!’ The young woman blushed, embarrassed at her response. Even though it had all taken place in a moment’s time, there was little chance that she could disguise her previous intent to draw her weapon, particularly if he was a shinobi, as his fit body suggested. Rather than try to disguise the motion as anything but what it was, she just relaxed, slowly removing her hand from the katana's hilt and smiled apologetically at him. “You certainly know how to make an entrance, Rippa! Thanks for the welcome; my name is Ryuzoji, Kameko. Feel free to just call me Kameko, too.” Her voice was friendly, and she hoped that he’d chose to overlook her initial reaction to his sudden arrival.

Now that she was able to look at Rippa at her leisure, she saw just how poor of a choice it would have been to draw her weapon against him. In addition to the political faux pas it could have caused, she likely would not have ended up on the winning side of an altercation. With the two swords at his waist, he was clearly well-armed, ‘Probably with more than a second-hand, rusted out katana,’ and easily out-weighed her. By the looks of it, he was built out of pure muscle; the thin black tank he wore did little to disguise it. Staring would be rude, so she looked around the marketplace. Actually looking this time, rather than being a bit star-struck by all of the new sights. “I’m looking for place to stay while I'm in town…And dinner, too, I guess.” she hadn’t realized it before, but she was famished, having decided to get to Konoha before stopping for dinner.

Noting the ostentatious sign, she asked, “What do you think of The Crayfish and the … Snooty Shoemaker pub?” ‘What is it with that name?’ The colorful sign advertised it as a tavern and inn "The tastiest food and cleanest rooms for the best rates in all of Konoha!" She had some doubts on that, though. It was situated on what seemed to be one of the main roads in the village, and she wouldn’t be surprised to find out that it was some sort ‘tourist trap’; by her guess, Rippa was too candid to be working as a promoter for the place, jumping out at potential patrons wasn't necessarily the best way to drum up business, after all. She didn’t know yet how long she’d be staying in the village, but she didn’t think that what she had saved with her meager income from past missions would be enough to handle overly inflated rates for very long.


Word Count: 617
Total: 968

5New in Town [Closed/ No Kill] Empty Re: New in Town [Closed/ No Kill] Sun Feb 22, 2015 5:21 pm

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

Once the order had been executed, the young Uchiha took his bottle of red wine and an empty see-through glass before making his way with a few heavy footsteps towards a nearby square-shaped table. Upon arrival, a chair was slithered against the wooden floor right after the placement of those fragile objects was done, creating a significant gap between the table and the chair so that he may rest that firm buttocks against that leather cushion which was made covered within a red silky fabric. The cork was already popped open, and without any more time wasted, the raven-haired lad began pouring that red liquid within its own empty glass, filling it completely before once more placing that bottle to a rest. Despite being born within a noble clan, Tenzō wasn’t really the most refined man when it came to drinking or knowing how to behave alongside other kind of noble people; however, he did not act like a peasant either.

He wasn’t really fond when it came of spending much time within places such as these, as he considered them too distracting for a shinobi that should probably spend time either doing missions or training, although, the temptation which lingered beneath these so called entertainment activities was for now at least, too much to handle. This particular Uchiha wasn’t really yet polished as an full-fledged shinobi, as there was still a considerable amount of guilty pleasures that he desired and wished for their fulfillment, with that being said, the raven-haired figure was still far away from being able to control his own emotions and outbursts. In spite of all of these, Tenzō rarely refrained himself from an occasion, as such that glass of wine was immediately clutched by those scrawny fingers before it was placed against those numb and pale lips. While those lips were parting slowly from each other, that head of his was also being slightly cocked backwards, overall creating a perfect environment for that sweet tasting alcohol to dwell deeper inside his that throat of his.

It wasn’t really a cheap bottle of wine, and the brand which made it was known by most of the shinobi that shared a slight interest when it came to various types of liquors, at least once in a while he allowed himself to spent those money which he had earned through various types of jobs, as such, this day was meant for him to recklessly spend a few ryo without any second thoughts given. In the meanwhile, while the raven-haired figure lost himself within his own thoughts, a waiter that wore a black and white outfit came against his own table with a normal steel tray that had the simple purpose of hoisting those plates which contained the food that he had ordered just a few minutes ago. “Have a good meal, if there’s anything that you wish for, please don’t refrain yourself from asking.” the waiter spoke on a calm and gentle tone, and right after, the young Uchiha replied with a few consecutive nods before letting out a few thankful  words of his own.

Despite him spending most of his own time within the compound, the Uchiha had almost visited each and every pub or tavern that was located within Konohagkure, since those intentions of his were not only to either eat or drink. A place such as this, offered him the simple opportunity of meeting new and all kind of different people. Unlike most of the clan members from the Uchiha, this particular lad was known by his acquaintances of being more open-minded when it came towards discussions, and vision of his was not yet tainted by the curse of hatred. At his current age, Tenzō was interested in finding people who shared the same vision about the world as he did; however, despite knowing that those may be few, he still did not gave up on it. With that being said, the raven-haired lad was still curious about what others might desire or wish from their life, as hearing the stories of others might open up his view regarding this whole wretched world.

~ 702/1169 of Total Words ~

6New in Town [Closed/ No Kill] Empty Re: New in Town [Closed/ No Kill] Sun Feb 22, 2015 6:00 pm



Rippa blinked as she shifted. Her form was basic but good. She wasn't a total novice when she prepared to guard herself in case his movements were an attack. He only now noticed the sword at her side. In reflection launching right next to her could of ended badly for the both of them. Still he wasn't sure how it would turn out if she decided to follow through with her movements. His left hand idly made a single hand sign in case he needed to act but beyond that he didn't move. His sky blue eyes observed her with a cautious stare. Still his warm smile didn't falter and he didn't move for the sole reason that he didn't want to startle her into making a poor choice. Here in a crowded street most of his jutsu would be dangerous to use. He didn't want to cause a stampede of panicking civilians or cause an international incident. Still he let out a breath he had been holding in when she released her sword. His shoulders visibly relaxing as he realized he wasn't about the be scolded by the hokage. He had never really been in trouble before and was not eager to be for the first time.

Still he smiled as she introduced herself hinting a small comment towards his entrance being a little flashy. It was true he was a sucker for theatrics. His white teeth showed as his face filled with mirth. He had a simple but warm aura to him. Still he bowed his head respectfully as she introduced herself. Given his informal entrance he figured being a little formal now could only hope his first impression with her. That and he was truly curious about Kumogakure and wanted to be on good terms with her so he could pester her with questions. It wasn't until she mentioned her current intentions before he blinked and raised his head. He looked at the place she indicated and shrugged in an almost non committal way. His one experience with a woman in a pub had been awkward, the woman had just about fallen out of her clothes onto him in her drunken state. Perhaps this time he just wouldn't order so much sake....oh what was he thinking? He was truly full of himself if he thought she was instantly attracted to him. Still he spoke with a warm tone and cheerful at that.

"Not too sure myself. I usually reside at the dojo and eat there. Couldn't hurt to find out though. That is if you are willing to share a meal with a stranger. My treat of course, an apology for my over eager arrival a moment ago."

He grinned and before she could deny him a meal he moved in at a near walking pace for him but something about it just seemed graceful. He seemed to flow around her like water around a rock. It was as if his feet barely touched the ground as he merely shifted and one moment he was next to her in the street and the next he was moving to the door. Within a mere two seconds he had moved to the door and now gripped it with his right hand. His blue eyes looked to her with a warm inviting gaze, like a kindness that flowed from the soul. Something about him just felt genuinely good. As if those swords on his hips didn't belong there. Still he pulled open the door and held it open for her. Should she at least enter the place he would slide in behind her and look around. For a moment he wasn't sure of what to make of the place. The mood was mixed and it wasn't very lively. Still his eyes set on Tenzo and he blinked as the door closed behind him. What in the world were the chances he would come across one of the few shinobi he knew in such a place as this? It also appeared Tenzo wasn't wearing sleeves either. Must be in style...though his attire was superior to Rippa's simple tank top. He smiled and if she allowed him to would place his hand on her shoulder, a gentle and warm touch to get her attention before he indicated the table where Tenzo was. Then he would approach the table himself. When he spoke he did so warmly and cheerfully as was his theme apparently.

"Tenzo! I didn't suspect you would be here. May my travel weary friend and I join you? Oh but of course, Tenzo this is Ryuzoji, Kameko, a traveler and shinobi all the way from Kumogakure. Kameko this is uh...I actually never found out what clan Tenzo was from I don't think..." He seemed troubled by that so much so that his cheeks actually pinked a bit.


7New in Town [Closed/ No Kill] Empty Re: New in Town [Closed/ No Kill] Sun Feb 22, 2015 10:02 pm



Kameko had a tendency for trusting or mistrusting people based on her “gut feelings”, and in accordance with those, she was drawn to Rippa, despite his startling entrance. It was hard to explain exactly what it was, but there was something, some sort of benevolence or innate kindness about him that seemed almost… angelic. More than his appearance, though the warm smile and fair features, especially set off against his dark attire, certainly didn’t detract from the comparison. When he raised his head from the almost contrite looking position, her blue eyes were drawn to the flash of silver from the winged necklace that hung about his neck. Perhaps that was why her subconscious had reached for the association.

Because she intuitively associated 'good' with Rippa, when he invited her to lunch, she did not hesitate to accept. “Everyone’s a stranger to me here, anyways,” she replied lightheartedly, with a little dismissive flick of her hand. “I’d love to.” Rippa veritably flitted around her, with a grace that she had not expected from his less than subtle arrival, as he moved to hold the door; welcome seemed to pour out of those sky blue eyes, as though he was dealing with a skittish creature who might run if it sensed anything amiss. Tentative was not a worn often associated with the young Ryuzoji, and she preceded him through the held door with a, “Thank you.” Pausing in the entryway, she blinked as her eyes adjusted to the slightly dimmer interior. Feeling Rippa’s touch on her shoulder, she looked over her shoulder at him in askance as he gestured towards a solo diner.

Curious, Kameko followed him, a step behind, to the table where the young man sat. She stood slightly off his shoulder as he greeted Tenzo with a similar level of warmth and cheeriness. It was hard to tell, sometimes, what a man was really like when she first met him; after all, this certainly wasn’t the first and probably wouldn’t be the last time that a young man she just met would be buying her dinner, and it was not uncommon for a young man to be all smiles for her and the opposite to others. It was nice to see that her initial instincts about him seemed to be correct and that what he presented was his genuine behavior. At his introduction of her, she stepped up beside him with a friendly smile. After a moment where Tenzo could supply his clan name, or not, she said charmingly, "It’s nice to meet you, Tenzo. You're welcome to just call me Kameko." She offered him the same informality as she had Rippa; while courteous in other regards, she never felt it necessary for those she considered to be her peers to worry about the formality of referring to her by her family name.

Tenzo seemed to be well settled with his meal, a glass of red wine and plates of sushi and tofu already sitting before him, and she wouldn’t impose upon him by taking a seat unless invited. If she was, she would take one of the chairs across from Tenzo, removing her pack and katana to set them closely by the side of her chair as she sat; if not, she would simply remain standing. It was interesting to see the contrast between the pair. Where Rippa was fair, white hair and sky blue eyes, Tenzo was all dark, black hair coupled with ebony eyes, appearing even darker against his pale complexion. Despite her travel-worn, utilitarian attire, she had an eye for fashion, among all of the finer things in life, and she noticed that they both wore sleeveless tops. It was significantly cooler in Kumogakure, due to the higher elevation; however, here in Konoha, it was positively balmy, and it didn’t look like they expected it to cool down anytime soon. She had shed her coat days ago and certainly wouldn’t mind enjoying the warmer climate as she did all of the requisite sight-seeing around the village; this being her first time out of Kaminari no Kuni, she wouldn't want to miss anything that Hi no Kuni had to offer.

“Are you both shinobi here?” she asked conversationally. Those sleeveless shirts advertised that both men were in great physical shape, leanly muscled as shinobi often were, and Rippa’s walking around obviously armed suggested that that was the case. Neither wore the traditional hitai-ate, atleast that she had observed, but each village was different, most only requiring them when one was on a mission or traveling in another country.

Word Count: 779
Total: 1747

8New in Town [Closed/ No Kill] Empty Re: New in Town [Closed/ No Kill] Mon Feb 23, 2015 8:28 am

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

The whole dim aspect within this particular room was given by those barely flickering lights, although, their purpose was being fulfilled quite well as it marvelously shaped those who stood inside, while also adding to the already existing warm feeling that ceaselessly resonated from all of that life which lingered within. Just when he thought that things couldn’t get better, the whole room began to lighten up even more before those ebony and dull eyes; however, this occurrence was given by that pair which apprehended their first step within the tavern. Soon enough, others followed as well, and eventually took them against the table where the young Uchiha was enjoying that decent meal of his, and once they were just a few inches away from that square-shaped table, Tenzō arose from his seated position before throwing a quick bow against both of them. Those pale and numb lips had curled within a sly smirk right after the young girl was presented before him, and while that torso of his was still slightly lowered against the ground.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I guess... that I had forgotten to introduce myself properly. Thus, I shall do it now. My name is Uchiha Tenzō, and it’s a pleasure meeting you, Lady Kameko.” he introduced himself while taking a laid-back posture, one which firmly stood against that militaristic training which he had undergone up until now. Without further ado, that firm buttocks of his was once more sunken by that comfortable cushion; “Please do join me and take a sit.” he added whilst gesturing with that hand of his against the free chairs which stood alongside the table. Despite his ongoing progress, the man wasn’t really the gentleman that he was probably aiming for, as it was clear as daylight that the necessary refinement and knowledge in order to achieve such a level was still lacking from him. Without even waiting for them to adjust themselves, the Uchiha gestured towards a nearby waiter in order to grasp his attention, before eventually calling him at their fairly sized table.

“Perhaps.” was the answer given towards Kameko’s question on a slightly playful tone. “However, this one here is on a different level of his own. I had the pleasure of seeing him within a fight, and his capabilities were... let’s say, much more polished than mine.” were the words which escaped between Tenzō’s lips on a gentle tone before they were immediately placed to a rest by that glass of wine that was once more forced against them. In just the blink of an eye, that head of his was slightly coked backwards in order to let that sweet drink once more cascade down, leaving behind nothing more than an empty glass and a warm taste which perturbed the inside of his throat. A noticeable thud echoed once that see-through glass was placed upon the table, leaving both of the leaf nin's hands free so that he may glue them against each other as a resting point for that defined jaw of his.

“To be honest, I’m not sure how interesting you may find us, Lady Kameko. However, you seem to have travelled a long way towards Konohagakure,” he spoke before taking a small pause in which those ebony eyes were shifted against her own backpack, which seemed rather large beneath Tenzō’s eyes, or packed was probably a better word of describing it; however, that was probably nothing more than an illusion given by the fact that her coat that was slithered inside. Without any more time wasted upon analyzing her belongings, the Uchiha quickly jerked those eyes against her own ocean-like orbs before inquiring her with the next following words “... and if you don’t mind me asking, what kind of personal business brings you here to our little village? I’m rather curious.” whilst those ebony eyes began to narrow slightly. On his last word, the Uchiha placed an unusual accent upon that last letter from it, making it seem as if it just hissed between those ill-looking lips. Hopefully that gesture was done incidentally and it did not represent the building block for a bad habit that might have bestowed upon him unwillingly.

Both Rippā and Kameko shared a pair of celestials eyes which left behind the impression that they were quite pure and easy to approach, an innocent look when compared against the contrasting eyes of the Uchiha; however, that interpretation of his might have been wrong. Those two gloating orbs formed an everlasting gaze which scurried upon the young lady that stood before them, feasting upon her feminine forms while stopping against those firm b-cup breasts without showing any kind of shame at all. Despite leaving the wrong impression behind, Tenzō didn’t really refrain himself from doing so, as he cared little for the opinion of others on this particular matter; nonetheless, the man wasn’t afraid to show his own weakness, nor needs. Due to his keen mind, the raven-haired man was aware that people had different kind of opinions, since most of them analyzed the subject from their own point of view, where in reality there was no good or wrong, just different points of view.

The tavern was rather noisy and crowded within this particular day, and the waiter had to deliver a few more orders before making his way back at this particular table, it actually took him somewhere between five to ten minutes. He was man around his forties with a white apron tied around his waist, and between his clutches, a notebook and a pen were being held captive. “What may I bring you?” he asked while peering against the group with his notebook and pen ready. Despite that age of his, the man seemed to be rather new within this particular domain, no one besides his employer knew the real reason which stood beneath his decision to work here.

~ 1002/2171 of Total Words ~

9New in Town [Closed/ No Kill] Empty Re: New in Town [Closed/ No Kill] Mon Feb 23, 2015 4:39 pm



Rippa was obviously pleased that Tenzo was present. He wasn't sure he was the most proper of individuals to guide someone around town given his earlier childish appearance. He had allowed himself to get over excited about meeting a Kumo shinobi for the first ime and had moved far to brashly. Still she seemed to have forgiven his outburst for the moment at least. Still just looking at Tenzo he could tell the man was the refined individual his high class family had tried to make him into. A right proper gentleman by the look of him. Well dressed, with a decent posture and even his order appeared to be of a decent pallet. All health conscious where Rippa looked like he just game from the gym. It wasn't that Rippa didn't know how to act proper he just had fallen into some more down to earth habits since picking up the sword. Though at that very moment he wished he was as composed as Tenzo. Either way remembering his manners he smiled as they were offered a seat and pulled out her seat for her before pushing it back in for her. He failed to realize he had done so but even when trying to be polite when he pushed her seat back in he lifted her and the seat like they weighed nothing and set them both at a comfortable distance for her arm length to the table.

With that he took his own seat contemplating Tenzo's introduction while peeking at both of them with innocent and curious eyes. Never lingering long enough to be rude. He had never met anyone of the Uchiha blood line before but had read the histories involving them. According to the histories that blood line had nearly wiped out the world. A couple of their clan members had been virtually unstoppable versus every ninja in the world. Only when they turned on each other did any of them fall. He also recalled the years of fear everyone had about Hao. It was difficult to imagine a man who burned entire countries. For the first time he felt he needed to be cautious around Tenzo. If he angered one of the Uchiha how was he to know if he would survive the ordeal? He rather suddenly wished that he hadn't learned about the mans clan. He had liked the guy before but now he was nervous around him. Should knowing his clan really make that much of a difference? Guilt rode on him about it for a moment before inwardly he decided he would not change his opinions just based on that. He wouldn't judge him for his clan alone.

Still when Tenzo answered about them be shinobi he gave an embarrassed chuckle and rubbed the back of his head with his right hand a little abashed. Still he smiled warmly all the same..while placing his left hand on his left knee and nervously playing with his pants fabric. He wanted to ask a question to her in return but by the time he built up the nerve and set his right hand on the table by the silverware Tenzo was speaking again. His face assumed a little bit of a pout at first but still the surprise on his face was obvious as he picked up the hiss at the end of Tenzo's question. His memory flashed back to the image of the man known as Enaka laughing at him in a tea shop and him powerless to even try and fight the evil bastard. Still as soon as he saw the image he returned to reality and realizing his hands had gripped the table cloth and his pants till his knuckles were white. Quickly he released both hoping no one had noticed the second of him slipping into a flight or fight response to a simple hiss. Even now he was afraid of the man. Not Tenzo nearly as much but Enaka was...not human.

Still he held in his thoughts and questions for her for the time being and almost sighed in relief as the waiter arrived. He smiled to the waiter a moment before he spoke. Careful not to interrupt anyone. His order stupendously simple. "I will have a glass of Jasmine-cha as well as a bowl of gyudon please. Her and I will be on the same check as well. Ms. Kameko please order anything you like. My welcoming treat to Konohagakure." He placed a warm hand on her arm as he finished and looked her in the eyes with his sky warm blues. As if somehow his warm nature demanded she let him do this for her. His manner was very practiced and genuinely warm. It was almost hard to even picturing him drawing his swords.


10New in Town [Closed/ No Kill] Empty Re: New in Town [Closed/ No Kill] Mon Feb 23, 2015 10:27 pm



‘An Uchiha, huh?’ she actually recognized that clan name, unlike Chi. It was hard not to. Besides of the nearly catastrophic events that were caused by an Uchiha in her childhood history lessons, there had been that event, years past, where one of that clan had used Amaterasu to raze Kirigakure to the ground. However, she certainly wouldn’t be one to judge; the Ryuzoji had their own share of members that they didn’t exactly advertise to the world. Every family had their secrets… The Uchiha were misfortunate enough that, by virtue of their clan’s strength and influence, those secrets got written down in the history books, and as always, villains were far more memorable than the heroes.

When, in answer to her query, Tenzo suggested that Rippa was extremely capable, she looked appraisingly over at the Chi. Despite his physique, she had a hard time picturing him being some sort of mighty warrior. He seemed to be too kind-hearted to be a violent person. He was embarrassed by even the hint of his skill, nervously laughing and fidgeting at the table. She had a hard time empathizing with his modesty…his sudden shyness? The whole reason why she had become a kunoichi rather than take the easier, and extremely profitable, route of simply embracing her role as heir apparent to her father’s company was so that she could make a name for herself. The young woman craved recognition and praise; she certainly wouldn’t be as bashful at Tenzo’s easily given commendation.

Her attention was drawn back to Tenzo as he addressed her, declaring them to be uninteresting. Self-deprecating seemed to be a trend in Konoha. ‘I wonder if it’s uncouth here to demonstrate pride? Does etiquette demand that downplay myself as well?’ She wasn’t used to filtering herself to please those whose company she was in. Kameko was generally very forthright, and she had been fortunate so far that most people saw her bluntness and called it “charming”; she definitely wasn’t very good at pretending to modesty. After inspecting her belongings, he questioned her purpose in the village. The words themselves were polite, but there was something of the way that that they were asked that discomforted her. Was it those dark eyes narrowing at her? Or was it the way he, snake-like, seemed hiss his “s”-es, stimulating a deep-rooted, instinctive fear? Her eyes flicked over to Rippa, another instinctual action to see how others were reacting to decide on one’s course of action. The action was a basic response, and seeing that he hadn’t jumped up, or done anything obvious along those lines, in her brief glance, she answered Tenzo’s question, tucking away the flicker of discomfort away to consider later.

“Sight-seeing,” she replied with a smile. “I’ve always been interested in traveling but never had a chance to leave Kaminari no Kuni before now. I actually didn’t know if my request would get approved or not, so I made sure to pick somewhere nearby. Konoha’s the closest major village, next to Kiri, but I wanted to see more on my journey here than the ocean. Though maybe that’ll be my next trip..” she considered out-loud before continuing, “I’m Flynt-sama’s only student right now, and he tends to be pretty busy with paperwork and what-not. He probably just signed off to get me out of his hair for a while.” She laughed lightly at the idea of a little version of herself going around tugging on the Raikage’s dreadlocks to try and get his attention. Out of habit, she spoke familiarly of the Kage, assuming, as one does, that a political figure in one's own country would be well-known in every other country, as well.

As she spoke, the young woman ignored Tenzo's staring at her chest. He had put on a courteous air early, calling her "Lady Kameko" despite her assertion that she just be called Kameko, which apparently had encouraged Rippa to do the same so as to not be outdone and she similarly became "Ms. Kameko"; however, the dichotomy between his earlier politeness and the brazenness he displayed now did not really surprise her. As "Daddy's Little Girl" and heiress to the company, she had accompanied her father to many business functions, and although she was afforded much respect and polite words, his associates had certainly noticed when she was no longer the little girl tagging along with dad to work. It was as though being polite was a pass for any other behaviors, which in a way it was, for it meant that such behaviors were simply ignored  rather than fussed over. Although there was a part of it that was human nature, of course she had checked out her dinner companions upon meeting them, there was a line of common courtesy that ogling her crossed, but it was not difficult to overlook that measure of rudeness, as she had done so often enough before.

Kameko gave the waiter her polite attention as he arrived at their table, and Rippa placed his order. The young man familiarly place his hand on her sleeve as he encouraged her to order whatever she liked. She looked down at his touch and back up to him replying, “Thanks.” She proceeded to order a glass of water and yakitori from the middle-aged man, who went off to put in the orders.

Word Count: 925
Total: 2672

11New in Town [Closed/ No Kill] Empty Re: New in Town [Closed/ No Kill] Tue Feb 24, 2015 2:24 pm

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

“Sight-seeing?” Tenzō repeated right after both of them finished up with their orders, on a curious tone whilst both of those thin eyebrows arched even further. Both of them were quite good at hiding their own desires and emotions, a quality which the young Uchiha appreciated within a person; however, this specific trait pushed the man’s curiosity over the threshold which defined its limits. “I’m sure that a beautiful and young woman like you, Lady Kameko, is interested in something more than just a simple sight-seeing.” the raven-haired man said while reaching for his own bottle of wine before filling up that empty glass once more. This was nothing more than hunch that was based upon the amount of self-control that she had, a trait that was discovered by the young Uchiha once that lascivious gaze of his did not seem to make the woman sketch any kind of emotions or words regarding it. And her friendly behavior didn’t seem to leave the impression that she is indifferent towards such gestures, the true question that he wanted to ask, so the only possibility left was that she was hiding herself beneath that kind and warm smile.

With furrowed eyebrows, the Uchiha took a small pause right after those words were spoken, as the reason why Rippā offered himself to pay up for the meal was uncertain to him. “Maybe they were on a date?” was the first question which stormed inside that thick skull of his. Thus, placing more thoughts within those next words of his was a necessary act since he did not wish to ruin the possibility of having a good friendship with the captain. With those five fingers entangled around the glass, the Uchiha hoisted his own drink one more before sipping a few times from it, despite him being the only drinking at this particular table; he didn’t feel odd at all. Tenzō wasn’t really a heavy drinker per se, although, he found the whole activity rather enjoying and used it as an opportunity to detach himself from the world once in a while.

“I can understand your hesitation, Lady Kameko. My mind isn’t as keen as yours, and I should have probably thought a bit more before asking such a question.” he spoke before taking another sip of wine, letting the glass rest upon the table after. “Although, I wish that we could continue this discussion whenever you feel like, and preferably behind closed doors.” were the words which gushed out between those two pale lips that were immediately overtaken by a sly smirk. Those words were intentionally left to become interpretable, as it was one of his guilty pleasures of doing so. Without further ado, Tenzō continued looking at her to see if she had any kind of quirks or anything to add on their discussion.

In a minute or so, the waiter was heading towards their table, while holding two trays which contained their order, apparently the main was quite nimble within this domain. Therefore, upon arrival the first tray was placed beneath Kameko’s eyes, the one which contained the grilled chicken alongside a glass of water before placing the other one with Rippā’s bowl of gyūdon and drink. The Uchiha wasn’t really paying attention when they had ordered, and he was left behind with a slightly baffled expression upon that face of his. “Both of you don’t seem to enjoy life that much... shinobi don’t really tend to live that long, and we must apprehend every occasion which we have.” the Uchiha spoke on a rather sorrow tone before ending his words with another sip of his wine. Before the waiter had a chance to leave, Tenzō requested for a bottle of warm sake and three small ceramic flasks, without actually inquiring them if they wished to drink or not.

~ 654/2825 of Total Words ~

12New in Town [Closed/ No Kill] Empty Re: New in Town [Closed/ No Kill] Tue Feb 24, 2015 10:48 pm



Rippa smiled and removed his hand from her arm as she placed her order before leaning back in his chair. He seemed to be fairly relaxed with the whole scenario as he was up until that point fairly oblivious to the way Tenzo was looking at their guest. After all he was far to busy with his own questions brewing in his mind about Kumogakure. Still though he wasn't asking them yet since Tenzo seemed interested in grilling her about her purpose in Konoha. He frowned at the at his eyes slid to watch her reaction with a hint of worry in his gaze. When she took it in stride he smiled again before picking up one of the butter knifes and flipping it between the fingers of his right hand. His own thoughts on the interactions so far fairly pleasant. Tenzo was a little darker then he remembered. Though he supposed he might just be picking it out due to some judgement towards the Uchiha clan. He chided himself inwardly for even possibly judging Tenzo just because of his clan and let it go. Still he stopped flipping the butter knife in between his fingers when she mentioned she was the student of the name associated with the Raikage, the knife stopping between his thumb and his index finger as he leaned forward. Speaking cheerfully as he did so.

"You are the Raikage's student? I happen to have learned the sword from Sousetsu Sama, Our Hokage. You should come by the sword saint dojo some time and we can compare sword styles. I am very eager to learn of some of Kumo's traditions if you would allow me to pester you."

He smiled cheerfully and sat back in his seat once more. It was then that Tenzo spoke up once more. Most of his words seemed highly flirtatious but one sentence stood out to Rippa. The way Rippa understood it Tenzo just suggested to the young lady that she should go behind closed doors with him. To him that meant doing some more clothing optional things. The sly smirk seemed to confirm it for Rippa as he thought of it as talking to her like some sort of brothel girl. Before he realized his temper was rising suddenly there was an audible snap and a loud thump noise. He looked down and saw the hilt of the butter knife in his hand but the dull blade was buried into the table three feet away not really close to any of them. Embarrassed he set down the knife and avoided looking at the dull peice of metal sticking out of the table hoping somehow they might not notice. Still he turned to Tenzo and smiled before speaking quietly. Yet some how his voice carried clearly. It was an almost dangerous calm.

"Tenzo, let us behave as if we are at a dining table shall we? I am sure we can adjust the topic to something else."

His tone suggested strongly for Tenzo to behave. It might seem odd since there wasn't any obvious difference between them when it came to skills. If he had to guess Tenzo was about on par with him. Yet somehow Rippa seemed to hold a commanding presence. A brief moment when it showed that he was a captain of a division. It wasn't hard to imagine in that moment that he truly was more powerful then he let on. Still his eyes warmed up and a white toothed smile showed as the food arrived. He was famished as he had the foot set before him. Still as Tenzo spoke Rippa bowed his head in a silent prayer to his gods. When he raised his head again he seemed all warm and snuggley once more. Still he blinked in confusion as he picked up a spoon and prepared to eat. "But I am apprehending the Occasion. This is a far better meal then the usual rations at the dojo." He said innocently before calmly digging into his food. Savoring the flavor as if it was a five star dish.


13New in Town [Closed/ No Kill] Empty Re: New in Town [Closed/ No Kill] Wed Feb 25, 2015 1:03 am



As Tenzo doubted her answer, she offered him a little, ambiguous smile and a shrug. “Perhaps,” she replied neutrally, wondering what he would follow up with after the flattery. Konoha offered a slew of new experiences: meeting new people, learning new things; they were all apart of travel, or so she’d been assured when she had told others that she was leaving Kumo, but she doubted that Tenzo was the type of man to invite her out for a stroll in the park. He paused for some more wine, and his was furrowed brow suggested that he was considering how to continue, what line to use on her. Her eyebrows lifted in response, wondering where this would be going.

Rippa piped in cheerfully and without all of the word play that Tenzo seemed to favor. The differences between the pair were not lost on her. A student of the Hokage? That was certainly interesting. “I’ll be sure to stop by, if you promise to fill me in on some of Konoha’s traditions.” The words came with an easy smile. She had not intended on this being just an extended vacation. If she wanted to receive leave to travel outside of Kaminari no Kuni again in the future, she had better come back having refined her skills. She had never faced a shinobi who also used kenjutsu, but then, if she was honest with herself, she didn’t have much experience with sparring in general; the last time had been against an unmotivated Genin who had forced her to fight at long-distance just so that she couldn’t use her katana against him. It would be fun to see how she measured up.

At that point, Tenzo had decided on his reply, beginning with more flattery before suggesting that they take the discussion behind closed doors, the innuendo followed by a smirk in case she had somehow missed his meaning. She idly brushed at her bangs, a little dimple showing on her cheek, as she replied, “—“ ‘Snap!’ Caught off guard, the young woman startled at the noise and the sudden flash of metal as a piece of the butter knife that Rippa had been fiddling with went spinning through the air before embedding itself in the table a few feet away. Kameko stared at the broken blade of the knife, those bright blue eyes wide. ‘What in the…’ Looking back she saw the muscular Chi set down the other half of the utensil and put on a smile that did not match his tone.

At that moment she had no doubts that Rippa was a powerful shinobi, though he certainly had a temper, and if nothing else, that made him more dangerous. She watched him until he bowed his head over the plates that had apparently appeared while she wasn’t paying attention. In that time he had gone back to being the amiable young man, the only sign of his temper was the knife tip sticking up out of the table. She couldn’t help but wonder if her gut feeling had been wrong about Rippa, ‘But, you could say that he was defending you,’ she countered her own misgivings about the Chi. She was frustrated by her own naivety; shinobi were dangerous creatures by nature of the job and to assume that a handsome smile meant otherwise was stupid and reminded her once again of her inexperience. It was deceptive, her age; unlike others, she had only began training as a Genin very recently, and when someone got mad in a boardroom, they did not normally snap a knife in half with their bare hand. Perhaps that was common among shinobi.

She scarcely paid attention as Tenzo commented something about enjoying life and ordering some more alcohol, not noticing that he had asked for three flasks. Her mind occupied, she began neatly sliding the grilled chicken and vegetables off one of the skewers with a pair of chopsticks. At the first bite, her thoughts were brought back to the present. It was so nice to eat hot food! And something that she hadn’t had to prepare herself, at that! “So good…” she said, more to herself than her dinner companions and set into the meal, her appetite whetted by hunger. As she chewed a piece of chicken, the young woman reflected how lucky she was that the meal arrived when it did; she certainly did not intend on getting between the two men, and it gave her something to do besides staring at the table.

Word Count: 761
Total: 3433

14New in Town [Closed/ No Kill] Empty Re: New in Town [Closed/ No Kill] Wed Feb 25, 2015 2:27 pm

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

In that moment, the world wasn’t that appealing anymore.

At first, Tenzō didn’t really recognized the name which Kameko used when she spoke about her own sensei; however, hearing that the man detained the title known as Raikage, a slight portion of curiosity was formed upon his own feeble mind. It wasn’t really a surprise, since the lad barely even knew the name of his own Hokage. In reality, he wasn’t really interested in the politics which drove the whole world, and the young lad never had someone that he could call a sensei. A person who was capable of teaching him these simple things which are probably considered essential by the majority of shinobi and kunoichi. Some people might associate his lack of general knowledge with ignorance, although, the reality was that he was dedicated too much towards his own goal, and he simply did not had the time to discuss such topics. The Uchiha wasn’t really a figure within the shinobi system, therefore he considered that kind of information useless, capable of offering no contribution at all towards his own cause.

But in reality...

What was a name after all?

Maybe, this was the reason why the young lad could easily switch his own allegiance towards a certain person, without any kind of regrets or thoughts given. Appearances could easily be deceiving, and he knew that the Senju weren’t really that kind after all, and most of their acts were left untouched or discussed, due to various kind of people that were viewed only from a single perspective, when in reality, those were actually the ones that took a stand for the well-being of their own people. Even if their cause might have been regarded as holy or pure, the actions which they choose as a mean to fulfill them was something that actually defined who they were. Through these, the people were remembered within history, and only the most shocking and hurtful deeds were remembered, and the purpose which stood behind them was never really reveled or judged, in other words, it was never taken within consideration.

Actions define people, not titles.

With his outgoing personality, the Uchiha had encountered different type of people during that whole childhood of his, and threats such as these were not considered strangers towards his ears. With that being said, the raven-haired lad was capable of controlling his own emotions when it came towards similar cases such as this, and he knew well that responding with similar words would most likely end up in a unwanted scuffle inside this bar, something which was not viewed highly by this particular person, despite the fact that the Uchiha were known for their particular hot-blooded being. However, those words did managed to affect him a bit, since those ebony eyes were immediately forced against the ground at their hearing. He stood there, quietly, listening, without giving a single gesture or word as a response for the words which Rippā used as a threat.

That smirk faded within the dim light, and only a straight line was left behind. Maybe, he was the only one who cared about others, at least, that’s what those thoughts kept telling him after that particular occurrence. “I understand, at least I can say that I am pleased that you’re enjoying your meal.” he spoke on a gentle tone whilst that head of his arose from the ground. A moment of silence bestowed upon the Uchiha, and during it he just lingered within his own spot while peering from time to time towards the conversation between those two. It was only a matter a time till that last flame would cease to exist, as it was now pushed towards the verge of existence; the light was flickering so faintly.

Indeed, he behaved.

A few more seconds were thrown away, and the waiter came in with the drinks that the Uchiha had requested, three ceramic flasks with warm sake within them. Without further ado, the young lad thanked the man once that tray was placed within the middle of the table, and with those three scrawny fingers he grasped upon the ceramic flask before chugging the whole content, just like a shot. “Feel free to have one, it’s my treat, and I’m sorry if my words left you speechless, lady Kameko. Those were not my intentions.” the raven-haired man spoke while reaching for his own wallet in order to scour those fingers inside for a few bills which he placed against the table, they were more than enough to cover up his consumption and the rest were actually destined for a hefty tip. Either they used it as a tip, or to pay up for that knife, was something which stood within their power and only they could actually decide upon the outcome.

Once those ryo were placed down, the lad arose from his own seated position before letting a few more words gush out between those pale and numb lips. The scent of alcohol was there; however, he was still far from being drunk, since those were extremely clear and coherent, and those ebony eyes did not look strange at all. “Please excuse me, I am terrible sorry for saying this, but I may have to waltz my way home right now, mother is probably worried about me, since I did promise that I will be home a bit earlier today. I may come here another day, and hopefully, we’ll once more see each other.” he spoke on a charming tone while giving a few bows against those who joined at his table. Whatever response they may give towards this rash decision of his, Tenzō wouldn’t really change his mind regarding this particular decision. During that whole small speech, that face of his didn’t really display any kind of kindness, nor resentment.

With a few light steps the Uchiha began scurrying his way outside the bar, however, the lad stopped halfway before leaving more playful words behind. With both eyes locked against the doors, he stood there while various types of people kept passing by him, heading from a corner to another. “The strings of fate had already been tampered with... and nothing can really change that.” Tenzō uttered on a nonchalant tone before proceeding towards the exit, disappearing from the sight while a group of people perturbed the space between himself and the table at which he was located. He hasn’t really disappeared per se, but the raven-haired lad made sure to scurry himself outside the building, despite that large thud which resonated from that screeching door upon its closure. It was clear as daylight that those hinges were the ones which made the noise, as the owner didn’t really oiled them properly. Nonetheless, the sound didn’t really bothered those who stood inside, since it was being muffled by those who stood within.

Two doors were closed in that day...

one belonged towards the tavern...

but the other one...

only he knew about its existence.

~ 1187/4012 of Total Words ~

~ Exit Thread ~

15New in Town [Closed/ No Kill] Empty Re: New in Town [Closed/ No Kill] Wed Feb 25, 2015 3:50 pm



Rippa felt a little bad for possibly over reacting. He hadn't meant to break the knife. He was just now getting used to the leaps in power he had obtained. Most of his life he had been frail and had to be careful not to hurt himself. Now he was possibly around a middle level in power when it came to Konoha. In his own mind that alone was a massive difference. Achieving even half the power of lady Chisaki or Lord Sousetsu was something. Truth was he was surpassing that halfway mark like a rocket but he failed to see it. So many years he had been sick and weak. Always afraid of losing control and now, now he wasn't sure what control was. He wondered idly if Lamya had experienced these troubles when she achieved spec jounin ahead of him. The idea brought a little smile to his face. That girl had surpassed him a long time ago. If he knew her at all she didn't bother worrying about controlling her power. She just did. Still it would of been nice to have just a little bit of her confidence to get him through the day. He was far to humble in most cases and a great deal of people didn't listen to him because of it. Still when she spoke of agreeing to come visit him on a condition his sky blue eyes flicked to her filled with curiosity mixed with joy. When he replied he did so happily with a warmth that matched his eyes.

"Of course! A little bit of back and forth would be nice. I do hope to impress a little with Konoha's swordsmanship. Its a large variety but I myself specialize in both Kenjutsu and kyujutsu. I take it you are also a practitioner of Kenjutsu? Is that your lords chosen style?"

He tilted his head and listened but was ravished with hunger. He tried to eat politely and sip at his tea while listening to her. It was only a moment before he turned his attention to Tenzo and blinked. Shame filled his own features as Tenzo was still willing to offer them sake after Rippa had been a little rude. Still Rippa wasn't much of one for drinking. Not unless something was being celebrated. To him Alcohols best purpose was sterilizing wounds and tools for medical reasons. Still he watched as Tenzo rose up and placed some excessive amounts of ryo in his spot. Again Rippa was filled with a tinge of guilt as Tenzo excused himself. Had Rippa not been so rude perhaps they could still be sitting down together and enjoying a meal. He made a mental note to humbly apologize to Tenzo later. He felt if he didn't then his heart might as well be made of stone. Still he watched him leave with a troubled and sad frown before his blue eyes looked as sad as the oceans as he looked back to Kameko before smiling. It was a sad and guilty smile but a smile all the same. When he spoke it was soft as if he was afraid he had offended her with his outburst as well.

"Feel free to enjoy the sake, I myself do not drink so it's all yours."


16New in Town [Closed/ No Kill] Empty Re: New in Town [Closed/ No Kill] Wed Feb 25, 2015 7:26 pm



While appearing to be fully engrossed in her dinner, Kameko was very aware of Tenzo’s movements. Rippa had threatened him, and she did not expect the Uchiha to let such a thing pass unchallenged. There was a drawn out silence as Tenzo’s expression became like a mask, his eyes focused on the ground as he hid his emotions. She held her breath, expecting some sort of outburst and only hoped that it would be a verbal one instead of physical. She’d much rather deal with the embarrassment of raised voices than have to deal with more than broken butter knifes flying through the air. When he finally lifted his head, neither of those happened; his voice was surprisingly gentle and words carefully spoken. The held breath was released, and it was almost as though the tension in the air dissipated as the situation was diffused.

The Uchiha said nothing for a time, but before the quiet could grow awkward, Rippa brought the topic back to his earlier invitation with a warmth that suggested that nothing at all was amiss. It was hard to guess whether it was genuine or if he merely responded in such a manner to lighten the affair; she, at least, had not thought that a simple dinner among acquaintances would take such a turn. Regardless, she replied, slightly more reserved, “I am, and Flynt-sama specializes in it aswell. However, I learned Kenjutsu from my family. It is traditional to begin studying the art at a young age in the Ryuzoji clan.” It was hard for her to ignore what had almost occurred between the two Konoha shinobi, and she no longer had the easy, jovial manner as she had around Rippa previously; she had never been one to slap on a false smile and pretend that things were other than what they were.

A moment later the waiter came back, and Kameko saw that he carried a tray with three flasks upon it that Tenzo had apparently ordered for them. ‘This certainly didn’t go how any of us expected,’ she thought, as the dark-haired man threw back the sake as though it was a shot before apologizing to her. “It’s really alright. Thank you, Tenzo.” She accepted it graciously, feeling bad for being the catalyst for the falling out between the two men and the souring of the Uchiha’s evening. Tenzo was all courtesy as he stood and made an excuse as though nothing was amiss, even affecting a charming tone, bowing as he prepared to take his leave. “Maybe I’ll see you again, then.” The words were spoken with kindness. The young man seemed to be a contradiction, jumping from being a lascivious ladies’ man to being a perfectly controlled gentleman. With the waves that Rippa had set off, she hadn’t got a good read on him. Tenzo seemed like he could be trouble, but more of the kind that a woman might choose to get herself into than a threat. However, she questioned the almost dismissiveness of that last assessment as he left with a cryptic remark about the strings of fate. She shook her head as he slipped out of the pub. If she was honest, Tenzo seemed like one big mystery, and it was certainly not one that she would attempt to discern in Rippa’s presence; she did not trust the two not to provoke each other, and she did not want to be the one responsible if they chose not to control themselves next time.

She turned back from watching his exit as Rippa offered her the remaining sake. “Oh no, I don’t drink either. Alcohol always gets me in to trouble.” Her cheeks flushed slightly as she remembered the last time she’d been drinking. Alcohol made her rather amorous, and with her small size, it did not take much to make her do something that would embarrass her when she sobered up. In a foreign country with a handsome, near-stranger? ‘No, definitely not,’ she decided firmly. It had ‘bad idea’ written all over it. With an air amusement, she commented, “Which seems to leave of us with a problem of wasting perfectly good drinks, especially if the liquor here is nearly as good as this yakitari. Thank you again for dinner,” she thanked him as she helped herself to the last grilled vegetable on her plate, washing it down with her water.

Word Count: 746
Total: 4179

17New in Town [Closed/ No Kill] Empty Re: New in Town [Closed/ No Kill] Fri Feb 27, 2015 2:16 pm



Rippa watched as she explained about her sensei's preference for Kenjutsu as well as her family lineage of it. He was always fascinated by such family traditions. His own family branch focused on making all their young into doctors. Part of his Kenkai Genkai was after all a potent medical jutsu. The level of healing he could do with a single touch was on par with any other healing jutsu in the country. Yet he wanted more. He wanted to be able to heal anything that ailed anyone. So he could understand her need to move around and expand her understanding and experience. His own sensei had focused on Kenjutsu and that was why he used the weapons he did. He supposed had he learned from someone else he might of been a part of a different style. Still, it was unlikely he would of been a part of anything but Kenjutsu in Konoha. Most practitioners of the blade chose Kenjutsu as the style to practice. He had actually only learned Kyujutsu from a traveling woman. He still did not know her name. That was not to say he wasn't interested in expanding his own experience in all the arts. Kenjutsu and Kyujutus suited him fine for the most part but he was still curious about the other weapons he had seen since joining the dojo. Perhaps she was the same.

Still he lowered his head as she bid Tenzo a farewell and quietly finished eating his food. He was suddenly not very hungry but he didn't want to leave food behind at the restaurant as that might be considered rude. The chef had worked hard to get the food out so fast so he finished eating it...still he felt a little bloated as he finished the bowl and downed some tea. It warmed up his body nicely and was sweet. Still though he was just trying to distract himself from his guilt. His eyes lifted to see his reflection in the broken blade of the butter knife. Was he such a bastard that he would lose control of himself so completely? He felt his chakra stirring inside of him. Pulsing as his blood pulsed with it. Like a creature in a cage that was his body. He swallowed yet again as he remembered just how out of control he could get. If it had broken into a fight it would of ended badly. Had Tenzo bled him, everyone in the shop and possibly everyone within a city block would be ripped apart before he could wrestle back his consciousness from his clans cursed blood. He needed to be careful never to fight near innocents or allies. Not seriously anyway. He could not be responsible for so many deaths. It would ruin him as a man and tear apart his soul from his body. Still he shook his head ridding himself of the memories of the body parts scatters through out the woods and the upper half of a man pinned to his front door to his cabin. Even now it sickened him.

Still he returned to the conversation when she addressed him again. He looked to her as his nightmarish memories faded and he smiled once more. Another Shinobi that didn't drink in public. He was actually happy to see it. He hadn't expect to find another with his morals on the subject. Or at least he assumed she didn't drink in public due to the image it would set. He didn't even consider the possibility of a repeat of the last time a girl was drunk with him. He hadn't understood then what she was after and he wouldn't understand now. He was not a romantic person. If anything he was blissfully ignorant of that human connection. Still he smiled and reached for his wallet before pulling out the ryo for both their meals. He hadn't bothered to count how much Tenzo had left so he too left enough for the food and the damages. Their waiter was getting a huge tip for something that could be covered with only a couple of ryo and a few stitches in the table cloth. Still he rose from his seat and grabbed the bottle. He chuckled as he looked at it before looking to her. "Then we shall not waste it. There are a couple of my men returning from an important mission today. They deserve celebratory drinks. I shall bring it too them. I just recalled you came from the lightning country. I also practice raiton. Perhaps we can learn from each other when you come by the dojo. Just head to the north part of the village, the sword saint compound is very large and easy to find. If you get lost anyone in the area should be able to direct you there. I must finish my errands though. Thank you for sharing a meal with me and I look forward to seeing you again lady Kameko." He bowed his head respectfully before awaiting her response. His warm smile returned and he left the restaurant whistling once more. He liked meeting new people.

Exit thread

Speed B-2 ~> B-3 900/900
Strength B ~> B-3 2400/2400
Endurance B ~> B-1 700/700
Perception B ~> B-1 700/700

48 words remaining.

18New in Town [Closed/ No Kill] Empty Re: New in Town [Closed/ No Kill] Sat Feb 28, 2015 12:48 am



Rippa finished his meal a moment after she had finished her own. True to his offer, he pulled out his wallet and left enough ryo on the table to pay for both of their dinners. Actually, when she looked at the two piles, there was more than enough for all three of them. Atleast she wouldn’t have to worry about the staff being upset at the broken knife, there was a large tip on that table that would easily cover the utensil and the trouble. She reckoned again how fortunate she was that her dinner companions had left it at that. The young woman rose to her feet as the Chi did, listening with interest as he mentioned that he, too, specialized in Raiton after guessing her own elemental proficiency. They were two for two on specialties so far. “Perhaps. I’ll see you tomorrow then, if that’s alright. Have a good night, Rippa,” she spoke pleasantly, before  watching Rippa depart looking positively cheery.

Kameko had her own errands to complete this night, starting with somewhere to stay. Approaching the innkeeper she explained her situation. This pub/inn catered to travelers such as herself. In no time, they had worked out a reasonable deal. For a discount on the daily rate, she would book the room on a week-by-week basis. This would allow her to stretch her funds further, and it guaranteed the inn that they would have a room filled for atleast a week at a time. There was a little paperwork to be done and ryo that needed to change hands, but before long, she was handed a key and given a room number. Making her way upstairs, she soon found that room, a tidy little efficiency style, and locking the door behind her, she began settling in. This room would be her home for her stay here.

[Exit Thread]
Word Count: 314
Total: 4493
Training Stats
Reaction Time: D -> D-3 1175/1175
Strength: D -> D-3 1175/1175
Endurance: D -> D-3 1175/1175
Speed: D -> D-2 725/725
Remaining: 243

19New in Town [Closed/ No Kill] Empty Re: New in Town [Closed/ No Kill] Thu May 14, 2015 6:07 pm

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

Sorry for this late post, but posting here just because a lot of time passed and I'm going to train here.

4012 Total WC

Training Third Spec Genjutsu from Nothing to D-Rank

4012 - 1500 = 2512 WC Left

Training Speed B0 to B3

2512 - 2400 = 100 WC Left

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