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Mission Details:

Myran get's out of bed with his last mission being a little strange he doesn't know what to expect today, as he opens up the mission scrolls he picked up the night before. 'Hmm so I get to teach some academy kids today huh.' He thinks to himself as he finishes getting dressed and walking outside. On the way there he stops shortly to pick up two skewers of mitarashi dango. He's on his last skewer when he enters the classroom and see's all the kids staring at the skewer. "Whoops meant to finish eating this before I got here guess I wasn't eating fast enough." He says with a cheeky grin. "Oh well." He says as he eats the last three little dough balls on the skewer. Seeing the kids where now glaring at him he sweatdrops. "You know what forget about the dango and pay attention. Now I'm Myran and I'm supposed to teach you something you haven't learned yet so would somebody please fill me in on what y'all have been taught so far?" He asks as he starts to look at a list of names with pictures paired next to them though he couldn't remember which name went with which face for the life of him so he just threw the list in the trash. He looks up from the list to see some of the kids had their hands raised. "Okay you in the front row." He says pointing at a little boy with brown hair put up in spikes. "Uhm so far we've been taught the bunshin, and kawarimi jutsu." He says. "That's all?" Myran asks the little kid just nods. "Okay then let's see, everyone outside." He says leading the kids outside, noticing that some of the kids in the back where snickering the minute he was about to open the door. "You three." Myran says pointing at the three snickering "You three will be leading the way outside." he says with a grin, the three kids immediately stopped they're snickering "Uhm do we have to." Whines one of them, a little girl who's hair was pulled into a ponytail. "Yeah why should we go outside first your the teacher." Another of the group say's, a little boy with brown unkempt hair. "Yes and as such I will tell you again to go outside first." Myran says a little more firmly. The last of the group, a girl with purple hair shyly asks her friends "Come on guy l..let's just get it over with." the other two huff and give a collective 'fine' As Myran watches the little group open the door he can slightly hear the sound of a bucket falling and bright green paint falling on the trio. "Hmm seems like a few of you thought I'd look funny green huh." He says looking at the trio that went out first " As punishment you must all learn this technique before the end of my time here at the academy." as he steps outside "Hey aren't you gonna let us wash off this paint before we continue." The little girl with a ponytail asked. "Hmm." Myran hummed like he was actually thinking it over. "No." He says as he get's back to what he was doing. "Now seeing as you should all be able to channel your chakra by now you all will be climbing these here trees." He says as he hears a couple of the student start mumbling how easy this would be. "However you may not use your hands. You must channel chakra to your feet and walk up it." He explains as the class now looks a little put off. "Oh, and a hint, to little chakra you fall of to much you get blown off. Food for thought." He adds as he steps back and let's the kids get to it. They all seemed to be getting it down and by the end of the class they all seemed to have gotten it. "Well looks like you all completed the exercise, so I will be taking my leave." He says as he exits the academy ready to start his next mission.

WC: 716/600

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