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1Myran Catches a Pervert [Mission/No Kill Empty Myran Catches a Pervert [Mission/No Kill Sun Jan 11, 2015 9:39 pm



Mission Details:

'Well that wasn't so bad.' Myran thinks to himself after exiting the academy. As he walks down the road he pulls out the next mission scroll. 'Let's see  investigate a shop which seems to have a problem keeping it's employees I'm to go under cover ,and see what the problem is.' Okay seems simple enough he says as he start walking to the store. Arriving at the store it seems like an okay place it was well up kept as he went inside to look around he noticed that it was just another general store an sold most basic necessities. As he wandered the isles he ran into rather small pudgy man. "Hmm." The man said as he turned around Myran noted that the man had greasy black hair pulled back into a ponytail, and his face was just as pudgy as the rest of him. "A customer, ah well I am the manager Juroko how may I help you today." Juroko said with a weird gleam in his eyes. "Actually I'm the newest employee." Myran say's after saying that Juroko's personality completely flipped "Oh well if that's the case you can get to work on putting up this box." he says pointing to the box on the floor Myran guesses he didn't see it as the blob was in front of it at the time. "Okay." Myran says as he begins to put up the box. "Oh and don't put it there." Juroko says pointing at a spot on the shelf. 'Hmm' Myran thinks looking at the spot Juroko was pointing at there was a little hole there. "Okay." Myran says as he goes back to putting up the merchandise. Juroko humph and goes up front supposedly to keep in eye on the door. Seeing the man go out of his eye sight Myran decides to see what was so important about that little hole. So he peeps through to see a woman on the other side in nothing but her lingerie. Myran get's blown back from the nose bleed but manages to straiten himself up as he hears a door nearby open he turns slowly to see the same woman that he saw through the peep hole... glaring at him. He noted that she had very pretty long brown hair and emerald green eyes "Now what do we have here." she said in a sickly sweet voice "I swear it was an accident I was just wondering why Mr. Juroko didn't want me to block it with the merchandise." Myran says while backing up a little. "Oh so your the new employee?" She asks "Yah I'm Myran and you?" He asks. "Tsunami." She says quickly "So Tsunami what's up with Mr. Juroko he seems like a nice guy until you start working for him." Myran asks, Tsunami's face takes on a very annoyed expression "That piece of filth treats us employees like his personal slaves. Seeing as your young hopefully he won't try anything though." She says "Is he the reason for all the other employees quitting." She nods "He sexually harasses most of us. Though thankfully it's just a little groping any more and I wouldn't care about the consequences I'd report him in a heart beat." she says angrily. "What are you two talking about hmm." A rather cynical sounding voice asks. Tsunami's drains of color and Myran turns around to see Juroko standing behind him. "Tsunami I will talk with you later, but it seems our newest employee needs to be taught a lesson in talking about their superior behind his back." He says rather arrogantly. Tsunami just stands there then snaps out of it "But Mr. Juroko he's just a kid." "Exactly so he needs to be taught." Juroko states matter of factly. As he drags Myran off Tsunami just stares daggers in his back. Myran just shrugs at Tsunami as the blob drags him around the corner. "Now here are the rules." Juroko says while turning around his arm up prepared to slap Myran as he brings his hand down Myran block and next thing you hear is a sickening crunch as Myran slams a punch right in Juroko's face with a direct hit on the nose sending Juroko stumbling back and falling over hitting his head on the ground and falling unconscious. "Oops I was supposed to report him." Myran says aloud rater sarcastically as he slings the blob with some difficulty over his shoulder "Man your heavy." He says aloud as he start's walk out of the shop, but not before being stopped by Tsunami "What the hell happened!" she all but shouts. "Oh um he was about to hit me so I punched him in the nose and fell down and hit his head rather hard on the floor and fell unconscious." Myran says. "Oh well, where are you taking him." She asks. "Uhh, the Hospital." he says trying to get past "Uh huh well seeing as your so young I'll be accompanying you." she says matter of factly "Ugh fine." Myran says as he stomps out of the store. 'Well now what' He thinks as he heads towards the hospital. 'Oh, I can check him in and relay what happened to a superior.' He thinks 'I'm a genius.' mentally patting his back. After checking Juroko in Myran heads his separate way from Tsunami saying his shift was over and he needed to run a few more errands. Tying his Hitiate back on his head he goes to report his mission. After that he heads home and promptly falls asleep exhausted.

WC: 954/600

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